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energy of atomic nuclei.
See Also: Energy, Thermal, Chemical, Electrical, Electromagnetic, Nuclear Radiation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Uranium
Compact Gamma Ray Detector
The EV-CPG compact gamma ray detector is perfect for a wide range of nuclear spectroscopy needs. This compact gamma detector is ideal for applications requiring high efficiency, high resolution, and room temperature operation. The compact size and rugged design allow for use in harsh or restrictive environments. Available in standard sizes of 10x10x10mm3 and 10x10x7.5mm3. Other sizes available in limited quantities.
D3S Drone Radiation Detector
The D3S Drone radiation detector is designed for gamma and neutron activity mapping. Using a lightweight drone designed to be easily carried and quickly deployed to provide CBRNE Homeland Security or civil nuclear workers. The D3S Drone is with a way to map radiation hotspots and patrol a large area quickly. The operator receives the real-time data transmission (counts per second) to a six-inch screen separate to the drone flight control screen.
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for radionuclide analysis and for monitoring of activity in the nuclear industry and related environment monitoring. HPGe detectors have additional applications in scientific research and technology development as well as in various spheres of industry including security and border control.
HPGe Detectors & Spectrometers
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Baltic Scientific Instruments produces Gamma- and X-ray spectrometers based on HPGe coaxial or planar detectors with liquid nitrogen and electric machine cooling. The spectrometers are used for the radionuclide analysis and calculation of the activity in nuclear industry and environment monitoring, as well as in various spheres of industry, science and technology.
Microwave Cables
Silicon Dioxide cable is a high stability cable at high temperatures and high frequencies. Because of thishigh stability silicon dioxide cables are currently used in nuclear reactors, decoy boxes, radars, satellites,aircraft and sophisticated missile applications. Measure Tech's Silicon Dioxide cable assemblies are excellentfor operation in extreme environment conditions where stability is crucial. Measure Tech's Silicon Dioxidecable is currently used by Lockheed Martin in their JASSM missiles. Measure Tech currently has 100% on timecdelivery for the Silicon Dioxide Cables delivered to Lockheed Martin.
NIM Modules
NIM "Nuclear Instrument Module" is the oldest and simplest nuclear electronics standard. Created in 1969 with AEC report TID20893 (Dec 1969), it defines a powered bin and plug in modules. NIM is the perfect standard for small and flexible setups for high resolution measurements with analogue electronics (amplifier, high resolution analog to digital converter, timing electronics as well as for low / high voltage supplies).
NMR Gaussmeter (Teslameter)
CAYLAR, NMR20 Teslameter
The NMR20 Gaussmeter (NMR Teslameter) measures magnetic fields using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance . This is the most precise technology for measuring the magnetic field. 1mG accuracy and 0.2ppm/year drifting.There is no temperature drift.
NMR Precision Teslameter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the most precise technology to measure magnetic fields, and the PT2026 is the most precise NMR magnetometer on the market. In optimal conditions, it achieves a precision of under ten parts per billion! But precision is just one of the features brought by the PT2026: high fields, robustness to inhomogeneous fields, 33 Hz measurement speed, improved search time – the list goes on. The key is an instrument design, using modern RF and computer technology. The result is an NMR magnetometer that opens up a host of new application areas. Magnetometer Gaussmeter
Nuclear Industry Instruments
The Failed Fuel needs accuracy to Identify Leaking Nuclear Fuel in both Pressurized Water Reactors and Boiling Water Reactors in Nuclear Power Plant.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
NMR is an abbreviation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. An NMR instrument allows the molecular structure of a material to be analyzed by observing and measuring the interaction of nuclear spins when placed in a powerful magnetic field.For the analysis of molecular structure at the atomic level, electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction instruments can also be used, but the advantages of NMR are that sample measurements are non-destructive and there is less sample preparation required.Fields of application include bio, foods, and chemistry, as well as new fields such as battery films and organic EL, which are improving and developing at remarkable speed. NMR has become an indispensable analysis tool in cutting-edge science and technology fields.
Powered NIM Crates
NIM "Nuclear Instrument Module" is the oldest and simplest nuclear electronics standard. Created in 1969 with AEC report TID20893 (Dec 1969), it defines a powered bin and plug in modules. NIM is the perfect standard for small and flexible setups for high resolution measurements with analogue electronics (amplifier, high resolution analog to digital converter, timing electronics as well as for low / high voltage supplies.
Prefabricated Torque & Thrust Sensor
Teledyne LeCroy Test Services patented Quick Sensor is a pre-fabricated Torque & Thrust Strain Bridge that is applied to a shaft much the same way as a strain gage. This time-saving device was developed for the Nuclear Power Industry to reduce the time and effort required to install strain gages in a radioactive environment. Since it's introduction in Nuclear Plants, the Quick Sensor has become popular in many other industries and applications where gaging time and cost is a concern.
Sun Nuclear provides the industry’s most advanced services and support program. Working with you and your team to quickly and consistently ensure results, together we protect Patient Safety.
