Vivarium Rooms
Darwin Chambers Company (Darwin Chambers)
Darwin Chambers Company ALAAC, OLAW, USDA, and NIH-compliant Vivarium Rooms are designed for maximum value, sustainability, and conformance with applicable standards. We have over a decade of experience in working with researchers to provide humane and often precise conditions to meet their unique and specific needs. Vivariums are commonly defined as a place, such as a in laboratory, where live animals and/or plants are kept under conditions simulating a natural environment. Often, these contain both plants and animals, within a micro-ecosystem, often with controlled stability or controlled change of environmental variables. We offer various surface finishes, including all stainless steel, which are easy to maintain and may be sterilized to cleanroom standards. Compartmentalized enlosures are offered, which are modular and reconfigurable. Our rooms will accommodate plants as needed (we also provide plant growth chambers), and we offer control of humidification in conformance with current ALAAC mandates, sufficient air exchanges, available HEPA filtration of intake and/or exhaust air, standard screened equipment hous- ings, and other such considerations.