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LIMES 2000
LMT LIMES 2000 software for WINDOWS for measurement and evaluation of light and color distribution or luminous flux with LMT goniophotometers or other photometric instruments
Integrating Spheres
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
Determination of radiant power or luminous flux from light sources with the aid of integrating spheres is one of the most important procedures in photometry. Designed as a hollow sphere whose inner surface is coated with a diffusely reflecting material, the integrating sphere ensures complete integration and mixing of light radiation. This is then output on a detector port for measurement.
Photometers & Colorimeters
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
A photometer is used to measure the photometric quantities of illuminance (lx), luminous intensity (cd), luminous flux (lm), and luminance (cd/m²). The integral method and the fast response time of silicon photodiodes means that photometers can achieve an outstanding measuring speed. They are therefore ideal for performing fast goniophotometric measurements. We take great care in the development and production of photometer heads and use innovative amplifier technologies.
Digilux 9500
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
The Digilux 9500 of the Optronik line is a high caliber luxmeter for the precise measurement of illuminance, luminousintensity in the lab, or determination of luminous flux with an integrating sphere. It is equipped with a state-of-the-art photocurrent amplifier and microprocessor technology, and offers multiple operating and display functions with an excellent price-performance ratio.
Optical Meters
The Gamma Scientific range of light meters includes handheld and benchtop models. Configuration options include a wide range of sensors and calibrations in units including: Luminous Flux (lumens) or Radiant Flux (Watts), Illuminance (lux, foot-candle) or Irradiance (W/cm2 ), Luminous Intensity (candela) or Radiant Intensity (W/sr), Luminance (cd/m2 , foot-Lambert) or Radiance (W/m2 sr), or Pulse Energy (Joules). Cooled sensors and reference standard detectors are also available.
Spectrometer & Colorimeter
Spectroradiometer is widely used to measure the spectral, photometric and colorimetric parameters of all kinds of lighting sources which usually include relative spectral power distribution P(λ), chromaticity coordinate (x,y), (u,v), correlated color temperature(CCT), color rendering index(CRI), dominant wavelength, peak wavelength, spectral bandwidth, color purity, color ratio, luminous flux, Illuminance, luminance, spectral transmittance and reflectance, etc. PIMACS provides different types of spectroradiometers and colorimeter to meet the requirements in laboratories or on production lines. They are applied in the measurement for general light sources, LED & OLED products, displays, etc.
A goniophotometer is a system to measure the luminous intensity of the source (or illuminance from the source at a given distance) in many different directions from the source. Compared with the sphere method, the goniophotometer method is theoretically free from errors due to differences in intensity distribution of the light source under test. It is applicable to acquire the luminous intensity distribution, luminous flux, spatial color distribution, and luminance distribution of lamps and luminaires.
Integrating Sphere
The simpler way to measure the total luminous flux of lamps and luminaires is to use an integrating sphere photometer system. It is a device to perform spatial integration of flux optically, thus the total luminous flux can be measured with one fixed photometer head and measurement can be instant. An integrating sphere photometer is calibrated with a total luminous flux standard lamp. A test light source is measured by comparison to a standard lamp calibrated for total luminous flux.
Light-resistant Integrating Sphere
The integrating sphere is used for total luminous flux measurement. It uniforms the light by spatially integrating the collected light of light source. The integrating sphere has highly reflective diffusing plates formed on the spheres internal surfaces. These plates repeatedly scatter light rays from the light source with in the sphere to all other points to deliver uniform brightness distribution so measuring a portion of that light gives the total luminous flux. These years, the usage of integrating sphere for total luminous flux evaluation of light source is increasing. The large size integrating sphere over 1.5M is required for measuring a high brightness light source and a long light source such as fluorescent light.
Total Luminous Flux Measurement System
This system enables the total luminous flux measurement of luminous intensity distribution 2 and 4 light sources based on the measurement standards of LED lightings LM-78 and LM-79 approved by IESNA (Illuminating Engineering society of North America) .
High Power LED Photo-color-semi Automatic Selector
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Can divide LED in to several groups by chromatic coordinates, correlated color temperature, dominant wavelength or luminous flux.
0.3M Integrating Sphere For Leds Luminous Flux Test
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Thesystem are composed of integrating sphere, spectroradiometer and computer to determine the spectroradiometric and colorimetric parameters, e.g. spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinates, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, color tolerance, color difference, luminous flux, current, voltage, wattage, etc.
LED Fast-Scan Micro-Spectrophoto Colori meter
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
The system can determine spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinates, correlated color temperature, color rending index (Ra), color difference, peak wavelength, spectral half width, dominant wavelength, color purity, luminous flux, test for photometry colorimetry electricity of LED characteristics.
LED Lighting Test Instrument Integrating Sphere
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Measure Luminous Flux, Luminous efficacy, radiant power, Spectral Power Distribution, Chromaticity Coordinate, Correlated Color Temperature, Peak Wavelength, Dominant Wavelength, Spectral Half Width, Color Rendering Index, Colorimetric Purity, red ratio, Standard deviation of color matching(SDCM), voltage, current, power, power factor, harmonics, and etc. It meets the requirements of CIE standards.
LED Goniophotometer for Lamps
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Be used to measure the luminous intensity distribution curve intensity data spread angle and equivalent luminous flux of luminaries. Computer controls the whole test process automatically with low cost and simple operations.
