Spectrum Analyzer
The Spectrum Analyzer software is designed to analyze RF signals with a frequency of up to 10 GHz in automated testing programs, to study periodic signals in the RF and microwave ranges in the frequency domain, as well as to analyze the parameters of signals with analog modulation (AM, FM, PM).
Informtest Converter
Informtest presents software for converting data into formats compatible with the Mera WinPOS and NI DIAdem data processing tools in Microsoft Excel.
Virtual Laboratory
The Russian software platform "Virtual Laboratory" is used to organize a workplace for adjusting, setting up and carrying out checks of the parameters of radio electronic equipment, radio electronic units and cells.
AFK-9110 - Holding Informtest
Wired testers of the TEST-9110 series have been produced in series since 2006 and are well known to Russian and foreign consumers. As of the beginning of 2017, more than 250 sets of TEST-9110 series systems are in operation. Up to now, two types of software have been supplied with them: this is the AKM software and the cyclogram translator software. Now these programs have been revised into the AFK-9110 software.
Infotest QtRegistrator
Informtest QtRegistrator is software for creating telemetric information and control systems. Informtest QtRegistrator allows you to create and deploy multichannel measurement and control systems using modern developments of measuring equipment standards VXI, LXI.
Informtest SAT
«Информтест САТ» - это инновационная, высокотехнологичная среда для разработки циклограмм, осуществления процессов моделирования и тестирования любых объектов контроля, не имеющая аналогов российского производства. Крупнейшие научные и производственные центры (РКК «Энергия», ОАО «ИСС» им. Академика М.Ф. Решетнева) уже используют данное программное обеспечение. Informtest Holding presents a unique software product "Automatic Testing System". This product eliminates the need to involve programmers in the development of open source software for testing and modeling, a CAD of the Informtest SAT shell and one specialist is enough. Thanks to an intuitive graphical interface, the development of any necessary sequence diagrams is not difficult even for a user unfamiliar with the basics of programming. The system is constantly being improved and updated. It is possible to make the necessary changes for each customer.
Informtest Expert
The software is designed to display and analyze the results of the experiment. The software allows you to view, edit and analyze the signals recorded during the experiment by the Informtest Registrar program. Informtest Expert provides the user with a convenient interface and a wide range of functions and processing algorithms.