Cable Assembly with 2.4mm Male Connectors
Y1740A - Keysight Technologies
The Y1740A is a flexible cable with excellent phase stability. This cable is recommended for accurate S-parameter measurements using the following Keysight vector network analyzers: Streamline Series VNA, M983xA/M980xA Series PXIe VNA, or M981xAS series PXIe Vector Component Analyzer (VCA).
- Accessories
- Cables, Cable Assemblies, and Leads
- Cable Assembly with 2.4mm Male Connectors
- Cable Assembly, 1.85-mm (male) to 1.85-mm (male), 67 GHz, 1 m
- Cable Assembly, 2.4-mm (male) to 2.4-mm (male), 50 GHz, 36 inch
- Cable Assembly, 2.4-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch
- Cable Assembly, 2.92-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch
- Cable Assembly, 3.5-mm (male) to 3.5-mm (male), 26.5 GHz, 36 inch
- 10-meter (33 feet) Sensor Cable
- 110 GHz, 1.0 Mm (m-f) Test Port Cable 10 Cm
- 1.5 M 50-pin D-Sub Cable
- 1.5-m, 78-pin Dsub Cable
- 15-meter (49 feet) Sensor Cable
- 16-to-16 Pin Cable Kit For Y1150A/51A/52A/53A/54A/55A
- 1 Meter Long SCSI Cable with 100 Pin Connector
- 25-meter (82 feet) Sensor Cable
- 2 Meter Long SCSI Cable with 100 Pin Connector
- 3-m, 50-pin Dsub Cable
- 3-m, 78-pin Dsub Cable
- 3-meter Laser Head Cable
- 9- To 10-pin Cable Kit For Y1150A, Y1152A, Y1154A
- A-quad-B cable
- Banana-Triax Adapter For 2‑Wire (Non-Kelvin) Connection
- Banana-Triax Adapter For 4‑Wire (Kelvin) Connection
- BNC Coaxial Cable (1.5 M Or 3 M)
- BNC To Ferrule Terminal Cable, VOLT:DC 3.3V
- BNC To SMB Cable, VOLT:DC 60V
- Cable Assembly, 3.5 mm (m) to 3.5 mm (m), DC to 26.5 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (f), DC to 5 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 18 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 6.0 GHz
- Cable Assembly, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m), DC to 6.0 GHz
- Cable Kit For M9301A LO Distribution
- CalPod Drive Cable, 40 GHz, 2 Meter
- Deluxe Test Lead Set For The 3458A
- DMM Terminal Test Lead
- Extended Test Lead Kit
- Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 Mm To 7 Mm
- GPIB Cable, 0.5 Meter
- Handheld Digital Multimeter PC Connectivity Cable
- High Current Triaxial Cable, 4 A, VOLT:DC 60V
- High-Current, Ultra-Low Noise Filter, 21 V / 500 MA, 10 Ω
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 20 m
- Laser Head Cable, 3 m
- Laser Head Cable, 3 m
- Laser Head Cable, 7 m
- Laser Head Cable, 7 m
- Low Inductance BNC Cable, VOLT:DC 60V
- Low Leakage Triaxial Cable (0.4m / 0.8m / 1.5m / 3m / 4m)
- Low Noise Test Cables For N1413 With B2980 Series, 1.5 M
- Low Noise Test Cables For N1413 With B2980 Series, 3m
- Low Noise Test Leads For N1413 With B2980 Series, 1.5m
- Low Noise Test Leads For N1413 With B2980 Series, 3m
- Low Noise Triaxial Cable
- Micro Dsub GPIB Cable Adapter For PZ2100A (0.25m)
- Micro Dsub GPIB Cable For PZ2100A (1m)
- PCIe Cable: x1 To x8, 2.0m
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cable (1.5m / 5 feet)
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cable (6.1m/20 feet)
- Power Sensor and SNS Noise Source Cables (3 m/10 feet)
- Semi-Rigid Cable, 3.5 Mm (Test Port) To 3.5 Mm
- Sensor Cable, 5 M
- SMT Grabbers
- Standard Test Lead Kit
- Starter Kit For B2985/B2987
- Terminal Block and SCSI-II 68 Pin Connector with 1 Meter Cable
- Terminal Block and SCSI-II 68 Pin Connector with 2 Meter Cable
- Test Lead Set
- Test Port Cable, 1 Mm
- Triaxial To SMB Cable, VOLT:DC 210V
- Upgrade - Accessory Kit For 34460A - Test Leads, USB Cable
- Cable Assembly with 2.4mm Male Connectors
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender, Pulsed DC Bias
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 120 GHz Frequency Extender
- 2U Dual Flange Kit
- 30 A Current Shunt
- Accessories For DCA Oscilloscopes Family
- Accessories For RF And Microwave Handheld Analyzers
- Adapters and Connectors
- Air Temperature Probe
- Alligator Clips
- Amplifiers
- Attenuators
- Bias Networks
- Calibration Modules and Kits
- Chassis and Controllers Accessories
- Comb Generators
- DC Blocks
- Detectors
- Directional Couplers & Bridges
- Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC To 3 GHz, Type-F, 75 Ohm
- Extreme Temperature Active Probe, 1.5 GHz
- Frequency Meters
- Handheld Digital Multimeter, Soft Carrying Case
- Immersion Temperature Probe
- Industrial Surface Temperature Probe
