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See Also: Simulation, Simulation Software, Simulation Testing, Emulators
Dual Channel Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-77-SS PCI Dual Dynamic Data Simulator with optional bit synchronizer allows two command simulators one bit synchronizer, and a time code reader/generator in a single short PCI board. The two Command Data Simulators and Time Code Reader/Generator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-70-P. The optional bit synchronizer is achieved using the Lumistar LS-40-DB low-profiledaughterboard.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
ESD Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
State of the art electrostatic discharge simulator available in 18KV. It is the most ergonomic ESD gun without an additional base control unit. It can be operated via battery or mains. The easy to use touch screen, ergonomic design, modular R/C units, remote control software, built-in LED light and temperature and humidity display allows a trouble-free use in all types of test sites.
Flashlight Solar Simulator
Flashlight Solar Simulators have the advantage of negligible temperature change to the solar cell. For this reason, they are primarily used in cell and module production environments. Also, they are a more budgetary alternative if large cell areas are to be illuminated, because it is easier to have excellent light uniformity on areas of 8 in x 8 in or larger. So, this type of solar simulator is also used for analysis of large area thin film solar cells. But care must be taken, as some materials (e.g. CIGS) have long inherent time constants, so that the pulse length (better: flash plateau) must be chosen accordingly.
Flash Solar Simulators
Sciencetech manufactures a range of flash solar simulatorsSee the Flash Solar Simulator Overview to compare products across different product lines.
Loadcell Simulators
Micro Edge Electronics Private Limited
With the assistance of our team of professionals, we are offering Load Cell Simulators to our esteemed clients. its price range Rs. 5000 to 12000 .These are ideal to be used for troubleshooting, pre-calibration trials and linearity checks. The offered simulators are fabricated using the finest grade raw material and latest technology in compliance with the set industry standards
Manikins for realistic simulation of the acoustic properties of a human
Head & Torso Simulators
If you need to carry out realistic in-situ measurements of headphones, telephones or hearing aids, you need a Head and Torso Simulator such as the B&K ‘HATS’ – Type 4128D or GRAS’ Kemar to complete your test setup. These manikins have built-in ear and mouth simulators that provide a realistic reproduction of the acoustic properties of an average adult human head and torso. They are commonly used for tests on telephone handsets, headsets, audio conference devices, microphones, headphones, hearing aids and hearing protectors. Please contact your sales engineer or email for more information.
Module Solar Simulators
QuickSun® 800-Series
800-Series simulators are always tested, certified and results reported exactly as specified in the applicable solar simulator standards and this is being proved by a globally recognized inspection body, SGS Fimko Ltd.
Multifunctional Generators
The multifunctional test simulators from Hilo- Test are perfect basic equipment for each EMC test laboratory. These combination devices offer the most versatile and at the same time economical solution for full-compliant immunity tests. Below you will find all the "All-In-One" - test generators for various purposes with a wide range of accessories.
Network Emulation
PacketStorm Communications, Inc.
The PacketStorm IP Network Emulators and simulators reproduce the unfavorable conditions of IP Networks and WANs in a controllable and repeatable lab setting. PacketStorm is the Industry leader of Layer 2 and Layer 3 WAN emulation and network bandwidth simulation.
Patient Simulator
Designed to make every patient simulation, quicker. Unlike other Patient Simulators, the PatSim uses a home and recall function to easily move between tests and store your most used sequences, no more clicking and scrolling through ‘tree style’ hierarchy to perform each test. Functions: 12 lead NSR ECG simulation, Over 40 selectable Arrhythmias, Performance waveforms, Respiration simulation on lead I & II, Universal temperature simulation, Two channel IBP simulation and Fetal simulation.
Photovoltaic Array Simulator, 15 kW, 1500 VDC
N8900APV Series
The PV simulators are autoranging, programmable DC power sources that simulate the output characteristics of a photovoltaic array under different environmental conditions (temperature, irradiance, age, cell technology, etc.) enabling you to quickly and comprehensively test inverter MPPT algorithms and inverter efficiency. The DG8900 SAS control software creates and downloads solar I-V curves to a single output solution. For multiple outputs choose the DG9000 SAS control software which can be used with up to 12 N8900APV sources.
PowerTrain Simulators
NMEA 2000
The Au NMEA 2000 PowerTrain simulators V1.00A release can generate majority of NMEA 2000 PowerTrain Controller Area Network (CAN) signals on a NMEA 2000 network. Au NMEA 2000 PowerTrain simulators are designed very easy to use. All editions run independently (without personal computer). It is widely used as valuable tools for any situation from product-line test, incoming inspection, business demonstration to product development and product validation.
Programmable Decades
Programmable, highly precise and stable resistance decades. They are used to simulate temperature sensors and to precisely set resistances. Sensors Pt-100, Pt-200, Pt-500, Pt-1000, Ni-100 and Ni-1000 in the range from -200 to +850 degrees C can be selected as temperature simulators. The temperature is entered via the keyboard or the data interface. The corresponding resistance appears at the outputs in two, three or four-wire technology.
Radio Link Simulator
Square Peg Communications Inc.
It is the most comprehensive, with unparalleled impairment simulation, real-time multi-satellite orbit calculation, full motion support and integrated GPS simulators. It is the most flexible, providing end-to-end or single link simulation of wideband terrestrial and satellite networks, satellite selection via open standard interfaces, and facilities to enable seamless integration into more complex test beds if required. It supports the highest bandwidth and has an intuitive, user-friendly interface. And it does it all in one box.
Reference Cells
Reference cell is used for measuring and setting the intensity of solar simulators for one sun (or other user desired) intensity condition. They are also used to calibrate the IV Measurement system photo-detector intensity to match the measured ISC to calibrated ISC.
