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Astronics PXIe-1209 , 2-Channel, 100 MHz PXI Pulse Generator
2-Channel, 100 MHz PXI Pulse Generator - The Astronics PXIe-1209 provides dual independent pulse generation with full control of all timing parameters with extremely high resolution. Both channels are fully independent, and you can configure pulse delay, double pulse spacing, pulse width, and period. Each channel offers front panel trigger inputs with software-programmable thresholds and PXI backplane triggering.
200 MS/s Waveform Generator & Dual 50 MHz Pulse/ Timing Generator
The Racal Instruments™ 3172, a 200 MS/s Waveform Generator and Dual 50 MHz Pulse and Timing Generator, combines multi-instrument density and highfrequency performance in a single-slot, C-sized VXIbus format.Waveform output in the range of 100 μHz to 30 MHz with 16-bit vertical resolution (12-bit vertical for 3171 emulation) and pulse output to 50 MHz make the 3172 a powerful solution to a variety of test stimulus requirements.
Dual Channel 100 MHz Pulse Generator
The Astronics Test Systems PXIe-1209 PXI is a high-performance, 2-channel, 100 MHz Pulse Generator. Occupying a single PXI Express peripheral slot or hybrid slot, the PXIe-1209 provides dual independent pulse generation with fullcontrol of all timing parameters with extremely high resolution.
Compact Passive and Active Resistor Trimming for Thick and Thin Film
LRT 2000C
*Travel: 6" x 6"*Laser : Fiber Laser Ytterbium 1064 nm*Kerf: 30 to 80 micron Adjustable*Pulse width : 80 nano second*Rap Rate: 1 to 1 million Pulse Per Second*Average Power: 20 watts
DC Voltage/Current Generators
Pulse generation/measurement with basic accuracy of ±0.02% and the minimum pulse width of 50μs, maximum output of 6V/5A
Digital Delay Pulse Generator
9420 Series
The Model 9420 Series Digital Delay-Pulse Generator with 2, 4 or 8 independent outputs is designed to provide cutting edge, yet cost-effective solutions to generate and synchronize multiple pulses for a wide range of applications. The delay and pulse width for each channel are independent and digitally controlled which makes the instrument ideal for situations that require synchronizing a number of different events. Channels: 2, 4, or 8 Independent Channel Outputs. Resolution: 10ns. Accuracy: 1ns + .0001 x period.
Diode Laser Driver
The D200 is a compact, DC-coupled fast laser driver, providing up to 4 amps of regulated constant current. A built-in edge-triggered pulse generator produces up to 1 microsecond pulse widths and 2 nanosecond transition times, capable of driving lasers with forward voltages up to 9 volts. A pulse-follower mode is also provided, accommodating externally-defined trigger widths up to 100% duty continuous-wave (CW). Power, pulse width, drive current and differential triggering functions are accessible through a ribbon cable header for embedded OEM applications. A low-inductance laser drive interface permits direct laser connection or custom interposer and flex-cable attachment.
Fixed Mount Strobes
Our fixed mount stroboscopes are designed for installation in applications requiring continuous stroboscopic visual inspection. The MVS is available with xenon or LED light output with adjustable pulse width and focal distance for optimized target illumination. Connect your existing trigger signal or the optional Frequency Controller with LCD. Connect multiple units together in parallel for applications with wide illumination area requirements. Use the optional Audio Interface Box and microphone to create stunning audio driven visual effects.
FPGA Workbench and I/O Cards
FPGA Workbench software provides a complete development environment for building customized solutions based on Concurrent’s programmable FPGA cards. FPGA Workbench includes a powerful GUI for selecting and configuring a wide range of pre-developed data acquisition and industry-specific modules to meet your application requirements. The library of functional IP modules includes pulse width modulation, analog I/O, digital I/O, SENT protocol, encoder, ignition, injection, crank/cam shaft, wheel speed sensor and change-of-state.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators
SDG800 Series
The SDG800 series function/arbitrary waveform generator family outputs waveform functions up to up to 5 MHz (pulse), 10 MHz (square), 30 MHz (sine) and has a sampling rate of 125 MSa/s. They are powered with SIGLENT’s EasyPulse technology which produces low jitter, fast rising/falling edges without being affected by frequency, even at low duty cycle settings, allowing the user a wide range of pulse widths and transition times. This results in a much more versatile generator than other similar DDS designs.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators
SDG5000 Series
Siglent Technologies invented the pulse generator algorithm EasyPulse, which is found in the SDG5000 waveform generators. Based on this new technology, the SDG5000 is capable of generating a pulse signal with low jitter, fast rising and falling edge (frequency independent effect), small duty cycle, edge and pulse width can be a wide range of adjustment.
High Performance Q-Switched Lasers
Tor™ Series
*Up to 1 W average power*< 5 ns pulse width*>7 kHz pulse repetition rate*Compact OEM version*12 months warranty*Perfect for LIBS
High Voltage Power Supplies
FuG high-voltage power supplies of all types except HYN are primary switched-mode power supplies with pulse width modulation . The rectified mains voltage is chopped into square pulses of constant frequency, transformed, rectified and smoothed. The square-wave voltage is pulse-width modulated for regulation.
High-Voltage Time-of-Flight Pulsers
Are high-voltage pulse generatorscapable of driving 50 (or higher) loads and operating over a wide pulse width range. The instruments include IEEE- 488.2 GPIB and RS-232 interfaces. For diode loads, thesemodels can be used to provide up to 1, 2, 4, 5 or 8 Amps of pulsed current if the diode is connected in series with 50. All models operate over a wide pulse width range of 100 nsto 100 us.
