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Concrete Surface Resistivity
Giatec Surf™ is a laboratory test device for rapid, easy and accurate measurement of the surface electrical resistivity of concrete based on the four-probe (Wenner-Array) technique. The Surf™ patented technology automatically measures resistivity around the concrete specimen using four channels of 4-probe array (located at 90° from each other). The PC software generates the required reports according to the standard specifications.
Digital Megohmmeter
The ACL 800 Digital Megohmmeter is a dependable and easy-to-use audit kit that is designed to test static dissipative surfaces for electrical resistivity and resistance according to industry standards such as ANSI/ESD test methods S4.1, S7.1, and ASTM D257. Tests are easy to perform with or without the 5lb probes. Use optional concentric ring probe for conformance to STM11.11.
Miniature Probes with Cords
Stat MP-1234
This optional probe is used with the Ohm-Stat RT-1000 Standard Resistivity Tester. It accurately measures surface resistivity and conforms to the EOS/ESD 11.11 specifications.
New Resistivity Inversion Software
EarthImager 3D
AGI is proud to introduce the new EarthImager 3D resistivity and IP inversion software. This software inverts resistivity and IP data acquired with electrodes arranged in boreholes and/or on the surface and presents a 3D volume of inverted resistivity data with advanced volume rendering technique. The final resistivity or IP image-volume can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the volume of interest in detail. Colors representing areas of less interest can be made transparent so that the shape of a pollution plume, for example, can be visible. With EarthImager, 3D resistivity inversion can be as easy as two steps: Read Data and Start Inversion with only a few mouse clicks.
Portable Surface Resistivity Meter
LEGGE?s 262 Surface Resisitivity Meter is a simple to use, highly repeatable measuring device, for determining the surface resistivity of materials. The 262 incorporates a revolutionary 3 - point probe measuring technique, enabling accurate, consistent and repeatable surface resistivity measurements. Provided with fully rechargeable nickel cadmium battery installed
Surface Resistivity Meter
The ACL 395 handheld meter features sophisticated circuitry that allows for the same advantages as megohmmeters, but at an economical price. Utilizing color-coded zones, the LED scale is easy to read and evaluate. Half decades indicate where the measurement value falls within the decade giving a closer indication to actual value. Unlike other pocket-sized meters, the ACL 395 features rubber rails which provide the best possible contact.
Concentric Ring Set
- Measures surface resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.11- Measures volume resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.12- Meets the requirements of IEC 61340-2-3- Approximates surface & volume resistivity per ASTM D-257- Incorporates a spring loaded, self-aligning center electrode feature to reduce calibration frequency- Includes an insulated and metal dual test bed- Designed to work with a wide range resistance meter and one 5 lb. electrode- Certificate of calibration traceable to NIST included
ESD Packaging Test Kit
The PRF-911 Concentric Ring is to be attached to the PRS-801B Resistance System included in this Packaging Test Kit. This system will also give you surface resistivity by multiplying the surface resistance measurement in ohms by 10 to obtain surface resistivity in ohms/square. The PRF-911PT meets requirements from ANSI/ESD STM11.11, ANSI/ESD STM11.12 snd IEC 61340-2-3. It will also approximate surface and volume resistivity measurements per ASTM D-257.
Surface Insulation Resistivity Tester
Model SRT1
The model SRT1 is an advanced instrument for measuring surface insulation resistivity following ASTM standard A717 (IEC 404-11). Featuring the improved, patented Allegheny Ludlum Head*, which providesincreased reliability and repeatability while decreasing maintenance costs. Its floating baseplate assures button alignment across the full sample width and length.
The ESD LCD SURFACE RESISTIVITY METER provides everything necessary to test work surfaces using the procedure outlined in the EOS/ESD-S4.1 standard. This test kit makes testing surface resistance easy – simply place the weights attach the cables, switch to the correct voltage and press the button to read resistance directly on the meter. The meter incorporates parallel probes on the bottom of the unit which allows the user to make surface resistivity measurements. The parallel probes allow for quick and easy testing of a variety of surfaces and materials, without the use of the five pound electrodes
Rubber Testing Equipment
Dongguan Amade Instruments Technology Co., Ltd
Rubber testing equipment are used to test the physical properties, chemical properties, thermal properties of uncompounded and compounded rubbers at prescribed conditions to help manufactures or researchers in comprehending the characteristics, updating the formula and improving product quality. Including volatile component, ash content, Mooney viscosity, vulcanization curve, Mooney scorch time, hardness, tensile properties, tearing, the compression performance, impact, friction resistance, fatigue resistance, peel strength, vertical & horizontal combustion, smoke density, limiting oxygen index, the flame spread rate, the surface resistance, surface resistivity, volume resistivity, the breakdown voltage, dielectric strength, dielectric loss, antistatic properties, Aging test (UV, Xenon lamp, carbon arc lamp, ozone) etc.
Resistance Meters
ACL provides surface resistance/resistivity meters and digital megohmmeters to quickly and accurately measure resistivity.
