Digital Broadcast Plug-In Elements
The 92000 series of Coaxial Dynamics Digital Broadcast Elements are calibrated to exacting specifications to assure interchangeability with one another and may be used in any of our Digital Broadcast Wattmeters with appropriate size line section
High-Power Digital Wattmeters
The Coaxial Dynamics High-Power Digital Wattmeters are designed for the accurate measurement of complex RF Waveforms such as CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast), DTV (Digital TV) and HDTV (High Definition TV), as well as CW, AM and FM.
High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters
81300-A Series
The 81300-A series of High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters are designed to measure RF power in 50-Ohm 3-1/8 inch coaxial transmission lines. To use the Wattmeter, simply connect it between the transmitter and antenna or dummy load and plug in the appropriate measuring element.
High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters
81100-A Series
The 81100-A series of High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters are designed to measure RF power in 50-Ohm 1-5/8 inch coaxial transmission lines. To use the Wattmeter, simply connect it between the transmitter and antenna or dummy load and plug in the appropriate measuring element.
Panel Mount Wattmeters
The Coaxial Dynamics series of Panel Mount Wattmeters are designed to measure RF power in 50-Ohm coaxial cable and transmission lines, and accept plug-in elements in the range of 100 mW to 10 kW full scale, and from 0.45 to 2300 MHz
Peak/Average Reading Directional RF Wattmeter
When you need Peak power measuring capability in the 2 to 2300 MHz frequency range and from 100 mW to 10 kW, then you need to get your hands on our Model 83000-A RF Peak Reading Wattmeter -- only from Coaxial Dynamics.
Portable Wattmeter (Unity Power Factor)
Supreme Instrument Laboratories
The Principle of working is Electo-dynamometer type for Wattmeters. Portable dynamometer type single phase Single element Wattmeter housed in laminated wooden cabinet size 235 mm length x 200 mm width x 180 mm height, with detachable lid, black bakelite panel fitted with anti-parallax mirror scale, knife edge pointer, rubber footings, carrying handles, locking arrangements.
RF Calibration Kit
The SMK calibration kits are precision, high power calibration standards that are used to calibrate RF radios, wattmeters, directional couplers and other high-power RF test equipment in the field or metrology lab. Unlike other calibration solutions, the SMK-3000 calibration kits reduce the cost of ownership and provide a much faster time-to-calibration with lab precision and accuracy you’ve come to expect from Bird.
RF Wattmeters and Elements
Bird has a long history of providing highly accurate RF power measurement. We created the market more than 60 years ago with the Model 43 wattmeter and now offer dozens of models.
Wattmeter with 160M to 6M Coverage Our Wattmeters can measure from 200 milliwatts to 5 kilowatts, from 160 meters to 6 meters with no slugs.
Average Reading Directional RF Wattmeter
The Model 81000-A Wattmeter ... now you can measure RF Power in 50-Ohm coaxial cable and transmission lines, and accept plug-in elements in the range of 100 mW to 10 kW full scale, and from 0.45 to 2300 MHz.
Broadband, Multirange Directional RF Wattmeter
With the Model 81060 Directional Wattmeter you can now measure RF power in 50-Ohm coaxial cable and transmission lines without the need for additional plug-in elements.
Broadband, Multirange Directional RF Wattmeter
With the Model 81050 Directional Wattmeter you can now measure RF power in 50-Ohm coaxial cable and transmission lines without the need for additional plug-in elements.
PowerMaster II for SO2R
The Power Master II wattmeter has the ability to have two couplers connected to it, and it has provision to allow switching very easily between the two couplers through only two button presses on the front panel.When operating SO2R, you do not want to have to toggle from one coupler to another. We make matched couplers available for SO2R users and due to the nature of these couplers being high impedancedevices, we can actually connect the two coupler inputs in parallel and instead of toggling be...show more -
Antenna Tuner
Model DU 1500 L is high power antenna tuner that uses and adjustable reactive network for matching the unbalanced 50 ohm output impedance of transmitters and transceivers to a variety of balanced and unbalanced loads.It is usable over a frequency range of 1.8-30 MHz. Provision is made for selecting one of three antennas or for bypassing the matching network.A crossed needles SWR and wattmeter with switchable 200 and 2000 watt scales and selectable peak and average power output reading is included.
Monitor 4 sensors simultaneously for peak, Average power and coax SWR. Direct USB 2.0 full speed interface. Backlit LCD display for stand-alone operation- Your PC is optional. Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analysis of the RF Modulation- Observe IM and "Splatter" frequency components realtime. Complete system includes (1) sensor, WN-2 unit, AC power module and software on CDROM. Wide range of sensors cover 100 milliwatt to 8KW, 1.6 Mhz to 470 Mhz.
Endurance Test Panel For Domestic Mixer
SCR ELEKTRONIKS have developed ENDURANCE TEST PANEL FOR MIXER for carrying out endurance test of mixer at final stage. It consists of Voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter & Temperature Indicator for observing the values of different parameters. Output Socket is provided for quick connections and disconnections of the equipment to be tested. User friendly operations make the equipment to be handled easier for any operator.
Power Analyzers & Wattmeters
Measurements International Ltd.
Direct Replacement for 2010A Wattmeter in the AccuLoss® Loss Measurement Systems, Basic Power Accuracy < 0.005 %, 10 Current Ranges, 2 Voltage Ranges, Line-and-Line and Line-to-Ground Voltage Measurements, Full Power Factor Range, Complete Waveform Analysis, Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis, Phasor Analytical Representation.
Protable Wattmeter
ST-2000 W
Standard Electric Works Co., Ltd
● Principle : Electrodynamometer type● Accuracy : ±0.5% of full scale● Scale Length : Approx. 135mm(5-3/8”)● Scale Divisions : 120● Frequency Ranges : AC 25 to 1000Hz (COSØ=1.0) (suitable for DC) AC 25 to 500Hz (COSØ=0.2)
USB Data Logger (Category)
Prominent & Leading Manufacturer from Satara, we offer counter logger, sfg charge discharge ampere hour meter with totaliser, multiplying counter, usb data logger, dc wattmeter and life cycle tester.
High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters
81600-A Series
The 81600-A series of High-Power Directional RF Wattmeters are designed to measure RF power in 50-Ohm 6-1/8 inch coaxial transmission lines. The RF power is directly displayed on the 4-1/2 inch triple scale meter.
Switchboard Instrument Wattmeter
ST-72 ST-96 KW
Standard Electric Works Co., Ltd
● Measuring Range:110V, 220V, 380V, 440V/1A, 5A● Accuracy: Class 1.5● Frequency:45-65 Hz● Test Voltage:2kV, 50-60 Hz● Pointer Length:ST-96 : 55mm ST-72 : 38mm● Composition:Glass window, ABS Resin frame and case, bakelite base mounting fitting included.● Color:Black base and frame, white scale plate and meter body.● Pointer:Stick shape in black color.● Transducer:External.
Peak/Average Reading Broadband, Multirange Directional RF Wattmeter
Similar in appearance and operation to our standard Model 81060 Wattmeter, the Model 83060 converts from Average Reading to Peak Reading, with the flip of a switch, by inserting a peak reading amplifier between the element and the meter
Ultrasound Watt Meter
Ultrasounds are used for a wide range of purposes, and it’s important that your ultrasound equipment is working the way it’s meant to be. Our ultrasound power meters, also known as an ultrasound wattmeter, are precision instruments designed to test and verify the output of therapeutic ultrasound devices.