Impulse Generators
Provides pulse widths (measured at the 20% rise timepoint) in the range of 130 ps to 2 ns, amplitudes as high as 100 Volts, with pulse repetition frequencies to 1 MHz.
IPM Drive
IPM drive photocouplers (optocouplers) are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAlAs LED on the input side and a photo diode and signal processing circuit on the output side in a single chip. This coupler is a high common mode transient immunity (CMR), high CTR type whose pulse width changes according to the operating temperature, making it ideal for driving IPMs (intelligent power modules).
Isolated PWM Controllers
Renesas' communications product portfolio includes a synchronizing pulse width modulating (PWM) current mode controller for subscriber line interface circuits (SLICs).
Laureate Duty Cycle Meter
Model FRD
Configured display ON or OFF period as a percentage of total period over a gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s. A resolution of 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% is selectable. Ideal for repetitive short pulses with a pulse width down to less than 1 s.
Miniature Absolute Magnetic Shaft Encoder
The MA3 is a miniature rotary absolute shaft encoder that reports the shaft position over 360 with no stops or gaps. The MA3 is available with an analog or a pulse width modulated (PWM) digital output.
Passive and Active Resistor Trimming for Thick and Thin Film
LRT 2000L
*Travel: 6" x 6"*Laser : Fiber Laser Ytterbium 1064 nm*Kerf: 30 to 80 micron Adjustable*Pulse width : 80 nano second*Rap Rate: 1 to 1 million Pulse Per Second*Average Power: 20 watts*Target: Electric crosshair on monitor
PC/104 SBC with Vortex86DX3 1GHz CPU and Data Acquisition
The HELIX family of PC/104 SBCs combines mid-range CPU performance, standard PC I/O, and on-board data acquisition circuitry in a compact size and at a competitive price. Available PC I/O includes 3 or 6 USB 2.0 (model dependent), 4 serial ports (2 RS-232/422/485 and 2 RS-232), 1 10/100Mbps Ethernet, 1 Gigabit Ethernet, and a SATA port. The optional data acquisition circuit includes 16 16-bit analog inputs, 4 16-bit analog outputs and 27 digital I/O lines configurable as counter/timers and pulse width modulators.
PCI Digital I/O
Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers are configurable for pulse width modulated output, watchdog timer, event counter, frequency measurement, pulse width measurement, period measurement, or one shot pulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also be configured into two 32-bit counter/timers.
Optronik Line DSP 200
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
DSP 200 offers outstanding sensitivity and stability for precise measurements even at very low illumination levels. The instrument meets, of course, all requirements of the newest standards, like EN 13032-1 and DIN 5032-7 (2017). A low-noise photo diode with V(lambda)-filtering and optimized electronics provides for a broad dynamic range from 0.1 mlx to 200 klx. At the same time the very high local resolution allows an accurate determination even of high gradients when measuring headlamps. Therefore, the DSP 200 is suitable for all automotive and traffic applications, as well as for flashlights and for measurements of all pulse width modulated light sources.
Pulse & Delay Generators
The benchtop pulse generators feature a fast risetime and low jitter. Our most popular digital delay pulse series 575 and 577 generators are now available with selectable time references. With up to eight channels of delay and width control, each individual channel's reference can be set either to the trigger or to any other channel. So look below if you require a picosecond pulse generator or nanosecond pulse generator for your application.
Rapid Scanning Auto-Correlator / Cross-Correlator
The FR-103XL is a dispersion-free Autocorrelator/CrossCorrelator for monitoring the temporal width of ultrashort optical pulses. Offering unsurpassed sensitivity and resolution, it is compact and easy to operate. The FR-103XL is ideally suited for the measurement weak signals in optical telecommunications, as well as pulses from other mode-locked lasers such as Ti-Sapphire.
Thermoelectric Cooler Controller
Analog Devices Thermoelectric Cooler Controllers work with cooler based photonics, offer the smallest size, the best efficiency and the most robust solutions. It has a linear power stage with the linear driver output and a pulse width modulation power stage with the SW output. Depending on the part number, it offers digital PID control or analog PID control or both. Our TEC controllers support a variety of MSA based optical modules such as SFP, SFP+,QSFP+, CFP/CFP-2/CFP-4 and QSFP28.
Time Interval Counter Card
GC2200 Series
The GC22x0 family of PCI universal time interval counters offer many of the measurement and timing functions of high-end stand-alone frequency counters, including accumulate, auto ratio, frequency, fast frequency (GC2220 and GC2230 only), period, ratio, single period, test clock, time interval, time interval delay, totalize, totalize gated, totalize gated once, and pulse width.
Time Interval Meter
The Laureate? time interval meter can display pulse width or time delay between individual pulses to a resolution of 0.2 s. It can also display average pulse width or average time delay between multiple pulses.
Time Measurement Unit
TMU is a dual-channel input and ARM input PCI-based time interval counter (Time Interval Counter) . The internal 40 - bit counter provides a series of precise measurements, including frequency, period, time interval, pulse width, and more. TMU uses a reciprocal counting technique , which enables low-frequency signal measurement, taking into account both measurement accuracy and measurement time. The generator creates and generates many versatile waveforms. The following are the outstanding features of the CT-50 .
Ultrafast Fiber Optic Photodetectors
DXM Series
The DXM series of Ultrafast Detectors are fiber-coupled photodetectors with wide wavelength ranges, as shown in the plot to the right, that are designed to be used for a variety applications. Each provides a high-fidelity electrical output pulse in response to an optical input pulse, and their clean impulse responses have full width half maxima (FWHM) down to 15 ps.