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Pink Noise
1) reference signal for audio test. 2) sleep enhancement aid.
See Also: Noise, White Noise, RF Noise, Noise Sources
The Digirator DR2 is a reference-grade digital audio signal generator with transformer-balanced AES3, S/PDIF, TOSLINK and ADAT outputs. The generator offers a wide range of test signals like sine, pink noise, white noise, polarity, delay, chirp and sweep.
Digital Audio Signal Generator
Digirator DR2
The Digirator DR2 is a reference-grade digital audio signal generator with transformer-balanced AES3, S/PDIF, TOSLINK and ADAT outputs. The generator offers a wide range of test signals like sine, pink noise, white noise, polarity, delay, chirp and sweep.
"Extremely Random" Precision Noise Generator
Model 3025
The Model 3025, "Extremely Random"TM Precision Noise Generator supplies White and Pink Noise, and a 1 kHz reference signal. Crystal controlled - the pseudo random circuitry provides a 6.5 Day pseudo-random cycle time, assuring a "Extremely Random"TM noise source.
Precision Pink Noise Generator
Noise Plug
The NOISE PLUG is a complete precision pink noise generator built in a XLR microphone connector. Inside the NOISE PLUG is an ultra wideband, avalanche junction white noise source.
Signal / Tone Generator
The SG-1 is a plug-in circuit card directly interchangeable with Dolby Laboratories' Cat. No. 85 series. From the initial digitally generated white noise, pink noise is produced by a 7-pole filter; red noise is produced with a single pole filter. The adjustable output level meets Dolby's level criteria, and we've included the level-switching circuit necessary for use in the CP-200.
XLR-Function Tester
Monacor International GmbH & Co. KG
With integrated pink noise generator. For quick and easy functional testing of balanced microphone cables or microphone inputs on stage.
The Minirator MR-PRO provides a full set of analog audio signals including sine wave, pink noise, white noise, delay test signal, polarity test signal, stepped sweep and continuous sine sweep. Further, a set of wav-files, useful for system optimization, is stored in the internal flash memory. Add your own personal favorites to this set.
Audio Function Generator
Audio function generator app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. You can have up to five generators, each operating at a different frequency. Each generator can be one of the following types: Sine Wave, Triangle Wave, Sawtooth Wave, Square Wave, White Noise, Pink Noise
Audio Test Tone Generator
Tone Generator is a sine wave generator, frequency generator and signal generator that lets you create audio test tones, sweeps or noise waveforms using your computer or a PDA handheld. Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tooth waveform, impulse, white noise and pink noise.
Acoustic Analysis
Includes cursor readout of dB bands, max & min lines, noise curve overlays, pink noise generator, and optional STC Transmission Loss.
Audio signal generator that include sine waves, square waves, white noise, and pink noise. The noise signals may be octave-band limited. In landscape mode, you can set sweep start and stop frequencies, and a time in seconds.
Speaker Component Checker
Cab Driver
Whirlwind Music Distributors, Inc.
The CAB DRIVER is a test device for checking the operation of the speaker components within enclosures. A pink noise signal source is sent through pushbutton selectors to an assortment of speaker connectors, including Speakon NL8 and NL4, 1/4" TS and banana jacks. Speaker/ Polarity/ Impedance/ Pink Noise Generator
Audio Generator & Impedance Meter
The Minirator MR-PRO provides a full set of analog audio signals including sine wave, pink noise, white noise, delay test signal, polarity test signal, stepped sweep and continuous sine sweep. Further, a set of wav-files, useful for system optimization, is stored in the internal flash memory. Add your own personal favorites to this set.