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Detect and strengthen a signal prior to greater amplification.
Current Preamplifier
The Model 1641 Current Preamplifier is a simple low cost wideband gain block for use with photomultipliers
Current Preamplifier
The model 1211 Current Preamplifier was designed to provide all of the features required of a modern laboratory preamplifier. It measures cur rents with full scale sensitivity ranging from 10 to 10 amperes.
CZT-based Radiation Detector
A CZT-based gamma radiation and x-ray detector perfect for immediate use (using Kromek KSpect or MSpect gamma spectroscopy software) or as the gamma radiation and x-ray detector component in your own radiation detector. Being CZT-based the SPEAR (Single Point Extended Area Radiation) can operate at room temperature while still offering high sensitivity. The SPEAR detector is a complete probe, comprising a 5x5x5mm3 CZT detector crystal and low noise hybrid preamplifier in a housing measuring only 13mm diameter x 84mm in length. The probe is supplied complete with a 2 metre long connecting input/output cable, allowing the unit to be used immediately.
CZT Gamma-Ray Detector Spectrometer
GR Family
The Kromek GR family is a range of CZT-based high-performance gamma-ray spectrometers. They are completely self-contained, with built-in preamplifier, shaping amplifier, baseline restorer, pulse height digitizer, and HV supply. The digitized pulse heights of detected gamma-ray signals are sent to a PC via the USB. The unit is powered entirely from the USB bus, so no external power supply is needed.
DC to 350 MHz Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The model SR240A 350 MHz Preamplifier is a 4-channel, DC-coupled instrument with a gain of 5 per channel. The amplifiers can be used independently or cascaded to provide gains of 5, 25, 125 or 625.
DryLoc pH/ORP Preamplifier and Connectors
The 2760 preamplifier allows any DryLoc pH/ORP electrode to work with Signet ProcessPro and ProPoint pH/ORP instruments. It is also sold as a simple connector for use with other manufacturers' instruments that do not require a preamplified signal.
Filtered Preamplifers
These low noise figure, high gain preamplifiers provide low system noise figure andallow longer antenna to receiver cable lengths. Preamplifiers can be specified withseveral filter configurations.
High Impedance Preamplifier
The Model 1671 is a single ended low noise field effect transistor
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
JFET Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM910 and SIM911 are low-noise, programmable preamplifiers which are ideal for a wide range of small signal applications. The primary differences between the two models are their input impedance and input noise.
Linear Array Detector Cards
X-Card 0.2 to 2.5mm
A product family of high performance linear X-ray detector cards with preamplifier ASICs. The preamplifier ASIC converts the charge output from the photodiode array into voltage with serial output for easy integration with readout electronics. Can be arranged end-to-end to form large linear detector arrays.
LISN & Voltage Probes
All commercial LISNs include an artificial hand connection and a transient limiter. This adds a 30dB insertion loss. A 30dB pre-amplifier is included which can be connected in the RF output feed to return the insertion loss to 0dB. The Voltage Probe requirement is covered by our PLIP (Power LIne Interference Probe). This fully meets the requirements of CISPR16, but has additional features:*Fully galvanic isolation between input and output (>1kV), for the safety of operator and analyser!*Shrouded safety clips for attachment to the line to be measured.*Filtered frequency response matched to Band A and B.*Current limiting on the output.*Visual indication of high voltage input.
Lock-In Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR552 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with SRS lock-in amplifiers, providing gain where it is needed most?right at the experiment. The preamplifier minimizes noise and pickup in the connecting lines and can reduce measurement time in noise-limited experiments.
Lock-In Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR550 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with any SRS lock-in amplifier. Preamplifiers provide gain close to the experimental detector, before the signal-to-noise ratio is permanently degraded by cable capacitance and pickup
Low Noise Amplifiers for Radio Amateurs
Our Low Noise Preamplifiers are remarkable for extremely low noise, excellent SWR, high efficiency and a high IP3. The Low Noise amplifiers are especially selective and absolute stable therefore oscillation is avoided. Even if you have a bad SWR. This is the reason why radio amateurs and club-stations all around the world trust in Kuhne electronic equipment. The products are perfect for use in contests, EME, MeteorScatter, Aurora and Tropo DX. Small mechanical measurements and technical innovations from the professional sector, e. g. milled aluminium cases, enable high temperature stability and tower mounting. Numerous contest victories, records and first contacts with a country were and are achieved with Kuhne products. Don't compromise and get technology from Kuhne electronic!
