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Electrochemistry Research Equipment
Our electrochemical equipment will help your group achieve laboratory and research goals. The best-selling EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat can run cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), battery tests, and high speed galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The EZstat HV potentiostat delivers up to 1 amp at 25 volts. The Powerstat comes in two configurations (5 amp vs 20 amp). The Duostat bipotentiostat can operate rotating ring-disk electrode experiments. The Arraystat and ArrayPGstat feature multichannel operation with different customizable options (current range, number of channels, etc.).
Oxygen-free Voltammetry cell
By using SVC-3C oxygen-free Voltametry cell, researchers can get rid of influence of oxygen in the cell by bubbling nitrogen gas, and also run the experiments at low temperatures.
This modular potentiostat is perfect for cyclic voltammetry and electroanalytical chemistry, and can use two (working and counter), or three (working, auxiliary and reference) electrodes. It can also operate as a galvanostat, ZRA (zero resistance ammeter), and high impedance voltmeter. It must be used together with any e-corder model.
EZstat Pro
The EZstat Pro potentiostat/galvanostat uses a versatile menu-driven waveform generator (periodic or aperiodic) with preset battery cycling, Tafel plots, and cyclic voltammetry procedures.Users can program sequences of steps blending current and potential control with a resolution of 8 uS/point. EZstat Pro can perform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and uses active IR compensation. The instrument can interface with the EZpump peristaltic pump for flow batteries and fuel cells.
Electrochemistry Tests
Materials Development Corporation
CyclicVoltammetry and Galvanostatic Charging are tests used throughout the industrial and scientific communities to study chemical reactions and behavior of electronic structures. They are extremely helpful in the monitoring of nano based dielectrics, used in super /ultra capacitors or self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The Cyclic Voltammetry test applies a ramping voltage to a device and measures the resulting current. In acapacitor-like structure the current reveals loss in the dielectric as well as degradation over time. CyclicVoltammetry is used to characterize the performance of supercapacitors and ultracapacitors formed using various nano-technologies. It is also useful in the studies of self-assembled monolayers used for sensors.
Voltammetry Cell
SVC-2 Voltammetry cell can be used for 4 modes voltammetry cell setup. Each voltammetry cell has its specific feature. However, SVC-2 can be sed in 4 modes. Also can apply as an oxygen-free voltammetry cell.
Voltammetry Cell
By using this cell, researchers can run experiments free from gasificationed steam. Also, researchers can get rid of influence of oxygen in the cell by bubbling nitrogen gas. This cell can be utilized with CS-3A Cell Stand. This feature is well suited for measurements of ultraweak current.
Voltammetry Cell
Capable for measuring of 1 - 3 ml of sample volume using electrodes with 6 mm of the diameter. Furnished holder prevents the vial from spilling.
Electrochemical Analyzer
EC Epsilon EClipse
The Epsilon EClipse™ is the latest electrochemical analyzer manufactured by BASi. It is a potentiostat/galvanostat with a second working electrode for bipotentiostat measurements. It comes with software that enables the most popular electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and chronopotentiometry (select Techniques below for a more complete list). The Basic Plus software can be purchased to enable pulsed voltammetry and stripping voltammetry techniques.
Simulation Software For Cyclic Voltammetry
Cyclic voltammetry can readily provide qualitative information about the stability of the oxidation states and the electron transfer kinetics of a redox system. However, quantitative studies using cyclic voltammetry (e.g., mechanistic investigations) are more difficult and typically require the use of simulation software. A number of methods have been developed for the simulation of cyclic voltammograms. Of these methods, the fast implicit finite difference method has been shown to be the most efficient, stable, and accurate, and this method is used for the DigiSim simulation software from BASi®.
Professional VA/CVS instruments
Our Professional range of voltammetry and CVS systems contains a wealth of functionality on a small space: voltammetric trace analysis of metal ions and other substances and determination of organic additives in electroplating baths with cyclic voltammetric stripping.
Potentiostats and Galvanostats
Potentiostats are widely used in research: materials science, corrosion research and active corrosion control require potentiostats. In analytical chemistry, methods like cyclic voltammetry have equal rights as chromatography and spectroscopy. The core of analysing instruments like gas detectors, blood sugar meters and many others is a potentiostat.