Satellite Simulator
Hollis Electronics Company LLC
Hollis Electronics HSDS-140 and HSDS-70 satellite simulators are a high technology, low-cost solution for Earth Station to Satellite Link Simulation. Both satellite simulators offer the same features and differ only in the frequency and bandwidth supported.
Satellite Simulators
Tampa Microwave''s satellite simulators provide a compact easy to use training and evaluation tool for satellite earth terminals. We provide a variety of models with different combinations of frequency bands, transmit/receive strength, atmospheric effects and form factors. Contact us with your requirements and we will recommend a cost effective solution.
SAE J1708/J1587
The Au SAE J1708/J1587 simulators (Gen II, V1.00A release) can simulate up to 44 most frequently used Engine/Transmission/ABS parameters, warnings and diagnostic messages. Up to six Engine MID, three transmission MID and six ABS MID can be field configured. All editions can run independently (without personal computer). This family of simulators are designed very easy to use. It is widely used as valuable tools for any situation from product-line test, incoming inspection, business demonstration to product development and product validation.
Simulators (Gen II)
The Au SAE J1939 simulators (Gen II, includes V1.00A releases and V2.00A releases) can generate SAE J1939 signal for up to three controller applications (CA): Engine, ABS and Transmission. Au J1939 simulators are designed so easy to use, even product line operator and sales personal can use them without Controller Area Network training. Au J1939 simulator can run all by itself and doesn''t require complicate software settings or user''s knowledge and experience on Controller Area Network. It is widely used as valuable tools for any situation from product-line test, incoming inspection, business demonstration to product development and product validation.
Solar Simulation
Sciencetech solar simulators produce high intensity, uniform illumination on a target area. Typically, high power solar simulators use an ellipsoidal reflector to capture light from an arc lamp source inside the reflector, an arrangement that results in a light pattern with a bright outer region and a dark center. This non-uniformity is un- acceptable in many solar simulator applications and as a result, forces many of our solar simulator competitors to use designs involving diffusers to reduce the non-uniformity. This results in a reduction of intensity and a dis- tortion of the spectrum on the target area.
Solar Simulator
Sirius 150A
Solar Simulators are used to simulate “real” solar radiation conditions and are widely used for the photovoltaic device research and QA etc.Beam collimation and spot uniformity are important properties along with spectral matching are key operational requirements. The SS150 and SS1000 are suitable for all types of solar cells and well match their optical requirements.
Solar Simulator Continuous Light
This type of solar simulator uses Xenon high pressure arc lamps as light source. These lamps have a colour temperature near 5800 K, so it is feasible to filter the light output to an excellent AM 1.5 spectrum. If a tuneability of the spectrum is required, these lamps can be combined with tungsten lamps to achieve multi-source solar simulators. These can be used to measure tandem/triple/multijunction solar cells. They also allow detailed analysis of all types of solar cells using a spectral metric (see : Publication List).
Solar Simulator for Concentrator Cells
Optosolar offers solar simulators with continuous light for small area solar cells (ca. 10mm x 10mm). depending on the cell size, the concentration ratio can exceed 1000 suns. Special designs cover low concentration on large area wafers (156mm x 156mm), as well as line focus applications (e.g. 8mm x 156mm at 8 suns). Flashlight Solar Simulators have the advantage of negligible temperature change to the solar cell. For this reason, they are often used for very high concentration ratios or for multijunction cells in a solar simulator with adjustable spectrum.
Solar Simulator for Multijunction Solar Cells
For series connected multijunction cells, at a given spectrum (e.g. AM 1.5 or AM 0 for space solar cells), one of the cells will limit the current in the series connection of cells. All solar simulators deviate from the true AM 1.5 spectrum, and they are only classified in wide spectral bands (100nm width). So even for class A or A+ solar simulators, it can easily happen that the bandgaps of the multijunction cells are such distributed that the 'wrong' cell will limit the current, if a solar simulator with fixed spectrum is used. In the 70s and 80s, when these measurements were first developed, intercomparisons showed deviations of cell efficiency in fixed spectrum solar simulators of more than 40%.
Solar simulators
Solar simulators enable the measurement of (dark and) light IV characteristics and of power and efficiency of photovoltaic An artificial light source is used to create illumination conditions that are similar to those in natural sunlight. International standards hosted by ASTM, IEC and JIS allow to classify the properties of a solar simulator with respect to spatial light uniformity, spectral content of the light and time variation of intensity.
Telemetry Simulators & Test Transmitters
Command Data Telemetry Simulators offer a dynamic way to create or change a PCM data stream on a word by word basis on the fly. This PCM data stream can be used to modulate an FM or SOQPSK RF output at S-Band or L-Band. In addition to simulating a new telemetry stream, the telemetry simulators can play back and loop an archived data file (which can also be changed on the fly) or create pseudo-random patterns.
Troubleshooting Track Circuit Simulators
14900 Series
The 14900 seriesTrack Simulator features a front panel with standard set up resistors and terminals and electrically conductive model track to simulate a track circuit suitable for instructional and hands-on training purposes. A locked drawer provides additional switches, potentiometers, and controls that allow selective implementation of many faults commonly found in typical track circuits.
Voltage Dip, Interruption& Variation Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
PFS single phase power fail simulator simulates voltage dip, interruption and variation which are caused by power grid and transformer devices due to malfunction or sudden large change of load. It is required to test this kind of phenomena to check whether electronic and electrical device can sustain safety operating condition.
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Simulators
Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Power frequency magnetic field simulator is a special designed instrument with high reliability according to the features of the power frequency magnetic field immunity test for electrical and electronic products.