Synchro to Digital and Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
Resolution: Up to 20 Bit Single-speed Resolution, Up to 24 Bits Multi-Speed Multi-Turn Resolution.Accuracy: +/- 7 to +/-19 arc seconds 20 bit, +/-40 arc seconds 16 bit, +/- 1',+/-2.3 and +/-4' Reference Inputs: 2- 11.8V 26/ 115Vrms L-L 47 to 10,000 Hz. Isolated to > 500VDCSignal Inputs: 2 - 11.8, 26, 40, 90V.L-L. Isolated to . 500VDC.Options: Multispeed synchro input and bus card interface.
Digital / Synchro Converter
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
HSDC-HRDC - Computer Conversions Corporation
HSDC & HRDC Series are Miniature, Tracking Synchro and Resolver to Digital Converters with programmable resolution, 8/16 Bit data bus controls, continuous Built-In Self-Test report, and forced angle test modes used for functional validations on command for military and industrial applications.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
HRDCK-HSDCK - Computer Conversions Corporation
HSDCK and HRDCK series are the highest accuracy, miniature tracking synchro and resolver to digital converters in the marketplace. They are designed specifically for ultra precise requirements in the most demanding industrial and military applications.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
SDC-F-RDC-F - Computer Conversions Corporation
SDC/RDC-F Series are Industry Standard Tracking Synchro and Resolver to Digital Converter modules with programmable resolution, 8/16 Bit data bus controls, continuous Built-In Self-Test report, and forced angle test modes used for functional validations on command.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
SDC40-RDC40 - Computer Conversions Corporation
The SDC series are low cost, miniature, continuous tracking, synchro or resolver to digital converters designed for military and industrial control applications. They will accept any 3 wire synchro or 4 wire resolver input and convert it into 14, 12 or 10 bit natural binary angle data.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
MSI MRI MX - Computer Conversions Corporation
Computer Conversions MX Series are low cost multiplexed synchro or resolver to digital converter sets designed for Military or Industrial diagnostic and control applicatioms requiring 3-128 axis per control.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
SDT RDT - Computer Conversions Corporation
The SDT/RDT Series, are single module, tracking, Multi-speed synchro/resolver to digital converters designed for Military and Industrial Applications. They will accept Electrical Multi-speed, or Geared (dual speed) Multi-turn; Synchro or Resolver input sets (Fine/ Coarse), having the most standard ratio’s, and convert them into a single non-ambiguous 16 Bit data word with up to +/-20 arc. seconds accuracy.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
MRDC - Computer Conversions Corporation
Computer Conversions’ MRDC64-3 is a miniature single chip solution for providing a complete 1 x 64 speed resolver interface into any demanding industrial or military application.
Resolver Systems and Resolver Sub Systems
Computer Conversions Corporation
TDSM - Computer Conversions Corporation
The TDSM Series are low cost absolute encoders consisting of a size 11 electromagnetic transducer and a 2.6 x 3.1 x .6 conversion module. The outputs available are 12 to 16 bit binary format representing 0 to 359.99 degrees of absolute shaft angle input. The transducer reference supply is also included in the module which is designed for printed circuit mounting. A data transfer and data hold line are provided for simple computer or microprocessor interfacing. These features in addition to the latest digital circuitry techniques, make these encoders the best selection in today's applications where resolutions greater than 10 bits are required with ultra high reliability assured.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Synchro- Burst
Computer Conversions Corporation
Synchro- Burst - Computer Conversions Corporation
Computer Conversions Corporation's Synchro-Burst is a complete 2 channel Synchro to encoder interface designed to easily integrate inherently absolute rotary synchro, resolver or linear LVDT position sensors into motion controls and counters that are normally only designed to facilitate incremental encoder feedback.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
SACP-RACP - Computer Conversions Corporation
Computer Conversions Synchro-Resolver to ACP/ARP Converters accept choice of synchro-resolver input options, power input, and mounting configuration, converts synchro/resolver input into ACP (Azimuth Change Pulse) and ARP(Azimuth Reference Pulse) type outputs suitable for 75 ohm drive.
Synchro to Digital-Resolver to Digital Converters
Computer Conversions Corporation
SDC-RDC 20 - Computer Conversions Corporation
SDC & RDC 20 BIT Synchro / Resolver to Digital Converter