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Electrical Conductivity
specific conductance of a current.
Optical-Electrical Converter - PXI
O2E 1000 – 1400 Series
The O2E is a high bandwidth, broadband optical to electrical converter.Available in a range of configurations; choose from 1 or 2 channels, AC or DC coupling and various conversion gain and operating wavelength ranges.
Optical-Electrical Converter - MATRIQ
The O2E is a high bandwidth, broadband optical to electrical converter.Available in a range of configurations; choose from 1 or 2 channels, AC or DC coupling and various conversion gain and operating wavelength ranges.
Optical to Electrical Converters
High bandwidth, broadband optical to electrical converters available in a range of configurations. Choose from 1 or 2 channels, AC or DC coupling and various conversion gain and operating wavelength ranges.
Digital Conductivity Pen (EC)
The Milwaukee CD601 digital electrical conductivity (EC) Pen is designed for aquariums, aquaculture, pools, water conditioning and many other applications. The CD601 helps you make sure that your water has the right amount of nutrient to help keep fish tanks healthy or helps you keep your filters up-to-date and clean for water filtration. Keep EC in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Electrical Conductivity Measuring Instrument
Handheld instrument for electrical conductivity measurement of non-ferromagnetic metals. The electrical conductivity can be used for determining material properties, like hardness, strength, heat damage and material fatigue of metals. Rapid and simple on-the-spot conductivity measurement of non-ferromagnetic metals acc. to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004.
Micro and Milliohmmeter
The instrument AD-7110 is designed to measure, with high accuracy, resistance conductive elements of power devices: motor windings, transformer windings, conductor rails, inspecting the electrical conductivity of screw connections, crimp, welded state of the contacts of switches and relays current up to 100 A .
Micro and Milliohmmeter
AD-7010 instrument is designed to measure, with high accuracy, the resistance of conductive elements power equipment: motor windings, transformer windings, conductor rails, inspecting the electrical conductivity of bolted joints, crimped, welded, the contacts of switches and relays.
Thermal Transport
The thermal transport probe measures thermal conductivity and thermoelectric power (defined by the Seeback Coefficient). Electrical and thermal contacts are made to opposite ends of the sample allowing for customisation to suit the sample requirements of the user.
2D Geophysical Inversion Software for Resistivity and Induced Polarization Data
RES2DINV software is designed to interpolate and interpret field data of electrical geophysical prospecting (2D sounding) of electrical resistivity (conductivity) and induced polarization. The inversion of the resistivity and IP data is conducted by least-square method involving finite-element and finite-difference methods. The software can handle data from any electrode array, including Wenner (a, b, g), dipole-dipole, inline pole-dipole, pole-pole, Wenner-Schlumberger, equatorial pole-dipole and non-conventional arrays. Interpolate data from land, under water, and cross-borehole surveys. Easy data conversion from the most popular geophysical instruments including ABEM Lund, Syskal, AGI, PASI, IRIS, SCITREX, etc.
Non-Contact (Pulse-Voltage Excitation Method) Ultra-Low Sheet Resistance Measurement System
*No damage measurement by non-contact Pulse-Voltage excitation method*Easy to measure & carry around, Removable stage plate*Easy operation and data processing by PC with Software*Measurement result can shown by 3 types of measurement unit (Sheet resistance[Ohm/Sq], Electric conductivity[S/cm], Electrical conduction[S])*Pulse-Voltage excitation method : Pat. No.5386394 Joint development with Chiba Univ.
Physical Testing Test
Physical Testing by Aero Nav: mechanical, weathering, environmental, immersion, electrical, luminance, thermal analysis, thermal conductivity, water exposure, saltwater exposure, etc.
Water Conductivity and Temperature Probe
The CS547A is a water quality probe that measures both electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature. It connects to a Campbell Scientific datalogger via the A547 interface. This probe is compatible with most Campbell Scientific dataloggers.
Water Conductivity Sensors
Water conductivity sensors are used in water-quality applications to measure how well a solution conducts an electrical current. This type of measurement assesses the concentration of ions in the solution. The more ions that are in the solution, the higher the conductivity.
Designed with speed and operational simplicity in mind, the Transient Hot Wire (THW-L2) Liquid Thermal Conductivity Meter is an advanced measurement system for direct determination of the thermal conductivity of liquids and pastes in accordance with ASTM D7896-19. In less than 2 seconds, a single measurement of small volumes of liquids and pastes can be accurately and precisely measured for thermal conductivity. Using a non-stationary measurement approach, the THW-L2 uses rapid test times to limit convective effects for samples with a wide range of viscosities. The THW sensor consists of a 60 mm heating wire that is fully inserted into an isothermal sample. A constant current source (q) is used to heat the sensor wire and the temperature rise is recorded by monitoring the change in electrical resistance of the wire. The slope (m) is determined from the plot of temperature rise vs. logarithm of time and is used in the calculation of thermal conductivity (λ). Liquid samples of high thermal conductivity will have a lower slope, while liquid samples with low thermal conductivity will have a higher slope.
