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Compact Inverted Microscope, 1mm Field Of View
Viewing transparent samples from below in a Petri dish, flask, well plate or cavity slide. The microscope is compact and can be put inside most incubators to view experiments without opening the door. Time-lapse images can be saved and viewed remotely.Ideal for use as a Bench Microscope in teaching applications.
Contrast Sensors
Contrast sensors are primarily used in packaging/printing machines for the detection of printed or control marks. SICK's line of KT contrast sensors detects even the smallest contrasts at the highest speeds, such as print marks on foils or packaging. They detect minute grayscale variations between the mark and the background on matte, shiny or transparent surfaces. A variety of device types with different contrast resolution methods and teach-in versions are available to meet wide-ranging requirements.
cPCI and PMC Compatible Adapter Carrier
By customer request Dynamic Engineering has developed two extended temperature versions of the popular cPCIBPMC design. The design effort included switching to a new bridge to meet the temperature and timing requirements. The new bridge brings new features including the ability to operate the PMC side at a higher clock rate than the cPCI side. The new bridge also has built in features for local address spaces, using the PMC clock in monarch mode for the secondary side, and operating in transparent or non-transparent modes
Create Topographic Profiles from SPM Images
topoStitch™ offers the easiest and most accurate way to stitch topographic or greyscale images from Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM’s), profilers, interferometers, confocal microscopes or any other instrument type. All images are placed automatically according to stage position coordinates when stored in the image files. Otherwise, the Grid Layout Wizard helps to lay out images in seconds. topoStitch™ even offers advanced snapping and semi transparent rendering, which makes it easy to place and adjust images manually.
Encapsulated Potentiometers
The R40 potentiometer can be supplied in a dust- proof housing. This has a transparent front cover with a scale to indicate the rotational position.
Ethernet Digital Interface
Model 8063
* Provides 48 high-power TTL I/O lines that can sink 48 mA or source 24 mA. * Easily interfaces to TTL or CMOS signals and contact closures. * User can configure the data bytes as inputs or outputs.* Transfer data as bits, bytes or data strings.* Transparent data transfer mode.* Fully VXI-11 Compliant plus Raw Socket for easy programming with Visual Basic or C, Agilent VEE and LabVIEW.* 1 U high rack mount kit mounts one or two 8063s.* Includes 100-230 VAC Power Adapter with universal plugs.
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Half-size four lane PCIe board - Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speedsComprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent Analyzer - Supports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI-X
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data to/from the board - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Finder Edge 1064nm Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Finder Edge ( FE ) is fast and compact Raman Spectrometer, ensure efficient processing ; It can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the lab, warehouse etc. The non-contact analysis can be performed through transparent containers by Raman technology; Strong hardware performance and diversified library are your reliable partner.
GigE® Fiberoptic
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
This specifically designed fiber optic data interface kit allows the computer and the GigE® camera head to be separated by up to 550 m without the loss of data. The kit consists of two compact, high speed transceivers (interface modules) for completely transparent operation between the host computer and the camera.
GPIB Serial Interface
Model 4894B
* Provides RS-232C single-ended and RS-422/RS-485 differential serial signals. * Expanded baud rate range from 50 to 115,200 baud.* 256 Kbyte RAM buffer for spooling data.* Over 600 Kbyte/second GPIB data transfer rate.*Transparent data transfer.* Programmable replacement for the NI CV interfaces.* 1 U high rack mount kit mounts one or two 4894Bs* Includes US 115 VAC Power Adapter, Manual and Support CD.
GPIB Serial Interface
Model 4804B
* Provides RS-232C single-ended and RS-422/RS-485 differential serial signals. * Functions as a GPIB-to-Serial Interface (G-Mode) or as a Serial-to-GPIB Controller for a single device (S-Mode).* Over 600 Kbytes/second GPIB data transfer rate.* Transparent data transfer.* GPIB Address can be set by SCPI commands, by an external rocker switch or by a serial command.* On board voltage regulator for operation from 5 to 15 Vdc power.* Dual GPIB headers support GPIB connections with a GPIB Connector/Address Switch Assembly or with a GPIB Flat Ribbon Cable.
GPIB Serial Interface Boards
ICS's GPIB to Serial Interface boards are designed for in-chassis applications. Select boards with transparent data transfer or boards with smart firmware that can add an IEEE-488.2 interface to any serial device
GPIB Serial Interfaces
ICS's GPIB Serial Interfaces provide a mix of RS-232 and RS-422/RS-485 asynchronous signals to drive serial devices. Interfaces are available for transparent data transfer and with smart firmware that adds an IEEE-488.2 Interface to plain serial devices or with embedded PC boards. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard and are HP-IB compatible.
GPIB to Ethernet to Instrument Interface
Model 4865B
* Adds a GPIB Interface to Instruments with a VXI-11 or Raw Socket Ethernet Interface.* Transparent data transfer handles ASCII and binary data.* Controllable with any IEEE-488.2 GPIB Controller* VXI-11 protocol supports control, abort and reverse channels.* Raw Socket protocol includes substitute command strings for GPIB Device Trigger, Device Clear and Interface Clear.* Auto-Find feature simplifies instrument linkage* Reuses existing test software with new Ethernet instruments.* Easy configuration with the 4865B's internal webserver.* Drop in replacement for the original Model 4865 with 2x to 5x speed increase.* 1 U high rack mount kit mounts one or two 4865Bs.* Includes universal 115/230 VAC Power Adapter.
