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Wrist Strap Monitors
Single conductor (more commonly called single wire) ESD wrist strap monitors detect capacitance. These simplified monitors sense the input connection but do not discern precision resistance. They also offer additional value by monitoring the worksurface (ESD Mat) and the ground connection. The built-in LED offers local visual alerts, and a small piezo buzzer offers a nice clear audible alert to the operator at the bench.
Common Point Ground Connector
The Prostat Q007B Qube™ replaces ordinary electrical grounding devices with a convenient, cost effective means to connect several ESD controls to a single grounded electrical outlet. Use the Q007B Qube™ to ground workstations, mats, wrist strap & testers, instruments, and other ESD control products to a pre-tested facility electrical ground. It consists of a robust multi receptacle frame encased in fire retardant ABS with a solid brass grounding pin.
Ground & Wrist Strap & Footwear Tester
Dou Yee Enterprises (S) Pte Ltd
Dou Yee Enterprises Ground & Wrist Strap & Footwear Tester
Lightening Protection
Copper Grounding
LBA offers a complete selection of copper bare wire and strap of various widths and gauges for grounding system construction. Our offerings include prefabricated copper ground wire terminations, Copperweld™ ground rods, chemical ground rods, earthing mesh, and exothermic welding materials, as well as UL and NFPA compliant lightning system cable and accessories.
Wrist Strap and Foot Wear Testers
Connects to utility ground when plugged inQuick, easy installation and grounding of both wrist straps and table mats.Tests entire circuit - wrist strap, cord and skin contactReliable resistance testActs as common point ground for the worksurface
Wristat Tester
The WT25 WRISTAT Tester is designed to test the integrity of our WRISTAT in a fast, efficient and simple manner. All of the elements of the WRISTAT - continuity of the strap, integrity of the protective resistor, and satisfactory strap to skin contact are easily confirmed by pressing the top cover of the WT25. The operator (wearer) is tested for a resistance to ground of greater than 750K ohms and less than 10M (switchable to 100M ohms).
Wristat Tester
WT 25-4145.26M
WT 25-4145.26M Wristat Tester is available to comply with D.O.D. 4145.26 specifications. The WT25-4145.26M Wristat Tester is designed to test the integrity of our WRISTAT in a fast, efficient, and simple manner. All the elements of the WRISTAT – continuity of the strap, integrity of the protective resistor, and satisfactory strap to skin contact – are easily confirmed by pressing the top cover of the WT25-4145.26M. The operator (wearer) is tested for a resistance to ground of greater than 250K ohms and less than1,200,000 ohms. The upper limit notifies you of an unacceptably high resistance value (IE possible loss of effective dissipation) and the lower limit warns of unsafe low resistance (possible risk of electric shock from surrounding motors, live wires etc.). The unit is not switchable.
Ground Strap Testers
This precision Ground Strap Tester automatically measures the resistance of ground straps and clearly indicates whether or not the resistance is within the specified limits. Performs precision ground-strap resistance measurements, automatic upper/lower resistance tests. Ideal for both wrist straps and heel straps.
Portable Ground Strap Tester
This Ground Strap Tester provides an inexpensive method for guaranteeing the integrity of wrist straps. This compact, automatic test unit checks the specified resistance limits of all types of wrist straps and other similar personnel grounding devices. Incorporates upper and lower resistance tests.
Human Potential Measuring Instrument
KSD-4000 / KSD-4100
Electronic devices and metal tools carried by workers have individual capacitance to ground and are charged at human potential. When the charged electronic device touches the ground or a metal tool touches the electronic device, a transient current with a high peak current flows at high speed, Causing A Failure. By Using The Human Body Potential Measuring Device, The Potential Of The Human Body Can Be Measured Accurately, And It Can Be Immediately Determined Whether Or Not The Electronic Device Is Damaged By The Potential. You Can Also Find Out How Much Static. .. .electronic meters such as conductive floors, electrostatic mats, electrostatic shoes, and wrist straps reduce the human potential.