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SHC68-68-RDIO, 68-Pin Male VHDCI to 68-Pin Female D-SUB, Shielded Digital Cable, 1m
68-Pin Male VHDCI to 68-Pin Female D-SUB, Shielded Digital Cable 1m
SHC68-C68-RDIO2, 68-Pin VHDCI Male to 68-Pin VHDCI Male, 80 MHz, Shielded Digital Cable, 1m
SHC68-C68-RDIO2 Shielded R Series High Speed Digital Male VHDCI Cable, 1m
SHC68-C68-RDIO2, 68-Pin VHDCI Male to 68-Pin VHDCI Male, 80 MHz, Shielded Digital Cable, 2m
SHC68-C68-RDIO2 Shielded R Series High Speed Digital Male VHDCI Cable, 2m
Contrast Sensors
Contrast sensors are primarily used in packaging/printing machines for the detection of printed or control marks. SICK's line of KT contrast sensors detects even the smallest contrasts at the highest speeds, such as print marks on foils or packaging. They detect minute grayscale variations between the mark and the background on matte, shiny or transparent surfaces. A variety of device types with different contrast resolution methods and teach-in versions are available to meet wide-ranging requirements.
Device Current Waveform Analyzers
The dedicated Current Sensors measure from 100 pA level dynamic current up to 10 A with a maximum of 200 MHz bandwidth. The mainframe acquires the signal from the sensors by a maximum of 1 GSa/s sampling speed and 14-bit and 16-bit wide dynamic range. This combination allows you to measure quite wide range of dynamic current, for example, from standby/sleep state to active state, at a single measurement. In addition, the wide bandwidth and the high speed acquisition enable you to measure high speed pulse response even less than 100 ns previously very difficult with existing instruments.
Draw Wire Sensors
Draw wire sensors offer a simple solution to measure linear speed and position. Utilizing a flexible cable, a spring-loaded spool, and a sensor (an optical encoder with incremental, absolute, analog or potentiometric output), draw wire sensors can precisely measure linear position. Draw wire sensors do not need precise linear guidance and are ideal for wet, dirty, or outdoor environments and applications where your measuring range travels over harsh environments. These include applications in iron, steel, and wood (saw mills, joineries).
Engine Control
*4-axis stepper motor control *Clock and direction signals *Speed up to 100,000 steps / s Positioning range +/- 2,147,483,647 steps *Simple ASCII commands via the serial interface *I2C adapter (master) for controlling external actuators / sensors *40-pin DIP package PCB (600mil / 19mm x 52mm).
Sony’s SLVS-EC interface standard has emerged as the best high speed interface to Sony’s best image sensors, enabling higher throughput, greater signal integrity, and simpler designs. Engineers developing solutions using Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs can take advantage of FRAMOS’s SLVS-EC RX IP Core, Evaluation Board and tested source code examples. Device builders and camera vendors can de-risk the design while reaping the benefits of Sony’s latest high-speed interface.
Hall Effect Gear Tooth Sensors and Custom-Made Target Wheels
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG supplies various kinds of Hall Effect Gear Tooth sensors (CYGTS101DC, CYGTS99, CYGTS211, CYGTS212, CYGTS99-198 etc.) for speed measurement with applications to machines, equipments, motorcycles, automobile industry and instruments etc. We are specialised in design, development and production of Hall-effect sensors and can offer also custom Hall sensors for your special applications.
Hall Effect Speed Sensors
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
SPECTEC zero speed Hall effect gear tooth sensors are used in industrial applications to determine shaft or gear speed or direction by detecting fluctuations in the magnetic field. The Hall effect technology fulfills a wide array of applications due to a Hall effect sensor's ability to detect zero speed and the quadrature sensor's ability to detect direction change. The Hall effect gear tooth sensor's digital output is easily read by computers, motion control devices, position monitors and digital to analog converters. Intrinsically Safe zero speed sensors are available for various applications.