GPIB To Serial Miniboxes™
ICS's GPIB to Serial Minibox™ Interfaces are fully enclosed for benchtop or rack mount applications. The GPIB to Serial Interfaces are available for transparent data transfer and with smart firmware to add an IEEE-488.2 interface to any serial device
Handheld Raman Spectrometer
Finder Edge ( FE ) is fast and compact Raman Spectrometer, ensure efficient processing ; It can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the lab, warehouse etc. The non-contact analysis can be performed through transparent containers by Raman technology; Strong hardware performance and diversified library are your reliable partner;
In-Circuit Emulator
# Real-Time and Transparent In-Circuit Emulator for 251s# Uses Intel and Atmel Licensed Bondout Technology# Standard 256K Emulation Memory# Real-Time Trace up to 128K Frames Deep, 128 Bits Wide# Complex Hardware Breakpoints# Supports Both Binary Mode and Source Mode# MS-Windows Debugger# High-Level Support for Popular C-Compilers# Full Support of Local and Global Variables# On-Line Assembler and Disassembler# Performance Analyzer
In-Circuit Emulator
* Real-Time and Transparent In-Circuit Emulator * Supports Most of the 8051 Derivatives * Emulates 1.5V to 6V Microcontrollers * Maximum Frequency of 42MHz * 64K/512K of Internal Memory with Banking Support * 32K Trace Memory "on the Fly" * 64K Hardware and Conditional Breakpoints * MS-Windows and Keil ?Vision Debuggers * Source-Level Debugger for Assembler, PLM and C * On-Line Assembler and Disassembler * Performance Analyzer * Serially linked to IBM PC at 115 Kbaud
Low Cost Emulator
# Real-Time and Transparent C251 Emulation# supports Intel MCS?251 and Atmel/W&M/Temic C251# Uses Bond-Out Technology# Maximum Frequency Support up to 24MHz# Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler# MS-Windows Software# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 256K Internal Memory# Memory Mapping Capabilities# Real-Time Trace
Low Cost Emulator
* Emulates Philips Low-Pin Count Microcontrollers * Real-Time and Transparent Emulation up to 20MHz * 4K Emulation Memory * Real-Time Trace * Uses Philips Bond-Out Technology * 3.3V and 5V Operation * Software for MS-Windows * High-Level Support for Popular C-Compilers * On-Line Assembler and Disassembler * Emulation Header and Signal Testpoints * Power Supply Included * Serially linked to IBM PC at 115 Kbaud
Near-Field Detection Module for Imaging
Detection optimized for high performance near-field imaging in transmission-modeEnables optical amplitude and phase resolved near field measurementsPatented background-free detection technologyEnables bottom-side (transmission-mode) sample illumination with broadband mirrorSuited for visible and infrared wavelength range 0.5 20 mRequires transparent sample substrateMotorized parabolic mirror for easy beam-alignment in transmission-modeStationary focal point with respect to AFM-tipVariable illumination spot size (ca. 2m 100m)Suitable for plane-wave illuminationSupported AFM scan-speed: up to 20 m/s @ highest spatial resolution
New Resistivity Inversion Software
EarthImager 3D
AGI is proud to introduce the new EarthImager 3D resistivity and IP inversion software. This software inverts resistivity and IP data acquired with electrodes arranged in boreholes and/or on the surface and presents a 3D volume of inverted resistivity data with advanced volume rendering technique. The final resistivity or IP image-volume can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the volume of interest in detail. Colors representing areas of less interest can be made transparent so that the shape of a pollution plume, for example, can be visible. With EarthImager, 3D resistivity inversion can be as easy as two steps: Read Data and Start Inversion with only a few mouse clicks.
Non-Contact Sensors
Sciences et Techniques Industrielles de la Lumière
IRIX™ is a family of non-contact sensors based on chromatic confocal technology capable of measuring distances and thicknesses on any material transparent to white light.IRIX™ is capable to measure simultaneously up to five layers of material. The controller can be used in combination with a large family of optical probes with different measurement ranges, mechanical dimensions and metrological specifications to best meet the most diverse application needs.
PMC-to-PCI Express Adapter
The Technobox, Inc. P/N 4733 PMC-to-PCI Express Adapter permits the use of a single-wide PMC module in a 4X PCIe slot. The product features a PEX8114 bridge running in transparent mode. The A and C rows of a 96-pin DIN connector connect with the 64-pin user I/O connector (J4/P4) on the mezzanine card. 64-bit support.
PMC-to-PCI Express Adapter
Our PMC-to-PCI Express Adapter 1X (64-Bit) (4749) permits the use of a single-wide PMC module in a 1X PCIe slot. The product features a PEX8114 bridge running in transparent mode.
Professional Geological Compass
F. W. Breithaupt & Sohn GmbH & Co.KG
*Measurement and reading of azimuth of dip and angle of dip in one single operation (according to Clar method)*Declination (± 30°) and inclination adjustable*Automatic arresting of needle when not in use*Eddy current damping allows reading after approx. 3 sec.*Transparent circle with diameter 50mm with interval of graduation 1°*Dip measurement range 270° graduated in 5°Reading by estimation 1°*Deep etched tracing edge graduated (60mm)*Circular spirit level (observable also from underneath)
R Server For HDInsight
By combining enterprise-scale R analytics software with the power of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, Microsoft R Server for HDInsight gives you the scale and performance you need. Multi-threaded math libraries and transparent parallelization in R Server handle up to 1000x more data and up to 50x faster speeds than open-source R, which helps you to train more accurate models for better predictions. R Server works with the open-source R language, so all of your R scripts run without changes.