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Dairy & Meat Bags
Serving the Northern Virginia & Surrounding Areas. Eat with the seasons. No commitments Save time & money Free home or office delivery
Data Logger
MadgeTech's Carcass Temperature Data Logger measures and records data from up to 8 thermocouple channels allowing the user to verify and validate post-production meat pasteurization cycles. The CTL2000 aids in reducing pathogens, and helps to ensure post-slaughter pasteurization process parameters are met.
LC/MS/MS Method Package For Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
*Complete method for fast quantitative screening of 13 aminoglycosides in meat, eggs and milk.*Increase identification confidence with MRM Spectrum mode and LabSolutions Insight™ Screening.*No ion-pairing reagent required.*Includes single sample preparation protocol usable for meat, eggs and milk.
Meat Benchtop Meters
Upgrade your food lab with cutting edge benchtop meters that cover a wide-range of parameters and give you the traceability you need.
Meat Cooking and Cool Down Temperature Data Logger
The OT1000 is made of Tecaform®, with a convenient mounting hook. The device is rated IP67, making it splash proof and easy to clean. The OT1000 is simple to use, just activate the logger, insert the probe into a meat product, and then with a couple clicks of the mouse data can be downloaded to a PC for analysis.
Pro-Series High Temp Cooking Probe 6" Long probe with a right angle bend for easy pulling from meats or turkeys. Cable withstands 700°F to better withstand broiling and grilling temperatures. Probe tip and sensor read temperatures to 572°F for deep-frying. Good general-purpose probe, the length reaches the center of large roasts and turkeys.
Wireless Meat Temperature Data Logger
Wireless Meat Temperature Data Logger with Two-Way Communication. Equipped with a Flexible Piercing Probe, available in two options: 4" rigid piercing probe or 2.5" rigid piercing probe (for smaller meat products)
X5 XL800 X-Ray Inspection
Designed to be integrated into the production process at either the beginning to protect equipment or at the end to protect consumers, the X5 XL 800 is perfect for products such as meat in Euro crates or cheese in bulk boxes.
Application Specific LC Systems
Antimicrobial Screening System
Screening of 24 Synthetic Antimicrobial Compounds That Remain in Meat Synthetic antimicrobial agents are used as animal drugs and feed additives and they are known to remain in the body of farm animals. Residue limits prescribing the safe ingestible amounts of such agents have been set so that people can safely eat meat and processed meat products. Thanks to a pretreatment method*1 that minimizes the influence of impurities in meat (beef, pork, and chicken muscle), LC system enables screening of 24 synthetic antimicrobial compounds, which are regulated in Japan, Europe, and other regions, remaining in meat. *1: Consumables for pretreatment are not included in the package. They need to be provided by the customer.
Fat Analysis
Unlike standard x-ray systems which use a single x-ray energy spectrum to scan products, DEXA technology uses two energy spectrums to discriminate between high and low energy x-rays. A patented software algorithm uses the differential x-ray energy absorbance of these two energies by the meat to determine the fat content.
IQ4 Pipeline Metal Detection
The IQ4 Pipeline is a robust system designed for both Sterile in Place (SIP) and easy strip down cleaning depending on the application, complying to EN1672-2 hygiene standards. This system is designed to be used with pumped and flowing products such as meat slurries, soups, sauces, jams or dairy.
Meat Portable Meters
Take your testing where you need it with portable meters to help guarantee a safe and delectable product every time.
Anritsu X-ray Inspection Systems
Choosing the best inspection system is critical to meeting the ever-stricter food quality standards of the world’s leading poultry and meat processors. That’s why Cantrell•Gainco is an authorized distributor for Anritsu X-ray detection equipment, a leading technological powerhouse in the industry.
Datapaq Food Tracker System
Designed to measure and log true product and environmental temperatures and to deliver reliable, accurate HACCP process validation, the Datapaq Food Tracker System is the ideal solution for demanding food processing applications. The system is particularly suited to poultry, meat and seafood processing; commercial baking; frozen food production; commercial pasteurization and sterilization; and proving your compliance with HACCP regulations.
Meat Titrators
Obtain the precision the food industry demands with a fully-supported automatic titration system. Save time when testing your meat with an instrument that can handle a multitude of methods.
