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Current Probe Calibrator
PMK Mess- und Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
Since Current Probes are often exposed to hard working conditions, a performance check is recommendedbefore every use. These Current Probe Calibrators generate square wave pulses from 0.05 A to 1000 A with an accuracy better 1%. They qualify for calibration and adjustment of Current Probes.
Frequency generator
The new F170 square wave frequency generator is based on the same hardware as the F165. It has all the features of the F165 plus 3 additional internal channels for a total of 6 programmable channels. It can run standalone up to 1500 program files copied from a PC or Mac or created from the keypad
Power Signal Generator
The PSG-300 contains a linear precision power amplifier with a wide bandwidth (DC-300 kHz), suitable for all applications concerningfast alternating signals at high output power. The built in generator provides sine, square and triangle waves.
Signal Generator
Features:*Advanced circuit design with imported components ensure minimum accuracy deviation.* Signal frequency: 10Hz~1MHz, ±3%*Wave form:sine and square≤0.5*Intensity of output signal: ≥10Vp-p*60dB accurate attenuate in 6 steps
Signal Generator, Audio, Handheld, 1 Channel, 150kHz, AM, US Plug
*Hand held audio generator*20Hz to 150KHz in 46 steps*±0.5dB sine wave output 1.2V RMS (no load) and square wave output SV p-p max (no load)*Dimensions: 150mm × 83mm × 25mm*Low battery indicator
Optical Detector
The LG-9200 is a non-contact type optical detector which emits red visible light and detects the reflected light from the rotating shaft. The reflection mark is used for the detection by affixing it on the rotating shaft. It enables detection at an angle. (reflective mark: HT-011 by Ono Sokki)The LG-9200 has a built-in compact amplifier and outputs the square wave (voltage) after waveform shaping.With a compact and light weight body, performances are upgraded compared to the previous model LG-916.(LG-9200 detection distance: up to 40 mm, response speed: up to 40 m/s)
Isolation Pulse Transmitter
The PA-330Z receives the square wave signals from the rotary encoder, and converts it to low impedance signals suitable for long distance transmission after wave-shaping and amplifying via photo couplers which provide isolation between input and output.A 12VDC external power supply is provided for use with the DC powered RP series encoder.The case is sealed construction which allows closely mounting to the encoder.
1229a Frequency Generator
Precise Time and Frequency, Inc.
The ptf 1229A utilizes the latest technological advances in precision frequency synthesizers to provide a multiple output, wide range, high precision frequency reference instrument, capable of delivering frequencies over the range of 0.1Hz up to 30MHz with a resolution of 0.1 Hz over the full range.The unit includes an external reference input to allow extremely high accuracy outputs at precisely the frequency required, together with a front panel indicator to verify “lock” to the external reference. The standard unit includes two independent frequency outputs of any frequency within the range, and provides both sine and square wave outputs for each frequency.An expansion module gives the capability to increase the number of independent frequency outputs up to a total of four frequencies, with sine and square wave outputs for each, giving a total of eight outputs.
Square Wave Patterns (Ronchi Gratings/Rulings)
Square Wave patterns (Ronchi Gratings/Rulings) have extremely sharp edges. At APPLIED IMAGE, this sharpness is achieved through our unique manufacturing capabilities and processing technologies which produces the sharpest edges available anywhere. Our standard line of Ronchi Gratings is offered on Chrome on Glass (CG) and Photo Paper (RM).The Ronchi rulings are available on other substrate materials such as B270, quartz, BK-7, and White Opal as well as in English frequency metrics (cycles per inch).
Model SG-10 architecture is based on the latest advances in DDS technology. Microprocessor control delivers clean and accurate DC to 10MHz waveforms with frequency accuracy of 0.02% and 0.1 Hz frequency resolution.
20 MHZ Arbitrary Waveform Generator
F175 AWG
he F175 AWG does not replace our current square wave generator models (F125/165/170/110). It is an arbitrary waveform generator. Its main strength is in producing non-square waves. Of course it is also able to produce square waves but if you only need generate square waves, please look at our other models: F125/165/170/110. We expect to have F175 AWG production boards available in the third quarter of 2009.
