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AC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitor, Adjustable
NAI’s VMA is a field-adjustable, AC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitor used to monitor voltage characteristics of single- or three-phase power lines. This allows normal operation of system loads when the power-line characteristics are within pre-determined limits.High and low voltage limits, and "pick-up" and "drop-out" time delay are field-adjustable. The VMA voltage monitor is ideally suited for rugged defense and industrial applications.
AC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitor
NAI’s VAA and VQA are AC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitors used to monitor voltage characteristics of single- or three-phase power lines. This allows normal operation of system loads when the power-line characteristics are within pre-determined limits. These voltage monitors are ideally suited for rugged defense and industrial applications.
DC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitor
NAI’s VAD and VQD are DC-Powered, AC Voltage Monitors used to monitor voltage characteristics of single- or three-phase power lines. This allows normal operation of system loads when the power-line characteristics are within pre-determined limits. These voltage monitors are ideally suited for rugged defense and industrial applications.
Electrical 5-in-1 Production Safety Analyzers
Model 19032/19032-P
Electrical Safety Test (EST) Analyzer that combines the functions of impulse test, hipot, insulation resistance and DC resistance measurements. It has 5kVac/ 6kVdc high voltage output, 5kV insulation resistance, 6kV layer short impulse voltage and 4-wire DC resistance measurement that can comply with the wound components test demands by providing maximum 10 channels output for multichannel scanning tests to save time and labor costs.
Impulse Voltage Generator
Shanghai Sanki Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.
The impulse voltage generator SKS-255I is manufactured in accordance with the IEC60255-5 "Insulation Test of Electrical Relays" promulgated by the International Electrotechnical Commission. It measures the insulation coordination between relays and protection devices and performs impulse voltage tests.
TEM Antenna
TEM antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in the monitored asset (like MV switchgears or LV and MV induction motors fed by power electronic impulses). It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes TEM suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range typical for PD activity and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain. Its compact and robust design (passive sensor) makes TEM the optimal sensor for direct installation on medium voltage Switchgears and motors. It can be virtually applied in any electrical equipment provided that it has apertures or EM transparent surfaces.
Turn-Key Short Circuit Laboratories
For low and medium voltage switchgear including :*Circuit breakers*Contactors*Disconnect switches*Fuses*Miniature circuit breakersApplied tests for low and medium voltage switchgear :*Dielectric withstand test*Impulse withstand test*Breaking capacity test*Mechanical life testElectrical life test*Over load performance test*Short circuit breaking capacity test**Short time short circuit impulse current test*Temperature rise test*Operation performance testTests for low & medium voltage panels :*Short time short circuit impulse current test*Dielectric test*Impulse withstand voltage test*Temperature rise test
Voltage Pulse Generator
Shanghai Sanki Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.
The voltage pulse generator SKS-IV10J is completely designed in accordance with the requirements of the impulse voltage chapter in OIML R 46-1/-2; it meets the requirements of the new IEC60255-5 and GB14711 standards; the leakage current detection alarm function is added, and the leakage current limit can be Adjustment; using linearized high-voltage power supply, low noise, high stability, high voltage accuracy and long service life.
Wound Component EST Analyzer
Chroma 19036 is the industry's first wound component electrical safety test (EST) analyzer that combines the functions of impulse test, hipot, insulation resistance and DC resistance measurements. It has 5kVac/ 6kVdc high voltage output, 5kV insulation resistance, 6kV layer short impulse voltage and 4-wire DC resistance measurement that can comply with the wound components test demands by providing maximum 10 channels output for multichannel scanning tests to save time and labor costs.
Impulse Voltage Generator
The impulse voltage generator is mainly used to the field of impulse voltage tests by lightning impulse voltage full wave, lightning impulse voltage chipped wave and operate impulse voltage wave for such test products as electrical instrument.
