CO2 Monitor
Although carbon dioxide is invisible and odourless, increased CO2 content in the room leads to fatigue and decreased mental concentration.
Digital Video Microscope
High-resolution CCD sensor, built-in analog/digital converter, analog and digital signal directly display on the screen, can also simultaneously display on TV and computer through corresponding interfaces; taking photo and video through software; easy operation, reducing user's fatigue and injury.
Dynamic Seam Fatigue Tester
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Dynamic Seam Fatigue Tester, to determine the strength of upholstery seam constructions covering a standard foam composite cushion by imposing a cyclic, impact and penetrating load.
Electrical Conductivity Measuring Instrument
Handheld instrument for electrical conductivity measurement of non-ferromagnetic metals. The electrical conductivity can be used for determining material properties, like hardness, strength, heat damage and material fatigue of metals. Rapid and simple on-the-spot conductivity measurement of non-ferromagnetic metals acc. to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004.
By means of applying constant load and compression frequency to the test specimen, this instrument could help the user to understand the history of Heat Built-up and dynamic fatigue poeperties of rubber compounds. For example, while tests the tire compound, it could provide the information of rolling resistance. Pt100 temperature sensor, temperature controller in PID parameters control, and air circulator are adopted to ensure the stable temperature control.
Fretting Tester
FFT Series
Fretting wear is a test where surface damage occurs between two contacting surfaces experiencing oscillatory displacement of small amplitude. At the contact point, lubricant/coating is squeezed out or the low amplitude motion does not permit the contact area to be re lubricated/ debris dislodge resulting in serious local wear occurs. This type of wear causes two-body abrasion, adhesion and/or fretting fatigue wear.
Hardware Versatility
Live Fatigue Analysis
Vibration Research Corporation
With Fatigue Damage Spectrum, calculate the amount of fatigue your product will experience in a lifetime. Then, monitor your test as it is running to determine how long it will take for the product to arrive at the lifetime of accumulated fatigue. The hardware provides the length of time to reach fatigue in each axis.
Heel Fatigue Tester
Heel Fatigue Tester is used to test lady shoe heel withstand repeated impacts in daily walking. This heel tester is suitable to test plastic heel and steel heel dowels. Heel Fatigue Test Method includes BS 5131-4.9, ISO 19956, SATRA TM21, QB/T2864
The M-Scan is a battery powered Locator manufactured in heavy-duty, high-impact ABS with a robust aluminium sensor tube. It has a large, easy-to-read LCD, showing battery level, signal strength and polarity indication backed up with a clear audible response that ensures that the target can be quickly located and identified. Simple one-touch controls for volume and sensitivity are ergonomically positioned and the unique moulded case design with in-built armrest means that the M-Scan can be used for long periods without undue fatigue.
OGI Camera for Hazardous Locations
The FLIR GFx320 represents ground-breaking technology for visualizing fugitive hydrocarbon leaks at natural gas well sites, off-shore platforms, liquid natural gas terminals, and more. Its certifications for use in hazardous locations allow surveyors to work confidently while maintaining safety. FLIR designed the GFx320 with the user in mind, offering ergonomic features such as the articulating LCD screen to help you avoid fatigue during all-day surveys.
Portable Flaw Detector
Portable and easy to use, the EPOCH 6LT flaw detector is an ergonomic, rugged instrument that delivers user comfort and more uptime. Weighs just 1.95 pounds (890 g) with a grip-oriented weight distribution for one-handed operation with minimal wrist fatigue. Rotary knob and simple button design make it easy to use, even when wearing gloves. Engineered to IP65/67 and drop tested. Clear, bright screen for readable A-scans in any light. The EPOCH 6LT flaw detector’s workflow is simple and straightforward. Despite the instrument’s small size, it has the features and functions to meet the requirements of nearly any conventional ultrasonic inspection application.
SwRI Software
NASGRO is a suite of fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth analysis computer programs that perform assessments of structural life, compute stress intensity factors, and process and store fatigue crack growth properties. Working closely with NASA and industry, SwRI releases new versions of NASGRO annually with many new features. Recent enhancements include many new K solutions, residual stress capabilities, increased speed, new GUIs, residual strength diagrams, spectrum editing, temperature effects, cyclic shakedown models, cycle counting algorithms, and a revised material database. NASGRO received an R&D 100 Award in 2003 and the NASA Software of the Year award in 2003.
Tool Balancers
Mountz tool balancers give your workers a hand by holding onto their tool for them. This decreases the number of motions they need for each screw, allowing them to work more quickly and efficiently. Tool balancers also help workers avoid fatigue which can lead to low productivity, mistakes, and injuries. As such, Mountz tool balancers offer great value for manufacturers—for a low cost, you can improve safety, productivity, and reliability in your workplace.
Torque Arms
Providing ergonomic solutions for your assembly line workers lessens fatigue, prevents injuries, and boosts productivity. Because your workers can complete jobs more comfortably, they'll be happier, and happy workers are more likely to be engaged and less likely to make mistakes. Mountz torque arms take the weight off a tool operator's shoulders so they can guide the tool instead of lifting it, reducing the likelihood of repetitive motion injuries. Torque arms can even absorb the vibrations from power tools. Mobile and flexible, torque arms find a place even in tight workstations and can be reconfigured to take on new assignments. Mountz torque arms help make factories great places to work.
