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measures magnetic fields. 1 Telsa equals 1000 gauss. see also Gaussmeters
See Also: Tesla Meters, NMR, Gaussmeters
Magnetic Field Camera: mapping for MRI applications
MRI and NMR spectroscopy applications require a highly uniform magnetic field, within at most a few ppm. NMR is the only magnetic measurement technique capable of providing a field map with that degree of precision. Introduced 25 years ago, Metrolab’s NMR Magnetic Field Cameras have revolutionized field mapping for MRI magnets. They reduced acquisition times from hours to minutes, positioning errors to fractions of a millimeter, and they rendered human and drift errors negligible. Now, meet the latest generation NMR Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC2046! Map any magnet with the New generation of MFC probe arrays. Magnetometer Teslameter Gaussmeter
NMR Gaussmeter (Teslameter)
CAYLAR, NMR20 Teslameter
The NMR20 Gaussmeter (NMR Teslameter) measures magnetic fields using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance . This is the most precise technology for measuring the magnetic field. 1mG accuracy and 0.2ppm/year drifting.There is no temperature drift.
NMR Precision Teslameter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the most precise technology to measure magnetic fields, and the PT2026 is the most precise NMR magnetometer on the market. In optimal conditions, it achieves a precision of under ten parts per billion! But precision is just one of the features brought by the PT2026: high fields, robustness to inhomogeneous fields, 33 Hz measurement speed, improved search time – the list goes on. The key is an instrument design, using modern RF and computer technology. The result is an NMR magnetometer that opens up a host of new application areas. Magnetometer Gaussmeter
Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer
The Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM1186 is a member of Metrolab's THM1176 family of 3-axis handheld magnetometers. It is a lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere fluxgate magnetometer. Outstanding noise characteristics make fluxgate magnetometers the instrument of choice for measuring minute disturbances in the local magnetic field, for example due to an iron mass or AC power-line noise. The TFM1186 has a range of ±100 µT and a resolution of 4 nT. The TFM1186 simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument has been reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into your PC or into a battery-powered handheld computer. 3-axis Teslameter Gaussmeter
Three-axis Hall Magnetometer
The THM1176 family combines the performance of a professional Hall instrument with the usability of a consumer USB device. Its range goes from the µT to 14 T, DC to 1 kHz, with ±1% accuracy. It simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument has been reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into your PC or into a battery-powered handheld computer. The result is the most compact, lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere and measure-anything magnetometer in the world. Teslameter Gaussmeter 3-axis
Reference Magnets
Reference Magnets provide a stable and convenient method to verify the accuracy and calibration of Hall Effect Gaussmeters, Teslameters, and Probes.
NMR Permanent Magnet
A secondary field reference for NMR testing and Hall teslameters calibration.
Overview Teslameter Gaussmeter And Magnetometers
The field strength measuring instruments are ideally suited for measuring magnetic field strength but also for residual magnetism (remanece) and determination after demagnetization of metals.
Complete Overview Of Magnetic Field Measuring Devices Teslameter Gaussmeter
The field strength measuring instruments are ideally suited for measuring magnetic field strength but also for residual magnetism (remanece)andetermination after demagnetization of metals.
Flexible Magnetic Field Probes
Projekt Elektronik Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH
The active probes are equipped with active amplifier electronics and have an extremely low-impedance output, ie they can also drive long lines. The output signal is calibrated according to specification. They can not only be connected to a certain type of teslameter, but can also be connected to any signal input.
RX - 32
The device is designed to work as a research or service instrument characterized by a very high precision of magnetic field measurement. Thanks to the operation based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance ( Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - NMR ), it is a quantum device whose indications do not depend on external factors such as temperature, pressure, aging effects, etc.
RX - 25
The instrument measures the magnetic field induction simultaneously along three mutuallyperpendicular axes. The measurement result shows the value of the field along any of these axes, as well as the magnitude of the induction vector B.
Magnet Testing
3MTS – Triple Axis Handheld Teslameter
3MTS is a handy 3-axis teslameter, which was developed in cooperation between Matesy GmbH and SENIS AG.
Field Strength Measuring Instruments and Sensors
MAGNET-PHYSIK Dr. Steingroever GmbH
Field strength measuring devices are measuring devices for measuring the magnetic flux density B (formerly also called induction) and the magnetic field strength H of direct and alternating fields. They are also called Gaussmeters or Teslameters.
Digital Teslameters - Gaussmeter
Group3 are leaders in the innovation, design and manufacture of scientific instruments for magnetic field measurement solutions with ‘superior’ accuracy. With over 40 years'' experience Group3 match solutions to specifications and provide confidence with a reputation in precision, quality, reliability, accuracy and durability.
RX - 213
Teslameter RX-213 is a portable, hall-effect magnetic field meter, measuring simultaneously - along three mutually perpendicular axes - both the DC component and the variable component of the field (AC) with a frequency of 20 Hz - 20 kHz. The latter quantity is measured as the effective value of the magnetic field (so-called true RMS ), regardless of changes in the field as a function of time.
The RX-21 Teslameter is a portable, hall-effect magnetic field meter that measures both the DC component and the AC component of the field. The latter quantity is measured in the frequency range 20 Hz - 25 kHz as the effective value of the magnetic field (so-called true RMS), regardless of changes in the field as a function of time. The meter's operating range is 0 - 3000 mT , switched manually or automatically.
Gaussmeter And Teslameter
MAGNET-PHYSIK Dr. Steingroever GmbH
The FH series offers compact devices from simple battery-operated handheld meters to versatile laboratory meters. The meters display the field strength in Tesla, Gauss or Ampere per meter. A standard sample is included in the price of each meter. Hall probes for older Gauss meters are available on request.
Zero Gauss Chamber, Zero Field Chamber
The WUNTRONIC Zero-Gauss-Chamber insolate the environment magnet fields. The Zero field camber is very usefull for zero adjustments of Teslameters / Gauss meters.