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4x 3U OpenVPX MOSA Flight Control Computer
SIU34-FCCVARM-01 is a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) DO-178C & DO-254 Certifiable Flight Control Computer (FCC) with low power high performance OpenVPX Xilinx UltraScale+ SBC with Quad Core ARM Cortex -A53, 8 GB DDR4 SDRAM, 32 GB SATA Flash, 2 x 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet, USB 3.0, FIPS-140-3 Level 3 Cyber Security, and Single Event Upset support.
100-Watt DC Power Line Conditioner w/Holdup
NAI’s 44LS1 is a 100-Watt Power Line Conditioner with holdup time that protects downstream DC/DC converters from transients, low voltage conditions, and power interruptions. This unit accepts +28 VDC input and provides 22.5 to 30 VDC at 100 Watts to all downstream DC/DC converters.
500 Watt AC/DC Power Line Conditioner, 3U VPX, Holdup Time
NAI's VPX56-3HU is a rugged, high-performance 500-Watt Output +28 VDC Input 3U VPX AC/DC Power Line Conditioner designed for aerospace, defense, and industrial markets. This off-the-shelf power supply plugs directly into a standard VPX conduction cooled chassis and protects downstream DC-DC converters from MIL-STD-704 transients, low-voltage conditions and power interruptions, providing up to 50 milliseconds of holdup time at up to 500-Watts. Continuous Background Built-In-Test (BIT) and I2C communication are included.
Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorders
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Our award-winning line of compact, lightweight cockpit voice and flight data recorders has been designed to meet all current and anticipated regulations (including 25-hour voice / datalink recording) and are deployed globally. These flight recorders can be customized quickly and can help reduce LRU count by integrating additional functionality into the recorder. Added functionality includes image recording, encryption, and additional data for structural and monitoring programs.
MIL-STD-1553 PMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual, or quad stream configurationsTransformer & Direct Bus Coupling - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Ten high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - ANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, VxWorks, & LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Conduction-cooling and/or conformal coating available - Designed for extended temperature operations - 3.3v PMC (with 5V Tolerant I/O), 64-bit 33/66MHz - Rear (P14) and Front Panel Input/Output - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Interface for PCI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual or quad stream configurationsSoftware selectable Transformer, Direct, and Bus Stub Coupling Modes - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level triggers for capture and filtering - Ten high voltage (up from 30V) programmable DIO lines - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder with free-wheeling mode - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - PCI & PCIx Compatible, 3.3V and 5V OperationApplication interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual or quad stream configurationsSoftware selectable Transformer, Direct, and Bus Stub Coupling Modes - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level triggers for capture and filtering - Ten high voltage (up from 30V) programmable DIO lines - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder with free-wheeling mode - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - x1 Lane PCI Express Host Interface (x4 Physical edge connector) - Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
MIL-STD-1553 XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual redundant, single, dual, or quad stream configurations - Transformer & Direct Bus Coupling - Concurrent Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals, & Bus Monitor operation - Full error injection and detection - Multi-level trigger for capture and filtering - IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder - Ten high voltage (up to 30V) programmable DIO lines - Real-Time recording and physical bus replay - ANSI Application interface supporting C, C++, C#, and .NET development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, VxWorks, & LabVIEW Real-Time (others on request) - Conduction-cooling and/or conformal coating availableDesigned for extended temperature operations - x1 Lane PCI Express Host Interface - Rear (P14) and Front Panel Input/Output - Compatible with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Signal Conditioning Instrumentation
Columbia Research Laboratories
Columbia offers a wide variety of Signal Conditioning Instrumentation for a variety of Sensor types. These range from Laboratory as well as Airborne Charge Amplifiers, Differential Charge Amplifiers, In-Line Charge Converters, Constant Current Power Supplies and ICP Compliant Amplifiers all in support of Columbia's extensive Piezoelectric product line. Additionally Columbia offers unique Strain Gage Instrumentation Amplifiers which provide built in auto zeroing of gage offset voltages which can increase typical measurement accuracies. These robust Signal Conditioning products have been flight qualified on many current military aircraft and missile programs and are now available for your distinctive program needs.
End-to-End Flight Line Confidence Test Set
MEON™ is an end-to-end flight line confidence test set for directional infrared (IR) countermeasures (DIRCM) and ultraviolet (UV) missile warning systems. It also incorporates an IR beacon and an IR detector to provide complete, end-to-end testing, alignment checks and calibrated radiometric measurement of DIRCM.
Flight Line Armament Test System
The Stores System Tester (SST) is a ruggedized flight line armament test system that enables real-time diagnostic analysis. U.S forces need to perform alternate mission equipment (AME) troubleshooting and diagnostic analysis on the flight line. BAE Systems' SST provides this capability in a one-person portable package.
Airborne Network Flight Test Recorder
TTC nREC-7000
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The nREC-7000 is a high speed network recorder for use with Flight Test Data Acquisition and Multiplexing units. The nREC-7000 accepts data for recording on two 10GBASE-SR ports and two 1000BASE-T ports that can store data at sustained speeds of up to 1,000 MBps per 10GbE port. The recorder is also capable of acquiring, formatting (using PCAP, DARv3 or IRIG-106 Chapter 10/11), and recording 10GBASE-SR Ethernet at line rate.
APU Test Set
H296G Series
The H296G Series is a flight line diagnostic tool that monitors selected parameters and provides engine control during APU trimming.
Pilot Static Test Set
TestVonics™ ADTS-3300JS Test Set is a portable, high precision, dual channel air data pressure management system. This tester is designed to calibrate, test and troubleshoot air data instrumentation and aircraft pitot-static systems. The test set has been designed with functional and reliability features highly suited to withstand the harsh environmental and demanding conditions of the flight line environment, especially for military end users. The test set is designed for testing a wide range of commercial and military aircraft, both rotary and fixed wing. The ADTS-3300JS accuracy complies with standards for RVSM and is designed to replace the TTU-205 test set.
