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Chlorophyll Fluorometer
The OS5p+ can measure most types of plant stress, and offers a wider range of up to date measuring protocols and automation.
Chlorophyll Fluorometer
This instrument provided the most used plant stress measuring protocols, at a much lower price. OS1p capability includes the fast measurements.
Continuous Internet Speed Test Tool
*Internet speed stress test with long duration: long-term download and upload bandwidth (speed) test tool*Cross-platform: HTML (online), Windows, Linux, Android versions, free for non-commercial use (please contact us to get a commercial license)*Measures download and upload bandwidth, packet loss and round trip time (RTT, ping)*Measures and tracks bandwidth of your internet connection during a long (unlimited) period of time*Measures stability of internet connection (uptime in percents, bandwidth measurements)*Tracks connection outages and drops of bandwidth*Runs on your own Windows PC as a server, to check stability of your LAN/wifi router(s)
An instrument for measuring minute deformations in bodies under transverse stress
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis measures the mechanical properties of materials as a function of time, temperature, and frequency. In addition to basic material properties, DMA also quantifies finished part characteristics, reflecting the important contribution that processing has on end-use performance. DMA is commonly used to measure glass transition temperatures and secondary transitions, orientation caused by processing, cold crystallization, cure optimization, filler effects in composites, and much more. DMA provides an accurate measure of material stiffness (modulus) but also other important mechanical properties such as damping, creep, and stress relaxation.
Environmental Stress Screening
King Design Industrial Co., Ltd.
E.S.S system could find most potential and hiding defects earlier by checking the physical property of allmaterials and components, and make use of their nature response under Environmental Stress. Through our screening will to pick out all potential and hiding defects in advance and improving the product's reliability inling. It benefits the manufacturer and customer mutually.
ESS Environment stress screening
Temperature adaptability test under the condition of rapid change, or gradient for electrical, electronic, instruments and other products or spareparts, particularly applies to environmental stress screening test(ESS)
FEA Software
Autodesk® Nastran®
Autodesk Nastran FEA software analyzes linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics of structures and mechanical components.
Fiber Acceptance Test Kit
The unique design of the splice accommodates either 125um or 140um fiber and any size buffer up to 900um. The precision made splice holder firmly holds the pigtail in position without causing stress on the fiber. The low viscosity index matching liquid has an indefinite shelf life and allows for an easy glide of the bare fiber into the splice. Within seconds, a fiber acceptance reading can be made with an OTDR or test set. Low loss with minimum back reflection can easily be achieved for more accurate signatures. Other applications for this kit: splice training aids, bare fiber adapters, and temporary splicing.
Field Simulation Software
QuickField™ is a very efficient Finite Element Analysis package for electromagnetic, thermal, and stress design simulation with coupled multi-field analysis.
Geologic Stresses on Faults & Fractures Software
3DStress® provides a user-friendly and interactive tool to investigate geologic stress states and effects on developing and reactivating faults and fractures. Components include Mohr circle plots with Hoek-Brown failure criteria, stress-ratio plots, stereonet and three-dimensional (3D) visualization tools to enable the user to illustrate hypothetical situations or complex real-world fault and fracture systems, and a patented stress inversion algorithm that does not require slip direction information.
An extensive SPICE toolset for extensive circuit design. Includes everything for analog and mixed-signal circuits, less ICAP/4's Smith chart, Library Manager and model generation tool (SpiceMod). Contains newly enhanced analyses for advanced design verification, design pass/fail measurement capability and automated component stress alarms.
Measure and provide feedback for curvature, stress, reflectivity and growth rate to improve production processes and increase profitability with the kSA MOS.
Multisite Probe Card
T300 ButtonTile™
The Celadon T300™ probe cards are designed for long-term, multi-site, high-density wafer level reliability or burn-in tests up to 400°C. In today’s economic environment, conventional reliability data is needed quickly while eliminating the cost, electrical stress, and delay of parts packaging while maintaining a wafer performance map.
Non-rotating Spindle Type Outside Micrometer
Non-rotating spindle type standard outside micrometer No rotation stress is provided to a workpiece.
Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of materials. Deformation and flow are referred to as strain or strain rate, respectively, and indicate the distance over which a body moves under the influence of an external force, or stress. For this reason, rheology is also considered to be the study of stress-strain relationships in materials.
