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Conductivity / TDS / Salinity
The amount of mineral and salt impurities in the water is called total dissolved solids (TDS). TDS shows how many units of impurities there are for one million units of water. One way to measure impurities in water is to measure the electric conductivity of water. Absolutely pure water is a poor conductor of electricity. Water shows significant conductivity when dissolved salts are present. Over most ranges, the amount of conductivity is directly proportional to the amount of salts dissolved in the water or Salinity.
Food Analyzers
The function of the milk analyzer is to make quick analyses of milk on fat (FAT), non-fat solids (SNF), proteins, lactose and water content percentages, temperature (oС), pH, freezing point, salts, conductivity as well as density of one and the same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing.
Metal Detector
Tracker IV
Tracker IV has eliminated the most difficult aspect of metal detector operation: Ground Balancing. With built-in Automatic Ground Trac, the Tracker IV balances for mineralization while you detect. The Tracker IV will detect in extreme ground conditions from salt wet beaches to highly mineralized inland sites with no operator adjustments to the circuitry and with no loss of sensitivity.
Osmometry is the measurement of the osmotic strength of a substance. This is often used by chemists for the determination of average molecular weight. Osmometers are useful for determining the concentration of dissolved salts or sugars in blood or urine samples. Osmometry is also useful in determining the molecular weight of unknown compounds and polymers.
pH/ORP Electrodes
The Signet 2734-2736 pH and ORP Electrodes features a patented reference electrode design and uses the unique foul-proof patented DryLoc connector. The large area PTFE reference junction, salt bridge and reference electrode are constructed to increase the total reference effectiveness, resist chemical attack, and ensure long service life.
Processed Foods Titrators
Automate your titration from salt, to moisture, to acidity with an automatic titration system. Auto-titrators are designed to have fully optimizable methods so you have the highest precision and accuracy possible.
Sper Scientific sells four main refractometer types: Optical Refractometers, Digital Handheld Refractometers, Waterproof Refractometers and Desktop or Laboratory Refractometers. Industries that use our refractometers include: Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petroleum, Petro-Chemical, and Food & Beverage industries. Our refractometers measure items such as: honey, Brix or sugar content of a liquid, salinity or salt content of a liquid, battery coolant, and urine.
Salt Spray Chambers
LR Environmental Equipment Co. Inc.
A high reliability thermostatic temperature controller maintains the salt solution at a preset controlled temperature in a reservoir within the double wall construction. The salt solution is introduced into the chamber through an atomizing nozzle. The nozzle can be calibrated by us to perform to MIL-STD-19500B, paragraph 40.8 and other specifications. This specification requires that a salt residue be deposited on the specimens, in addition to generating salt fog atmosphere.
The PosiTector SST Soluble Salt Tester measures the concentration of soluble salts (salt contamination) on metal surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-6, 8502-9. View Video
SPICE Array Linking Technology
Spice Array Linking Technology, SALT, is a modeling interface that links huge data sets to the IsSpice4simulator. It was built using the Intusoft Code Model Software Development Kit, CMSDK. The interface iscomposed of two parts; the SALT kernel, array.dll, and a set of OLE2/ActiveX automation servers. TheSALT kernel interfaces and synchronizes data arrays from external software or hardware.
Test Chambers
Drug test chamber, ozone test chamber, plant grown chamber, salt spray test chamber, sand test chamber, temperature and humidity test chamber, UV test chamber, xenon test chamber
Waterproof Eco Tester Salt
EcoTestr Salt
Measure Salinity economically and quickly with the Eutech EcoTestr Salt. Rugged with stainless pin sensor and IP67 waterproof housing, the EcoTestr Salt delivers reliably, even in harsh field conditions. Ideal for basic salinity measurements in aquaculture, spas, pools, simple lab work and other waer/wastewater applications.
Salt Spray Chambers
Weice Testing Instrument Co.,Ltd.
The WTS series of salt spray chambers are manufactured and designed to meet the high quality requirements and standards, such as ISO, JIS, DIN, ASTM, IEC, GB and SAE. They are used to test the resistance capabilities of materials eroded by brine, these materials may be used in Electrical Appliances, Electrical Wire, Accessories, Luminaires etc.
Conductance Salt Density Tester
HTYM-H / 801
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Measuring insulator surface equivalent a special instrument attached with salt density.
PCE Instruments carries a number of refractometer models including portable or handheld refractometer, digital refractometer and Abbe refractometer products used in food processing, canning, beekeeping, brewing, winemaking, distilling, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, machining, automotive, oil, petrochemical and water quality industries to measure the percent (%) Brix, salt content (salinity), water content, sugar content, Baumé (°Bé), Oechsle (°Oe), alcohol content or specific gravity (sg) of transparent or semitransparent fluids, liquids, formulas, suspensions, mixtures, dispersions, emulsions, concentrations, pastes and substances such as salt water or seawater, brines, fruits, juices, soft drinks, energy drinks, wines, liquors, condensed milk, jams, jellies, honey, industrial lubricants, antifreeze, ethanol, battery acids, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, electrolyte solutions, paints, lacquers and chemicals.
