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Automatic Test Systems
execute test program sets automatically. AKA: ATS
See Also: Automatic Test Equipment, ATE Integrators
Automatic Test System
Automatic Test system is the ultimate solution for power electronic testing. The system includes a wide range of hardware choice such as AC/DC Sources, Electronic Loads, DMM, Oscillate Scope, Noise Analyzer and Short /OVP Tester. This flexibility combined with its open architecture software platform-PowerPro III, gives users a flexible, powerful and cost effective test system for almost all types of power supply testing.
Mini LED Backlight Module Automatic Optical Test System
Chroma 7661-K003 Mini LED Backlight Module Automatic Optical Test System contains a 71803-2 2D color analyzer to measure chromaticity and brightness
ESD Test System
58154 Series
ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Test Systems are PXI/PCI controlled module to simulate electrostatic discharge pulse during electronic device testing. The 58154 series offer both ESD STM5.1-2001-Human Body Model and ESD STM5.2-1999-Machine Model. The user friendly software offers programmable and flexible features, such as sampling test on a wafer, ESD model, ESD pulse polarity, ESD pulse interval in a sequence, and automatic testing function.
Mixed Signal Battery Test System
The Mixed-Signal Battery-Test System is an automated test platform designed to meet today’s advanced battery test requirements. The platform is ideal for testing a range of battery cells and packs, and can be used in applications such as research and design, quality control, and end-of-line manufacturing. Its distributed architecture provides a scalable solution with configurable system components to accommodate specific applications.
Test System
The BMS Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Test System is a high performance platform providing all necessary input signals used for battery pack simulation. A real-time operating system executes complex cell and pack models commonly used for BMS algorithm development and firmware regression testing.
ESS Performance Test System
The Energy Storage System (ESS) Performance Test System is used to evaluate, test, and certify the performance of energy storage systems up to 2MW. The system is a configurable platform with over 200 channels of simultaneously measured AC and DC voltages and currents, environmental temperatures, airflow, and communications. Intuitive software provides real-time monitoring and analysis of power, energy and efficiency to adhere with industry standards. The test system interfaces hardware such as load banks, and controls the ESS to simulate utility applications such as peak shaving and frequency regulation.
BMS Manufacturing Test System
The Battery Management System (BMS) Manufacturing Test System performs functional testing of product during end-of-line manufacturing. The system hardware includes all instrumentation to test a BMS, including multiple cell simulators, a mass interconnect for quick product transition and bed-of-nail fixtures to ensure less down time, higher throughput, and easy maintenance. The system application easily integrates into manufacturing processes, provides a method to test multiple product types, and optimizes tests to ensure only good product is released from manufacturing.
Battery Management (BMS) Environmental Test System
The BMS Environmental Test System is a configurable platform simulating the essential signals used by Battery Management Systems (BMS) and cell-monitoring modules with the ability to perform environmental testing on multiple BMS units simultaneously. The system implements single-point value testing to evaluate specific BMS functions such as cell over and under voltage scenarios, cell leakage current, lost communications, or faulty system IO.
Custom Test System Solutions
No time to think about test? One-size-fits-all testers not ideal? Existing solution no longer fits your needs? Then count on integrated test solutions from Astronics. We’ll assist you with your test strategy and your test system, setting you on the path to market at a pace and ROI that ensures your program success.
Semiconductor Test Software
Easily create and run robust test programs in semiconductor automated test systems with ActivATE™ test management software. Designed by test engineers for test engineers, ActivATE™ tames automated test complexities with elegant simplicity.
Communications Test System for Frontline Diagnostics
The CTS-2750 is designed using Astronics Test Systems’ proven Synthetic Instrumentation architecture. Featuring 23instruments, and both Automated and Standalone modes to test, record, and diagnose faults, the unit provides complete RF, Analog and Digital capabilities. The field-upgradeable, software-defined architecture features easy-to-use graphical user interfaces and enables testing with minimal operator intervention. Test Program Sets can be created easily using the included TestEZ® software suite.
VXI Digital Multiplier
The 4152A’s advanced features like limit testing, averaging, speed/resolution trade-offs, and fast function changes provide the high “test system” throughput required in today’s production test environments.
Benchtop Communication Test System
The ATS3000A is designed using Astronics Test Systems’ proven Synthetic Instrumentation architecture. Featuring 23 instruments, and both Automated and Standalone modes to test, record, and diagnose faults, the unit provides complete RF, Analog and Digital capabilities. The ATS3000A also includes the sophisticated IF and baseband I/Q Digital Signal Processing required for modern radios. The fieldupgradeable, software-defined architecture features easy-touse graphical user interfaces and enables testing with minimal operator intervention. Test Program Sets areavailable for a full range of tactical radios, or you can create new TPSs easily using the included TestEZ® software suite.
Radio Frequency, Communications, & Navigation Test Systems
Reduce testing time and costs with the Astronics radio test sets for use in military, avionics, and civil security industries.Available in commercial and military grades, these integrated test systems make it easy to develop test program sets and leverage them securely and instantly across all deployed testers at the factory, depot, and operational levels.
Communication Test System
The CTS-2700 is designed using Astronics Test Systems’ proven Synthetic Instrumentation architecture. Featuring 23instruments, and both Automated and Standalone modes to test, record, and diagnose faults, the unit provides complete RF, Analog and Digital capabilities. The field-upgradeable, software-defined architecture features easy-to-use graphical user interfaces and enables testing with minimal operator intervention. Test Program Sets can be created easily using the included TestEZ® software suite.
