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Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) is a powerful analytical method to detect, analyze and determine thecharacteristics of unpaired electrons in a substance. It is clear that the state of electrons in a substance have a strong influence on its characteristics and functionality, so evaluation by ESR is becoming more and more important. Many types of substances, from electronic materials to catalysts, biological samples, can be studied regardless of whether they are solid, liquid, or gas. A wide range of ESR techniques are possible using suitable attachments together with the basic instrument.
EMI Check & Resonance Analysis Software
EMI Stream
At the placement design stage, EMI Stream software examines optimal locations for parts by using actual .dsn files and verifies the effects of the proposed EMI solution. EMI Stream can analyze resonance which occurs between the power and ground planes by analyzing the resonance which occurs and changing the locations of capacitors.
Hall Effect Portable Gauss-Meters
300 Series
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical Applications include Measurements of the Earth's field vectors, Air shipment inspection, Mapping and recording field perturbations, Magnet classification, Analysis of magnetic circuitry and components, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Measuring residual fields.
Harmonic Analysis Software
HI_WAVE simulates resonance and harmonic distortion in industrial, commercial, and utility power systems.
Harmonic Filters
ENTES Harmonic Filter Reactors are used in serial connection with capacitor banks in power factor correction units. By using these types of detuned reactors it is possible to increase the capacitor impedance against harmonic currents and to keep the resonance frequency under the frequencies in which main harmonic currents occur by shifting the resonance frequency.
High-Resolution Double and Triple Spectrometers
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
TriVista spectrometers are 2-stage or 3 stage spectrographs designed for demanding spectroscopy applications in material science, chemistry and life science. It is the most versatile and customizable spectroscopy platform for Raman, photoluminescence, resonance Raman and fluorescence.
Machinery Fault Simulator
To gain an in-depth understanding of different vibration signatures, controlled experiments on a device that emulates real world machinery are needed. While analysis of a single machinery fault may be beneficial, there are many occasions when the analysis of the interaction between dynamic stiffness, resonance, and speed is essential in order to gain an understanding of real world vibration spectra. With the MFS, the expertise required to diagnose industrial machinery problems in well controlled experiments can be developed and enhanced. With a plant running at full production, it is virtually impractical to gain an understanding of the kinetics and dynamics of machinery without adversely affecting production and profits: The MFS enables offline training and experimentation which in turn will minimize production downtime.
Machinery Fault Simulator – Lite
To gain an in-depth understanding of different vibration signatures, controlled experiments on a device that emulates real world machinery are needed. While analysis of a single machinery fault may be beneficial, there are many occasions when the analysis of the interaction between dynamic stiffness, resonance, and speed is essential in order to gain an understanding of real world vibration spectra. With the MFS, the expertise required to diagnose industrial machinery problems in well controlled experiments can be developed and enhanced. With a plant running at full production, it is virtually impractical to gain an understanding of the kinetics and dynamics of machinery without adversely affecting production and profits: The MFS-LT enables offline training and experimentation which in turn will minimize production downtime.
Magnetic Resonance
Bruker's product portfolio in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopy includes NMR, preclinical MRI, EPR and Time-Domain (TD) NMR. In addition. Bruker delivers the world's most comprehensive range of research tools enabling life science, materials science, analytical chemistry, process control and clinical research. Bruker is also the leading superconductor magnet and ultra high field magnet manufacturer for NMR and MRI solutions.
Mini-MRI Systems
Magnets for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are required to generate a high homogeneity field over the imaging volume which remains stable in time.
Modal Analysis Shaker
KD-9363EM-Analysis shaker
King Design Industrial Co., Ltd.
This machine can test the structural properties of materials, manual fine-tuning vibration frequency can perform single-point resonance search and presence; after shaking, capture resonance excitation modal analysis data for future use.
NMR Gaussmeter (Teslameter)
CAYLAR, NMR20 Teslameter
The NMR20 Gaussmeter (NMR Teslameter) measures magnetic fields using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance . This is the most precise technology for measuring the magnetic field. 1mG accuracy and 0.2ppm/year drifting.There is no temperature drift.
NMR Precision Teslameter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the most precise technology to measure magnetic fields, and the PT2026 is the most precise NMR magnetometer on the market. In optimal conditions, it achieves a precision of under ten parts per billion! But precision is just one of the features brought by the PT2026: high fields, robustness to inhomogeneous fields, 33 Hz measurement speed, improved search time – the list goes on. The key is an instrument design, using modern RF and computer technology. The result is an NMR magnetometer that opens up a host of new application areas. Magnetometer Gaussmeter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
NMR is an abbreviation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. An NMR instrument allows the molecular structure of a material to be analyzed by observing and measuring the interaction of nuclear spins when placed in a powerful magnetic field.For the analysis of molecular structure at the atomic level, electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction instruments can also be used, but the advantages of NMR are that sample measurements are non-destructive and there is less sample preparation required.Fields of application include bio, foods, and chemistry, as well as new fields such as battery films and organic EL, which are improving and developing at remarkable speed. NMR has become an indispensable analysis tool in cutting-edge science and technology fields.