- Interface Cards, Cables, and Modules
- Interposers
- IR Connectivity Bracket For U1240 Series Handheld Digital Multimeters
- Lithium-Ion Battery Pack, B2983 / B2987
- Power Dividers & Splitters
- Power Limiters
- Probes and Probe Accessories
- Racks, Rackmount Kits, and Rack Accessories
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (26/50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 (50 Mm Electrodes)
- Resistivity Cell For N1413 With B2980 Series (26/50/76 Mm Diameter Electrodes)
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC/300 KHz To 9 GHz, Type-N, 2 Port
- RF Electronic Calibration Module (ECal), DC To 13.5 GHz, 4-ports
- Smart Harmonic Mixers
- Soft Carrying Case, 4-5/7 In. D, Black
- Spring Clip Fixture
- Switches
- Temperature Module
- Temperature Probe Adapter
- Terminal Blocks
- Terminations (Loads)
- Test Fixtures & Test Sets
- Test Probe Leads, With 19-mm Tips And 4-mm Tips
- Thermistor Kit
- Thermocouple Kit
- Thermocouple (K-Type) And Temperature Probe Adapter
- Transition Time Converters
- Cables, Cable Assemblies, and Leads
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- AC Power Analyzers
- AC Power Sources
- Application-Specific Test Systems & Components
- Arbitrary Waveform Generators
- AXIe Products
- Basic Spectrum Analyzers
- Bit Error Ratio Testers
- Cases & Covers
- Coaxial Terminations (Loads)
- CW Power Sensors
- Data Acquisition DAQ
- Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit
- DC Electronic Loads
- DC Power Solutions
- DC Power Supply
- DC Power Supply
- Design & Test Software
- Device Current Waveform Analyzers
- Digital Multimeters
- EasyEXPERT group+ Device Characterization Software
- Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer / High Resistance Meter
- Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters
- Frequency Counter Products
- General Measurement Software
- Handheld Insulation Resistance Testers
- HEV / EV / Grid Emulators and Test Systems
- High-Speed Digitizers and Multichannel DAQ Solutions
- I3070 In-Circuit Test System Software
- In-circuit Test
- In-Circuit Test Systems
- Infiniium Oscilloscopes
- InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
- Instrument Measurement Software
- Laser Interferometers & Calibration Systems
- LCR Meters And Impedance Measurement Products
- Logic Analyzers
- MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) Millimeter-Wave & Microwave Devices
- Modular Solar Array Simulators
- Monolithic Laser Combiners & Precision Optics
- Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit, Modules
- Nemo Wireless Network Solutions
- Network Analyzers
- Network Analyzer Software
- Network Test and Security
- Noise Figure Analyzers & Noise Sources
- Optical Power Meter Heads
- Oscilloscopes
- Parameter And Device Analyzers, Curve Tracers
- Parametric Test Solutions
- PathWave BenchVue Software
- PCI Express® 2.0 Protocol Test
- PCI EXPRESS® Protocol Solutions
- Phase Noise Measurement Solutions
- Photonic Test & Measurement
- Power Meters & Power Sensors
- Propsim Channel Emulation Solutions
- Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser
- Pulse Generators
- PXI Avionics Databus Modules
- PXI Products
- PXI Software
- Reference Solutions
- Signal Generators (Signal Sources)
- Source / Measure Units
- Spectrum Analyzers (Signal Analyzers)
- Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers
- Training Kits
- USB Modular Data Acquisition
- USB Products
- VXI Products
- Waveform/Function Generators
- Wireless Network Emulators
- X-Series Measurement Applications for EXM and EXF
Cable Assembly, 3.5-mm (male) to 3.5-mm (male), 26.5 GHz, 36 inch
Y1740A-100 - Keysight Technologies
3.5-mm (male) to 3.5-mm (male), 26.5 GHz, 36 inch.
Cable Assembly, 2.92-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch
Y1740A-200 - Keysight Technologies
2.92-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch.
Cable Assembly, 2.4-mm (male) to 2.4-mm (male), 50 GHz, 36 inch
Y1740A-300 - Keysight Technologies
2.4-mm (male) to 2.4-mm (male), 50 GHz, 36 inch.
Cable Assembly, 2.4-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch
Y1740A-310 - Keysight Technologies
2.4-mm (male) to 2.92-mm (male), 40 GHz, 36 inch.
Cable Assembly, 1.85-mm (male) to 1.85-mm (male), 67 GHz, 1 m
Y1740A-400 - Keysight Technologies
1.85-mm (male) to 1.85-mm (male), 67 GHz, 1 m.