Hall Effect Vane Sensors
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG supplies various kinds of Hall Effect vane sensors (CYHME301, CYHME56, CYHME2000) for speed measurement with applications to machines, equipments, motorcycles (BMW ), automobile industry etc. We are specialised in design, development and production of Hall-effect sensors and can offer also custom Hall sensors for your special applications.
Complementing our range of force and torque sensors, we offer a comprehensive range of graphical displays, including the Digiforce, which are PLC controllers and data loggers all in one. Together with a fully comprehensive range of standard high speed load cell displays with analogue output.
The FAZT I4G Interrogator is an optical sensor interrogators. Supports multiple modes of operation including ultra repeatable performance (< 0.010pm) and fast sampling speeds 1Khz, 2Khz, 4Khz and 8Khz, spectral sensors (FP, MOF etc) and bi-refringment sensors (PM-FBG).
Magcam MiniCube1D
Magcam's MiniCube1Dmagnetic field camera provides quantitativeBz magnetic field mapping in a 12.7mm x 12.7mm 2D planewith 0.1mm spatial resolution, measured at high speed. The camera is based on Magcam's unique integrated 2D Hall sensor array technology, featuring more than 16000 microscopic magnetic field sensors on one single chip. Each sensor independently measures the local magnetic field, resulting in quantitative2D magnetic field maps with high spatial resolution, measured athigh speed. These magnetic field maps contain a large amount of information about the magnet's properties, which can be extracted using Magcam's powerful MagScope measurement and analysis software.
Magnetic Speed Sensors
We offer the most comprehensive portfolio of magnetic speed sensors ICs, covering the full range of speed and speed with direction, two- and three-wire interface, magnetic encoder (ring magnet) and gear tooth sensing, Hall and GMR technology, and ASIL-compliant options for transmission, wheel speed, engine, e-motors, and many more encoder and gear tooth sensing applications.
Mobile Sound Ranging Array
In a peer to peer conflict, weapon location radars used for counter battery purposes will be extremely vulnerable.With aerial/satellite based surveillance available for the opponent, radars will be seen. With electronic warfare means being omnipresent, radars will be triangulated and jammed. There is an urgent need for 24/7 persistent surveillance with (preferably) passive sensors. With mobility being the key for survival on the battlefield, rapid re-deployable, or even truly mobile sensor capabilities are required. Therefore, the traditional sheer sound pressure based sound ranging capability becomes obsolete, as the triangular footprint of the sensor nodes is too large to be installed on a manned, or unmanned platform. With the trend towards longer ranges and “shoot and scoot” drills, the concept of capturing the muzzle blast noise becomes questionable, as the speed of sound is too slow to provide timely localizations.
MPU- Passive Sensors
sensors of the MPU series are passive elements intended for measuring rotational speeds or speeds of moving parts. The measuring principle is based on voltage induction in the coil through a changing magnetic field, which is caused, for example, by a rotating ferromagnetic gear. The coil is wound on a magnetic core and led out via a cable or a plug. The sensors are manufactured with metric or inch threads or with a flange connection and deliver a sinusoidal output signal, the amplitude of which is proportional to the peripheral speed. They can be connected to Orbit Controls evaluation devices. An OC35-IMP transmitter is available for converting to square-wave signals.
Multi Function Tribometer
The state of the art Rtec Multi Function tribometer Mft-5000 is globally regarded as the most versatile and technologically advanced tribometer. Manufactured at silicon valley, California it is used by several top labs, universities and industries. The tribometer offers next generation patented force sensors with ultra low resolution, highest speeds and wide environmental control range than any other commercially existing tribometer. The patented integrated 3D profilometer allows to analyse surface change vs time. The universal tribometer MFT5000 allows to create a comprehensive report on friction, wear, tribology and surface analysis.
