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PXIe-4463, 51.2 kS/s, 2-Output PXI Sound and Vibration Module
51.2 kS/s, 2-Output PXI Sound and Vibration Module - The PXIe‑4463 offers high dynamic range and THD+N for audio, acoustic, and vibration applications. It provides the high precision and dynamic range necessary for the most stringent audio generation requirements in a modular form factor. The PXIe‑4463 contains two 24-bit digital‑to‑analog converters to allow for fully differential simultaneous generation. Complete with three gain ranges, the PXIe‑4463 can generate current with programmable, per channel output configurations. The two timing engines allow you to perform multisample-rate applications on a single module and independently start and stop channels on a single module.
PCI-4462, 204.8 kS/s, 118 dB, 3.4 Hz AC/DC Coupled, 4-Input Sound and Vibration Device
The PCI‑4462 is a high-accuracy data acquisition module specifically designed for sound and vibration applications. It provides simultaneous four-channel dynamic signal acquisition with six programmable gain settings for making high-accuracy, frequency-domain measurements. The PCI‑4462 also includes software-configurable AC/DC coupling and integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) conditioning to ensure precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have very large dynamic ranges. Common applications for dynamic signal acquisition devices include audio test; automotive test; noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis; and machine condition monitoring.
PXIe-4463, 51.2 kS/s, 2-Output PXI Sound and Vibration Module
The PXIe‑4463 offers high dynamic range and THD+N for audio, acoustic, and vibration applications. It provides the high precision and dynamic range necessary for the most stringent audio generation requirements in a modular form … factor. The PXIe‑4463 contains two 24-bit digital‑to‑analog converters to allow for fully differential simultaneous generation. Complete with three gain ranges, the PXIe‑4463 can generate current with programmable, per channel output configurations. The two timing engines allow you to perform multisample-rate applications on a single module and independently start and stop channels on a single module.
PCI-4461, 204.8 kS/s, 118 dB, 3.4 Hz AC/DC Coupled, 2-Input/2-Output Sound and Vibration Device
The PCI‑4461 is a high-accuracy data acquisition module specifically designed for sound and vibration applications. It provides simultaneous two-channel dynamic signal generation and simultaneous two-channel dynamic signal acquisition with six gain settings to configure the input range. The PCI‑4461 also includes software-configurable AC/DC coupling and integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) conditioning to ensure precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have very large dynamic ranges. Common applications include audio test; automotive test; noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis; and machine condition monitoring.
PXIe-4492, 204.8 kS/s, 113 dB, 2 Gains, 0.5 Hz AC/DC-Coupled, 8-Input PXI Sound and Vibration Module
204.8 kS/s, 113 dB, 2 Gains, 0.5 Hz AC/DC-Coupled, 8-Input PXI Sound and Vibration Module - The PXIe‑4492 is designed for sound and vibration applications. With 24-bit analog inputs and IEPE constant current signal conditioning, the module is ideal for making precision measurements with microphones, accelerometers, and other transducers that have very large dynamic ranges. The PXIe‑4492 delivers simultaneous sample on all channels. In addition, it includes built-in antialiasing filters that automatically adjust to your sample rate, software-selectable input gains, and TEDS smart sensor support for error-free setup. Common applications include noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis; large microphone arrays; and dynamic structural test.
Vibration Diagnostics System
The Vibration Diagnostic System (VDS) is a vibration data management system designed specifically for the machinery Predictive Maintenance (PdM) community. It harnesses the graphic display capabilities of Crystal Instruments EDM Software for the work of machinery vibration analysts. It allows the user to quickly get to the data for a machine of interest and displays that data in the familiar Tri-axial or Single Axis view. Users can quickly compare other data from the same machine, quickly navigate back into the historical data of the machine, and quickly compare the data to that of other machines in the database. The software supports the construction of Average (a.k.a. baseline) data for a class of machines and allows easy comparison to that data as well. A full suite of cursors designed specifically for PdM analysis is provided for inuitive user interaction with the data.In addition to great graphics, an extensible machine modeling system was developed specifically for vibration analysis. VDS allows users to model machines based on the elements of the machine that can contribute to the vibration energy of the whole. Model bearings, rotors such as motor bars, couplings such as flexible and fluid couplings, account for slip in fluid couplings, model gears and pulley systems, and model turbines by accounting for each stage. The system is wide open, users can create new elements to use within a system. Users that may not want to do all that are provided with a comprehensive library of machine components such as AC and Induction Motors, Couplings, Gears, Pulleys, Pumps, and other components. Single and double gear shafts allows users to model many kinds of gear boxes with an unlimited number of stages. This ability alone lets users model their machines to view and use to keep track of vibration pickup locations, record the forcing frequencies of each part of the system, and attach attributes such as manufacturer and other part information.