Radiation (EMF, Nuclear, RF)
Sper Scientific radiation meters measure EMF, Nuclear, and Microwave radiation levels. Whether you are, measuring the RF strength of Wi-Fi and LAN network, or the electromagnetic field emissions from electrical power lines and transmission equipment, computers, HVAC, audio/video, and other electrical appliances. Our meters are small and light enough to go anywhere, yet sensitive enough to detect minuscule amounts of gamma, beta or X-rays.
24/7 Nuclear Radiation Monitor
More than just a detector, the NukAlert is a patented personal radiation meter and alarm. Small enough to attach to a key chain, the device operates non-stop, 24/7 and will promptly warn you of the presence of unseen, but acutely dangerous levels of radiation.
Benchtop NMR Analyser
MQC+ benchtop NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) analyser for the measurement of oil, water, fluorine and solid fat in a variety of samples in a wide range of industries. The MQC+ replaces wet chemical analysis, which uses hazardous chemicals, and allows the measurement of more samples much faster. Unlike wet chemical methods, the MQC+ does not destroy the sample being measured. It can also measure physical properties including crystallinity and density of polymers.
Calibration Hangers And Weights
Calibrated Dead Weight are the official means by which torque analyzers and torque sensors are calibrated and are traced to National or International Standards, such as N.I.S.T, ISO and others. Many industries like as medical, aerospace, nuclear and others continuously calibrate their measuring equipment to comply with government regulations. For companies that prefer to have calibration capabilities in-house when their calibration requirements become extensive, they need calibration equipment.
Detectors and Associated Electronics
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
CdZnTe (CZT) is a room temperature semiconductor which allows to create X- and gamma-ray detectors with comparably high energy resolution and high count rate capability without cooling. Detectors performance allow to use CdZnTe detectors successfully in Nuclear Industry and Medicine, Safeguard and Homeland Security, many others industrial and laboratory applications.
Nuclear Power Radiation Monitoring Systems
From continuous area monitors, radiation detectors, process monitors and remote indicators and alarms, featuring industry-standard technology, Victoreen instruments are the trusted source for radiation monitoring systems and quality assurance for nuclear power professionals. With a wide range of solutions for maintaining Code of Federal Regulations-compliant facilities, Victoreen delivers the safety, reliability and quality needed to guarantee top performance for the global atomic energy community.
Powered VME430 Crates
The CERN VME430 standard, often called "Nuclear VME", is an extension of the VME64 Standard and was introduced in 1980 by the European High Energy Physics Laboratory CERN. It is fully backwards compatible to VME/VME64.
Pulsed DNP: High-Power Pulsed Magnetron-based Generators
Insight Product Company offers High-Power Pulsed Magnetron-based generators for pulsed Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) experiments.
Silica Analyzer
Management of silica (SiO2) is paramount in preventing the formation of scales. This is because scales present in turbines will reduce the efficiency of power generation, especially for thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. By combining HORIBA's many years of track records and technological know-how, the silica analyzer has been reborn with conventional stability, reliability and maintainability.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Equipment
SpecFIT HR50
Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) equipment with easy-to-use software and certified analysis (ISO, AOCS, etc.).
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Equipment
Low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR-DT) equipment with user-friendly interface software and data analysis under development. Compatible with Industry 4.0
RX - 32
The device is designed to work as a research or service instrument characterized by a very high precision of magnetic field measurement. Thanks to the operation based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance ( Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - NMR ), it is a quantum device whose indications do not depend on external factors such as temperature, pressure, aging effects, etc.
Facility Fault Diagnosis System And Safety Management System
A system for diagnosing failures of rotating machinery such as turbines, motors, pumps, fans, and compressors, which are major facilities in nuclear power, hydropower, thermal power plants, petrochemical plants, shipbuilding, and aviation, through displacement sensors.
Dirty Bomb Detection Jamming System
Security Intelligence Technologies, Inc.
The SSR-7000 consists of a radiation detection system that operates in concert with a MM Wave body scanner and an electronic countermeasure IED Defeat System. This three part solution is geared to deal with finding remote controlled weapons that are designed to detonate radioactive contents with a discharge that may or may not reach nuclear yield. Dirty bombs of this type are designed to cause terror and maximum panic.
Ultrasound Camera for Straight & Angled Beam NDT Inspections
AcoustoCam i700
The i700 simplifies inspections and delivers improved imaging for zero degree applications such as pipeline corrosion mapping or composite materials, as well as weld and TOFD inspection. This new real-time ultrasound camera catches potential problems before they become actual disasters or public relations nightmares for companies in the oil & gas, aerospace, power generation, nuclear or automative industries.
Advanced Spectroscopy System
Nuclear Physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. We offer Geiger-Mueller tube systems for investigating the statistics of radioactive decay, as well as scintillator based systems for gamma spectroscopy.
Specialized Systems and Devices
Is the most comprehensive earthquake monitoring solution for the power generation industry in general and nuclear plants in particular – including seismic-event data recording, analysis and notification via hardware alarms and reports – all in one system, delivering confidence in continuing safe operations after an event.