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space around an electrically charged object. AKA: Electric Field
See Also: Electric Field, Electrical Field
Photonic Electric Field Sensor System
Model No. 200-04
SRICO Model No. 200-04 Photonic Electric Field Sensor System has the ability to measure electric field with minimal disturbance to the field. The lightweight fiber-optic cables allow for easy placement of the E-field probe, allowing it to be unencumbered by the use of heavy coaxial cables that may disturb the field being measured. The dielectric E-field probe is electrically passive.
Near Field Microprobe E-field 7 MHz to 3 GHz
ICR E150
The near field microprobe is used to measure electric fields at extremely high resolution and sensitivity. The optimal distance to the object being measured is < 1 mm. Due to its small probe head dimension, the probe has to be moved by a manual or automatic positioning system, e.g. Langer-Scanner.
Intelligent Cable Fault Locator
TM800 Cable Fault Locator is a portable field instrument working on TDR and bridge methods, adopting advanced micro-electronics technology. It is designed to locate accurate fault points in such cables as telecommunication leadsheathed cable, plastic cable or user’s lead covered wire, while the faults include break, mix, earthing, defective insulation, or poor connecting. It is and ideal function-stable instrument for the field operator to improve work efficiency, in addition, it can also be used for circuitry project checking electric property testing of the cable.
Moisture Meters
Moisture Meters fall into two categories, pin-type and pinless. Pin-type Moisture Meters measure the resistance between test pins inserted into a piece of wood or a building material and use that reading as a proxy for the object''s absolute moisture level. The wetter the material, the less ready it is to be sanded, painted, finished or covered. A best seller is the MMD4E Pin-Type Moisture Meter. Pinless Moisture Meters rely on the ability of moisture to inductively distort an electric field created by turning on the meter. Although Pinless Moisture Meters can only make relative readings, they are nonetheless useful for pinpointing the source of a leak above a ceiling, and for leaving no unsightly pinholes on a finished surface. The MMD7NP is a best selling pinless moisture meter.
3D Microscope
BVM-5006 Electric 3D Microscope features the quality optical system, high resolution, large field of view, high zoom ratio, novel design and one-up technology, easy and automatic operations. Includes: Motorized zooming, motorized observation angle for changing and optional motorized focusing. The speed can be adjusted while changing observation angle. With the angle attachment, the microscope can realize 3D image effects for observing the components and deep holes. The LED lights can generate high brightness. Theoretically the service life of LED lights can reach 20,000 hours. The LED lights with area control function can illuminate from different angles for convenient multi-angle inspections. The M-N3D Microscope can be widely used in micro-electronics, automated monitoring and testing industries. By selecting the appropriate objectives and video couplers, different magnification, field of view and depth of field can be acquired. Digital and Analog video systems can meet the different users' demands.
Field Meter
FM 6
The field meter FM 6 is a multi-purpose electrosmog meter for alternating electric and magnetic fields. The wide-band frequency range from 16 Hz up to 100 KHz
Open Area Test Sites
Open Test Sites or OATS (Open Area Test Sites) are the most simple and cost effective ambient of measuring for Electric field emission of test objects within frequency range 30 MHz – 3000 MHz . Gtemcell offers sites for 10m and 30m measuring distance.
Portable Multifunction Calibrator
Clarke-Hess Communications Research
The M143 Multifunction calibrator is a cost saving solution for calibration of electric meters with up to 1000 V and 20 A. It offersa basic accuracy of 0.01% in DC voltage for calibration of 3 and 4 digit multimeters. The resistance function is covered byeight fix resistors in range from 10 to 100 M. The calibrator offers TC temperature sensor simulation. It can be deliveredoptionally as well with RTD temperature sensor simulator. Thanks to its small dimensions and low weight the unit can be usedeasily for field calibration work.
Field Probes & Field Monitoring
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation
The FL8000 Series field probes offer a three-in-one solution capable of measuring continuous-wave, pulsed, and modulated electric fields. Covering 5 kHz – 60 GHz, the FL8000 Series works great in commercial, automotive, military, and aviation applications.
Reference Standards
Beijing GFUVE Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Standard kWh meter is a reference standard with the characteristics of wide-range, multifunction and high-precision. It has accuracy class of 0.02. By adopting techniques of DSP, embedded system and automatic temperature balancing and other compensation, it has not only advantages of light weight, small size, high precision, high performance, powerful function, original interface, ease-to-use, but also work stability.The product can be widely used in fields of electric energy measuring, electric energy laboratories and other relevant industry, not only in laboratories but also at the industrial field.
Field Probe for Electric & Magnetic Field Measurement
Wavecontrol presents a new and unique field probe for the measurement of electric and magnetic fields that integrates both E & H sensors within dimensions of only 3 cm². Which makes it unique is that Wavecontrol has managed to add an E field sensor in a basic structure of a classical 3 cm² field probe. It has been possible, therefore, to obtain a 3 cm² field probe without compromising the capability of assessing E and H fields of its 100 cm² big sister, the recognized and successful WP400.
Stripline Automotive 10KHz-30MHz 50 Ohm
The GTEMCELL STPL-30 Stripline is designed to produce high electric fields over a controlled bandwidth. It is used to perform EMC measurements according to automotive and aerospace standards in order totest the immunity of automotive and aircraft equipment to radiated electromagnetic fields.The STPL-30 uses a dual-sided tapered adjustable feed design into a tunable transmission line.