Temperature Probe, Type K, Penetration w/ Coiled Cable
Type-K thermocouple probe. Ideal for temperature measurement of meats, plastics, and other semi-soft materials. The sheath is 3" long and 1/8" in diameter and is constructed with #304 stainless steel. The coil-type cord is constructed with a thermoplastic rubber jacket and is 1-1/2 feet in length and reaches up to 5 feet when fully extended.
Meat Testers
Taking accurate and reliable measurements in meat is easy with testers. Spot-check your meats every step from processing to transport to ensure a quality product is delivered.
pH Testr with Spear Electrode
Unique pHTestr with spear electrodepH is one of the key parameters measured in food processing. The Eutech waterproof pH Spear with tough, spear tip open pore sensor is a rugged, user-friendly tester ideal for direct measurement of solid or semi-solid samples such as cheese, meats, fruits, bread and other similar samples.
X5 Pipeline X-Ray Inspection
Designed to be integrated into the production line and available with product pipes in 2.5 and 3 ", the X5 pipeline is perfect for a wide range of pumped products such as poultry, meat, slurries and sauces. The system is capable of offering good detection levels on a wide range of contaminants including all metal, bone, glass, dense plastics.
Receiver Semi-Kit
National RF’s 75-NS-3 receiver is a complete super-hetrodyne mini high frequency receiver, designed specifically for the short-wave listener, electronics enthusiast or radio amateur, who wants to use their hands and build a radio. The receiver is offered as a semi-kit in which the electronic assembly is loaded and functionally tested at the National RF facility. The customer must then go to the grocery store (yes…the grocery store!), procure a can of lunch meat, eat it or give it to the dog, and then proceed to drill and paint the can, in order for it to become the receiver’s enclosure! As the name of the preferred potted meat can has a registered trademark by Hormel Foods, Inc., it won’t be mentioned on this web-site. However, the name of the product is synonymous with unwanted email!!! In addition, there are other food products that might be found that are packaged in the same metallic enclosure. Detailed drilling instructions and final assembly instructions are provided as part of the kit. All other parts required for completion of the receiver are provided as well. Recognizing that the finished assembly looked somewhat like the fabled Collins receiver of the ‘60s, the 75S-3, (particularly when the can is painted a light gray) National RF engineers dubbed it (with tongue firmly planted in cheek, of course) the 75-NS-3! Although we have had fun packaging this receiver in a lunch meat can, it is nothing to turn your nose at! Its performance and portability will surprise you, and it is an ideal radio to bring with you on any trip!
Fortress Metal Detection Systems
Cantrell•Gainco is an authorized OEM partner of Fortress metal detection equipment for the meat and poultry industry in America. The Fortress brand represents the ultimate in metal detection quality and performance.
In-Line Fat Measurement
TOMRA’s new FatScan fat analyzer allows for the continuous analysis of meat to precisely determine its fat content. This functional and compact machine can be easily integrated in production lines and is specifically designed to assist smaller meat processors in delivering a consistent and uniform product. The innovative FatScan can analyse both fresh and frozen meat and it measures fat in real-time, delivering highly accurate and consistent results. The hygienic and robust analyser penetrates deeply into the meat, and measures across the full 500 mm width of its conveyor belt. The design is open, so all surfaces can be visually inspected and sanitized, using high pressure water. The FatScan is able to analyse up to 7 tons of meat per hour, making it an ideal choice for small and medium size processors. This, along with the consistent end product quality and savings generated through reduced lean give-away, helps you to drive up your profits.
Cooking Alarms
High quality, accurate cooking alarm thermometers (sometimes called leave-in probe oven alarms) are critical to the success of any process that requires maintaining a target temperature over time, including grilling, smoking, and roasting meats, baking breads and pastries, candy making, home brewing and much more. Choose from two-button simplicity, high and low alarms, continuous min/max display, single or dual channel, trim cal features, and thermocouple or Pro Series® probes.
Portable Meat Moisture Meter
Portable Meat Moisture MeterLD-LMMM-A10is a hand-held device which quickly and accurately detects water content in the meat. It is essential to have optimized water content in the meat to obtain better quality and safe products along with profits. Instant reading, easy to use, digital display etc. are some of the features which makes it highly convenient for the user.