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Coating Thickness Gauge
Meter MEGA-CHECK -Basic
The new generation of MEGA-CHECK devices first used probes in which an own microcontroller, the analog sensor signals are digitized to the device outputs. This new technique is extremely trouble-free and even allows accurate and repeatable readings. The probe cable is both sides (control unit and probe) and therefore particularly service-friendly, as if a cable breaks, the device must not be returned, but only the cable is replaced. The units are equipped with a large, clear and illuminated graphic display. A variety of Fe, ferrous and dual
Code Optimizing C Compilers for Microchip PIC® and dsPIC® DSCs
CCS developed the first C Compiler for Microchip microcontrollers over 20 years ago and continues to provide software solutions to developers of embedded applications using PIC® MCU and PIC24/dsPIC® DSC devices. CCS compilers are easy to use and quick to learn. For the less experienced programmer, a detailed textbook explaining the C language and how it may be applied to PIC® microcontrollers.
Code Optimizing C Compilers for Microchip PIC® and dsPIC® DSCs
CCS developed the first C Compiler for Microchip microcontrollers over 20 years ago and continues to provide software solutions to developers of embedded applications using PIC® MCU and PIC24/dsPIC® DSC devices. CCS compilers are easy to use and quick to learn. For the less experienced programmer, a detailed textbook explaining the C language and how it may be applied to PIC® microcontrollers.
Cross Development Tools
Cosmic's toolchain for the 68HC11 family is part of a complete and uniform product line incorporating over 20 years of innovative design and development. Cosmic's familiar and easy to use software interface is available for all Freescale microcontrollers to simplify the migration between targets. All Cosmic products include one year of technical support and updates.
Cross Development Tools
68HC12 and HCS12
Cosmic's toolchain for the 68HC12/HCS12 family is part of a complete and uniform product line incorporating over 20 years of innovative design and development. Cosmic's familiar and easy to use software interface is available for all Freescale microcontrollers to simplify the migration between targets. All Cosmic products include one year of technical support and updates.
Cross Development Tools
Cosmic's tool chain for the S12Z family is part of a complete and uniform product line incorporating over 20 years of innovative design and development. Cosmic's familiar and easy to use software interface is available for all Freescale microcontrollers to simplify the migration between targets. All Cosmic products include one year of technical support and updates.
Cross Development Tools
S12X and XGATE
Cosmic Software's S12X and XGATE Development Tool Suite delivers the features and performance needed to create cutting edge applications. These tools are focused on leveraging the unique benefits of the S12X microcontroller family and XGATE module, while maintaining a standardized easy to use programming environment.
Debug Adapters
One thing is sure in the life of an embedded developer - your next microcontroller development board will be fitted with a different debug connector to the one used in your previous design.
Development Boards
Everything From Full-Featured to Tiny Starter Boards. Professional, full-featured development platforms, rich in modules. Each Easy Board features on-board programmer or debugger, and supports an entire family range of microcontrollers.
Development Platform
Begin rapid prototyping applications in minutes with our microcontroller-based LaunchPad kits, Sitara™-processor-powered BeagleBoards and SimpleLink™ wireless connectivity SensorTags. The Sidekick line of kits from Seeedstudio offer customers a quick way to evaluate custom circuits with many of the popular microcontroller development kits available on the market.
Device Programmers
Acculogic offers the Algocraft family of universal In-System Programmers based on the proprietary WriteNow! Technology. The WriteNow! Series of In-System Programmers is a breakthrough in the programming industry. The programmers support a large number of devices (microcontrollers, memories, CPLDs and other programmable devices) from various manufacturers and have a compact size for easy ATE/fixture integration. They work in standalone or connected to a host PC (RS-232, LAN and USB connections are built-in), and are provided with easy-to-use software utilities.
Dual MAX31865 PT-100 RTD to Digital Breakout
Dual channel breakout board for the MAX31865 RTD-to-Digital converter from Maxim. Two breakout hardware configurations are available standard, designed to interface with either the PT100 or PT1000 platinum RTDs. For non-standard applications, including thermistors, custom hardware configurations can be accommodated. Contact Technical Support for more information. RTD devices may be wired in 2, 3 or 4-wire configurations using the 4-pin screw terminal input. The MAX31865 breakout is interfaced via 3 or 4-wire SPI with a data-ready output for specific operating modes. An LDO and a high-speed level shifter are included to allow interfacing with microcontroller devices between 3.0V and 5V (all Arduinos, Raspberry PI, etc) without sacrificing device performance.
Dynatrol® Digital Density Converters
Series 2000
For increased speed and accuracy, use the Series 2000 Digital Converters with all Dynatrol® Density Cells. Microcontroller technology measures to meet your needs: Density, Specific Gravity, °Brix, Baumé, API Gravity, Percent Solids, Percent Concentration, °Twaddle of liquids and slurries.
ECU Interfaces
ECU Interfaces are devices that connect to an ECU microcontroller directly as a memory emulator or through the debug port interface. The interface is typically through a direct replacement of the microcontroller, memory emulation, or through the debugger port. The method can be driven by what is supported on the microcontroller. ATI offerings support all approaches:
Emulation Adapters
With some of the more advanced 32-bit microcontrollers and SoCs, the full program and data trace capabilities of the device are not made available on production silicon. Instead, semiconductor vendors provide special 'emulation devices'. These typically feature more pins than the production device, thereby providing the interface to the trace interface.
Environment click
Environment click measures temperature, relative humidity, pressure and VOC (Volatile Organic compounds gases). The click carries the BME680 environmental sensor from Bosch. Environment click is designed to run on a 3.3V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI or I2C interface.
