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Pressure Loggers
record pressure values.
See Also: Loggers, Current Loggers, Dataloggers, Humidity Loggers, Temperature Humidity Loggers, Temperature Loggers, Voltage Loggers, Wireless Data Loggers, Wireless Loggers, Data Loggers
Current Input0 to 20mA
Current input data logger. A current input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case. The TGPR-0804 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard 4-20mA sensors. Common applications include pressure and flow rate monitoring.
Monitor and Record low differential pressures and temperature with the model DL7 Differential Pressure Data Logger. Unit includes an onboard thermistor for ambient temperature measurement
Data logger for Temperature Humidity and Differential Pressure
Simultaneously measures and logs temperature, humidity and differential pressure Support on-line linear calibration and zero setting Customized differential pressure measuring range between 0 and 1000Pa Suitable for pharmaceutical workshops, electronic production, precision machinery and other applications
Data Logger for Temperature Humidity and Pressure
Simultaneously measures and logs temperature, humidity and pressure Support out-of-limit alarm as well as on-line linear calibration High precision of 0.5hPa in the full range of 500.0a~1100.0 hPa In compliance with ISO17025, GLP and aerospace engineering practices, etc
High Temperature, Pressure Data Logger
The PR140 is built with a precision stainless steel pressure gauge. The data logger has an accuracy of ±0.03 Bar (±0.435 PSI), which can be achieved over a wide temperature range, from 20°C to +140°C(68°F to 284°F). The PR140 can be programmed to take readings as often as once per second (1Hz), and has non-volatile memory that can store up to 32,700 measurements.
Milli-volt Input0 to 200mV
A milli-volt input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case. The TGPR-1001 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard sensors. Common applications include pressure and battery monitoring.
OEM Current Input0 to 20mA
A current input data logger that is supplied uncased so that it can be built into custom applications.The TGPR-0800 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard 4-20mA sensors. Common applications include pressure and flow rate monitoring.
OEM Milli-volt Input0 to 200mV
A milli-volt input data logger that is supplied uncased so that it can be built into custom applications.The TGPR-1000 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard sensors. Common applications include pressure and battery monitoring.
OEM Voltage Input0 to 2.5/10/25V
A voltage input data logger that is supplied uncased so that it can be built into custom applications.The TGPR-0700 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard sensors. Common applications include pressure and windspeed monitoring.
Pressure Data Logger with LCD
The PR2000 is a battery powered pressure data logger, with an LCD. It is perfect for applications requiring displayed pressure readings and a logger. The 8-button keypad and large LCD provide convenient access to current data and data logger setup. Additionally, memory and battery levels, external power status, and sampling and recording status are shown on the LCD.
Voltage Input0 to 2.5/10/25V
Voltage input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case.The TGPR-0704 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard sensors. Common applications include pressure and windspeed monitoring.
Control Devices
Solutions for monitoring and recording any value you wish to manage (electricity, water, gas consumption, temperatures, flow rates, pressures, units produced, etc.), either through communications or through pulse logger systems. The control system family contains the LINE solution to create a comprehensive energy management systems (SGEi), LM pulse loggers and MDC controllers to avoid surcharges in the electric bill by preventing the contracted capacity in electrical installations from being exceeded.
Pressure, Strain And Shock Data Loggers
Dataloggers for pressure, bridge input for strain or load measurement and also tri-axial shock dataloggers with built in accelerometers.
Autonomous Data Collector
DCX-16 (VG, SG)
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik
The DCX-16 is an autonomous, battery-powered data collector in a stainless steel housing with a very small diameter of only 16 mm. In applications where a small probe diameter is an advantage, the logger can record the water level (pressure) and the temperature over long periods.
Barometric + Temperature
The Track-It™ Barometric Pressure/Temperature Data Logger is a battery powered stand alone compact data logger that records up to 64,000 samples of Barometric Pressure and/or Temperature data. The unit is easily configured using the included Track-It™ Software.
Battery Data Logging Device
Foresight Electronics Co., Ltd.
A data logger, is an electronic instrument that records measurements at set intervals over a period of time. Depending on the particular data logger, measurements can include: air temperature, relative humidity, AC/DC current and voltage, differential pressure, time-of-use (lights, motors, etc.), light intensity, water temperature, water level, dissolved oxygen, soil moisture, rainfall, wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, pulse signals, room occupancy, plug load, and many more.
RFID Sensor Datenlogger (HF)
TELID® sensor data loggers are ideal for complex monitoring of quality assurance and maintenance, or while transporting foods, plants, pharmaceuticals or medical products. Temperature, humidity, pressure or shock-sensitive products can be monitored and traced, for example, during worldwide transportation. microsensys offers calibration services for the TELID®311, and We carry out a factory (one- to three-point) calibration according to your temperature specifications, which are based on controlled operations and continuous monitoring, or ISO (one- to more point) calibration for temperature according to DAkkS specifications.
Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transmitter
Monitor differential pressure in air/liquid flow systems, HVAC automation, pneumatic systems and process control with the Series 647 Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transmitter. Units are temperature compensated and provide a 4 to 20 mA output signal which can be interfaced with chart recorders, data loggers and computerized monitoring and control systems.
Premium Data Loggers with 1-4 Channels
Premium Data Loggers for temperature, humidity, co2, atm. Pressure, voltage, current, pulse and 2-state inputs.
Portable for Temperature/ Humidity/ Pressure
Portable Data Logger for Temperature, Humidity and Pressure.
Monitoring Systems
Our bestselling Accsense Ethernet Temperature Datalogger is designed for cost-effective temperature measurement and alarm in medical refrigerators, freezers, cryogenic storage and incubators. We also provide additional models of Accsense data loggers which monitor additional values including humidity, digital, pressure, and more.
Soil Moisture Loger Sensor
This logger sensor is based on measuring the partial vacuum pressure in a tensiometer. A tensiometer is a closed tube with a special ceramic part in its end. The tensiometer is filled with water and put in the soil. If the soil is dry, water goes out by diffusion through the ceramic holes and partial vacuum pressure is created in the tensiometer. When we wet the soil, the partial vacuum in the tensiometer pulls water into the tensiometer and the vacuum decreases. This is why soil moisture is measured in pressure level.
Force Plate Logger Sensor
This module is in fact a weight scale designed for a multi range of purposes. Simply lay a heavy weight on its surface, or activate a forceful pressure against it (like a bouncing ball), and the logger sensor will measure it. But that's not all, once a special set of handles are attached, it can also measure pull pressure rather than just weights and presses.
Blood Pressure Logger Sensor
The sensor measures the pressure in the cuff wrapped on the tested person's arm.Heartbeats affect the blood pressure. That is the reason for the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure of the tested person.
Barometer Logger Sensor
This logger sensor measures atmospheric barometric pressure and can display data in four common units. kPa kilopascal atm atmospheres in Hg inches of mercury mm Hg millimeters of mercuryThe sensor also offers an option to display the measured pressure values in terms of altitude (in meters).
Pressure Logger Sensor
This sensor can be used to monitor chemical reactions that involve gases and to investigate both Boyle's Law and the Gay-Lussac's Law for ideal gases. It can also prove useful in studies of weather phenomena and yeast fermentation.
Continuous Monitoring System
The Vaisala continuous monitoring system is ideal for both light and heavy industrial environments, as well as GxP-regulated applications, the system integrates a wide selection of data loggers, transmitters and Modbus devices to monitor several parameters: temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature, CO2, differential pressure, door contacts, and more.
Differential Pressure and Temperature Data Logger
The PRTemp1000D is a rugged pressure and temperature data logger designed to accurately monitor and record pressure and temperature at user programmable reading intervals. The rugged stainless steel design allows for the device to be placed in harsh environments, which makes it well suited for use with air conditioning systems, chilled water, hot water, air, gas, oil and steam pressure systems.
Data Loggers
PTC® Instruments is a west coast distributor for MadgeTech® data loggers. Record carbon dioxide, humidity, temperature and pressure. The temperatures for perishable goods in transit, HACCP Compliance, HVAC, medical, pharmaceutical, sterilization, environmental research, perishable goods, food storage monitoring, warehouse monitoring, environmental studies, wine cellars, humidors, refrigeration, archival storage for fine art and books.
Electronic Multifunction Data Loggers
The DeltaTrak Electronic Data Logger is a portable, pocket sized electronic device powered by a 10-year lithium battery. It is designed for easy and reliable tracking of parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, electric current, pressure, process signals, and pulse signals. All data loggers have a built-in temperature sensor plus single or multiple external channels where different sensors can be attached for remote monitoring of a variety of parameters. The DeltaTrak Data Loggers interface with a PC and have an internal memory for up to 32,000 readings. Each data point is automatically time and date stamped as it is recorded. Sampling intervals are set by the operator via a user-friendly Windows program on the PC. Recorded data is downloaded and graphed or exported in ASCII format to a spreadsheet for numerical print outs.