Lightning Impulse Voltage Generator Test Equipment
HTCJ-V / 170
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Used for conducting impulse voltage tests of lightning impulse voltage full wave, lightning impulse voltage truncation wave and operating impulse voltage wave for power equipment, etc., to test insulation performance.
Digital Recorder
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
The digital recorders HiRES are used to measure, store, and evaluate signals from up to 64 sources synchronously. Depending on the sensors used voltages, currents, temperatures, mechanical movements and various other signals can be measured. This measurement system features the ability to capture fast transient processes such as those occurring in impulse current tests on electrical devices or during switchgear testing. The system is also capable of measuring semistationary and periodic events such as DC voltage and AC voltage as well as superimposed semistationary, periodic and transient processes.
Impulse Voltage Generator
Hilo-Test manufactures Surge generators for surge voltage and safety tests as well as for testing the insulation withstand voltage, the waveform in accordance with IEC 60060. Especially for EMC tests on photovoltaic systems and surge voltage tests, for example, to relay, capacitors, coils.
High Voltage Impulse Test Set Up
We are renowned as the foremost manufacturer and exporter of High Voltage Impulse Test Set Up. This testing equipment is demanded in electrical, power generation and engineering sector. It is incorporated with fiber optic isolated digitizers to test various types of transformers. We utilize excellent grade raw materials to engineer and develop this High Voltage Impulse Test Set Up in accordance with industry standards. Our clients can get this equipment from us at competitive price.
Qualification and Quality Control Tests
New IEC standards, IEC 60034-18-41 and IEC 60034-18-42, have been issued to define the procedures for testing partial discharge inception voltage and the long-term performance (endurance) of Type I and Type II insulation systems used in rotating machines fed from voltage converters. Voltage impulse generators are required at least to test turn insulation, but they would be recommended for any testing under power electronics supply because of their capability to simulate the real electrical stress conditions. More generally, any type of electrical insulation system when subject to impulsive voltage waveform during life should be carefully evaluated in terms of partial discharge and endurance behaviour. This is why voltage impulse generators able to provide impulses with controlled amplitude and frequency are needed to face this new testing challenge.
Pulse - Generator
PG 01-2000
The test generator PG 01-2000 is suitable for insulation test and testing of the impulse withstand voltage of electrical and electronic electricity meters. The generator produce a standard pulse voltage waveform with 0,1 / 2000 μs.
Pre- Locator
CFL PL4 Power Cable Fault Locator is a portable, easy to use cable fault pre-location instrument. It uses the Time Domain Reflection (TDR), Secondary Impulse Method / Multiple Impulse method (MIM) and Impulse Current Method (ICM) on low, medium and high voltage cables. Its measuring ranges enable pre-location on cable lengths from 500 m to 64km.
Time Domain Reflectometer
IRG 2000
BAUR Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
Cable fault location with the BAUR IRG 2000. The IRG 2000 impulse reflection measurement unit or time domain reflectometer is a handy, easy to carry device for single-phase cable fault pre-location. It is used in combination with a surge voltage generator on low-, medium- and high-voltage cables 0 - 65 km in length. It can also be used on live cables carrying voltage up to 400 V.* Easy and quick cable fault location* Light, compact and manageable* Main unit for the tried-and-tested pre-location method* Ideal for integration in measurement systems
AC Insulation Testing
Weshine Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd
High-voltage Dividers (High Potential Divider) are used to measure voltages and decouple partial discharges in high-voltage test systems. Depending on the specific type, they are used to measure alternating voltage (AC), direct voltage (DC), lightning impulse voltage (LI), and switching impulse voltage (SI) systems. High-voltage dividers by HIGHVOLT comply with the relevant IEC standards. The systems are available for both indoor and outdoor use.
Current Generator
MIG12100 is a current generator with wave shape 8/20 ìs. The exact waveform delivered is a function of the surge generator and the impedance to which the surge is applied. The generator can deliver up to 100kA impulse current supported by 12kV impulse voltage, making it ideal for testing big varistors with high hold-on voltage. Mechanically the MIG12100 consists of two large racks and a separate control console with high voltage output terminals protected by a glass acrylic test cabinet.