ESP8266 WiFi With Headers
Feather HUZZAH
Flagship development board from Adafruit, and like its namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! We designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller cores. This is the Assembled Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 with headers. At the Feather HUZZAH's heart is an ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller clocked at 80 MHz and at 3.3V logic. This microcontroller contains a Tensilica chip core as well as a full WiFi stack. You can program the microcontroller using the Arduino IDE for an easy-to-run Internet of Things core.
Evaluation boards
iSYSTEM evaluation and development systems are optimized for evaluation of the featuring microcontroller whether it fits the project requirements or for the development of the target application while the hardware is still in the design stage. Our systems are distinguished by high speed debug and trace connection to experience the full microcontroller capabilities.
I2C Protocol Analyzer
It's simple to find an I2C-style bus within arm's reach. Every computer, monitor, television and cell phone has it. Most microcontrollers directly support this protocol as well. Even so, the I2C protocol has many subtle nuances that are hard to grasp and easily forgotten. EasyI2C (TM) helps you to figure out exactly what is happening, without having to examine huge waveform trace capture files or set up complex tests.
In-Circuit Emulator
* Real-Time and Transparent In-Circuit Emulator * Supports Most of the 8051 Derivatives * Emulates 1.5V to 6V Microcontrollers * Maximum Frequency of 42MHz * 64K/512K of Internal Memory with Banking Support * 32K Trace Memory "on the Fly" * 64K Hardware and Conditional Breakpoints * MS-Windows and Keil ?Vision Debuggers * Source-Level Debugger for Assembler, PLM and C * On-Line Assembler and Disassembler * Performance Analyzer * Serially linked to IBM PC at 115 Kbaud
In-Circuit Emulator
* Emulates XA Derivatives * 2MByte Code and Data Memory * Memory With Mapping Capabilities * Real-Time Trace * Frequency Range up to 30MHz @ 5V * Source-Level Debugger For C And Assembler * MS-Windows Debugger Software for Windows NT and 95 or Later * 3.3V And 5V Emulation Support * Support for ROMless and ROM Microcontrollers * PLCC Emulation headers
Integration of Flash / Controller Programming
Flash or microcontroller programming can be integrated in a wide variety of ways, depending on the type and scope of the application.
Intelligent Sensors
Silicon Labs is a leading supplier of intelligent sensor solutions that are characterized by superb reliability, compact size, high levels of integration and unmatched ease of use for a variety of applications. Our diverse sensor product portfolio includes optical sensors, digital relative I2C humidity and temperature sensor ICs, biometric sensors and capacitive touch sense microcontroller devices.
Laser Source
Is an Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) based broadband light source, designed for general laboratory applications. It is a reliable and cost-effective unit that can be ordered with multi channel options. The LD operating temperature and drive current are precisely monitored by a micro-controller to ensure constant output power and emission wavelength stability. With compact size configuration, it’s also suitable for OEM integration, User can control the ASE source output power level by adjusting the drive current along with remote status monitoring, contact Optilab for more information.
LilyPad Light Sensor
The LilyPad Light Sensor is a sewable breakout board with an ALS-PT19 light sensor built in and ready to use right away. Each sensor outputs voltage between 0V and 3.3V depending on the level of ambient light shining on it. As more light is applied on the sensor, more current will flow from the board through the signal tab to the microcontroller you connect the sensor to. If the sensor receives no light, no current will flow through it. In a typical indoor lighting situation, the sensor will output around 1 to 2V. Adding this board into your next e-textile or wearable project will really open up the possibilities by being able to incorporate light level sensing capabilities.
Low Cost Emulator
# Emulates P51XG1/2/3x Microcontrollers# Real-Time Operation up to 30MHz# 3.3V or 5V Voltage Operation# Source-Level Debugger for C and Assembler# MS-Windows Debugger Software# Reduced Set of C-Compiler and Assembler# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 64K of Code Memory# Performance Analyzer
Low Cost Emulator
# Emulates 80C51 Microcontrollers and Derivatives# Real-Time Operation up to 40 MHz# 3.3V or 5V Voltage Operation# Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler# DOS and MS-Windows Software# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 64K of Code and 64K of Data Memory# Data Memory with Mapping Capabilities# Performance Analyzer# Real-Time and Conditional Breakpoints
Low Cost Emulator
# Supports Most of the ST62 Microcontrollers# Real-Time Emulation up to Device Frequency# 3.3V and 5V Operating Voltages# Real-Time Trace Buffer# Source-Level Debugger for C and Assembler# Unlimited Number of Breakpoints# Stack Overflow Debug Breakpoints# 8K Bytes Emulation ROM# 192 Bytes Emulation RAM# 128 Bytes Emulation EEPROM# On-Board Switches and LEDs
Low Cost Emulator
* Emulates P51XAS3x Microcontrollers * Real-Time Operation up to 30MHz * 3.3V or 5V Voltage Operation * Source-Level Debugger for C and Assembler * MS-Windows Debugger Software * Reduced Set of C-Compiler and Assembler * Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers * 64K of Code Memory * Performance Analyzer * Real-Time and Conditional Breakpoints * 68-pin PLCC Emulation Header and Signal Testpoints * Serially Linked to IBM PC at 115 Kbaud
Low Cost Emulator
# Real-Time and Transparent C251 Emulation# supports Intel MCS?251 and Atmel/W&M/Temic C251# Uses Bond-Out Technology# Maximum Frequency Support up to 24MHz# Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler# MS-Windows Software# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 256K Internal Memory# Memory Mapping Capabilities# Real-Time Trace