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Gaussmeter (Magnetometer)
Portable Gaussmeter (Magnetometer) NOVOTEST MF-1 is equipped with a Hall sensor to measure the magnetic induction in the following units: Gauss, Tesla, Amps/meter.
Hall Effect Magnet Kit
Permanent magnet - Neodium materials - +/- 0.03Tesla deviation can be made in a process of assembling magnet. - However, we indicates correct tesla strength measured by gaussmeter, before shipping magnet kit.
High field Superconducting Magnets
Cryogenic Ltd manufactures a wide range of superconducting magnets for research and industrial purposes. A range of standard solenoids between 1 to 22 Tesla is produced, and in addition split pair solenoids in the range 1 to 14 Tesla, with a typical central field homogeneity of 0.1%.
High Voltage Film Capacitor
High Voltage Pulse Current for medium frequency applicationHigh Voltage DC / AC Voltage applicationCapacitor can be discharged at rated voltage directly without any protective component and with ambient Temperature up to +105CHigh Voltage Decoupling and SnubberingVoltage MultiplierInduction heatingAct as discharge capacitor to trigger laser, X-Ray and Tesla CoilFor high voltage capacitor bank or arrayHigh Voltage Power Supplies
Magnetic measurement instrument
We manufacture various magnetic measuring instruments according to purpose from highly accurate Tesla meter (Gauss meter) which measures minute magnetism.
Premium Headphone Amplifier
A 20
A new standard for headphone amplifiers that brings out the potential of Tesla drivers. Premium headphone amplifier that inherits the design of A 1.
Handheld Gauss Meter / Tesla Meter With USB Interface And Analog Output
The Tesla Meter / Gauss Meter KOSHAVA 5 combines the functionality, stability and precision of high-quality desktop units in a portable hand instrument. At the development of the Tesla Meters / Gauss Meters KOSHAVA 5 great value was paid to easy and intuitive use of the device. The Tesla Meter is comfortably and simply operable by English and German menu driven with 4 keys.
Magnetic Field Logger Sensor
This is a very sensitive magnetic fields sensor. It can measure a very low level of magnetic fields such as the magnetic field of Earth.The logger sensor measures the magnetic fields in milli Tesla (mT).
VPX GPGPU Processor Card
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The rugged VPX3-4924 NVIDIA Tesla Pascal GPU processor board is designed and manufactured by Wolf Advanced Technology. This board is part of a family of GPGPU modules available from Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions to enable development of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) systems.
Magnetic Constant Fields
Deviations in the earth's magnetic field are caused by metal parts in mattresses, furniture, appliances, loudspeakers, bathtubs, etc. Long-term effects lead to disorientation in the cell milieu system. The magnetic induction (flux density) of the fields is measured in Tesla (T) or Nanotesla (nT).
VPX GPGPU Processor Card
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The rugged VPX6-4944 dual NVIDIA Tesla Pascal GPU processor board is designed and manufactured by Wolf Advanced Technology. This board is part of a family of GPGPU modules available from Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions to enable development of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) systems.
VPX GPGPU Processor Card
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The rugged VPX3-4922 NVIDIA Tesla Maxwell-2 GPU processor is designed and manufactured by Wolf Advanced Technology. The board is part of a family of GPGPU modules available from Curtiss- Wright Defense Solutions to enable development of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) systems.
VPX GPGPU Processor Card
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The rugged VPX3-4942 NVIDIA Tesla Maxwell-2 GPU processor is designed and manufactured by Wolf Advanced Technology. The board is part of a family of GPGPU modules available from Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions to enable development of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) systems.
High Resolution Magnet Systems
EPR samples with S=1/2 electronic spins exhibiting a narrow signal at G=2 and require magnetic fields of only ca. 3.5 T. However, EPR spectra from S>1/2 spins are typically much broader and have spectral features that spread over magnetic field range of several Tesla. Such fields could be easily achieved with superconducting magnets, but, unlike NMR, these magnets cannot operate in a persistent mode in order to satisfy a wide range of resonant fields required by the experiment.
7 Tesla Optical Cryostat
The OptiCool by Quantum Design is a new optical cryostat using an innovative design that puts the sample volume in the heart of your optical environment. A custom 3.8 inch bore, split-coil, conical magnet offers fields perpendicular to the optical table up to ±7 tesla. The highly integrated design means, even with a magnet, your sample isn’t buried inside a large cryostat, far away from the optics. Seven side optical ports and one top optical port allow for optical access to your sample from a wide array of directions.
