Remote Data Acquisition
Sometimes your sensors or the piece of equipment you are trying to control is not in a convenient place to have a PC close by. The sensors may be widely distributed through out your plant and it just wouldn’t be cost effective to run all your wiring to where the PC is. In addition, low level signals are more accurately acquired when digitized close to the signal source. In all these cases our REMOTE ACCES line of products will help. The REMOTE ACCES pods are intelligent, sensor to computer interfaces. Each pod can be used as an autonomous data logger to acquire data for later download. Or as many as 31 pods may be connected on a single two wire multidrop RS-485 network allowing a cable distance of up to 4000 ft. You can also go wireless and extend your range by adding RS-485 wireless transceivers to your serial port. Each unit comes in a rugged NEMA 4 enclosure and can withstand harsh industrial and marine environments.