Oxygen Logger Sensor
This sensor can be used to make measurements of the level of free oxygen in air or dissolved oxygen in water. The free oxygen in air mode is used to measure changes in oxygen levels during combustion or in reactions that produce oxygen (hydrogen peroxide decomposition). The dissolved and free oxygen modes are very useful in the study of photosynthesis.
Temperature Logger Sensor
This is one of our most versatile sensors. It can be used in biology to monitor ecological systems, microbiological cultures and to study the effect of temperature on photosynthesis and enzymatic reactions. In chemistry, to study exothermic or endothermic reactions and how the rate of reaction is affected by temperature; in physics it can be used to study heat/energy transfer.
Light Logger Sesor
This sensor is very versatile with applications in many areas of the natural sciences. It can be used to study photosynthesis in biology, light-emitting chemical reactions in chemistry, the effect of changing voltage on a light-bulb's output in physics and more.
Photosynthesis System
The LCpro-SD offers laboratory grade experimental performance in a truly portable device. Featuring ADC's highly accurate miniaturized infrared gas analyzer, the LCpro-SD is, at 4.5kg or 10lbs., less than half the weight and half the size of conventional systems offering full environmental control. Ideal for A/Ci curves, and A/Q curves, measuring step sequences are full programmable.
Aquatic Chamber
The 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber is used to measure steady-state carbon assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence from algal suspensions, coral, macro algae, and sea grasses using the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, the preferred photosynthesis system for terrestrial plant research.
Portable Photosynthesis System
The LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System simultaneously measures photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence over the same area in plants and aquatic samples, revealing additional insights into photobiology. Highly extendable, it is capable of measuring gas exchange from soil, insects, and many other sample types for countless experiments.