Capacitor Tester
The MIG0603CAP consists of two circuits with impulse capacitance 20 µF and 0,25 µF. Both circuits generate a voltage wave shape 1,2/50 µs and are combined in a 4 unit height 19" rack. The generator circuits are defined in IEC 60384-14 and EN 132400. The serial resistors Rs, the impulse capacitor CT, and the load capacitance Cp will be automatically switched when different capacitance ranges are selected on the MIG0603CAP.
Clamping Voltage Tester
The MIG0603CLV1 is a generator for testing varistors. It has circuits with three different source impedances and up to 11 different measurement ranges. The instrument is used to perform varistor clamping voltage tests on up to 1000 V varistor types. The test impulse is a 8/20µs current waveform up to 200A which is maintained over the entire load range.
Current Generator
MIG1260 is a current generator with wave shape 8/20 μs. The exact waveform delivered is a function of the surge generator and the impedance to which the surge is applied. The generator can deliver up to 60kA impulse current supported by 12kV impulse voltage, making it ideal for testing big varistors with high hold-on voltage. Mechanically the MIG1260 consists of one large rack and a separate control console with high voltage output terminals protected by a glass acrylic test cabinet.
Capacitor Tester
MIG1212CAP is specially designed for high voltage test on X / Y capacitors with impulse voltage approximate 1,2/50 µs up to 12 kV in accordance with IEC 60384-14 Ed.4. The MIG1212CAP comprises two circuits with impulse capacitance 20 µF and 0,25 µF. Both circuits generate a voltage wave shape of approximate1,2/50 µs and are combined in an 8 unit high 19" rack. IEC 60384-14 and EN 132400 define the generator.
Clamping Voltage Tester
The MIG0603CLV2 is a generator for clamping voltage testing of varistors. It has circuits with four different source impedances and up to 15 different measurement ranges. The instrument is used to perform varistor clamping voltage tests on up to 1000 V varistor types. The test impulse is a 8/20µs current waveform up to 500A which is maintained over the entire load range.
Cable Identification System & Cable Phasing System
Impulse Phaser
With the introduction of direct buried, solid dielectric primary voltage cables, the IMPULSE PHASER has come into greater prominence for safely and accurately identifying buried primary cables, including jacketed neutral designs. The IMPULSE PHASER has been accurately used on paper insulated, lead covered feeders in excess of 20 miles and even on submarine cable 300 feet underwater.
Digital Impulse Voltage Measuring System
The well-established Impulse Voltage Measuring Systems TR-AS, including the digital recorders from our own development and manufacturing, where further developed consequently and now feature improved sampling rates up to 200 MS/s in real-time with 14 Bit resolution simultaneouly in up to 16 measuring channels.
Voltage and Current Measuring Technology
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
Designed for the measurement of alternating current (AC), direct current (DC), lightning (LI) and switching (SI) impulse high voltages (HV) as well as AC and impulse high current (HC) according to IEC 60060, IEC 61083 and IEC 60052, available as indoor and outdoor design.
Impulse Voltage Generator
Shanghai Sanki Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.
Impulse voltage generator Impulse voltage generator is mainly used for test products such as power equipment to perform lightning impulse voltage full wave, lightning impulse voltage chopping, operating impulse voltage wave and steep wave impulse voltage test, to inspect insulation performance. The technical indicators comply with national standards and IEC standards.
Digital Surge Tester
Surge Tester of KAST is divided for the use of 3¡40 §Ç by output voltage, and subdivided into type C of manual decision type, type A of auto decision type, type L of exclusive use for low inductance product test and type P loading printer which can printout its wave form and digital scope. Surge test requires only 0.5 second. Because Surge tester already performs 30 times of Impulse voltage test only for 0.5 second. Turn-to-turn short : phenomenon shorted between the side coils.