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subatomic or minute speck of matter
Continuous Particulate Monitor
The BPM-200 measures ambient particulate by using well-applied beta ray attenuation technology. PM2.5 measurement can also be achieved by introducing the corresponding cyclone.
Electrostatic Dust Monitor
The Redkoh Model 201LP is a three wire particulate monitor that measures particulate levels in air ducts on a real time basis. The Model 201LP is powered by an external 24V dc supply and its continuous 4-20 ma output can be connected directly to a PLC, recorder, or digital readout. Changes in the 4-20 ma output are directly related to changes in the concentration of particulate in the gas stream.
Sensors For Automotive & Industrial Applications
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
Panasonic is a leading supplier of specialty Sensor technologies offering a wide array of Sensor types including the Grid-EYE® Infrared Array Sensor, Gas Flow, Particulate Matter, Acceleration, Angular, PIR Motion, Pressure, Temperature and the newest sensing technologies including the highly accurate and flexible 6in1 Sensor and the Ultrasonic Gas Flow Sensor.
Laser Type PM Sensor
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
Panasonic’s Laser Type Particulate Matter Sensor has a very small footprint of W37 x D37 x H12 mm, and can be used to detect a wide variety of particulate matter including but not limited to dust, fly ash, soot, smoke, aerosols, fumes, mists and condensing vapors, solid fuels, construction materials, cooking/smoking of plant matter, fireplaces and furnaces, house/forest fires, waste incineration and much more.
Aerosol Particle Monitor
The Kanomax Aerosol Particle Monitor features an easy-to-read display, can connect to a network via ethernet, and offers simplified monitoring of particulates at multiple locations.
CEGRIT Automatic Flyash Sampler
The CEGRIT isokinetic particulate sampler is a device that can extract particulate samples of fly-ash, gift and dust from any fossil-fueled duct or chimney stack.
Dilution / Sampling Systems
HORIBA offer a full range of full flow CVS and partial flow systems for exhaust gas measurement that cover the requirements of all of the global emissions standards. These are complemented by a full range of solutions for the measurement of particulate mass and particulate number required to meet the latest legislative standards.
Anti Static Nozzles
is a high-performance ionization source, designed to simultaneously neutralize static charges and remove electrostatically bonded particulate from surfaces.
Emissions Testing
One of the main aims of environmental protection is to suppress harmful emissions or reduce them as much as possible. Typical examples of emissions include gaseous and particulate pollutants emitted by furnaces, odor emissions and particulate emissions from waste tips. Help protect the climate and ask us to measure the emissions created by your facilities.Our experts will test your facility – from large-scale firing plants to biogas plants, from waste incinerators to crematoria – according to national and international standards. We can also help you reduce noise pollution, measure exhaust gases and harmful emissions, and modernize your facilities.With their extensive experience, our experts can analyze your processes and identify potential improvements. As a measurement body registered throughout Germany and internationally accredited according to ISO 17025 we are authorized to perform the legally required measurements for you.Your facilities need testing? Ask us about our emission testing.
Dust and Opacity Compliance Monitors
LAND has a range of opacity, dust, smoke and particulates monitors which are the most advanced available, using patented measurement technology to give high accuracy. The analysers (which comprise a transmitter and a reflector) are mounted across the stack, the optical measurement technique uses no moving parts, giving the highest possible reliability with very low maintenance.
Portable Emissions Measurement Systems
SEMTECH® ECOSTAR Plus is a modular suite of ruggedized measurement systems built for the extremes of heavy-duty testing. The system consists of individual, self-contained modules, each with a specific functionality, designed to measure the full range of gaseous and particulate emissions.
PocketLab Air
PocketLab Air is an all-in-one science lab for investigating climate change and air pollution in your environment. PocketLab Air can measure carbon dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and light. We've designed PocketLab Air to be capable enough for climate and air quality researchers but simple enough for a 4th grade student learning about Earth science.
Particulate Filter Management System
The highly precise weighing of emission particles has become increasingly important due to new legislative regulations such as Euro 6, WLTP, EPA 1066 or PM 10. PFS-ONE, the Particulate Filter Management System offers different weighing methods. This supports full compliance with current legislation in the automotive and environmental industry and also allows for flexibility of internal testing processes. The system covers the measurement, organization, tracking and control of particulate filter weighing. Built as a modular system, the PFS-ONE can be expanded from a stand-alone installation up to a fully integrated laboratory module and can be used for manual weighing or automated weighing via a robot.
Continuous Particulate Monitor with X-ray Fluorescence
There has been a growing concern regarding particulate matter (PM) pollution and its effects on health. For effective preventative measures, the determination of source PM concentration is extremely important. Therefore, indication of PM and elemental concentrations is critical. The PX-375 analyzer employs automatic sampling, continuous on-line PM quantitative and qualitative analysis for rapid air pollution measurements.
Automated Wear Debris Analyzer
LaserNet 200 Series
The LaserNet 200 Series allows reliability professionals to quickly and easily assess machinery health in just minutes. By testing only a few milliliters of fluid, users see a complete picture of machine wear and particulate contamination. This enables the user to determine filtration efficiency, the type of wear mode occurring, and the change in ferrous debris concentration, for maintenance action.
Solid Particle Counting System
MEXA-2000SPCS series
The HORIBA MEXA-2000SPCS series measures the number of solid particles from engine exhaust gas in real-time.The series can complete engine/vehicle certification testing in the latest regulations*1, such as Euro 6/VI and China 6/VI,along with R&D testing of engines and particulate filters by direct sampling without dilution.
