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Load Module for SLSC
Bloomy's 8-Channel Load Module provides isolated current and voltage measurements for eight on-board 5W loads or for eight off-board 120W loads. With built-in switching for calibration and fault injection, the module provides unsurpassed capability for Mil/Aero applications. The module also provides switching and connections to allow switching between a real load (e.g., actuator, valve, etc.) and the simulated load.
Load Board
Load boards are essential in keeping any system in top running shape. As a full-system provider, Hartmann strives to not only provide the systems you need, but the supporting hardware as well.
Load Board
cPCI Serial 3U
Load boards are essential in keeping any system in top running shape. As a full-system provider, Hartmann strives to not only provide the systems you need, but the supporting hardware as well.
Load Board
Load boards are essential in keeping any system in top running shape. As a full-system provider, Hartmann strives to not only provide the systems you need, but the supporting hardware as well.
PXIe-4051 - PXIe, 1-Channel, 60 V, 40 A PXI Electronic Load Module
The PXIe-4051 provides programmable load capable of sinking DC power for characterization, design validation, and manufacturing test. This module helps you sink current and absorb power out of a power source up to 300 W with programmable constant voltage, current, resistance, and power levels. You can use the PXIe-4051 to streamline the task of designing automated test systems for a wide range of applications—from aerospace and defense to automotive and semiconductor component test—by eliminating the need to mix multiple instrumentation form factors in a given test system and simplifying synchronization.
Load Bank
Being the reckoned names in the industry, we offer world-class range of Load Bank that is manufactured with perfection. We offer in different configurations such as Resistive, Inductive, and Capacitive. Our entire product range has high compressive strength and ensures smooth operations. They are durable in nature and are delivered in stipulated time frame.
Anti-Islanding Load Banks
AI-series anti-islanding load banks containing purely resistive, inductive, or capacitive load, have segmented combination control of power input, and can simulate a variety kinds of power loads to meet the grid-connected inverter full load test requirements.
AC Load Bank (Resistive & Inductive)
K-1000 Resistive & Inductive
Kongter Test & Measurement Co., Limited
Kongter resistive & inductive AC load banks are used to simulate the motor loads or other electromagnetic devices working at their rated power factor. Many backup generators and turbines are rated at 0.7, 0.8 or 0.85 power factor and need to be commissioned at nameplate capacity using a combination of resistive and reactive load to fully qualify their operating capability. Using a resistive & reactive load bank enables comprehensive testing from a single unit.
AC Load Bank (Resistive/Reactive)
K-1000 Resistive/Reactive
Kongter Test & Measurement Co., Limited
Resistive/reactive load banks are great choices for testing turbines, switchgear, rotary UPS, generators and UPS systems. They can also be used for integrated system testing of utility substation protection systems, particularly for more complex relays like distance, directional overcurrent, power directional and others. A resistive/reactive inductive and/or capacitive load is often required to test solar inverters to ensure solar panels can be stopped from producing electricity in the event of a power outage.
Resistive Load Banks
R Series
Load banks are devices which contain resistive, inductive and/or capacitive loads, apply the load to an electrical power source and dissipate the power of the electrical source. Portable and stationary resistive load banks incorporate as low as 1 kW load step increments for testing small to large generating sets. The fine control resolution ensures accurate load control and power factor targeting adjustments.
Resistive & Capacitive, Inductive AC Load Bank
Inductive & capacitive load banks are reactive only and must be used in combination with a resistive load bank to provide the desired load profile to test a power system. Reactive loads banks can provide either a leading power factor (Capacitive) or lagging power factor (Inductive).
Resistive & Inductive AC Load Bank
Resistive & reactive load banks are able mimic motor loads and electromagnetic devices within a power system as well as purely resistive loads by offering the ability to set a specific power factor (pf). Many backup generators and turbines are rated at 0.7, 0.8 or 0.85 power factor and need to be commissioned at nameplate capacity using a combination of resistive and reactive load to fully qualify their operating capability. Using a resistive & reactive load bank enables comprehensive testing from a single unit. JUNXY has an extensive range of resistive & reactive load banks to simulate these types of loads on a power source and the transformers, relays, and switches which will distribute the power throughout your facility.
Inductive Load Banks
L-series inductive load banks are devices which contain inductive loads, apply the load to an electrical power source and dissipate the reactive power of the electrical source. L-series load banks are designed for portable and fixed applications. Hilkar brand L-series load banks have robust design and are specifically designed for corrosive environments. Load banks can be controlled via local, remote, wireless remote or automatic control systems.