Linear Gauge Sensors
GS Series
All the GS series Digital Linear Gauges are upgraded. The GS-1700/1800 series is a compact and cost effective basic type. The GS-6700/6800 series is a vibration resistant type which provides better performance of vibration resistance 1.5 times in strength compared to the basic type. The GS-4700/4800 pursuits heavy-duty performance required in production site. Long stroke type the GS-5050/5100 series has wide measurement range (stroke) at 50 mm or 100 mm. Using ball bearing mechanisms in these all models greatly increases bearing life.
Machine Protection Systems
PRÜFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring GmbH
Machine protection systems are used to monitor bearing signals and vibration and automatically shut down the equipment should an alarm threshold be reached. Our systems use innovative sensor technology to bring installation costs down.
Air Bearing Vibration Exciter
The Model CAL25HF offers transverse performance over traditional flexural-based calibration exciters, with operation over an operating bandwidth of 3 Hz to 20 kHz. It is available as either a stand-alone unit, or as part of a larger automated calibration test system.
Vibration Measuring System
There are many functions to express characteristics of vibration. However it is necessary for the conventional vibrometers that the same point is measured plural times switching objective functions one by one. SmartVibro which has a simultaneous measurement function can measure Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement simultaneously by just pressing the measurement start key one time. It can reduce the operating time and prevent miss-measurements. By switching the screen, VM-4424S・VM4424H can confirm Acceleration Envelope for bearing condition which enables small scars to be found easily.
The Flowserve IPS Beacon is a data acquisition, logging and visual alert device that monitors process pump health. Mounted atop the pump bearing housing, the intrinsically safe Beacon checks power-end vibration (x-y-z axis) and temperature against pre-set limits, logging this data with a time and date stamp when an alert situation occurs.
Machine Monitoring
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
*Measurement of smooth running on rotating machines and reciprocating machines *Measurement of bearing vibrations *Human vibration measurement*Measurement of oscillation amplitude and oscillation frequency on vibratory conveyors, vibrating sieves and classifiers
Analytical Gear Inspection Machine for Workpieces Up to Ø 6,000 mm
KNM X series
machine structure with outstanding intrinsic accuracylarge bearing distances of guidesinherently stable granite machine base on active dampers to absorb vibrations ? no foundation requireddrive system close to center of gravitylinear motors in X-, Y-, Z- measuring axeshigh precision air- or hydrostatic bearing rotary tables (diameters from 500 to 1,800 mm) with direct drive and through holemotorized positioning of measuring column (V-axis) to the actual workpiece diameterlaser based system for safe operation
Vibration Testers
Guangzhou Amittari Instruments Co.Ltd
The Vibration Tester can display the parameters of “Displacement”, “Velocity” and “Acceleration” simultaneously; Applied to the periodic motion measurements to detect moving mechanical imbalances and misaligned. Designed for on-site measuring various mechanical vibration, for quality control, running time and prior equipment maintenance data. Selection of high-performance accelerometers to achieve accurate, replicable measurement It has a bearing condition measurement function.
Multi-Channel Automotive Noise Finder
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
Multi-Channel automotive noise finder is a portable equipment to diagnose the defect of the vehicle. When the generator is running, it can detect the impact and vibration due to the defect and failure of bearing, gear, valve, crank, cylinder, gear box, and vehicle body…etc. With this equipment, the repairer can clearly locate which part of the machine cause the noise and how serious is it; even though the repairer operates the equipment in a very noisy environment.
Performance Enhanced FFT Comparator
The AD-3552 was created with a comparator function for machinery vibration & noise testing for production. The AD-3552 FFT Comparator provides noise and vibration analysis that instantaneously delivers judgments "OK" or "NG"(no-good)for product testing of bearings, motors, etc.
Vibration Analyzers & Data Collectors
Wireless Vibration Analyzers and Data Collectors are replacing analyzers all over the world. Their easy connectivity and fast data collection timings make them the most convenient solution for vibration analysis nowadays. Digivibe products are the Vibration Analyzers with the largest number of functions in the market. They integrate advanced functions for Vibration Analysis and Dynamic Balancing with new Triaxial Wireless technology making them more portable and versatile. Furthermore, their compatibility with current mobile devices make them very easy to use and ultra-portable. ¡Meet our improved functions for bearing and gearbox analysis!
FFT Analyzer Software Modules
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
*Vibration analyzer for low and middle frequencies*Calculates the spectrum of vibration acceleration*VM-FFT+ also for velocity and displacement*RMS and peak spectrum*Envelope spectrum for roller bearing analysis with VM-FFT+*Limit curve with external alarms in VM-FFT+*Power spectral density (PSD) with VM-FFT+*Two measuring cursors for magnitudes and frequencies with snap-in function*Up to four signals per window*One VM-FFT license can be operated simultaneously up to four times with different settings*VM-SCOPE may trigger the frequency analyzer module VM-FFT*External messengers *Offline measurement
Belt Alignment
Belt Hog
The Acoem USA Belt Hog uses the pulley groove as the reference, allowing you to achieve a precise belt alignment which reduces wear, bearing failures and vibrations.