Video Microcope
High-resolution CCD sensor, built-in analog/digital converter, analog and digital signal directly display on the screen, can also simultaneously display on TV and computer through corresponding interfaces; taking photo and video through software; easy operation, reducing user's fatigue and injury.
Video Stereo Microscope
High-resolution CCD sensor, built-in analog/digital converter, analog and digital signal directly display on the screen, can also simultaneously display on TV and computer through corresponding interfaces; taking photo and video through software; simple operation, reducing user's fatigue and injury.
Zipper Reciprocation Tester
Zipper Reciprocation Tester is used to test zipper fatigue resistance under lateral and longitudinal tension.
Electronic Product Testers
Infinity Machine International Inc.
Electronic Product Testers by Infinity Machine International Inc. - for applications such as connectors insert and extract testing machine, touch screen torsion, abrupt pull tester for power wire and headphone cable, double station electronic product cable tester, cord flexing rotary bending fatigue tester, button click electronic product tester simulation, and more.
3D Video Microscope
High-resolution CCD sensor, built-in analog/digital converter, analog and digital signal directly display on the screen, can also simultaneously display on TV and computer through corresponding interfaces; taking photo and video through software; easy operation, reducing user's fatigue and injury.
(1000kN) Fatigue Testing Systems
The 8805 is a 4-column, 1000 kN servohydraulic fatigue testing machine. It features a high-stiffness and precision-aligned load frame, with hydraulic lifts and locks, and an actuator in the upper crosshead.
(2500kN+) Fatigue Testing Systems
The precision mechanical systems, combined with the advanced features of the 8800 digital controller and Dynacell™ load cells, enable Instron to supply fully-integrated turnkey solutions to meet the most demanding applications. The system can be used to cover a broad range of static and dynamic test applications, covering metals, rebar, high-force fracture mechanics, aerospace panels, civil engineering components, wire ropes, or concrete.
(100kN) Fatigue Testing Systems
The 8801 servohydraulic testing system meets the challenging demands of a varied range of both dynamic and static testing requirements. The 8801 provides complete testing solutions to satisfy the needs of advanced materials and component testing, and is ideally suited for high- and low-cycle fatigue testing, thermomechanical fatigue testing, and fracture mechanics. The higher capacity of up to 100 kN, a larger working space, a high stiffness, and the precision of alignment all make the 8801 an exceptionally versatile and reliable testing system.
(250 kN) Fatigue Testing System
The Instron 8802 is a high stiffness, 250kN fatigue rated servohydraulic testing system that meets the challenging demands of both static and dynamic testing requirments. The 8802 systems include a range of configurations available to provide complete testing solutions to satisfy the needs of advanced materials and component testing. The design of the 8802 frame makes it ideal for installation within a laboratory environment, generally without the need for strangethened floors or raised ceiling heights.
Dynamic Jack System
This is a structural fatigue testing machine for researching the dynamic behavior of full-size or model structures by applying repeated loads. The actuator that supplies the loads to the specimens can be installed on load frames, reaction floors, reaction walls, etc.
With more than ten years of running tests over billions of cycles, ElectroPuls systems are the established materials testing instruments using patented linear motor technology. Offering slow-speed static and high-frequency fatigue testing, this versatile testing capability means ElectroPuls systems are ideal for any lab or office space. Choose from axial only or combined axial-torsion systems that can deliver up to 10kN and 100Nm. Available in 3 sizes, simply pick the one that's right for you. ElectroPuls, a simpler, smarter, safer way to meet your testing needs.
Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
Instron offers an extensive range of fully-integrated dynamic and fatigue testing systems from 1000 N up to 5000 kN. Incorporating servohydraulic, servo-electric and linear motor technologies, these test instruments cover a broad range of fatigue, dynamic, and static testing applications. These applications include high-cycle fatigue, low-cycle fatigue, thermo-mechanical fatigue, fracture mechanics, crack propagation and growth studies, fracture toughness, bi-axial, axial-torsional, multi-axial, high strain rate, quasi-static, creep, stress-relaxation, and other types of dynamic and static tests.
ElectroForce Cardiovascular Test Instruments
From bare metal stents to heart valves to pacemaker components, we offer the most comprehensive portfolio of cardiovascular device testing solutions. For more than 20 years, medical device manufacturers have trusted ElectroForce as the world leader in accelerated fatigue test instruments.
Load & Fatigue Testing
DATASYST Engineering & Testing Services, Inc.
Due to variations in types and levels of load and fatigue exposure, DATASYST works with each client to determine the best possible test plan to capture the information and issues that may be present in application.
Fatigue Testing And Certification
Fatigue engineering is subject to uncertainty, and data from well executed tests are used to validate conclusions made by analysis and to provide a basis for structural certification. Our staff have extensive experience in testing materials and components under slowly varying, static loads, and under rapidly varying cyclic loads. Tests under static loads are used to assess material properties or to assess the load-deformation behavior of structural components. Tests under cyclic loads provide ti...show more