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Rechargeable batteries based on nickel oxide and cadmimum electrodes.
See Also: Battery, Lead Acid Battery, AAA Battery, AA Battery, 1.5V Battery, 9V Battery, Button Battery, C Battery, Coin Battery, D Battery, NIckel Cadmium Battery, Lithium ion Battery, SLA Battery, VRLA Battery
Ground Fault Locator
The GFL-1000 ground fault locator is used to pinpoint faulty grounding where electrical cables have breakage and lost to the ground. The GFL-1000 is recommended by NERC PRC-005-2 to inspect for unintentional grounds for VLA, VRLA and NiCad batteries every four calendar months. Included software allows for data management analysis.
Hydrostik Data Logging Digital Hydrometer
The CTL-200 Hydrostik is a digital microprocessor controlled battery test instrument that replaces the traditional, potentially inaccurate, 'paper and pencil' methods previously used. It can be used on either Vented Lead Acid or NiCad Cells. REMEMBER - never mix electrolytes, it kills batteries!
NERC PRC-005 is the standard for Protection Systems Maintenance and Testing. PRC-005 continues to be the most commonly violated NERC reliability standard in North America. PRC-005-2 requires utilities to document and implement programs for the maintenance of all protection systems affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES). All VLA, VRLA and NiCad Batteries are required to be verified, inspected, monitored & calibrated to meet PRC-005-2 Compliance.
HEV Battery Reconditioner
Battery reconditioning and cell balancing is a well understood process for NiMH batteries. The procedure was initially developed for NiCad batteries decades ago. NuVant Systems has simplified the process to bring electrochemistry to the streets. The EVc unit is a push-one-button-after-wire-up system for small shops to large vehicle operators.
MARK V “Ranger”
Mk V
Radio and audio frequencyInductive or conductive operationOn handle to find unknown structuresInterrupter feature on transmitterVery accurate depth location (triangulation)RF Pipe & Cable locator (Short Locator)Holiday detection of buried pipe (Pearson Method)Volume controlBattery operatedRechargeable NiCad batteries available (optional)