Remote Monitoring System
The AGI SuperSting Remote Monitoring System (SSRMS) is designed for unattended monitoring applications on landfills, well sites, dams and other locations where changes of resistivity conditions over time need to be recorded and analyzed. The electrodes can be installed at the surface or in bore holes.
Franklin Tester
Model FT1
The Franklin tester FT‐1 is designed to measure the surface insulation resistivity of electrical steel sheet according to the ASTM Standard A717 and IS:649. This test method is suitable for quality control in the application of insulation coating. For ease of testing FT‐1 automatically set 300 PSI pressure on the sample by the inbuilt hydraulic unit and it is capable to set the desired test temperature of the platform. Then the regulated supply of 0.5V gets on and the current flowing through the insulation get measured. The calculated insulation resistivity will be displayed on graphics LCD display and as well as on printed report via thermal printer.
Franklin Tester
The measuring device Franklin tester is designed to measure the insulation resistivity of coating and its mineral components on the surface of electrotechnical steel sheet as well as applied enamel to generator stator core laminations according to the ASTM A717/ A717 M - 95 Standard. The device contain series connection which allow the data transmittion to PC.
Surface & Volume Resistivity Meter for Nonconductive Materials
Hiresta UX
The new Hiresta-UX is a high performance meter for measuring the surface and volume resistivity of a wide variety of nonconductive materials. With an extended measurement range of 103 ~ 1014Ω, this meter is ideal for Production, Engineering, R&D and Quality Control. The new Hiresta-UX features powerful new algorithms that automatically choose the right voltage, which optimizes the surface and volume resistivity testing. This versatile, high performance resistivity meter includes a built-in switch box that can be mated with a J-Box (meets JIS K 6911 for surface & volume resistivity and is compatible with ASTM D 257) as an option. The Hiresta-UX can store up to 2,000 measurement results, which can be easily exported to a USB memory device.
Salt Spray Test Chambers
Labodam salt spray test chambers are reliable instruments for testing the corrosion resistivity of products with painted, organic, or inorganic film surface.
For many years Teledyne Labtech has manufactured RF & Microwave PCB with integrated OhmegaPly® resistors. OhmegaPly® is a thin film resistor-conductor material. Using standard subtractive printed circuit technology, integral resistors are formed on circuit layers. These resistors can be buried within a Multilayer circuit board or used on the board surface. The resistors can also be used mounted on Metalbacked PCB.OhmegaPly® is available in 25 ohm per square, 50 ohm per square and 100 ohm per square sheet resistivity.
Surface Resistance Meter
The Model 990SRM is a convenient, pocket-sized meter for measurement of surface resistivity and resistance to ground.
Concentric Pen Probe
This miniature concentric ring probe allows for small areas to be measured for surface resistance in accordance to ANSI/ESD STM11.11-2006 when connected to a resistivity meter or megohmmeter.
Surface Resistivity Meter
Statclean Technology (S) Pte Ltd
Effective for a quick measurement of Surface Resistivity on most surfaces.
Surface Resistance Meter
WL MIDGET Surface Resistance Meter is an ultra-wide range, battery operated, portable instrument for measuring Surface Resistivity and Resistance to Ground of virtually any flat surface conforming to ASTM D-257 standard method by using recommended parallel bar sensing probe. Gives simple, repeatable measurements of conductive, static dissipative, and insulative surfaces. Ranging is automatic due to the use of high-speed OP-AMP Integrated circuits being linear, with changeover points +1/2 decade on a logarithmic scale. Repeatability equals + 5%.
Surface Resistance Meter
Model 152-1
The Trek Model 152-1 Surface Resistance Meter is designed to measure surface resistance on a wide varieties of conductive, dissipative, and insulative materials. The Model 152-1 employs a measurement technique which conforms to several ANSI/ESD Association standards for measuring surface resistance and surface resistivity including ANSI/ESD-STM2.1 for garments, STM4.1 for work surfaces, STM7.1 for flooring,
Simply place the meter on the surface of the material that requires measuring.Press the green test button. The meter will then light the appropriate LED from 10 to the power of 3 to 10 to the power of 12 Ohms per square or insulative.
Handheld Surface & Volume Low Resistivity Meter for Conductive Materials
Loresta AX
The Loresta AX Resistivity Meter a handheld unit measures the low resistivity of samples with consistent accuracy. This resistivity meter measures resistivity using a wide variety of probes. The Loresta AX uses a standard RCF that enables the user to input other RCF''s if known.
Surface & Volume Low Resistivity Meter for Conductive Materials
Loresta GP
The Loresta GX Meter is an intelligent, multi purpose low resistivity meter equipped with software that calculates resistivity correction factors. A variety of 4 pin probes are available for use with the Loresta GX. The instrument is typically used in Product Engineering, R&D, and Quality Control. Applications include measurement of conductive paint, conductive plastics, conductive rubber, conductive film, silicon wafers, antistatic materials, EMI shield materials, conductive fiber, conductive ceramics, etc.
Resistivity Meters
Precisely Measure Surface Resistivity, Volume Resistivity, or Resistance to Ground. Advanced Energy's Trek and Monroe resistivity meters offer accurate and repeatable measurements for surface resistivity, volume resistivity, or resistance to the ground.