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Transfer and connect test target to contactor or move probes to target.
See Also: Probing, Probing Stations, Nano Probes, Flying Probes, Wafer Probers, Interrogation
Enhanced Probe Station
EB Series
Comprehensive prober for DC and RF. The EB series contains features to step-up your usability to acquire the accurate data you need from your devices. It has a built in probe card slot.
FPP Software
Four Point Probe
Materials Development Corporation
For use with a manual four point prober, the MDC FPP Software operates in a convenient, single screen that displays both measurement parameters and testresults. The FPP software can measure Resistivity, Conductivity, Resistance, Doping, Thickness, and SheetResistance when used with a compatible current source and voltmeter or SMU.
Manual Prober 100/150/200
Compatible with a wide range of needs for series evaluation and analysis with comfortable operability popular Always adopting a soft contact by adopting a shock absorber. It adopts a large platen and realizes mounting of a margin manipulator. Moreover, it is possible to adjust Z of the needle at once by moving the platen up and down. It is an ancient form that takes operability into account. It is easy to load / unload wafers.
MPI PA Wafer Probers
MPI Photonics Automation is the industry-leading provider of turnkey wafer test and measurement solutions. We offer a complete line of high-performance wafer probers designed to address the diverse and complex needs of the Photonics, Optoelectronic, Semiconductor, and Laser industries.
Probe Series
VEGA Series
MPI VEGA Prober series is ready to meet the diverse test and material handling requirements of the Laser Diode (VCSEL, EEL) and optical module markets. MPI VEGA probers are based on a highly flexible and reliable platform, enabling the test of a wide variety of device types (Wafer, Package & Singulated Die) over temperatures with the ability to handle thin/warped wafers. Multiple probing schemes are also supported with the ability to probe small pads with well-controlled needle force.
Gate Oxide Integrity Option
Materials Development Corporation
Oxide integrity of MOS devices can be evaluated by various techniques such as Time Dependent DielectricBreakdown, Charge to Breakdown, or ramped voltage. When used with a prober, map distribution of breakdown fields. Output the data using histograms, cumulativefailure, or Weibull plots.
Wafer Probers
Full Automatic Wafer Prober. Semi Automatic Wafer Prober. High Current Probe Block. 6-inch Manual Prober. 8-inch Manual Prober. 12-inch Manual Prober.
Wafer Test
Automatic KLA wafer probers with tray-to-tray-wafer-handling are operated 24h a day and 7 days a week. Data retention bake/tests are done at wafer level
Automated Wafer Prober for Magnetic Devices and Sensors
Hprobe design and fabricate turnkey automated testing equipment (ATE) for electrical characterization and testing of integrated circuits under magnetic field such as MRAM (Magnetic Random Access Memory) and sensors. In each phase of the technology and product development as well as during mass manufacturing, a dedicated magnetic tester is available.
Cable Tracer Prober M-CTP-240A
Cable Tracer Prober M-CTP-240A
Fuzhou Metricu Technology Co Ltd
Cable Tester, network tester
Die Sorter Handler
4605-HTR is a MAP Sorter which picks up devices from wafer ring and sorts to tape or bin according to the MAP file created by film frame test handler or prober. 4605-HTR is a high speed handling system, available for 12 inches wafer rings. When used in combination with 4170-IH, 4605-HTR much improves efficiency in testing process of leadless devices as a high speed sorting machine.
Micro Probers
Flying Fixture
Yamaha Fine Technologies Co., Ltd.
Industry-standard testing machines for electronic circuit boards achieving high productivity and contact accuracy simultaneously. The pass rate and throughput greatly affect the productivity in the electrical testing process of circuit substrates. While improving both of these has proven difficult using the existing fixture method or flying method, Yamaha's Flying Fixture™ method has solved this.
Universal Manipulator
The LSC is a versatile universal manipulator, compatible with probers, vertical plane handlers, and dock-from-below test systems.
Probe Based Systems
The integration of additional measurement technology in probers enables you to flexibly expand the analysis options in the ongoing production process. With the introduction of our Automation Assistant software platform, we have therefore equipped a large number of probers with a wide variety of analysis tools.
Wafer/Dicing Frame Prober
The WDF 12DP is a prober/handler capable of transporting and testing standard 300-mm wafers and dicing frames without need of a changeover kit. To support multiple tests after dicing, it has a special positioning function that differs from former types, as well as image-processing functions such as wafer level packaging.
Wafer Prober Networking System
The Wafer Prober Networking System PN-300 utilizes a database to facilitate data access from other systems and provides an environment that enables the user to edit data and handle processing. The system achieves wide-ranging compatibility by adopting standard hardware and operating system. In addition, it is equipped with an N-PAF (Network-based Prober Advanced Function) to provide robust support for wafer prober operation and maintenance.
Operation Support System for Wafer Prober
N-PAF (Network-Based Prober Advanced Function) is a networking system developed for more effective operation and maintenance of multiple wafer probers. Remote operation helps save on labor on the factory floor. An E10-compliant RAM Analyzer can be used for operation management of the system
Wafer Prober
Precio octo
200mm wafer prober. The system adapts ultra-high speed indexing and high-speed wafer exchange functions to reduce test cost and improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) markedly enhancing productivity.
Wafer Prober
The latest fully automated 300mm wafer prober. The system offers excellent productivity and advanced functions, contributing to KGD (known good die) testing for advanced packaging.
Wafer Prober
Precio XL
Fully automated 300mm wafer prober. The system achieves high productivity, excellent contact performance, improved cleanliness, and short lead time, and offers a number of high value-added functions as options.
Flying Prober Test
Qmax Test Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
he Prober Test System is capable of movement in XYZ directions with fixed angle (θ) and dual probe heads (further expandable up to 4 ) . The system has in-built Vision Camera for easy monitoring of probe needle contact.The prober supports automatic fiduciary recognition. The system has built –in linear encoders to achieve higher precision. It also comes with in-built image processing unit with minimum 5 Mega pixel Camera ,tele-centric lens with image processing software, illuminated with LED bar light with controls.The V-I signature test shall be in-built in the Prober system with “ Best fit Curve “ algorithm .Provision for adding various external Test & Measurement instruments like GPIB / USB / PXI Instruments is available.
Flying Prober Test System
Qmax Test Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
The Prober Test System is capable of movement in XYZ directions with fixed angle (θ) and dual probe heads (further expandable up to 4 ) . The system has in-built Vision Camera for easy monitoring of probe needle contact.The prober supports automatic fiduciary recognition. The system has built –in linear encoders to achieve higher precision. It also comes with in-built image processing unit with minimum 5 Mega pixel Camera ,tele-centric lens with image processing software, illuminated with LED bar light with controls.
Flying Prober Test System
Qmax Test Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
The Prober Test System is capable of movement in XYZ directions with fixed angle (θ) and dual probe heads (further expandable up to 4 ) . The system has in-built high resolution Vision Camera for easy monitoring of probe needle contact. The prober supports automatic fiduciary recognition. The system has built –in linear encoders to achieve higher precision.
Probe Series
AVIOR Series
The MPI AVIOR series offers a broad lineup of high performance prober systems targeting the Optical Communications market. Our prober systems are available in Top emitting (TP), Flip chip (FP) emitting and Die/Package (DP) configurations to meet your specific test requirements. Whether it be R&D or mass production, MPI has a solution that will meet your needs for accurate and reliable measurements in conjunction with a reduced cost-of-test.
MPI SENTIO®Software Suite
MPI Advanced Semiconductor Test
By using a novel approach based on simplicity and truly intuitive operation, MPI was first to develop a revolutionary multi-touch prober control software suite to address today’s challenges of operating complex test systems. It saves significantly training time and makes the operators’ life as easy as possible!
Coaxial Cable Termination Toolkit
Ardent’s ICFP is a next generation coaxial cable termination toolkit for advanced system design de-embedding, de-bugging, and calibration. Designed for the lowest loss access to signal paths on an IC circuit footprint, this solution is a simple, cost effective alternative to expensive probers and x-y tables for Engineers who need to probe multiple signals at once.
Advanced Low-Frequency Noise Analyzer
Get a deeper, closer look at low frequency noise with the A-LFNA integrated with WaferPro Express, featuring data analysis, wafer prober control and test suite automation.
Discrete Devices Test
FTI 1000
The FTI 1000 tester consists of independent test channels that allow all DC and AC MOSFET parameters to be tested either separately, or in one handler insertion or prober touch-down.
Fully Automatic MRAM Probe System With Initializers
*This system can measure MRAM characteristics automatically.*Automatically initializes(resets) before and shorten the time of measurement by having a built in initializer.*Generates strong and constant magnetic fields. (Prober: Max 1.5T, Initializer: 2.7T (the highest in the industry)