Passive Magnetic Antennas, TX-Loop Antennas
A passive loop antenna which is matched to a resonance frequency of 13.56 MHz with 370 kHz bandwidth (-3dB)The purpose of the antenna is to produce defined magnetic fields at 13.56 MHz efficiently, i.e. to test near field communication devices (NFC) or RFID equipment.
Photon Magnetic Resonance
Numis Lite
The Numis lite device is a Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system for the direct detection of shallow groundwater down to 50 m of depth.
Photon Magnetic Resonance
Numis Poly
The Numis Poly device is a Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) system for the direct detection of shallow groundwater down to 150 m of depth
RF & Microwave Crystal Oscillators
A Crystal Oscillator is an oscillator which uses the resonance property of a quartz crystal to create an electric signal at a particular frequency. Compare Crystal Oscillators from the leading manufacturers on everything RF. Select a type and then use the parametric search tool to narrow down on a list of products from multiple manufacturers. Compare products, Download datasheets and get quotations.
FTT Analysis Software
The DS-0321 is basic software for frequency analysis. With this software, you can resolve time-axis waveform into each frequency, and observe the level of each component. It fits the purpose of resonance frequency observation or careful observation of sound frequency component.
Antenna Analyzer
Measuring antenna SWR ratio with graphic display in a selected frequency range.Measuring antenna Impedance ( Z = R + j X )Measuring antenna resistance RMeasuring antenna reactance X, all the above with graphic display in a selected frequency range.Quick search for antenna resonance frequencyVery suitable for antenna measurement and adjustment.Portable and small size.Easy and intuitive operation
Variable Frequency Series Resonance Test Device
Wuhan Sangao Electrical Test Installations Limit Co.
The device mainly AC voltage withstand test design for 10kV, 35kV, 110kV, 220kV, substation and line of all electric main equipment.Reactor with multiple separate design, Not only can meet the requirements of equipment testing conditions high voltage, small current, and can meet the requirements of low voltage AC voltage withstand test, has a wider scope of application.The device is mainly composed of variable frequency control power supply, transformer, reactor, capacitor divider.
AC Resonance Test System
KV Hipot Power Test Equipment Co.,Ltd
KVXZ-270kVA/270kV Variable Frequency AC Resonance Test System is applied for AC dielectric test for electric equipment.
Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is an optical-based, label-free detection technology for real-time monitoring of binding interactions between two or more molecules. The throughput, flexibility and sensitivity of the SPR platform gives researchers the potential to characterize biomolecular interactions in any binding study.
Magnetic Resonance
Magnetic resonance is a unique non-invasive and non-destructive research tool that aids in the study of living cells and tissues as well as provides detailed analysis of molecular solutions and body fluids.
Variable Frequency Series Resonant System
HTXZ / 120
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
The principle of series resonance is adopted to satisfy the ac/dc endurance test.
Series Resonance Test Devices
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Voltage capacitance testers by HVTEST
Benchtop NMR Analyser
MQC+ benchtop NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) analyser for the measurement of oil, water, fluorine and solid fat in a variety of samples in a wide range of industries. The MQC+ replaces wet chemical analysis, which uses hazardous chemicals, and allows the measurement of more samples much faster. Unlike wet chemical methods, the MQC+ does not destroy the sample being measured. It can also measure physical properties including crystallinity and density of polymers.
Site Vibration And Noise Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Effective vibration isolation is critical to the performance of many systems. It is often much more challenging than expected because the structural dynamics of the supporting structure, and the isolated structure, also affect the isolation performance. Isolation resonances can often create other vibration problems and confound an engineering team. We have successfully designed vibration isolation into countless systems over the years using unique custom solutions as well as adapting standard components and applying them properly to the design.
Resonant Frequency Testing
E-Meter MK II™
Determines resonant frequencies of the three modes of vibration. Material characteristics such as Youngs Modulus of Elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, Poissons Ratio and Damping Constant can be calculated. Frequencies are automatically scanned in one of four ranges. The system can determine flexural resonance of concrete under accelerated freezing and thawing cycles and aggressive environments.
Pulsed And CW ESR/EPR: Quasi-continuous Powerful Millimeter (mm-wave) And Sub-millimeter (sub-mm Wave) Orotron Generator
Insight Product Company offers Quasi-continuous powerful millimeter (mm-wave) and sub-millimeter (sub-mm wave) Orotron Generators which can be used for both continuous wave (CW) and pulsed electron spin resonance (ESR) and electon paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments.