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Check Weighing
You run containers all day (and sometimes all night) at light speed. Of course there are minor mistakes or issues from time to time. If you know there is an issue or even if you aren’t sure, let FlexXray do a weight inspection for you. We’ll identify any abnormalities and help you address them quickly and efficiently.
Course Length Tester
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Course Length Tester, to determine the accurate length of a complete course of knitted fabric. When the yarn is attached to the clamp and wound round the pulleys, the length indicated on the ruler by the weighted clamp is added to that indicated on the appropriate location in use to give the total length of yarn.
CTEK Multi US 25000 Battery Charger
CTEK MULTI US 25000 is an 8-step, fully automatic primary switch mode battery charger. A powerful charger for 12V batteries that require rapid charging such as in garages, RV’s, boats and of course cars. Unlike old traditional battery chargers CTEK chargers are designed with focus on simplicity, safety and flexibility.
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Today we would like to present to you a brand new multi-protocol accessory decoder designed for controlling signals. Due to its intelligent software it supports DCC and Motorola®. Flexible programming makes this decoder THE all-rounder amongst accessory decoders. The SignalPilot has 16 outputs for direct connection of micro lamps respectively LEDs installed in daylight signals. Due to the fact that the outputs are designed as push/pull power amplifiers, they are suitable for both – conventional daylight signals with common anode as well as for daylight signals and/or lighting strips with common ground (common cathode), as is the case with some Viessmann® signals. Of course, the SignalPilot decoder can also handle semaphore signals and turnout motors.
Elevators Diagnostics System
Lift diagnostics system “Vector” is used for measurements in the course of elevators diagnostics and enables measurements of the following parameters:
Engineering Lab Stations
Engineering Lab Stations provide an all-in-one solution to engineering education by combining hardware, software, and courseware to give real hands-on experience to students in electronics, mechatronics, and communications courses.
Finite Element Analysis
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
An understanding of structural dynamics is very important to sound Finite Element Analysis (FEA). We have been performing FEA analysis for over 30 years and in most cases we have used experimental data to guide our modeling. While our engineers have had undergraduate and graduate courses in FEA, it is the years of modeling and analysis of existing structures that has taught us the most by forcing a thoughtful analysis of the key structural dynamics and then going though the process of making adjustments to boundary conditions, expanding the dynamics of the model in places, and making simplifications and approximations where possible.
Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Our affordable Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer is designed specifically for upper-level chemistry courses. We've combined the functionality of a fluorometer with the power of a UV/VIS spectrophotometer to allow students to easily and accurately conduct numerous fluorescence experiments with compounds such as quinine sulfate, DAPI, GFP, and tryptophan. Exchangeable LEDs ensure you get the exact excitation wavelength needed for your experiment. To conduct emission spectra experiments simply attach the Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber. The Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer connects directly to a computer or LabQuest. Data can be collected and analyzed using our Logger Pro software, so there is no need to train students on yet another instrument software.
GX Rangefinder
Line-of-sight. Uphill. Downhill. Mountain course. Or at sea level. The fastest way to shave strokes off your game is by having all the facts. And with Leupold GX rangefinders you can quickly have the precise distance to your target and which club you will need to get there.
Infrared Camera for Methane and VOC Detection
The FLIR GF300 detects methane, other hydrocarbon, and volatile organic compounds resulting from the production, transportation, and use of oil and natural gas. This camera can scan large areas and visualize potential gas leaks in real-time, so you can check thousands of components over the course of one survey. Designed with the user in mind, the GF300 is lightweight, offers both a viewfinder and LCD monitor, and has direct access to controls.
Isolation Transformers 230V
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
Due to the high safety requirements in service workshops, schools and industry, an isolating transformer is an absolute prerequisite for carrying out professional repair work. Galvanic isolation between primary and secondary voltage during measurements and repairs on open devices guarantees a high safety standard for the user. Of course, galvanic isolation from the mains voltage also offers other advantages in electronics development, audio technology and many other areas.
Isolation Transformers 230V
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
Due to the high safety requirements in service workshops, schools and industry, an isolating transformer is an absolute prerequisite for carrying out professional repair work. Galvanic isolation between primary and secondary voltage during measurements and repairs on open devices guarantees a high safety standard for the user. Of course, galvanic isolation from the mains voltage also offers other advantages in electronics development, audio technology and many other areas.
IVI Training Class
IVI Classroom
The IVI JumpStart training class is an intensive course that begins with a detailed look at the intricacies of the IVI specifications and the IVI architecture. The lectures covered on Day 1 present what you, as a developer, need to know about IVI, irrespective of the types of drivers you will be developing or the development toolset you will be using.
Mining and Geochemistry Handheld XRF Analyzer
DELTA Mining & Geochemistry Handheld XRF Analyzers provide immediate results to help determine the next course of action for the entire process - exploration, ore grade/process control, environmental sustainability. On-site detection of metals, minerals & contaminants. GPS-GIS-XRF for instant metal mapping, time, cost savings
NI LabVIEW Development Services
Software development using National Instruments LabVIEW is a core skill of the Simplicity AI which is an NI Alliance Partner and has a technical team with over 60 years of experience in the product. Engineers are accredited with Certified LabVIEW Developer or Certified LabVIEW Architect qualifications, and several are certified by National Instruments to teach LabVIEW training courses.