Conductivity Meters
Conductivity meter measures the amount of electric current or conductivity in solution.A conductivity meter measures the health status of the natural water body.It is very useful in the field of water.
EMI Tester
The EMI tester automatically measures the noise distribution of the electric field and the magnetic field radiated from electronic equipment with high accuracy.・ Even if PCB and IC parts have complicated bumpy shape and surface. The movable assembly can automatically trace them.・ EMI noise distribution is expressed as a variety of maps, such as 4D/3D/2D graphics and cross section view.
Based on our field experience, we have developed one of the EASIEST TO INSTALL meter interfaces on the market today. If you have an electric, gas, steam, or water meter that is able to output data via Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP, then we probably have a pre-made template that converts your meter''s data to BACnet/IP. We also have a product for pulse meters.
Avalanche Photodiodes
These avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are silicon photodiodes with an internal gain mechanism. As with a conventional photodiode, absorption of incident photons creates electron-hole pairs. A high reverse bias voltage creates a strong internal electric field, which accelerates the electrons through the silicon crystal lattice and produces secondary electrons by impact ionization. The resulting electron avalanche can produce gain factors up to several hundred.
Guided UWB Radar TLI Signal Processor
The new panel-mount EFP-IL Guided UWB Radar Signal Processor uses MOHR's Electric Field Perturbation (EFP) technology to provide the industry's most accurate real-time liquid level and multiphase flow measurements.
E-Field 1
Professional measuring device for the potential-free measurement of electrical alternating fields from <10 Hz to 400 kHz with integrated frequency filter module and extensive accessories
Power Inductor
Is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flows through it.
Materials Test System
ModuLab XM MTS
I-V (voltage scans with current measurement - used to characterize electronic and dielectric materials)P-E (polarization / electric field - used to run hysteresis tests to characterize ferroelectric materials) High-speed pulse (used to activate charge carriers in electronic and dielectric materials)Staircase and smooth stepless analog ramp waveformsImpedance, admittance, permittivity / capacitance, electrical modulusC-V capacitance - voltage, Mott-SchottkyAutomatic sequencing of time domain and impedance/capacitance measurements
Double Taper Horn Antenna
MDTH series
This product is the antenna that corresponds to the radar pulse immunity test for automotive equipments. Automotive manufacturers have required the electric field strength of 600 v/m. Amplifier system and cable will be cheaper, and will contribute to the ecology.
Auger Microprobe
It is a high specification Auger electron spectrometer with a hemispherical analyzer to provide high throughput analysis of the chemical bonding state at nano to micro areas, and a field emission electron gun also used for EPMA, because it can deliver a large, stable electric current The highly precise eucentric specimen stage makes it possible to perform the previously-impossible analysis of insulators. This in combination with the floating type ion gun offers the versatility to handle any specimen, such as metals and insulation materials, to obtain composition information to and chemical information.
Hall Effect Proximity Switches/Sensors
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
A Hall Effect proximity switch is a non-contact electronic switch, which consist of a permanent magnet or ferromagnetic part as trigger intermediary and a Hall Effect sensor IC. The Hall sensor IC detects the change of the magnet field when the permanent magnet comes in the close proximity to it and generates an electric signal. This signal is amplified and rectified to control the output signal of the switch.
Active Monopole Antenna
The 41 inch Monopole antenna is required for making electric field emission measurements below 60 MHz per Military standards (MIL-STD-461) and FAA (DO-160) specifications. This antenna is for emissions measurements only. It cannot be used for transmitting. The Active Monopole antenna is generally used in a shielded room or in a screen room, with the equipment under test (EUT) placed on a metal ground plane. The 41 inch rod and the ground plane behave electrically as though a mirror image of the rod were located below the ground, and the ground removed. Since the stainless steel plate does not have enough surface area to mirror the entire 41 inch rod, it is bonded to the surrounding ground plane during use. The AM-741 is battery powered to prevent measurement errors that maybe caused by external power cables. The ANSI equivalent capacitance substitution (ECSM) method is the recommended method for calibrating AM-741 monopole antenna. The individual calibration data will be included with each antenna.
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical Applications include checking the 50 and 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields (EMF) produced by equipments such as transmission lines, computers, electric blankets, electric appliances, televisions, etc.. Magnetic fields are invisible radiations, the best method to detect them is by using one of the accurate gauss meter from Integrity Design & Research corp.
EMC Probes
The Beehive Electronics 100 series EMC probes allow the accurate measurement of magnetic and electric fields. They are useful for EMC troubleshooting, field strength measurement, and troubleshooting of RF circuits.
Application Specific LC Systems
Nexera Organic Acid Analysis System
The Nexera Organic Acid Analysis System has been well-received in the fields of food and environment as a highly selective high-sensitivity system. It uses separation by ion exclusion chromatography and Shimadzu’s unique detection technique (pH-buffered electric conductivity detection). Recently, this system is being utilized by even more users in a wide variety of fields, and its usage in the fields of pharmaceuticals and life science is increasing.
Magnetic Field Tester
This device recognises fast and simply magnetic fields generated by electric reels and permanent magnets.
E-Field Generators
TDK E-Field Generators - generate controlled, high-intensity electric and magnetic fields over the frequency range of 10kHz to 100 MHz
Electro Magnetic Meter
This meter is used to indicate radiated electromagnetic fields. Wherever there is a voltageor a current, electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields arise.