Ocean and River Instruments
Rinko III is an analog version with the fast optical DO sensor and a temperature sensor. With an external 12 DCV power, the instrument seamlessly outputs the analog data (0 to 5V) of the sensors. Rinko III can be easily integrated on various platforms with an Impulse cable. By the fast response, the instrument provides high accurate DO data without restricting profile speeds.
Optical Displacement Ultra Precision Sensors
attocube’s SENSORICS team is devoted to the development of cutting-edge sensor solutions for the most challenging applications in research and industry. The innovative optical displacement sensors of the FPS and IDS series* surpass the performance of other presently available devices in terms of precision, speed, and compactness. The patented fiber-based, interferometric measurement principle offers unrivalled accuracy and stability, while the compact design enables strikingly simple adjustment even in spatially confined setups.
Optical Speed Sensors
Allows use in a wide range of hazardous environments in petrochemical, Gas and volatile materials processing industries, ideally suited for Condition Monitoring, Data collectors in balancing applications, these sensors give excellent performance with repeatable results, engineered for easy mounting with the optional Mounting Bracket and Mini Tripod Stand in hand held applications.
Opto-Isolated Current Loop Signal
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
SPECTEC's Model 4029 digital opto-isolated current loop signal conditioner prevents ground loops and interrupts any galvanic signals riding on magnetic speed sensor's output signal.. This signal conditioner converts magnetic, variable reluctance and inductive sensors' sinusoidal signals into a 4-20 mA output suitable for interfacing with process control units, dataloggers, flow controllers, and computers.
Pitot Static Indicator
ADSE 740
The ADSE 740 is a complete high performance dual pressure Ps and Pt standalone test bench specially designed to be used in the workshop or in the laboratory to test and calibrate all air data equipment such as altimeters, vertical speed indicators, air speed indicators, MACH-meter, air data computers ...) and sensors.
Quadrature Sensor
SPECTEC Innovative Sensor Solutions
DIGISPEC Hall Effect Quadrature Sensors provide two digital output signals, 90º out of phase to each other, detecting speed (down to true zero speed) and direction of rotation of gear teeth and ferrous targets. Gear teeth as small as module 0.10" wide can be sensed. Standard output is provided from a 2.2kOhm internal pull-down resistor to a collector, which can sink 25 mA. Open collector can be provided. Output is protected against reverse voltage.
Remote Speed Test, Wi-Fi
Measure Wi-Fi performance — at key locations, 24×7. Remote Speed Test automatically runs network and app performance tests all day, every day. Just connect the Remote Speed Test sensor to your Wi-Fi and we’ll do the rest! Performance results collected by all your sensors are delivered conveniently to your smartphone. 802.11 b/g/n/ac 2.4 and 5.0 GHz
Contact and Non-Contact Sensors for CMM, Optical High Speed Scanning and Computed Tomogrpahy Systems
Sensors detect magnetic, thermal, mechanical and optical stimuli and convert measurement of these physical phenomena into an electrical signal. Temperature Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Current Sensors, Optical Sensors, Position Sensors, Speed Sensors.
Simulation Software
CoventorWare is an integrated suite of design and simulation software that has the accuracy, capacity, and speed to address real-world MEMS designs. The suite has many MEMS-specific features for modeling and simulating a wide range of MEMS devices, including inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyros), microphones, resonators, and actuators. The included field solvers provide comprehensive coverage of MEMS-specific multi-physics, such as electrostatics, coupled electro-mechanics, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, and damping effects.
Speed Sensors
*2 in 1: speed sensor and evaluation in one compact housing*Space-saving design*Inductive or magnetic sensor principle*Flexible combination of housings, connections and output signals
Speed Sensors
DHE (Differential Hall Effect) sensors give an output when subjected to a changing magnetic field. The field is set up by a magnet inside the sensor body and changes when ferromagnetic teeth are passed beneath the sensor (no magnets are required in the target). To improve noise resistance, the sensor has two Hall effect elements and only responds to changes in magnetic field strength corresponding to tooth passing frequencies above 15Hz. As each tooth passes the sensor, the digital state of the output changes.