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Time Code
Create a description of time as a sequence of numbers, signals or a data stamp.
See Also: Time, Timers, Time Interval, GPS Time, Time Reference, Time Domain, Time Standards, Timing
Code Execution Time Analyzer
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH
Constantly monitor timing behavior during software development, even at the earliest stages. Identify bottlenecks when you haven't even settled for a particular processor derivate yet, and measurements on physical hardware are plain impossible. This makes TimingProfiler ideally suited for constantly monitoring timing behavior during software development and in model-based development environments
Compact PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-cP 3U Compact PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers the greatest flexibility in the industry by incorporating up to 10 functions typically encountered in flight test applications in a single 3U Compact-PCI card slot. Five functions are achieved on the main board (PCM Simulator which can also operate as a BERT, PCM Decommutator, IRIG Time CodeReader, IRIG Time Code Generator, and the same 5 functions can be achieved on the LS-55-DB Multi-Function Decom Daughterboard. CVSD Voice Decoding and h.261 Video Decoding are achieved through software.
Countdown Or Countup Clock Controller
The RC600 is a remote control that adds both countdown and countup timer control features to our NTDS and TCDS clocks. Reference or generate time input from NTP or time code (IRIG & SMPTE). Control a virtually unlimited number of time code clocks and network clocks.
CPCI timing plug-in
The CPCI-SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the CPCI bus in the 3u form factor. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or Have Quick.
Digital Oscilloscope
MOSTS5 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent galvanic isolation channels.MOSC5, according to the conditions of use, meets the requirements for measuring instruments of group 3 in accordance with GOST 22261-94.
Digital Oscilloscope
The mezzanine module (mezzanine) MOS1 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent channels, measure the magnitude of the phase difference and the ratio of the amplitudes of two signals.
Dual Channel Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-77-SS PCI Dual Dynamic Data Simulator with optional bit synchronizer allows two command simulators one bit synchronizer, and a time code reader/generator in a single short PCI board. The two Command Data Simulators and Time Code Reader/Generator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-70-P. The optional bit synchronizer is achieved using the Lumistar LS-40-DB low-profiledaughterboard.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-70-S PCI Dynamic Data Simulator allows complex data streams to be generated for evaluation of bit synchronizers and PCM decommutator performance. It can also be used for uplink command generation to vehicles in flight, checkout of complete telemetry links, and playback of archived hard drive data in any format with the appropriate dll. The PCI board is only 7 inches long and contains the dynamic simulator and IRIG Time Code Generator.
Edge Compute Solutions
Innovate in real time. With the world’s largest serverless compute platform, Akamai puts your code closer to your users.
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Half-size four lane PCIe board - Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speedsComprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent Analyzer - Supports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI-X
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data to/from the board - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
GPS synchronized NTP Server
Brandywine Communications NTV-100RG is an affordable, convenient and flexible NTP Server. This network time server accurately time synchronizes computers, time displays, PBX’s, and a wide variety of other equipment. The NTV-100RG is a small, rack mounted NTP Server that can synchronize to GPS or to the IRIG B time code to provide NTP time.
Hybrid Verification Platform
HES-DVM™ is a fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC designs. Utilizing the latest co-emulation standards like SCE-MI or TLM and newest FPGA technology, hardware and software design teams obtain early access to the hardware prototype of the design. Working concurrently with one another they develop and verify high-level code with RTL accuracy and speed-effective SoC emulation or prototyping models reducing test time and a risk of silicon re-spins.
Inline Barcode Verifiers
DataMan 475V Series
Cognex barcode verification technology ensures the readability and compliance of 1D and 2D barcodes to industry standardization guidelines. Today most companies spot check codes one at a time using an offline, operator-based verifier which can be slow and cumbersome.
Metronome App
MetroTimer has been measured to be more accurate than any other metronome app for iOS. Most app store metronomes are derived from Apple sample code included with the iOS SDK (Software Development Kit). And regretfully, this code fails to account for all the factors that can cause small inaccuracies to build up over time. MetroTimer, created by a software company that specializes in clock time measurement and regulation, is guaranteed to meet laboratory standards for accurate timekeeping.
MIL-STD-1553 PMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual, or quad stream configurationsTransformer & Direct Bus Coupling - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Ten high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - ANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, VxWorks, & LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Conduction-cooling and/or conformal coating available - Designed for extended temperature operations - 3.3v PMC (with 5V Tolerant I/O), 64-bit 33/66MHz - Rear (P14) and Front Panel Input/Output - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Instrument for VXI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, multi stream configurations availableSoftware selectable Transformer, Direct, and Bus Stub Coupling Modes - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Real-Time recording and physical bus replayANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - VISA based VXI “Plug & Play’ Device driver provided
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Interface for PCI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual or quad stream configurationsSoftware selectable Transformer, Direct, and Bus Stub Coupling Modes - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level triggers for capture and filtering - Ten high voltage (up from 30V) programmable DIO lines - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder with free-wheeling mode - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - PCI & PCIx Compatible, 3.3V and 5V OperationApplication interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual or quad stream configurationsSoftware selectable Transformer, Direct, and Bus Stub Coupling Modes - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level triggers for capture and filtering - Ten high voltage (up from 30V) programmable DIO lines - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder with free-wheeling mode - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - x1 Lane PCI Express Host Interface (x4 Physical edge connector) - Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Interface for VME
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual, or quad stream configurationsTransformer & Direct Bus Coupling - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Ten high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - ANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks (others on request) - Designed for extended temperature operations - 64-bit VME Interface (VME master & slave capability) - Front Panel and Rear I/O (P2) Available
MIL-STD-1553 XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual, or quad stream configurations - Transformer & Direct Bus Coupling - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Ten high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - ANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, VxWorks, & LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Conduction-cooling and/or conformal coating availableDesigned for extended temperature operations - x1 Lane PCI Express Host Interface - Rear (P14) and Front Panel Input/Output - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Mini PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
The Mini PCIe SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer using one Mini-PCIe slot. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, HaveQuick.
Mini Portable
An inexpensive palm-sized SMPTE time code generator intended for field use in multi-camera situations when its desirable (or necessary) for each tape to have the exact same time code for precise image matching during post
PCI Express A/d Board
The AD14-500x4-IRIG is a high performance wideband 4-channel 14-bit data single PCIe Gen3 board, that can continuously digitize four wideband signals, with four high linearity A/Ds. A second board version AD14-500x4-K7US-IRIG-B has all of the above features and can additionally be synchronized with stability of better than +/- 100 picoseconds with respect to an IRIG-B 1PPS signal and global time codes from a satellite receiver or local site time reference, allowing simultaneous synchronized acquisition of data at multiple locations anywhere in the world.
PCI Express Receiver Board
The AD12-2000-IRIGB is a high performance wideband 0.3-1.8GHz PCIe-bus receiver on a single PCIe Gen3 board, that can continuously digitize a wide portion of the RF spectrum, with a 3.6GSPS 12-bit A/D that can be synchronized with stability of better than +/- 100 picoseconds with respect to an IRIG-B 1PPS signal and global time codes from a satellite receiver or local site time reference. Designed for demanding military, scientific, industrial, communications, safety and electrical power utility applications, the AD12-2000-IRIGB has 60dB of gain adjust range (manual and AGC with programmable loop bandwidth), a wideband noise figure of 9dB, +11dBm 1dB compression point, and 2dB peak-to-peak ripple over the 300MHz to 1.6GB frequency spectrum.