Dynamic Gravity Meter
TAGS-7 represents the latest development in a long line of LaCoste-based airborne gravity systems, stretching back to the first successful airborne gravity flights in 1958 and building on the success of the TAGS System. For over 50 years, LaCoste gravimeters have acquired hundreds of thousands of line kilometers of gravity data during academic, government, and commercial surveys. TAGS-7 blends the latest in GPS and data acquisition technology with the solid foundation of the LaCoste dynamic gravimeter.TAGS-7 is an upgrade to the TAGS-6 gravity meter, and is designed specifically for airborne operations. The system incorporates a time-tested, low-drift, zero-length-spring gravity sensor mounted on a gyro-stabilized gimbal platform. The sensor has a worldwide gravity measuring range (no reset necessary) of 500,000 milliGals.
Test & Monitoring Recorders
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
From miniature avionics bus recorders to high-speed, high-capacity units with customizable interfaces, we use our decades of experience designing and manufacturing flight test and monitoring recorders to deliver solutions that meet the newest standards. All recorders feature solid-state media (integrated or removable), tightly integrated replay and analysis software, and industry-leading technology, and can be used seamlessly with our aerospace instrumentation test and monitoring product line. They can record data in a variety of formats, including DARv3, Chapter 10, iNET-X, IENA, and PCAP, and are proven in-ground, flight, and space applications, such as flight test, mission recording, aircraft engine monitoring, health and usage monitoring (HUMS), and aircraft condition monitoring systems (ACMS).
Tachometer Testers
Compact, lightweight and quiet tachometer tester designed specifically for calibrating and troubleshooting aircraft and helicopter tachometer indicators and generator/alternator systems on the flight line in the workshop.
Storage & Recording
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Whether you need rugged data storage modules for reliable data storage, SWaP-optimized network-attached storage (NAS) systems, crash-protected cockpit voice and flight data recorders, test and monitoring recorders, or video recorders, Curtiss-Wright is your one-stop for trusted, proven solutions. Our data storage and recording product lines are engineered to succeed, designed for flexibility and security, and built rugged for the harshest environments.
Ultrasonic Flowmeters
Titan’s range of inline ultrasonic flow meters, now with ASCII streaming, is a genuine breakthrough in flowmeter technology. Utilising our patented ‘time-of-flight’ ultrasonic technology, the flow measurement devices are able to operate with excellent accuracy over wide liquid flow ranges.Work on developing a viable, accurate ultrasonic meter began in 2001 with a corporate decision to develop the best non-invasive small bore flow meter in the world as part of a long-term strategic plan. One of the foremost fluid engineering establishments (The Cranfield Institute of Technology) was commissioned to develop the device in collaboration with our R&D team at Titan. The resulting patented ultrasonic technology has led to an expanding line of Atrato ultrasonic flowmeters which have the adaptability to provide solutions for a number of OEM issues.Titan’s development of unique algorithms and techniques has resulted in a new generation of ultrasonic flowmeters that work well at low flow and deliver accurate measurements within a wide range of industrial processes.
Bus Analyzer
FireSpy® 9433bTRGD/9833bTRGD
The FireSpy9433bTRGD and FireSpy9833bTRGD bus analyzer are world’s only 9-bus IEEE-1394 protocol analyzer meeting harsh flight line and in-field testing. Based on the 4th generation FireSpy analyzer architecture the FireSpy9432bT/9832bT but has been incorproated into an enclosure designed to meet MIL-STD-810 requirements.
Flight Line Avionics Test
The TS 717 Test Set for ARINC 717 is a convenient, easy-to-use tool for test and maintenance of aircraft systems that are tied to the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR). The compact interface/cable hardware is conveniently stored in a rugged carrying case for easy transport and quick deployment.The webFLT™ is a wireless functional tester for aircraft systems using the Digital Flight Data Recorder ARINC 717 bus. It connects directly to the aircraft system test plug and transfers data to the test computer via an 802.11 b/g wireless link, eliminating cabling in the crowded cockpit that can be tripped over or damaged.
Filters and Multiplexers
CAES offers an extensive line of RF filters and multiplexers designed and manufactured using our internal capabilities in machining and component and substrate fabrication.These heritage processes have proven flight pedigree in space, on board Gen 5 aircraft and shipboard platforms. CAES' proprietary plating processes enables industry leading high-Q, low l
Deep Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer System
A new ultraviolet spectrophotometer system for optical metrology just arrived at NASA Goddard! The VUVAS-10X spectrophotometer works best in the 90 to 160 nanometer wavelength range, also known as deep or vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region. It uses a windowless hydrogen plasma light source and differential pump section to reach many wavelengths beyond those of conventional deuterium lamps. The source also works with other gases, or gas mixtures, for atomic spectral line emission from about 30 nanometers (double ionized Helium gas) up to the Visible light range. The new spectrophotometer system, McPherson VUVAS-10X, uses a one-meter focal length high-resolution monochromator with the special light source, scintillated detector and Model 121 goniometric sample chamber. The system is ideal for optical transmission, absorbance and specular reflectance at incident angles up to 60 degrees. This McPherson spectrophotometer system will help develop, inspect and qualify optical materials and coatings used for very high altitude and extraterrestrial space flight missions.
Dynamic Gravity Meter
TAGS-7 represents the latest development in a long line of LaCoste-based airborne gravity systems, stretching back to the first successful airborne gravity flights in 1958 and building on the success of the TAGS System.