Round Wire Coil Inductors
Round wire coil (RWC) inductors come in six platform sizes and enable the highest efficiency of any SMT inductor through the use of a low loss ferrite core material which minimizes AC losses and also eliminates thermal ageing. The use of round magnetic wire instead of rectangular flat coils enables a lower cost while still maintaining a low DCR and small footprint. The platforms have passed the AEC-Q200 stress test qualification proving the designs robustness and suitability to difficult environments but the parts are not IATF certified. The platform range from 7.6×7.4×6.4mm to 26x26x15mm and are suitable for a wide range of applications and markets including communications, computing and industrial.
Shear Beam LoadCells
Shear Beam LoadCells are designed for low profile scales and process applications. These loadcells should be mounted on a smooth flat surface using high strength hardend bolts. The mountaing holes are at the opposite end to where the cell is loaded. Some of the larger Shear Beam Loadcells use multiple mounting holes to allow extra bolts to hold them in place and keep them from stretching under the stress.
Shear Stress Sensors
Micromachined floating element shear stress sensor that enables time-resolved, one-dimensional, direct shear stress measurements. Direct measurement of shear stress — no heat transfer calibration. Non-intrusive — minimal flow disturbance. Simultaneous mean and fluctuating shear stress measurements. High resolution, dynamic range and bandwidth. Highly accurate, quantitative measurements.
SilverCreek SNMP Tests
Set up in less than five minutes - Windows or LinuxCustomize tests via Wizards, Script Generators, and moreAutomate operation with unambiguous test resultsIntegrate with other test harnesses and test toolsIncludes conformance, compliance, vulnerability, robustness, stress, and performance testingInvestigate failures and quickly resolve them with powerful diagnostic and analysis tools
Production C-V Measurement
Materials Development Corporation
The production software offers a streamlined C-V plotting and bias-temperature stress program with minimumoperator input. A single keystroke begins the measurement.
Special Use Sensors
Structures can, and do, break, and this may be important and sometimes dramatic. It’s critical to determine whether a particular object made from a particular material can carry a particular load. If a true stress is ignored, the cost of not acting is usually far higher than the cost of dealing with the problem earlier. A good example is in ductile materials. The crack moves slowly and is accompanied by a large amount of plastic deformation around the crack tip. The crack will usually not extend unless an increased stress is applied. Geometrical irregularities, such as cracks, sharp corners and holes – which many times are ignored – may raise the local stress.
Strain gauge
RF9 Miniature Rosette
Thanks to its three stacked measuring grids, the miniature SG rosette RF9 is only 5 mm in size. Its small diameter enables it to determine a biaxial stress state with unknown principal stress direction in the most confined space. The SG rosette is therefore particularly suitable for measurements on electric circuit boards or especially small components.
Stress Analysis Strain Gages
Bondable foil strain gages (strain gauges) available in thousands of possible pattern designs and combinations of grid alloys, backing materials, resistances, and options.
Stress Analysis Strain Gauge
Structures can, and do, break, and this may be important and sometimes dramatic. It’s critical to determine whether a particular object made from a particular material can carry a particular load. If a true stress is ignored, the cost of not acting is usually far higher than the cost of dealing with the problem earlier. A well-done strain measurement will produce an accurate representation of the strain actually present under the sensor. Strain data, however, is seldom gathered as a means unto itself. It is usually little more than a convenient vehicle for indirectly obtaining information about some other engineering parameter.
Stress screening test chambers for temperature and climate
TS and CS series
Our based on the modular concept of the standard range of temperature and climatic stress screening test chambers allow you through increased compressor and large fan performance very high temperature change of up to 30 K / min with conventional refrigeration, or to 70 K / min with liquid nitrogen. These devices allow you to very quickly determine the load limits of your test object in fast motion.
Stress Test Software
PassMark BurnInTest
PassMark BurnInTest? is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability.
Structural & Stress Analysis
Structural analysis is critical because it can determine cause and predict failure – evaluating whether or not a specific structural design will be able to withstand the external and internal stresses and forces expected for the design.
SwRI Software
NASGRO is a suite of fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth analysis computer programs that perform assessments of structural life, compute stress intensity factors, and process and store fatigue crack growth properties. Working closely with NASA and industry, SwRI releases new versions of NASGRO annually with many new features. Recent enhancements include many new K solutions, residual stress capabilities, increased speed, new GUIs, residual strength diagrams, spectrum editing, temperature effects, cyclic shakedown models, cycle counting algorithms, and a revised material database. NASGRO received an R&D 100 Award in 2003 and the NASA Software of the Year award in 2003.
System Design Tool
Sculpt your coverage pattern and sharpen design ideas with your team online or offline before setting foot in a venue, so you save time, cost, and stress.