Portable Cryogen-Free Cryocooler-Based Material Characterization Platform
PPMS® VersaLab™
Quantum Design’s PPMS VersaLab is a portable, cryogen-free cryocooler-based material characterization platform. With a temperature range of 50 – 400 K, this 3 tesla platform is perfect for accomplishing many types of materials characterization in a limited space.
Quantum Hall Resistance System
Measurements International Ltd.
Quantum Hall System, System Accuracy to < 0.003 ppm with CCC Model 6200A, System Accuracy to < 0.015 ppm with DCC Model 6020Q, 5 Tesla Standard System Magnet, Stable Controlled Sample Environment, Base Temperature < 3.6 K, Low Operating Costs, Direct Transfer to 100 Ω, 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, and 100 Ω Standards, System Range 0.1 Ω to 100 kΩ, Graphene Device Values 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 12.9064037 kΩ and 100 kΩ, Triple Sample Device Mounting.
EMF Testers
Shanghai Beha Electronics Co., Ltd.
*Handy EMF tester*Digital EMF Tester for Measurement of Magnetic Field Strength*direct display in Tesla or Gauss*Measurement Range:0...199,9 μT0...1999 mG
Portable Digital Tesla Meter
This instrument is convenient for operator to measure magneticinduction of DC magnetic field accurately. It is characterized by its wide range, clear display of LCD, and indefectible structure of sensor.A piece of 9V dry battery, which acts as its power supply, can servefor 4 hours continuously. Meanwhile, regulated power supply (enclosed) is available to 220VAC.
Digital Tesla Meter
Model HT208 digital teslameter is controlled by the SCM,which is suitable for handle operation.It can be used to measure DC or AC magnetic field and flux dencity.The device can be carried on one’sperson. It is characterized by its wide measuring range,simple operation and clear display. It is still added with the function of maintenance such as holding Measure Value/Peak Value,As mT or Gs unit of display can be change over,Measuring range of 200mT or 2000mT can be choosed,and others that as reseting zero by key and so on. The power is one piece of battery 9V. It can be used continually about 20 hours
USB Gauss Meter, Tesla Meter with USB and Anlalog Output
WUNTRONIC has expanded its hugely successful Tesla/Gauss Meter product family KOSHAVA with a new USB unit. The Tesla/Gauss Meter KOSHAVA-USB is not only intended for customers which like to use the unit for automatically repeating pc based measurements, but also as a complement to the handheld Tesla Meter / Gauss Meter Type KOSHAVA 5, but also as a quality alternative for LowCost Tesla / Gauss Meters.
Tesla Meter
It can measure tiny magnetic field from 0.01mT. Both AC and DC can be measured without select.
Intelligent Digital Gauss Meter / Tesla Meter
DX-160 Full-digital high-precision gaussmeter/teslameter is designed for high-test precision, high-resolution magnetic field test applications. It provides a wide-range measurement from DC to up to 50kHz AC magnetic field measurement.
Intelligent Digital Gauss Meter / Tesla Meter
This extremely high-precision instrument is suitable for the vast number of applications. It provides a wide-range measurement from DC to up to 100 kHz AC magnetic field measurement. It also has functions of auto-zeroing and auto-range.
Intelligent Digital Gauss Meter / Tesla Meter
DX-150 Full-Digital Gauss/Tesla Meter is designed for applications requiring high precision, high-resolution magnetic field measurement. It is an intelligent solution against the traditional analog, digital table header type Gauss / Tesla meter.
Pulse Tesla Meter
Pulse field intensity can be read directly. Wave form is observed by oscilloscope. Measuring range:0.01T~9.99T .
Tesla Meters & Adapters
Projekt Elektronik Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH
Magnetic field measuring devices, also known as magnetometers or gaussmeters, which we market under the product name Teslameter, together with one of our probes, form the individual solution for a measurement task. The basic principle at Projekt Elektronik is the modular structure, which allows the combination of different probes with a magnetic field measuring device. This means that our components can be flexibly adapted to the respective requirements. A great advantage for the everyday practice of our customers.