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Distance Sensor Technology
Photoelectric sensors
Our distance-measuring photoelectric sensors work according to the triangulation or propagation time measurement principle, with a red light or laser. The highly compact sensors have wide measuring ranges and measure very accurately with short response times.
Half, Full Bridge & Three Phase Drivers
Renesas' half-bridge (h-bridge), full-bridge and three-phase drivers handle voltages up to 100V, with industry-leading gate rise and fall times and exceptional input-to-output propagation delay performance.
High Speed Comparators (<100ns Propagation Delay)
Analog Devices high speed comparators feature <100 ns propagation delay and are a versatile and easy to use solution for a range of applications. Owing to our proprietary CB and XFCB fabrication processes, our comparators such as the AD790 possess a fast response time with outstanding input voltage resolution.
Isolated Gate Drivers
Analog Devices’ isolated gate driver portfolio offers designers performance and reliability advantages over designs utilizing optocouplers or pulse transformers. Utilizing ADI’s proven iCoupler® technology, the isolated gate driver family offers the advantage of a maximum propagation delay of 50 ns, less than 5 ns channel-to-channel matching, a 50-year lifetime for 400 V rms working voltage and galvanic isolation in a single package.
Manage Power, Thermal & Control Planes In Real Time
Platform Manager 2 & L-ASC10
*Full fault coverage – monitor all rails and temperature nodes*Manage from 10 to 80 supplies using just the required number of L-ASC10 hardware management expanders*Minimize fault propagation by enabling individual hardware management sub-blocks (power, thermal & control path) to respond to faults in other blocks within nano-seconds*Save CPLD I/O pins by eliminating the need to monitor power-good signals of DC-DC converters*Reliable power & thermal fault detection in hardware, as opposed to software routines
Modular Timing Systems
The Brandywine Communications family of modular time and frequency systems offer superior performance, a wide range of option choices, and ease of design. The newest modular timing system to the Brandywine family is the HPTS, offering dual redundancy, network-centric modular system with the highest accuracy of 10ns and allows for automatic compensation and propagation delay.
Optical VSF Sensors
The optical Volume Scattering Function(VSF) is an ‘inherent optical property’ of water that is used by optical oceanographers to predict light propagation, image degradation, remote sensed ocean color, biological environment etc. in water.
Timing Measurement Unit
The TMM200 is a resource available for measuring such parameters as propagation delays, rise time, fall time and any other time-related parameter. Because of its wide input levels, the TMM200 is an instrument well suited to test both digital an analog devices.
3D Sound Intensity Analysis Software
Finding out the position where the noise is occurring, and grasping the state of acoustic propagation are important ways to find effective noise countermeasure or improvement of acoustic environment.
1204a/1204a-mc Digital Signal Distribution
Precise Time and Frequency, Inc.
The ptf 1204A Digital Signal Distribution unit is a flexible platform used for distribution of various pulse formats (ex. 1 PPS, 1 PPM, 10 PPM, etc). The ptf 1204A will also distribute digital timing signals such as IRIG-B DCLS format. In order to cater for a wide range of input pulse frequencies, the ptf 1204A design utilizes a CPLD with jumper selectable alarm delays tocorrectly alarm on the various pulse frequencies. The unit reproduces precision pulse input signals with the minimum of propagation delays.
Optical Distance Sensors
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
Optical distance sensors perform different measurement tasks in various applications with varying requirements with regard to accuracy, resolution and size. To meet these diverse needs, the operating principles of triangulation, propagation time measurement and phase measurement in different sensor sizes and specifications are covered by a wide range of optical distance sensors.
Compact Tension Grips
These compact tension grips are for plane-strain fracture toughness tests of metallic materials. Fracture toughness testing involves applying static loads to a notched sample to investigate brittle crack propagation and fracture conditions.
RF Test
RF is short for radio frequency. RF is any frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio wave propagation. When an RF current is supplied to an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to propagate through space. Many wireless technologies are based on RF field propagation. These frequencies make up part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.
*Beam Propagation Analysis
M², or Beam Propagation Ratio, is a value that indicates how close a laser is to being a single mode TEM00 beam, which in turn determines how small a beam waist can be focused. For the perfect Gaussian TEM00 condition the M² equals 1. M² cannot be determined from a single beam profile measurement. The ISO/DIS 11146 requires that M² be calculated from a series of measurements. M² is measured on real beams by focusing the beam with a fixed position lens of known focal length, and then measuring the characteristics of the artificially created beam waist and divergence. We have a number of solutions for the measurement of M² ranging from simple manual processes to fully automated dedicated instruments, depending on the frequency of the need to measure M² of lasers and laser systems.
Camera Based Beam Propagation Analyzer: M2
The BeamSquared® system is a compact and fully automated tool for measuring the propagation characteristics of CW and pulsed laser systems from the UV to NIR to Telecom wavelengths. Users can also measure wavelengths above 1.8 microns, including CO2 and terahertz in manual mode (a bench set-up; without the automated optical train) with a Pyrocam IV or IIIHR. Our longer optical train and patented Ultracal™ Calibration makes BeamSquared the most accurate product on the market and is ISO 11146 compliant. Its operational robustness and reliability ensures continuous use applications in industry, science, research and development.
Channel Replicator
Series 7000
The Series 7000 System is a multi-radio test network which replicates the propagation path of real-world applications. With complete bi-directional capability radios may operate in full duplex mode at distances up to 150 nautical miles.
Radar Target Generator
Series 1100
The Eastern OptX Series 1100 Radar Target Simulator is a true propagation path replicator. The Series 1100 receives the signal transmitted from a radar system and adds the round-trip propagation delay associated with the target distance. That signal is then output to the radar receiver. The radar I/O may be connected directly to the Series 1100 or detected and transmitted using user specified antenna. For a moving target the system will add the appropriate Doppler shift associated with the target speed and radar frequency. The Series 1100 is broad band with ranges up to 40 GHz and with a dynamic range of over 100 dB.
Propagation Software
Wireless InSite
Wireless InSite is a suite of ray-tracing models and high-fidelity EM solvers for the analysis of site-specific radio propagation and wireless communication systems. The software provides efficient and accurate predictions of EM propagation and communication channel characteristics in complex urban, indoor, rural and mixed path environments.
X-Design and Verification System
Ascent XV
The Ascent X-design and verification system (XV) prevents, detects and isolates issues caused by the propagation of unknowns (‘Xs’) in RTL designs, including Xs that occur during power-on initialization and switching between power modes. Early sign-off of X issues eliminates costly, painful gate-level debug, and prevents hidden functional bugs from slipping through to silicon.
Optical Engineering Software
FRED Optical Engineering Software simulates the propagation of light through any optomechanical system by raytracing. Whether your design is imported from CAD, a lens design program, or constructed from within the software, FRED provides engineers with the essential tools for virtual prototyping of optical systems.
MOSFET Drivers
The bridge driver products handle voltages up to 100V, with industry-leading gate rise and fall times and exceptional input-to-output propagation delay performance. Select parts are available in 4mm x 4mm and 3mm x 3mm DFN packages which meet IPC-2221 creepage and clearance specifications for high-voltage systems.
Ultrasonic Testing
Xiamen IDEA Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Is a family of non-destructive testing techniques based on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the object or material tested.
Understanding TEM, TE, and TM Waveguide Modes
Energy can propagate through a medium or through what is currently believed to be a vacuum. Propagation modes vary depending upon the type of energy and the nature of the medium.Electromagnetic energy is transmitted in waves. Like sound, it may propagate equally in all directions, the wave energy radiating in concentric shells corresponding to amplitude. Or it may be directional, focused to form a tight beam.View more Understanding TEM, TE, and TM Waveguide Modes
TX2440 MmWave
The unique propagation characteristics of 5G mmWave signals require upfront testing with a Continuous Wave (CW) transmitter to ensure proper network design. PCTEL’s portable, high-power TX2440 mmWave Transmitter propagates mmWave signals at any venue for convenient testing with PCTEL® scanning receivers.
Correction in Gate-level Simulations Software
Verix SimFix
Verix X-Pessimism correction system (SimFix) enables accurate gate-level simulations (GLS) that are necessary for a thorough verification sign-off. Inaccurate simulation is caused by the propagation of pessimistic unknowns (e.g. X’s) in netlist designs. SimFix uses mathematical methods to identify conditions under which pessimism can occur, and to determine the correct value when those conditions occur. It then generates auxiliary SimPortal files that, when used in simulation, will detect and correct pessimism so that the simulation accurately models real hardware. Without SimFix, GLS verification is compromised by inaccurate random initialization or costly synthesis switches, neither of which is foolproof and often still requires long and laborious gate-level debug.
UMTS / GSM Tester
manufacture a range of items that can be used in UMTS and or GSM propagation testing. These products have been designed against customers requirements.
Polarization Maintaining Circulator(PMCIR)
Zhongke Rayzer Optical Technology Co.,Ltd
non-reciprocating, one-directional, three port deviceswhich are great for bi-directional propagation of light in a Polarization Maintaining fiber. These optical circulators are ideal for advanced communication systems, fiber sensor and fiber laser applications.
Integrated Modular Electromagnetic Modeling Suite
EM.Cube® is an industry-recognized simulation suite for electromagnetic modeling of RF system engineering problems. It features several distinct simulation engines that can solve a wide range of modeling problems such as electromagnetic radiation, scattering, wave propagation in various media, coupling, interference, signal integrity, field interactions with biological systems, etc. Using EM.Cube, you can solve problems of different sizes and length scales, varying from a few microns in MEMS devices to several miles in large urban propagation scenes.