Condition Based Monitoring
Test Products International, Inc.
Vibration analysis at the touch of a button. Overall machine and bearing conditions: vibration values are displayed with color coded alarm levels for ISO values and Bearing Damage (BDU).
Vibration Measurement Tools
SKF Condition Monitoring Center
Abnormal vibrations are often the first indication of a potential machine failure. Conditions that can cause these vibrations include unbalance, misalignment, looseness of parts, deteriorating rolling element bearing and gear damage. Vibration analysis instruments and systems can help detect many serious problems at an early stage, allowing personnel to undertake remedial work in a timely manner.
DS Mini
The DS Mini cryocooler brings gas bearing technology to the mini-cryocooler market. The DS (Dual Split) features dual-opposed pressure wave generator pistons and a split cold head to reduce exported vibration and acoustic noise. The optional passive balancer will further reduce cold head vibration for sensitive applications. Both the cold head and wave generator can be mounted in any orientation. Using gas bearings in the pistons as well as the displacer, the DS maintains the core technologies of the well-established integral CryoTel MT, CT and GT cryocoolers. The DS Mini represents an advantage over flexure bearings due to its higher power density, while still offering a longer lifetime compared to rotary compressors and contact seals.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
VideoCheck® UA
Ultra Accurate multisensor coordinate measuring machine in fixed bridge designHighest accuracy due to use of low vibration precision air bearings and solid granite constructionThe VideoCheck® UA features scale resolution in the nanometer range and a special design that reduces measurement errorsCan be equipped with high-precision sensors including the high precision 3D Fiber Probe.Use of high precision telecentric lenses in a second optical beam pathModular structure guarantees customized solutions for individual applicationsIntegrated vibration isolation dampeners
Dynamic Balancing
Balancing machines of the VibroDAQ series are professional sets of tools for measuring vibrations and dynamic balancing of rotating elements in own bearings and on specialized stands.These devices are used in various industries, car workshops, repair services, and departments dealing with maintenance in various types of companies. Our balancers have also been used in scientific institutions and universities as systems for conducting research and training future engineering staff. Our devices have implemented special algorithms for balancing the grinding wheels, allowing for balancing the grinding wheels directly on the grinder.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
VideoCheck® V-HA
The most accurate multisensor coordinate measuring machine for tool measurement available in the world todayUsing 10 nm scalesAll axes are based on high precision low vibration air bearingsIntegration of additional sensor units to a multisensor system guarantees higher flexibility and measuring speedScan high precision gear profilesUse of high precision telecentric lenses in a second optical beam pathModular structure guarantees customized solutions for individual applicationsIntegrated high precision air bearing rotary
Waviness, Roundness and Form Analyser
SKF Condition Monitoring Center
Waviness testers from SKF allow analysis of the waviness on the components and thus give the production engineer a powerful tool to improve the production process. Because low noise and vibration of bearings is becoming more important, there is a high demand on the measuring accuracy and resolution.
Seismic Vibration
Seismic vibration instrumentation is used to measure structural vibration on bearing housings, piping, machinery housings, and machine support structures. It is particularly suitable for machinery with rolling-element bearings. These types of bearings will generally transmit both shaft-and bearing-related vibration to the outside of the machine where it can be detected by seismic measurements.
Wireless Hazard Monitoring
When it comes to hazard monitoring, we know it simply has to work. HazardPRO was designed from the ground up to provide turnkey, reliable, and consistent protection for your most valuable assets—products, facilities, and most importantly, people. Consistent operation is ensured with built-in tools such as self-diagnostics, transmission logging, and redundant radios providing you confidence that your critical processes are being monitored and logged at all times. Wireless nodes utilize temperature (bearing, ambient, and stud), RPM shaft speed, alignment, and vibration sensors. Ambient Sensors ensure bearing and alignment measurements are relative to the surrounding environment.
Bearings Vibration Meter
DETECTING VIBRATION INTENSITY OF EQUIPMENT Vibration Detection of Machinery Equipment Hitches of rotary machinery will result in abnormal vibtation. Increasing of low frequency vibration intensigy can be caused by unbalance of rotor, nonaxiality of rotating axis,looseness of base and iol membrane vibration of bearings.
Vibration Testers
Application for vibration tester: used for measuring periodic motion, to check the imbalance and deflecting of moving machinery.Is pecifically designed for present measuring various mechanical vibration. So as to provide the data for the quality control, run time and equipment upkeep.use the high-performance acceleration meter, realize the repetitiveness and accurate measurement. it has the function of testing axle bearing situation