Environmental Testing
Large Walk-in Environmental Chamber, and Walk-in Salt Fog Chamber, various sizes of vibration and shock equipment, and environmental chambers.
Corrosion Testing
The salt spray test is a standardized test method used to check corrosion resistance of coated samples. Coatings provide corrosion resistance to metallic parts. Since coatings can provide a high corrosion resistance through the intended life of the part in use, it is necessary to check corrosion resistance by other means. Salt spray test is an accelerated corrosion test that produces a corrosive attack to the coated samples in order to predict its suitability in use as a protective finish.
Salt Spray Chambers
EBS/ECS Series Salt Spray Chambers (Basic & Cyclic) are manufactured by Envisys in different versions to meet the diverse testing applications as per various international standards viz., ASTM, DIN, GM, JIS, MIL etc.,
Salt Spray Chamber
Wewon Environmental Chambers Co, Ltd.
Salt Spray Chamber used for testing the corrosive resistance of products whose the surface was treated with paint, electroplating, inorganic and organic film, anode handling, anti-rust oil, etc. Wall-mount spray system can be freely placed without occupying any effective test space.With imported quartz nozzle, it has the characteristics of smooth interior wall, accurate angle and no crystalline in long-time spraying. Distinctive spring door hinge design makes the chamber door easy to open and close. The inner and external shell of the chamber is made from PVC materials; Easy launder no leakage phenomenon
Salt Spray Testing
Salt Spray testing (Also known as Salt Fog testing) is often used for testing the corrosion resistance of metallic products, or for testing the corrosion resistant coating applied to metallic products, in order to verify that they will function properly when exposed to salt corrosion. This specific type of testing is used as a means to accelerate the salt corrosion exposure in order to gather data on the long or short term effects of salt corrosion on the product or coating material.
Sodium Ion Concentration Pocket Water Meter
LAQUAtwin Salt-22
The only pocket meter that directly measures sodium ion concentration in 0.3ml sample (or 0.05ml sample with sampling sheet B) and converts it into salinity or NaCl salt concentration. No need for a beaker to calibrate the meter or measure a sample. Just place few drops of the standard or sample onto the sensor. This procedure saves you time and prevents wasting your precious sample.
Salinity Concentration Pocket Water Meter
LAQUAtwin Salt-11
The only pocket meter that directly measures conductivity in 0.12ml sample and converts it into salinity or salt concentration. No need for a beaker to calibrate the meter or measure a sample. Just place few drops of the standard or sample onto the sensor. This procedure saves you time and prevents wasting your precious sample.
ICP-OES Spectrometers
ICP-OES spectrometers measure the concentration of elements from ppb to % using de-excitation of atoms and ions in a plasma. The robustness of our Ultima ICP spectrometers makes them ideal for applications common to mining, chemicals manufacture, salt production, wear metals in oil analysis, petrochemical, metallurgical production and precious metal refining.
Analog Handhelds Measuring EC And PH
Plant health can be greatly affected by pH (acidic or basic), salinity (soluble salts), and alkalinity, yet these factors are often ignored by growers. It is easy to test for these three important parameters using a portable Myron L® AGRI-METER.
Cyclic Corrosion Chambers
Shanghai Morningtest Environmental Chambers Co.,Ltd.
Cyclic corrosion chambers combines the capabilities of a temperature humidity chamber and a salt spray chamber into one chamber.
Walk in chamber for Complex Salt Spray Test (Temperature controllable)
Guangdong Bell Experiment Equipment Co.,Ltd
Walk in chamber for Complex Salt Spray Test Relevant standards requirement1. Test Object: battery pack andsystem.2. Refer GB/T4 part 5.5.2 test method, test according to GT/T2423.17 test conditions.3. The salt solution was made up with sodium chloride (chemically pure and analytically pure) and distilled or deionized water,Its concentration is (5 + 1)% (mass fraction).4. (35 ± 2) ℃, the measured pH value is between 6.5-7.2.5. Placed the test objects in the salt spray chamber for cycling test. Each cycling duration for 24h. Spray salt solution to the test object for 8 hours under the temperature of (35± 2) ℃ , remain for 16 hours. Between the forth and the fifth hour in one cycles should be according to test requirement in GB/T 28046.1-2011, test mode with 3.2.6. Total 6 cycles testing.7. Salt spray test is not necessary for the test objects being installed in passenger, luggage or cargo compartments.
Salt Water Spray Test Chamber
Shenzhen Chuangxin Instruments Co., Ltd.
The salt water Spray Tester is used to create and maintain the salt spray (fog) test environment, and test the anti-corrosion quality of the materials surfaces, and is suitable for researching materials, light industry, electronic, instrumentation and other industries etc.