Microwave Comb Generator
*Differential output - can also provide two separate single ended complementary outputs. * Pulse height of up to +4V peak into 50 ohms, on positive output * Pulse height of up to -4V peak into 50 ohms, on negative output * Rise time < 80pS, FWHM of approximately 120pS * Produces pulse on both edges of input clock, thereby doubling frequency. * Input clock may be sinewave from 50MHz to 2GHz or square wave from 5MHz to 2GHz, producing fundamental comb tooth energy from 10MHz to 4GHz. * Usable energy to >10GHz. * Can drive any load, including short, without damage. * Power Requirements: -12V @ 120mA and +24V @ 80mA
Frequency Doubling Comb Generator
*Differential output - can also provide two separate single ended complementary outputs.*Pulse height of up to +4V peak into 50 ohms, on positive output*Pulse height of up to -4V peak into 50 ohms, on negative output*Rise time < 80pS, FWHM of approximately 120pS*Produces pulse on both edges of input clock, thereby doubling frequency.*Input clock may be sinewave from 50MHz to 2GHz or square wave from 5MHz to 2GHz, producing fundamental comb tooth energy from 10MHz to 4GHz.*Usable energy to >10GHz.*Can drive any load, including short, without damage.*Power Requirements: -12V @ 120mA and +24V @ 80mA
Oscillators for Radio Amateurs
An oscillator is an electronic circuit designed to produce either audio or radio frequency signals. These will generally have sineusoidal wave form, but other wave shapes such as square and sawtooth are possible. In radio equipment oscillators will always have a low output power, and if a radio frequency is produced, the oscillator is acually a basic radio transmitter.
Digital Multimeter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a low power consumption, high accuracy and stable hand held multi-meter; with special designed IC to support true RMS measurement. It performs measurements of AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, diode and square wave output.
Digital Combo Set for Measuring Low-Frequency Signals
- Measurement of root-mean-square AC voltage and frequency of single-ended or differential signals- Measurement of AC voltage frequency of single-ended or differential signals- Generation of sine waves- Visual examination of freeform signals- Signal spectrum analysis
Shock Test Systems
Sanwood Environmental Chambers Co ., Ltd.
Is featured with advanced design, high degree of automation and reliability, simple operation and convenient maintenance. The system meets the requirements of both shock and collision test, can perform conventional half-sine wave, post-peak sawtooth wave, square wave and other waveform shock tests.
UPG-07 - Ultrasonic Precision Gages - Monochrome
UPG-07 Monochrome
PG-07 Series of hand held ultrasonic precision gages are available in 4 models. Our UPG-07 series is the ideal unit to non-destructively test the wall thickness for manufactured parts requiring unprecedented accuracy and resolution. The UPG-07 series utilizes single element transducers and offers a 30 Mhz, square wave pulser, .0001" or 1 micron resolution with the ability to store and re-call 30 unique applications. So if you are measuring light bulbs, plastic bottles, golf clubs, coil steel, thin aluminum, aircraft parts and even pure gold bars, the UPG-07 series is the right choice.
Single-Channel DC Powered Carrier Demodulator
The CD16 Miniature Carrier Demodulator is designed to deliver a 0 to 5 Vdc output from a variable reluctance transducer and operate from unregulated 9 to 55 Vdc power. A square wave excitation of 5 kHz is furnished to the transducer and the solid state integrated circuit amplifier and demodulator converts the transducer signal to an analog dc output. Zero and Span adjustments are made through access holes in the case.
Digital I/O Cards
The circuits use an 82C55A PPI with mode 0 supported. Ports A, B and C are buffered with 74ABT245 transceivers and pulled up to 5V. The optional 82C54 has three-sixteen bit down-counters within one chip. These counters are useful for making frequency outputs, measuring frequency of square waves, pulse width outputs, pulse width measurements etc. Software drivers are provided on CD.
Digital Multimeters
Multi-Display : Primary 80000, Secondary 80000, Bargraph 23 SegmentsBasic DC Accuracy : 0.05% mV Impedence : > 1000M OhmMore than 50 Measuring FunctionsFrequency Measurement : 0.5Hz to 8.0000MHz 16 Frequency Points, 1% to 99% Duty. Selectable Square Wave OutputAnalyzing Component of Current or Voltage SignalResistance : 0.1Ω to 80MΩ, 10MΩ to 8000MΩCapacitance : 1nF to 100µFTemperature : -50°C to 1372°C, -58°F to 2502°F dBm 20 Types of Reference ImpedenceAuto Data Hold / Peak HoldRelative Measurement36 Hours Dynamic Recording : MAX / MIN / AVG/ MAX-MINCommunication : Isolated Optical RS-232Timer for MeasurementBacklight DisplayAuto Power Off
Signa; Generator
Features:*Signal frequency:0 .1Hz-2Mhz, continuously variable*Wave form: square,sine*Output attenuator:0dB, 20dB, 40dB,60dB*Output level: 20Vp-p in open circuit, not less than 10Vp-p with 50Ω load*Rising and falling edge of square not more than 35ns*Sine distortion less than 1%,amplitude -frequency characterstic:±0.3dB within 100khz, ±1dB above 1Mhz*Frequency meter: 10Hz-30Mhz*Power supply : AC 220V
6 Channel Function Generator / Flow Simulator
DP-cPCI-2601 is a 6 Channel 2MS/s Waveform Generator with high frequency performance, versatility and compact size in an economical cPCI bus format. Signal output in the range of 10 mHz to 5 KHz with 14 bit vertical resolution makes this single slot, 6U-sized cPCI card a powerful solution to meet most demanding test stimulus.DP-cPCI-2601 uses Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technique to generate stable and accurate output waveforms down to 0.01 Hz resolution. DP-cPCI-2601 offers Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse as built-in wave shapes and user defined arbitrary waveform.DP-cPCI-2601 can frequency sweep any of its function outputs. User can sweep upwards using linear sweeps.
Quasi Square Wave Constant Voltage Transformers
Osborne Quasi Square Wave Constant Voltage Transformers are used to regulate output voltages for applications that have varying input voltages. When used with a rectifier conversion circuit, these units provide an elegant design approach to voltage regulation. Osborne achieves this innovative approach by partnering the constant voltage transformer with an auxiliary resonant capacitor winding. The result is a unique (though time honored) technology that offers reliability, performance, and cost advantages over other styles of voltage regulation.
Sine Filters
Sine Wave Output Filter Modules provide satisfactorily smoothed sinusoidal waveform with low residual ripple form square waveform with high voltage spikes, present at the output of motor drives.
Variable Tone Generator
> 60 Hz to 18 kHz approx> 1.3 VAC P/P> Frequency & Level Pots> Sine or Square Wave> 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.1 inches> 9 volt battery operation
Function Generator
The FG-281 is a function generator using DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) for superior frequency stability. Possible to output sign wave and square wave at wide oscillation range from 10mHz to 15Mhz. A 10-key keypad provides user-friendly operation even though various functions are available. Possible to memorize 9 kinds of panel settings and they can be recalled easily. RS-232C and GP-IB interfaces are available as standard and enable to be controlled by PC (full remote control).
Function Generators
Waveform : Sine, Triangle, Square, Pulse, Sawtooth, Ramp 0.2Hz-150MHz EXT Frequency Counter(Option : 1:6 GHz or 2.7GHz) Self made insert ASIC Function : Total, RPM, Period, LPF, COUPL(AC/DC), ATT(X10) Fast,High-Resolution, 8Digits LED display Internal or External AM,FM Modulation Internal or External Burst and Linear Sweep Countrol from 1 : 1 to 100:1 TTL/CMOS Leveled Square Wave Output Maximum Attenuation of 20 dB cna be obtained Output impedance : 50 INPUT SENSITMTYKHz Range : 100mVms, MHz Range : 300mVms SWEEP WIDTH : Variable from 1:1 -100:1 RATE : 0.5Hz - 50Hz(20ms-2s) INTERNAL : Linear Bilt-in 5digits Green LED display
Mini Digital Multimeter
Basic Accuracy 1.0%. LCD display 2000 count, 12.8mm figure height. Manual Ranging at your choice (19 Range). Higher Voltage test up to AC 750V and DC 1000V. Higher Current test up to 10A. Resistance test up to 2000KΩ. Diode test. Square Wave Signal Injection
Pulse Delay Generators
Quantum Composers provides innovation and value to our customers with our diverse family of Precision Pulse Generators. A wide range of pulse generator technology has been created to fit the needs of any budget and application. Our square wave signal generators provide a cost-effective method to create and synchronize multiple sequences, delayed triggering, or any precisely timed series of events.