Low Noise Current Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR570 is a low-noise current preamplifier capable of current gains as large as 1 pA/V. High gain and bandwidth, low noise, and many convenient features make the SR570 ideal for a variety of photonic, low temperature and other measurements.
Low Noise Differential Preamplifiers
Provide a high gain amplification to 1MHz with an AC output derived from a very low noise FET instrumentation amplifier. Each model has fixed gain settings of x1 (0dB), x10 (20dB), x100 (40dB) and x1000 (60dB) over a selectable bandwidths of 100Hz, 1kHz (HP), 3kHz, 30kHz, 100kHz and 1MHz (7000 model only). Noise referred to input is 7nV√Hz and common mode rejection is >100dB at 1kHz. Momentary pushbutton switches are provided that control coupling, bandwidth, gain and channel on/off selections. BNC connectors are provided for single-ended and differential input, ac output, and dc output (optional) connections.
Low Noise Preamplifier
The UPL-3001 preamplifier is a high performance solution for the low-noise amplification of ultrasonic signals. Designed for signals ranging from 0.5 to 300 MHz, the small and lightweight, rugged unit is perfect for remote applications. This is ideal for P&C, TT, AUT or TOFD inspection.
Low Noise Voltage Preamplifier
The Model 1201 Voltage Preamplifier with Remote Gain Programming Option (06) is usable in both computer controlled and maual applications requiring uncompromising performance.
Low-Noise Voltage Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR560 is a high-performance, low-noise preamplifier that is ideal for a wide variety of applications including low-temperature measurements, optical detection, and audio engineering
MCT IR Detector Module
The MCT (Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride) IR (infrared) Detector Module is a thermoelectrically cooled detector element and preamplifier package optimized for acquiring spectral data with the LaserTune Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) source.
Measurement Microphones
The microphone bodies contain the preamplifier. They combine high dynamic range and wide frequency range with low noise. These measurement microphones connect via the ASD Cable to the XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer, e.g. for measurements at remote locations or to reduce acoustic reflections.
Microphone preamplifier
The microphone preamplifier PRE-01 has been designed to match Audiomatica’s microphones MIC-01, MIC-02 andMIC-03. It is particularly useful when the microphone has to be operated far from the analyzer or when weighted measurements are needed. PRE-01 powers the microphone connected to its input with an 8.2V phantom supplyand adds a selectable weighting filter (A or B or C); also available there is a 20 dB gain stage
Microphone Preamplifier
1/2-inch ICP preamplifier with gain and filter switches (for prepolarized microphones)ICP(R) low noise preamplifier with gain, filters, and TEDS
Microphone Preamplifier
Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/2 Gain -0.05 dBFrequency Response (0.1 dB) (re 1 kHz)6.3 to 125000 HzFrequency Response (-3 dB) (re1 kHz) Phase Linearity (<1 )32 to 20000 Electrical Noise (A-weight)<2.8 V<2.8 V[1] Output Slew Rate 2 V/S[2]
Microphone Preamplifier
Performance: Nominal Microphone Diameter:1/4"Frequency Response: (0.1 dB) (re 1 kHz)5 to 126000 Hz5 to 126000 Hz Frequency Response
Microphone Preamplifier
Performance:Nominal Microphone Diameter:1/4" Frequency Response:3.98 to 126000 Hz3.98 to 126000 10.0 to 126000 Hz10.0 to 126000 HzElectrical Noise (A-weight)3.8 TEDS CompliantYes
Microphone Preamplifier
Nominal Microphone Diameter1/2Frequency Response Electrical Noise(at 22 C) (Flat 20 Hz to 20 kHz)Distortion (3 V rms input at 1 kHz)<-70 dB<-70 dB[1] EnvironmentalTemperature Range (Operating)-40 to +248 FExcitation Voltage 20 to 32 Constant Current Excitation 2 to 10 mA