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Time Reference
An absolute measure of time.
See Also: Time, Timers, Time Interval, GPS Time, Time Code, Time Domain, Time Standards, Timing, Frequency Synthesizers, Time & Frequency, Clocks
Countdown Or Countup Clock Controller
The RC600 is a remote control that adds both countdown and countup timer control features to our NTDS and TCDS clocks. Reference or generate time input from NTP or time code (IRIG & SMPTE). Control a virtually unlimited number of time code clocks and network clocks.
CPCI timing plug-in
The CPCI-SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the CPCI bus in the 3u form factor. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or Have Quick.
Digital to Analog Converter
20-bit digital-to-analog (D/A) converter offering 20-bit monotonic performance over the specified temperature range. It utilizes delta-sigma technology to achieve inherently linear performance in a small package at very low power. The resolution of the device can be programmed to 20 bits for Full-Scale, settling to 0.003% within 15ms typical, or 16 bits for Full-Scale, settling to 0.012% within 2ms max. The output range is two times the external reference voltage. On-chip calibration circuitry dramatically reduces low offset and gain errors.
All nuclide data is entered via the custom keyboard that includes 9 user-definable keys. Four reference sources are stored in memory and are automatically decay-corrected for today’s time and date. Its space efficient design allows for a large, easy to read display.
"Extremely Random" Precision Noise Generator
Model 3025
The Model 3025, "Extremely Random"TM Precision Noise Generator supplies White and Pink Noise, and a 1 kHz reference signal. Crystal controlled - the pseudo random circuitry provides a 6.5 Day pseudo-random cycle time, assuring a "Extremely Random"TM noise source.
GPS/GLONASS Disciplined Rb Oscillator
GPS/GLONASS disciplined rubidium frequency standard model VCH-311 is a high stable frequency signal source (STANDARD mode), or precision frequency calibrator for any external standard signals (CALIBRATOR mode). The instrument contains multi-channel GPS/GLONASS receiver, time scale comparison unit and automatically adjustable Rubidium reference oscillator.
Intelligent Reference
The Intelligent Reference/TM-4D™ breaks new ground for time and frequency references. For the first time, it is possible to generate and distribute both analog and digital signals to multiple instruments and locations with just one product that fits in a single rack space. The TM-4D is three instruments in one: an Intelligent Reference/TM-4™ precise time and frequency reference, a digital signal distribution amplifier and an analog distribution amplifier. And it eliminates the need for multiple boxes.
Intelligent Time Reference
TM-4™and TM-4/OEM™
The Intelligent Reference/TM-4™ and TM4/OEM™ are multi- purpose, GPS disciplined timing signal generators and frequency references in economical off-the-shelf and custom configurations. Intended for use in a wide variety of timing, synchronization and frequency reference applications, they are based on the most advanced architecture Spectrum has ever offered, and include the most popular features of Spectrum's core platform for current timing products.
Low Power Potentiostats
Potentiostat Wenking MP 04T, max. current 400 mA, max. voltage 25 V, output power 10 W, reference electrode input 1012 Ohms, slew rate 10 V/ µs, 1 control input, floating current output, buffered potential output, control range ± 10 V external, internal control voltage source ±2 V, rise time constant (closed loop, ohmic load) 1 µs typ., dimensions 165 x 105 x 165 mm (w x h x d), weight 1.4 kg
Master Reference Generator
Precision Time Protocol IEEE-1588 PTP grandmaster• Multiple video and audio formats in one box• Simultaneous 525/625 and HD Tri Level Sync outputs• Highly accurate GPS reference for synchronisation and timecode• Vector web-browser setup and monitoring tool• Redundant PSU option• Add upgrades and options without return to factory• Generates synchronised audio and video• Redundant units with changeover• 4K test pattern ready (future upgrade)
Microwave Converters
Each converter is designed with a broad palette of options available to the user at the time of order, to ensure that our solution matches the requirement as closely as possible:Choose the microwave and millimeter ranges.Specify an IF that supports adjacent or downstream equipment.Select from a range of data interfaces, reference stabilities, packaging forms, and environmental extremes.Customize, if needed, to meet the exact requirements of an application.
Mini PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
The Mini PCIe SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer using one Mini-PCIe slot. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, HaveQuick.
Moisture Meter Pro
The FLIR MR60 Moisture Meter Pro is an easy-to-use pin and pinless moisture meter with advanced functionality. An integrated pinless sensor and an external pin probe provide the flexibility to take destructive or non-destructive measurements. Select one of the eleven material groups for pin moisture, or set a reference point for pinless moisture scanning. Then conveniently save screenshots of your measurements as a CSV file with the date, time, and settings.
Our Muclock is the only commercially available time & frequency reference based on quantum manipulation of laser cooled atoms in the world. This unique solution is the result of more than 15 years of experience acquired by our academic partner, LNE-SYRTE, one of the major international experts in the field of time standards.
Multi-function GPS/GLONASS Research Receiver
The Multi-function GPS/GLONASS Research Receiver sets the standard in precision and versatility for GPS/GLONASS research. It provides highly accurate navigation, ionospheric measurement, time transfer, satellite monitoring and differential reference station capabilities. When combined with the temperature stabilized antenna it eliminates delay variations due to outside temperature, affording even greater accuracy.
Oscilloscope App
Oscilloscope for iOS is great for analyzing audio range signals, or learning oscilloscope measurement basics. The interface includes many standard oscilloscope controls, such as: triggering, time and voltage per division, signal measurement cursors, and more. The app incorporates a signal (function) generator capable of generating sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of up to 22 KHz. Calibration to an external reference signal is supported, guaranteeing the accuracy of measurements.
PCI Express A/d Board
The AD14-500x4-IRIG is a high performance wideband 4-channel 14-bit data single PCIe Gen3 board, that can continuously digitize four wideband signals, with four high linearity A/Ds. A second board version AD14-500x4-K7US-IRIG-B has all of the above features and can additionally be synchronized with stability of better than +/- 100 picoseconds with respect to an IRIG-B 1PPS signal and global time codes from a satellite receiver or local site time reference, allowing simultaneous synchronized acquisition of data at multiple locations anywhere in the world.
PCI Express Receiver Board
The AD12-2000-IRIGB is a high performance wideband 0.3-1.8GHz PCIe-bus receiver on a single PCIe Gen3 board, that can continuously digitize a wide portion of the RF spectrum, with a 3.6GSPS 12-bit A/D that can be synchronized with stability of better than +/- 100 picoseconds with respect to an IRIG-B 1PPS signal and global time codes from a satellite receiver or local site time reference. Designed for demanding military, scientific, industrial, communications, safety and electrical power utility applications, the AD12-2000-IRIGB has 60dB of gain adjust range (manual and AGC with programmable loop bandwidth), a wideband noise figure of 9dB, +11dBm 1dB compression point, and 2dB peak-to-peak ripple over the 300MHz to 1.6GB frequency spectrum.
PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
PCIe-SyncClock LP
The PCI-Express SyncClock LP from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the PCI bus. An on-board microprocessor automaticallysynchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or HaveQuick. The clock can free run and be set by commands from the host over the PCI Express bus.
PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
The PCI-Express time code reference timing card with standard options such as IRIG B and optional GPS receiver provides an extremely accurate time source to the PCI-Express bus.
Personal Gamma Radiation Dosimeter
The radiation monitoring badge EcotestCARD allows storing dose accumulation history with real time reference in the non-volatile memory, and communicating it to the computer. If the programmed threshold levels of gamma dose or its rate are exceeded, light and audio alarms are actuated.
Portable Calibration Baths
6109A / 7109A
The Fluke Calibration 6109A and 7109A Portable Calibration Baths are liquid baths that let process industry professionals calibrate four times more sanitary sensors per batch in less time and with twice the accuracy of other portable baths in this class. Larger than micro baths, up to four tri-clamp sanitary sensors fit easily into these baths for calibration at ± 0.1 °C temperature display accuracy. Throughput is even higher for sanitary RTDs with small or no flanges. Two bath models cover a wide temperature range: 35 °C to 250 °C for the 6109A and -25 °C to 140 °C for the 7109A. Each model offers a “-P” version that includes process electronics for connecting an external reference probe. Professionals working in clean process industries, including facilities managers, production engineers and calibration technicians, prefer these baths for a variety of reasons.
PTP Toolbox
OSA 5410/11
The OSA 5410 Series is a family of compact and cost-effective synchronization distribution and assurance devices that bring the power of Syncjack™ to any network. Following a toolbox approach, the family members of the OSA 5410 Series can be utilized in a variety of network synchronization applications including IEEE 1588v2 Access Grandmaster, Boundary and Slave Clock, GNSS receiver and Primary Reference Time Clock (PRTC), synchronization signal conversion and sync probe applications.
Pulse & Delay Generators
The benchtop pulse generators feature a fast risetime and low jitter. Our most popular digital delay pulse series 575 and 577 generators are now available with selectable time references. With up to eight channels of delay and width control, each individual channel's reference can be set either to the trigger or to any other channel. So look below if you require a picosecond pulse generator or nanosecond pulse generator for your application.
Reference Solutions
As you seek solutions to evolving test challenges, Keysight Reference Solutions provide the right combination of hardware, software, and measurement expertise through programming examples highly optimized for specific applications. Reference Solutions show you how to get the most out of your test equipment, helping you achieve half the time to insight.
SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout
ZED-F9T (Qwiic)
The SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout offers a unique entry into SparkFun's geospatial catalog featuring the ZED-F9T GNSS receiver from u-blox. The ZED-F9T provides up to five nanosecond timing accuracy under clear skies with no external GNSS correction making it perfect for applications where timing accuracy is imperative. Need an extremely accurate time reference to maximize the efficiency of your IoT network of 5G devices? The ZED-F9T GNSS Timing Breakout could be the perfect solution.
Spectral Phase Measurement
Avoca SPIDER System
Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER) is one technique that can recover the spectral phase of an input pulse, without needing any reference pulse. SPIDER interferes two pulses which areseparated in time and in frequency, and the resultantinterferogram is read by a spectrometer.
Time Code Generators
Masterclock's time code generators provide a source of very stable time code and accurate time and date information. The GPS500 extracts timing reference from GPS satellite signals and generate time code synchronized to within less than 10 microseconds of UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). It can output IRIG-B with and without IEEE 1344 date encoding, SMPTE/EBU, NMEA 0183, Kinemetrics/Truetime, and 1PPS.
Universal Counter
The Picotest U6200A also provides great features including Frequency & Ratio (11Digits/Sec.), Time interval, Period (2.5 ns to 1000s), Duty Cycle, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Peak Volts (100 Hz~300 MHz), Phase, Totalize, Temperature Stability (< 1 PPM), Aging Rate (< 2 PPM per year), timebase reference channel (Figure-2) and complete Front-End Isolation. Moreover, it offers 20 memory locations (Figure-3) for storing frequently-used operations.
USB Digital Storage Oscilloscope, 1GS/s, 200MHz BW, 64M/channel
Acute TS2212B
1. Up to 7x faster H/W initial time!2. An additional reference clock input port to synchronize multiple-stacked DSOs!*PC-based (USB2.0 interface)*USB powered*2 channels (stackable up to 12 channels)*1 GS/s real-time sampling*200 MHz bandwidth*10K (TS2202)/64M (TS2212) points per channel*Vertical offset adjustable*Edge, External , Width, Video/TV Trigger*B-Trigger, Delay, Logic, Runt, Serial Bus, Setup/Hold, Slew, *Timeout Trigger (TS22x2A Only)