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Time Interval
a moment of time.
See Also: Time, Timers, GPS Time, Time Reference, Time Code, Time Domain, Time Standards, Timing
Data Acquisition Board
DAP 4200a
The DAP 4200a is an excellent choice for applications where there is a need for real-time processing of data in the time interval between samples, and for applications requiring fast sample rates. Much of the DAP 4200a design is similar to that of the DAP 3200a/415, but the DAP 4200a has a PCI host interface, and is capable of high speed data transfers to the host PC.
Digital Oscilloscope
MOSTS5 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent galvanic isolation channels.MOSC5, according to the conditions of use, meets the requirements for measuring instruments of group 3 in accordance with GOST 22261-94.
Digital Oscilloscope
The mezzanine module (mezzanine) MOS1 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent channels, measure the magnitude of the phase difference and the ratio of the amplitudes of two signals.
Infrared Thermometer
64 MAX
Fluke 64 MAX IR Thermometer features Auto Capture allowing technicians to set time and intervals to record up to 99 data points unattended so it can capture elusive temperature events. The thermometer can be mounted on a standard tripod using a tripod mount accessory for unattended measurements. The 64 MAX displays minimum, maximum, or average temperature, or the difference between two measurements, and features Hi and Lo alarms for rapid display of measurements outside set limits.
MDS Data Compare
Visual comparison of spectrum data, collected in different places.Max, Average, Min mathematical functions on selected data area.Copying data from selected time interval to a single data file.Filtering of collected data with Background spectrum.Rainbow Color based signal recurrency visualisation.Synchronous zooming actions for the both diagrams.
MDS Data Viewer
Read and display in a single Waterfall diagram of selected data files.Max, Average, Min mathematical functions on selected data area.Copying data from selected time interval to a single data file.Filtering of collected data with Background spectrum.Rainbow Color based signal recurrency visualisation.
Oxygen and Temperature Measurements
miniDot Logger
Precision Measurement Engineering, Inc.
The miniDOT logger is a completely submersible instrument that logs dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements. The oxygen sensor is an optode that measures dissolved oxygen concentration in water through a fluorescence method. Data are recorded to an internal SD card. Operation of the miniDOT logger such as setting the time and sample interval can be accomplished via the USB cable.
PAT and Installation Verification Unit
PowerCheck 1557
The PowerCheck 1557 is a comprehensive PAT and installation verification checkbox. It carries out ongoing performance checks to ensure accurate measurement between calibration intervals. Fully tests Earth Continuity, Insulation Resistance, RCD Trip Time, RCD Trip Current, Loop, PE Conductor Current, Touch Current and Flash tests.
Programmable Switching Power Supplies
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
In addition to presets for current and voltage values, time programs with intervals and the number of runs can also be created directly on the device or using the included PC software. For operation with a PC, the switching power supply is equipped with a USB and RS-485 interface. A PC connected to the RS-485 interface enables the control of up to 32 power supplies. A USB interface on the back of the device connects to a Windows PC. The intelligent fan control adjusts the speed of rotation to the respective temperature and output power. The output voltage and current limit can also be set in the open circuit without a connected load. Due to its high reliability and the programming functions, this power supply series is ideal for professional users from industry, control and regulation technology or the electronics laboratory.
Time Interval Counter Card
GC2200 Series
The GC22x0 family of PCI universal time interval counters offer many of the measurement and timing functions of high-end stand-alone frequency counters, including accumulate, auto ratio, frequency, fast frequency (GC2220 and GC2230 only), period, ratio, single period, test clock, time interval, time interval delay, totalize, totalize gated, totalize gated once, and pulse width.
Time Interval/Frequency Counter
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR620 measures time interval, frequency, pulse-width, rise and fall time, period, phase and events. Time intervals are measured with 25 ps rms resolution, making the SR620 one of the highest resolution counters available.
Time Interval Meter
The Laureate? time interval meter can display pulse width or time delay between individual pulses to a resolution of 0.2 s. It can also display average pulse width or average time delay between multiple pulses.
Time Measurement Unit
TMU is a dual-channel input and ARM input PCI-based time interval counter (Time Interval Counter) . The internal 40 - bit counter provides a series of precise measurements, including frequency, period, time interval, pulse width, and more. TMU uses a reciprocal counting technique , which enables low-frequency signal measurement, taking into account both measurement accuracy and measurement time. The generator creates and generates many versatile waveforms. The following are the outstanding features of the CT-50 .
Time Relays
ENTES Time Relays are designed to enable control in desired time intervals and have various functions.
Time to Amplitude Converters and Calibrator
A Time-to-Amplitude Converter (TAC) can achieve exceptional precision by using an analog technique to convert small time intervals to pulse amplitudes. When a timing application demands picosecond precision, a time-to-amplitude converter is a prime candidate. A time-to-amplitude converter is a productive solution for measurements less than 10 μs when time resolutions from 10 ps to 50 ns are required.
Time to Digital Converter-1ns 5ch
Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd.
An FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) with a Time to Digital Converter chip to perform one-shot sub-nanosecond time interval measurements.
Universal Counter
The Picotest U6200A also provides great features including Frequency & Ratio (11Digits/Sec.), Time interval, Period (2.5 ns to 1000s), Duty Cycle, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Peak Volts (100 Hz~300 MHz), Phase, Totalize, Temperature Stability (< 1 PPM), Aging Rate (< 2 PPM per year), timebase reference channel (Figure-2) and complete Front-End Isolation. Moreover, it offers 20 memory locations (Figure-3) for storing frequently-used operations.
USB-controlled, Timer/Counter/Analyzer
The TIC-8420 is a novel Timer/Counter/Analyzer based on digitization of time intervals in pulse trains with 2.8 ns resolution.
Wireless Temperature Data Logger w/ Digital Display
The RFTemp2000A is a wireless data logger featuring a digital display. The device measures ambient temperatures, making it ideal for monitoring perishable goods, chemicals and more. Starting, stopping and downloading from the device are all performed wirelessly using the RFC1000 wireless transceiver, allowing the user to spend less time maintaining the data logger. Data can be provided in real time back to a central PC, or the device may be downloaded at periodic intervals.
Universal Counters
SC-7217A / SC-7215A
The SC-7217A / SC-7215A universal counters provide full capabilities including frequency, period, time interval, pulse width, phase, frequency ratio, duty cycle, event accumulation and peak voltage measuring, with simple operation. They are suitable for R&D and technical training as a basic measuring instrument as well as for production/inspection lines.
Semiconductor Curve Tracer
CS-10000 Series
This optional unit minimizes parameter variation on devices causedby heat. Pulse rise time can be configured for 1, 3, or 5ms; pulse duration from 1ms to 20ms; and pulse interval from 100ms to 2 seconds. This option is installed at the factory. Any changes desired after purchase will require return the unit back to IWATSUfactory.
Computer-Based Instruments
GuideTech’s GT668PXIe PXI 3U form factor, meets industrial standard chassis with an expandable platform, achieving optimal test system at low cost. High accuracy 100MHz time base with NIST traceable calibration. Some of the GT668PXIe-1 measurements include Jitter measurements, PLL & Clock Jitter, Spread Spectrum Modulation, PLL Lock Time, Frequency, Period, Pulse Width, Skew, Tpd, Rise/Fall Time, Time Interval Error and more.
Time Interval Counter PXI Card
The GTX22x0 family of PXI universal time interval counters offer many of the measurement and timing functions of high-end stand-alone frequency counters, including accumulate, auto ratio, frequency, fast frequency (GTX2220 and GTX2230 only), period, ratio, single period, test clock, time interval, time interval delay, totalize, totalize gated, totalize gated once, & pulse width.
Battery Data Logging Device
Foresight Electronics Co., Ltd.
A data logger, is an electronic instrument that records measurements at set intervals over a period of time. Depending on the particular data logger, measurements can include: air temperature, relative humidity, AC/DC current and voltage, differential pressure, time-of-use (lights, motors, etc.), light intensity, water temperature, water level, dissolved oxygen, soil moisture, rainfall, wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, pulse signals, room occupancy, plug load, and many more.
Automatic Relay Tester
The protective devices such as relays, overload coils, circuit breakers must be checked regularly to ensure that, they are always ready to operate correctly. If a fault occurs in the equipment, which they are protecting, routine relay testing will quickly detect the faulty, incorrectly adjusted protection circuits correctly. It is usually necessary to measure its operating time. The micro controller based time interval meter is used for this purpose in all AJIT brand relay testers.
VITC Readers & Generators
Analog composite video and generates standard SMPTE VITC time code and inserts it into the first few lines of active video rather than into the vertical interval where normal VITC is located. This allows the VITC time code to be recorded on various digital video recorders that record the picture content but do not record the actual vertical interval portion of the video signal and in this way allows you to use these digital video recorders to record high quality video and VITC time code.
Portable Relay Tester
The protective devices such as relays, overload coils, circuit breakers must be checked regularly to ensure that, they are always ready to operate correctly. If a fault occurs in the equipment, which they are protecting, routine relay testing will quickly detect the faulty, incorrectly adjusted protection circuit and will possibly prevent serious damage to plant or injury to personnel. Apart from checking the protective circuits correctly, it is usually necessary to measure its operating time. The micro controller based time interval meter is used for this purpose in all AJIT brand relay tester.
Time Interval Shaper
The Ch7-316 time interval shaper is designed to generate pulse sequences coherent with the reference signal (internal or external) with a wide range of repetition periods, as well as two pulse sequences with a period of 1 second (time scales) with a programmable phase shift.
Longitudinal and Vertical Time Code Reader
1U rackmount unit that reads both Longitudinal and Vertical Interval Timecode. Decoded LTC/VITC Time & User values are displayed on the front panel LED display, and may be inserted onto a video signal for subsequent recording or display on a TV monitor.