Optronik Line DSP 200
Instrument Systems Optische Messtechnik GmbH
DSP 200 offers outstanding sensitivity and stability for precise measurements even at very low illumination levels. The instrument meets, of course, all requirements of the newest standards, like EN 13032-1 and DIN 5032-7 (2017). A low-noise photo diode with V(lambda)-filtering and optimized electronics provides for a broad dynamic range from 0.1 mlx to 200 klx. At the same time the very high local resolution allows an accurate determination even of high gradients when measuring headlamps. Therefore, the DSP 200 is suitable for all automotive and traffic applications, as well as for flashlights and for measurements of all pulse width modulated light sources.
Precision Amplifier
TI Precision Labs is the electronics industry's first comprehensive online classroom for analog engineers. The on-demand curriculum pairs theory and applied lab exercises to deepen the technical expertise of experienced engineers and accelerate the development of those early in their career. This free modular curriculum includes over 30 hands-on trainings and lab videos, covering analog amplifier design considerations with online course work.
Pressure Calibrator
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
The HPC50 handheld pressure calibrator is an intrinsically safe, dual pressure calibrator with options to add an additional two external pressure or temperature modules. The HPC50 pressure calibrator combines the features you love from the HPC40 with improvements like, better battery life an improved display, an extra external module connection, and of course intrinsic safety.
Sample Preparation
At FRITSCH you will find for each individual type of sample preparation, sample quantity and material the suitable instrument. Like our high-performance mills which work with various comminution methods. Or our optimal solutions for efficient sieve analysis and exact reproducible results. And of course laboratory instruments for intelligent sample division, feeding and cleaning.
Shaker Control Complex
n the course of vibration tests of finished products or prototypes, a number of steps are carried out that require certain, often very complex, algorithms for the operation of bench equipment and the processing of measurement results. Automation of the test process allows to reduce time costs, improve the accuracy of the task, the reliability of measurements, the visibility of information and minimize the impact of the human factor.
Social Engineering With Physical & Logical Attack
LGMS Security Team will approach the Social Engineering assessment as an intelligence operation. During the course of assessment, LGMS Security Team will base on clear objectives to breach the security controls using information that has been obtained through deception including phishing emails, sending of malicious parcels (CD or thumb-drives), and social engineering phone calls.
SSD Life
SSD Life analyzes how actively you use your solid-state drive and uses a special algorithm to calculate its estimated lifetime. Of course, the date of the lifetime expiration is corrected depending on how intensively you keep using your drive.
Standard Capacitors
1408 Series
Ultra-high stability. The continuously improvingaccuracy of capacitor calibrations by NISTbrings a better knowledge of capacitance tostandards laboratories - provided, of course,the laboratories have adequate referencestandards. The 1408 Reference Standard Capacitors,with their high stability, are suitablefor calibration in parts in 107. The 1616 PrecisionCapacitance Bridge is highly recommendedfor accurate calibration of a wide range ofworking standards from such a reference.
Torque Calibration
Our years of experience has show us that torque tools given the fact that they are mostly driven by large (and small) springs do tend to drift out of specification quicker than other measurement tools – we have the expertise in house to adjust your tools back into spec and of course provide before and after results.
Engineering Services
- Design and implementation of custom material handling solutions- Selection of optimal, tool specific, material handling systems- Optimization of tool automation performance- Reducing tool programming time via automated teaching- Development of customized tool diagnostic tools- Development of specialized automation system teaching wizards- Provide specialized training courses in material handling automation
20 MHZ Arbitrary Waveform Generator
F175 AWG
he F175 AWG does not replace our current square wave generator models (F125/165/170/110). It is an arbitrary waveform generator. Its main strength is in producing non-square waves. Of course it is also able to produce square waves but if you only need generate square waves, please look at our other models: F125/165/170/110. We expect to have F175 AWG production boards available in the third quarter of 2009.
Consultancy Services
CellCare Technologies are experts in all types of standby battery servicing, specialising in automated monitoring, data acquisition systems, on-site battery management and maintenance, together with fault diagnosis and performance prediction. Our services also include product application and consultancy, plus training seminars on standby battery maintenance. Health & Safety courses to ensure compliance with COSHH regulations are also available.
Cosmo Super Gel
The Cosmo Super Gel was originally conceived in the course of research on seal technology for leak testing, and consists of straight chain hydrocarbon macromolecules made that are complexly intertwined.
Materials, Structure, Surface, and failure analysis Services
Materials Analysis Technology Inc.
MA-tek provides wide span of materials analysis, structure analysis, surface analysis, and failure analysis. By technology segment, MA-tek provides 9 major service lines:1. Electrical Failure Analysis (EFA). 2. Physical Failure Analysis (PFA). 3. Structure Analysis. 4. Surface Analysis. 5. FIB Circuit Editing6. Reliability Testing. 7. Reverse Engineering of Benchmark Analysis. 8. IP Consultancy. 9. Quality Management Training Course.
Handheld XRF Analyzers
XRF stands for X-ray fluorescence. It’s a powerful, nondestructive technique for measuring elemental composition from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U), from parts per million to 100%. Handheld XRF analyzers are portable devices that can be used on location for immediate, lab-quality results to help you determine the next course of action and where it’s needed.