LED Tester0.3m-2m Integrating Sphere
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
Measure Luminous Flux, Luminous efficacy, radiant power, Spectral Power Distribution, Chromaticity Coordinate, Correlated Color Temperature, Peak Wavelength, Dominant Wavelength, Spectral Half Width, Color Rendering Index, Colorimetric Purity, red ratio, Standard deviation of color matching(SDCM), voltage, current, power, power factor, harmonics, and etc. It meets the requirements of CIE standards.
LED Goniophotometer For Led Tester
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
880 LED Test machine is used to measure: 1.the luminous intensity dirstribution curve, 2.intensity data, 3.spread angle and equivalent luminous flux of small lamps.
Backlights for Machine Vision
Backlighting is one of the most important components of machine vision systems; it must provide the required luminous flux, response speed, area and duration of exposure. Our experience in machine vision systems led us to the need to develop an LED backlight module for flash operation. A carefully selected vision lighting system plays a large role in image quality and determines the efficiency of the image processing process.Choosing the right lighting is critical to getting the information you need about your target. We offer various types of backlights for machine vision tasks: circular, linear, square and others. In addition to our own backlights, we also supply backlights from VS Technology and OptoEngineering .
Absolute Luminous Flux Integrators
Photometric Solutions International Pty Ltd
The Absolute Luminous Flux Integrator (ALFI) is a special device for absolute measurement of the luminous flux output of lamps. It can also to measure the luminous intensity distribution of small lamps and luminaires.
Integrating Spheres
Photometric Integrating spheres are used for evaluation of luminous flux of light sources & luminaires with a single measurement & for comparative analysis. The sphere is an essential tool for photometric research laboratories & lamp/luminaire manufacturers.
Integrating Spheres - Luminous Flux Measurement For LEDs And Lamps
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc
One of the most important tests in light measurement is the assessment of the total radiant power or luminous flux of light sources using integrating spheres. An integrating sphere’s inside surface is coated with a diffusely reflecting material which guarantees complete integration and homogenization of the emitted radiation. The integrated light is then measured at the detector port.
PHOTO-2000Z Multiphotometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
PHOTO-2000Z can be used for luminous flux (supporting integrating sphere) and illuminance test, portable design, high test accuracy, not only suitable for laboratory, quality inspection department, R&D department, but also for industrial and commercial field measurement.
LED626/620 Goniophotometer For LEDs
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
It can measure the luminous intensity data and automatically plot the luminous intensity distribution curve and luminous flux, and the test conditions meet the CIE condition A (far field) or condition B (near field).In addition, the software can provide customers with 3D luminous intensity distribution graphic.
GO-SPEX100 Goniospectroradiometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
GO-SPEX100 delivers photmetric, colorimetric, electrical comprehensive test function for LEDs, and built-in precision temperature control platform,not only for measuring the specific temperature of the photometric and colorimetric parameters of LED, but also to measure the characteristics curve of its photometric and colorimetric performance with temperature.The test parameters include: spatial luminous intensity distribution curve, luminous flux, spatial spectral distribution, relative spectrum, absolute spectrum, color parameter, forward current and forward voltage, etc.
GO-NR1000 Near-Field Goniophotometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
Suitable for LED light source, LED chip, module and other small light source, the principal function includes: spatial light intensity distribution curve, spatial color distribution curve, iso-lux curve, total luminous flux, effective luminous flux, spatial luminance curve, etc.The test data can be saved as IESNA (*.ies), CIBSE (*.cib), EULUMDAT (*.ldt), CIE (*.cie), CEN (*.cen) and other formats, which can be directly used as the input data of international general lighting design software. Spatial luminance data can be imported into near-field lighting generation software to generate light data that can be imported into third parties (TracePro and LightTools).
HAAS-3000/2000 High Accuracy Array Spectroradiometer (Laboratory Grade)
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
HAAS-3000/2000 High Accuracy Array Spectroradiometer delivers various photometric, colorimetric and radiometric parameters as required by CIE standards.Measurement parameters are luminous flux (with integrating sphere), relative spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinate, CCT(correlated colour temperature), CRI (color rendering index), SDCM (standard deviation of color matching), color purity, peak wavelength, dominant wavelength, etc.
PCE Series Opto-Electric Measurement System
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
This system delivers various photometric, colorimetric and electrical parameters as required by CIE standards.Measurement parameters are luminous flux (with integrating sphere), relative spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinate, CCT(correlated colour temperature), CRI (color rendering index), SDCM (standard deviation of color matching), color purity, peak wavelength, dominant wavelength, etc.
GO-SPEX500 Goniospectroradiometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
Suitable for all kinds of indoor lamps, flood lamps, road lighting lamps and all kinds of light distribution performance test, total luminous flux, luminaire efficiency and electrical parameters (voltage, current, power, power factor) measurement.Test data can be saved as IESNA(*.ies), CIBSE(*.CIB), EULUMDAT(*.LDT), CIE(*.cie), CEN(*.cEN) and other formats, which can be directly used as the input data of international general lighting design software.
GO-2000 Goniophotometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
GO-2000 is a highly automated luminaire light distribution performance test system, mainly used for all kinds of indoor lamps, road lamps and floodlights ( add B-β test accessories) light distribution performance test, total luminous flux test and electrical parameters (voltage, current, power, power factor) measurement.
CAS-200 Compact Array Spectrometer
Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., LTD
CAS-200 can quickly and accurately measure the spectral power distribution in the range of 380nm ~ 780nm, mainly measuring: the relative spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinate, color temperature, color rendering index, color tolerance, peak wavelength, FWHM, luminous flux (with integrating sphere) of traditional lamps/light sources, single LED, LED modules and other electric light sources.