Saybolt Color Analyzer
optek’s Saybolt color analyzer is a dual wavelength light absorption sensor. Operationally, the sensor passes a white light beam through the stream to be monitored, where light absorbance is measured at two distinct wavelengths. The measuring wavelength is set to focus on or near the peak absorbance point of the “yellowness” curve, while the secondary wavelength is chosen to compensate for any influence due to light scattering (window fouling, particulate, immiscible fluids, gas bubbles, etc.). Together, the sensor yields a repeatable and reliable true color number without any sample conditioning.
Particle Sensor
HPM Series
The Honeywell HPM Series Particle Sensor is a laser-basedsensor which uses the light scattering method to detectand count particles in the concentration range of 0 g/m3to 1,000 g/m3 in a given environment. A laser light sourceilluminates a particle as it is pulled through the detectionchamber. As particles pass through the laser beam, the lightsource becomes obscured and is recorded on the photo orlight detector. The light is then analyzed and converted toan electrical signal providing particulate size and quantity tocalculate concentrations in real time. The Honeywell particlesensor provides information on the particle concentration forgiven particle concentration range.
Multichamber Plasma CVD & RIE Processing Systems
Model MPS-2000
Accurate linear wafer transporter with low particulate generation. Automated options with programmable controls. Safety interlocked with local and global interfaces. Base pressures to 10-8 torr. Optional clean room load lock entry port. Option for inductively coupled plasma processing is available. Complete and ready to operate.
Multi-channel PM Sampler
The PMS-200M particle multi-channel sampler accepts closed-loop response control technology to sample multiple gaseous and particulate samples simultaneously in the atmosphere. The PMS-200M can monitor meteorological parameters such as atmospheric humidity, pressure, temperature and wind speed in real time. The PMS-200M is configured with 4 sampling channels, which can be extended to 8 channels through stream and timing multiplexing.
Zeta Potential Analyzers
Brookhaven Instruments Corporation
Almost all particulate or macroscopic materials in contact with a liquid acquire an electronic charge on their surfaces. Zeta potential is an important and useful indicator of this charge which can be used to predict and control the stability of colloidal suspensions or emulsions, for example. The greater the zeta potential the more likely the suspension is to be stable because the charged particles repel one another and thus overcome the natural tendency to aggregate. The measurement of zeta potential is often the key to understanding dispersion and aggregation processes in applications as diverse as water purification, ceramic slip casting and the formulation of paints, inks and cosmetic
Laser Type PM Sensor
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
Panasonic’s Laser Type Particulate Matter Sensor is comprised of an on-board microprocessor, micro-fan, and laser diode. This PM Sensor has been programmed so that the fan will operate based on the amount of particle dust surrounding the laser diode so that the overall lifespan or usefulness of the Sensor can be extended much longer than its’ average commercially available equivalent.
Image Analyzers
Morphologi Range
Morphological imaging is fast becoming an essential technology in the laboratory toolkit for particle characterization. The Morphologi 4 is a fully automated static image analysis system which provides a complete detailed description of the morphological properties of particulate materials. The Morphologi 4-ID combines the same automated static image analysis with Raman spectroscopy in a single, integrated platform, providing component-specific morphological descriptions of chemical species within a blend.
Air Quality
Controlling IAQ is critical to maximizing building performance and occupant health/safety. ACI sensor solutions for IAQ include VOC and PM (volatile organic compound and particulate matter), CO2 with options to fit every application.
Flow Monitor
Deltaflow 180
The DeltaFlow® 180, measures volumetric flow from smoke stacks or pipes for process and compliance applications; it is a complete flow monitoring solution with easy installation in all applications including those with elevated temperature, particulate loading and corrosive gas concentration.
Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer
The Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer 3090 (EEPS™) spectrometer measures the size distribution of engine-exhaust particle emissions in the range from 5.6 to 560 nm with the fastest time resolution available. Users can visualize and study the dynamic behavior of particle emissions that occur during transient test cycles, during the first few seconds of a cold start, or during regeneration of a particle trap or diesel particulate filter (DPF).
Aerosol And Dust Monitors
Aerosol monitors, commonly referred to as dust monitors, particulate monitors, light scattering laser photometers, and nephlometers, are used to measure dust, smoke, mist, fume, condensates, and fog. TSI Aerosol Monitors offer real-time, direct-reading results, which is quickly becoming an industry best practice in occupational hygiene, indoor air quality, and outdoor environmental fugitive emissions monitoring.
Ambient Metal Analyzer
The system integrates X-ray fluorescence for metal analysis up to 30 elements and a beta-ray attenuation model for particulate mass monitoring. But module will be using the same sample moving sequentially across the detector and would be significantly effective in industry emission tracing.
Particulate Instruments
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
Teledyne API offers a combination of particulate matter measurements to meet a variety of data quality objectives for regulatory ambient air quality monitoring. All T Series instruments offer two front-panel USB ports, an advanced touch screen full color display, customizable user interface with predictive maintenance alerts, one-touch real-time graphing, and multiple language support.
PM Mass Monitor
Model T640
Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation
The Model T640 PM Mass Monitor is the next breakthrough in ambient particulate monitors. The T640 delivers 1-min or better time resolution with exceptional sensitivity and precision. The instrument is very low maintenance and requires no sample media for minimal cost of operation.