Communications Test System for Frontline Diagnostics
The ATS3000P is designed using Astronics Test Systems’ proven Synthetic Instrumentation architecture. Featuring 23instruments, and both Automated and Standalone modes to test, record, and diagnose faults, the unit provides complete RF, Analog and Digital capabilities. The ATS3000P also includes the sophisticated IF and baseband I/Q DigitalSignal Processing required for modern radios. The fieldupgradeable, software-defined architecture features easyto-use graphical user interfaces and enables testing with minimal operator intervention. Test Program Sets are available for a full range of tactical radios, or you can create new TPSs easily using the included TestEZ® software suite.
Iridium Physical Layer Test Systems
Averna has worked with Iridium to ensure you have the right equipment to support their test coverage. The Iridium PLTS verifies product performance to Iridium’s standards. Find out more!
SoC Test System
Specifically designed for high-throughput and high parallel test capabilities to provide the most cost-effective solution for fabless, IDM and testing houses. With the full functions of test capability, high accuracy, powerful software tools and excellent reliability, 3650-EX is ideal for testing consumer devices, high-performance microcontrollers, analog devices and SoC devices.
Semiconductor Test System
The GENASYS Semi TS-960e PXI Express Semiconductor Test System is an integrated test platform that offers comparable system features and capabilities found in proprietary ATE systems. Available as a bench top system or with an integrated manipulator, the TS-960e takes full advantage of the PXI architecture to achieve a cost-effective and full-featured test solution for device, SoC and SiP test applications.
VLSI Test System
The 3380D/3380P/3380 test system have 4 wires HD VI source and any-pins-to-any-site high parallel test (multi-sites test) functions (512 I/O pins to test 512 ICs in parallel) that can meet the upcoming higher IC testing demands.
VLSI Test System
The 3380D/3380P/3380 test system have 4 wires HD VI source and any-pins-to-any-site high parallel test (multi-sites test) functions (256 I/O pins to test 256 ICs in parallel) that can meet the upcoming higher IC testing demands.
OLED Lifetime Test System
The 58131 Lifetime Test System is designed specifically for the OLED industry. Model 58131 provides twoquadrant constant current (CC) and constant voltage (CV) stimulus to each OLED panel and acquires electrical and optical characteristics automatically. Two independent and isolated precision source-and-measure units (PMU) are incorporated in one modular card, which is capable of testing two OLED panels. Additional instrument cards are added to expand test capacity. Hot plug and play is a key feature of 58131. When a UUT fails or an instrument card needs to be replaced, 58131 does not have to be shutdown and testing continues for other UUTs. Hot plug and play obviates life test cycle restarts due to isolated faults and significantly improves life test efficiency. We firmly believe that hot plug and play capability should be mandatory for all lifetime test systems.
Regenerative Battery Pack Test System
Charge/discharge modes (CC, CV, CP)Power Range: 10kW / 20kW per channelVoltage Range: 60V/ 100VCurrent Range: 100A/200A/300A/400A/ 500A/600A/700A/800A per channelRegenerative battery energy discharge, efficiency 85%Channels paralleled for higher currentsDriving cycle simulationFast current conversion without current interruptHigh precision measurementSmooth current without over shootTest data analysis functionData recovery protection (after power failure)Independent protection of multi-channel
Photodiode Burn-in Reliability Test System
The Chroma 58606 PD/APD Burn-in system is a high density, multifunction and temperature controlled module based system for photo diode burn-in and lifetime test. Each module has up to 256 Source Measurement Unit channels which can source current and measure voltage in various scenarios such as one described below. The system can accommodate 7 modules for a total of 1,792 device channels.
Regenerative Battery Pack Test System
High-power testing equipment up to 1,700V/ 4800A/ 1.2MW Multiple safety protections for personnel safety risk management and control of battery testing Flexible Integration for automated battery verification solutions
Photonics Module Test System
Chroma 58625 provides characterization testing for 3D sensing illumination devices. various test modules are combined for validation testing under precise temperature control.
PXI Semiconductor/IC Test System
A high-density 100MHz PXIe digital IO card designed for characterizing, validating, and testing a variety of digital and mixed-signal ICs. Each IO card consists of a Sequencer Pattern Generator (SQPG) and 32 channels of full ATE-like features. The 33010 IO card is expandable up to 256 channels. Some unique features of the 33010 include an on-board SQPG, per pin timing/levels/ PMU/TFMU, multiple time domains, and multithreaded testing for complex IC testing. Each channel is also equipped with 64M vector memory, 16 timing sets with on-the-fly timing change, and per pin timing and frequency measurements up to 400 MHz.
Laser Diode Reliability Burn-In / Life-Test System
Chroma 58602 is a high density, precision multi source measurement Unit (SMU) module with temperature control and exchangeable interface developed for burn-in, reliability and life test of optoelectronic components including laser diodes, VCSELs, VCSEL Arrays, silicon Photonics, photo-diodes and other similar components.
Laser Diode Burn-in Reliability Test System
The Chroma 58604 is a high density, multi-function, and temperature controlled module for laser diode burn-in and lifetime tests. Each module has up to 256 SMU channels which can source current and measure voltage in various control modes as described below.
Advanced SoC Test System
The Chroma 3680 is an advanced SoC test system with data rate up to 1Gbps. The Chroma 3680 is capable of conducting parallel tests on multiple chips to meet the digital and analog IC testing requirements, with applications including MCU, digital audio, digital TV, set-top box, DSP, network processor, field programmable gate array (FPGA) and consumer electronics.