Automated Titration Analysis Systems
MANTECH is a leading manufacturer of multi-parameter and titration analysis systems. We can deliver custom analysis systems that perform the following functions: pH, Chloride, Oxygen, Turbidity, Alkalinity, Fluoride, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), Nitrate, Electrical Conductivity, Color, Salinity, Total Hardness, Acidity, Ammonia, Temperature and Soil pH & Conductivity.
High-Temperature and High-PressurepH Electrodes
Corr Instruments offers a full range of exceptionally high performance, high-temperature and/or high-pressure UltraDeg probes, including pH electrodes, reference electrodes, platinum conductivity probes, and ORP(redox) electrodes, for temperatures up to 650F (343C) and pressures up to 5100 psi (35 MPa). These probes are ideal tools for corrosion monitoring, thermodynamic or electrochemical studies in harsh environments such as steam generators, nuclear power reactors, geothermal systems, deep oil/gas wells, and super critical water systems. Many of these UltraDeg probes are built upon our innovative sealing compound, Queon, which is the only known material in the world for sealing electrical conductors in metal sealing glands or compression feedthroughs that are operable at temperatures between 400F (200C) and 650F (343C).
Conductivity Sensor
Conductivity sensors from Aanderaa are compact, fully integrated sensors for measuring the electrical conductivity of seawater. Conductivity is a key parameter for in-situ measurements of several fundamental physical properties of seawater.
Electrical Impedance Tomography
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imaging technique that visualizes conductivity or impedance distributions both in 2D and in 3D. Sciospec is partnering with world leading scientists in the field to deliver solutions that enable using EIT both in research and in practical applications.
Electrical Conductivity Measuring Instrument
Compact handheld device for measuring the electrical conductivity of non-ferrous metals.
Biosensor isoPod with USB
A compact signal conditioner for monitoring low current, two-electrode (anode and cathode) amperometric sensors. By setting the polarization voltage to zero it can also be used as a zero resistance ammeter (ZRA).Electrical isolation ensures that readings are not influenced by nearby current sources such as conductivity, or voltammetric electrodes.
Analytical Services
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) allows for sub nanometer resolution imaging of surface topography and is able to quantify surface roughness at the angstrom scale. Our team can give you highly accurate measurements such as surface topography, dopant distribution, magnetic domain features, and a wide variety of other sample properties to give you the information you need to do great work.Park can provide measurements in the following areas:● Topography (surface roughness, grain size, step height, etc.)● Mechanical Properties (stiffness, etc.)● Electrical properties (capacitance, conductivity, etc.)● Thermal properties ● Magnetic properties These properties can be measured in air or liquid, depending on your needs.
Type 12R1 Family of 19" Rackmount Chassis Platforms, Reduced Weight, Rugged
The Type 12R1 family is a 19" rackmount chassis platform that is rugged yet lighter weight than the sturdier Type 12R2 platform. The chemical conversion coating provides corrosion protection and electrical conductivity. The rear evacuation cooling system uses high CFM blowers to remove the heat generated by the board payloads.
Gem Testers
Fuzhou Zhongtuo Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd
A diamond tester is a portable device used to check the authenticity of diamonds and test materials for their thermal and electrical conductivity. It can accurately indicate if the stone is a real diamond based on the gem's physical properties.
Multifunctional Immunity Test System For Automotive Electronics
EMS-ISO7637 automotive multifunctional immunity test system meet newest ISO7637-2 requirement of
. This standard was issued by international organization for standardization, and this system included all of ISO-7637 required test waveform and meet most of automotive manufacturer’s requirement for automotive electronic immunity test. -
Field-installation Type Electric Conductivity Meter (Four-Wire Transmission, For High-concentration)
HE-200H connects conductivity sensor (FES-125F,126F) and measures conductivity and temperature in the sample water. It can be used not only for measurement of electrical conductivity in aqueous solution, but also for concentration adjustment and rinse monitoring of CIP, etc., as well as for concentration monitor of process.
TDS Meter For The Pool & Spa Industry
The “dual” range PoolMeter™ is the perfect instrument for the measurement and control of pools and spas. It is a simple and compact pool water analysis instrument operating on the principal of electrical conductivity.
Reverse Osmosis Meters For Measuring Total Dissolved Solids
RO Meters™
The choice of professionals for years, this compact instrument has been designed specifically to demonstrate and test Point of Use (POU) reverse osmosis or distillation systems. By measuring electrical conductivity, it will quickly determine the parts per million/Total Dissolved Solids (ppm/TDS) of any drinking water.
Handheld Dialysate Meter
Dialysate Meters™ Single & Dual Range
The choice of hemodialysis professionals for over 40 years, these compact instruments have been designed specifically to test dialysate solutions. By measuring electrical conductivity, they will quickly determine if dialysate concentrations are correct.