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Horn Antennas
radiates in a desired direction an open ended waveguide.
See Also: Antennas, Broadband Antennas, Log Periodic Antennas, Directional Antennas, HF Antennas, Biconical Antennas, Isotropic Antennas, Loop Antennas, Antenna Software, Antenna Analyzers, Dipole Antennas
Horn Antenna
Horn antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in electric assets like GIS and GIL or MV and HV power transformers. It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes Horn antenna suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range suitable for PD activity monitoring and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain.
Horn Antenna
TDK HRN-0118
The TDK HRN-0118 broadband horn antenna (1 GHz to 18 GHz) is designed specifically for radiated emissions and immunity measurements in EMC test environments. The HRN-0118 horn antenna provides optimal performance over the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz.
Non-contact Radar Level Transmitter
The 25 GHz (K-band) 2290 Pulse Radars are the most progressive non-contact level transmitter technology for industrial processes. With an excellent accuracy, compact antennas and a user-friendly set-up the 2290 is an effective, simple, low cost choice for demanding level applications. GF’s new K-band radar featuring ±3 mm (±0.1inch) accuracy and short dead band excels with its full plastic housing. Its antenna range incorporates a stainless steel horn and enclosed plastic tube choices.
3D Electromagnetic Simulation Software
Efield® offers a complete and unique integrated modelling and simulation environment for 3D analysis of a wide range of electromagnetic applications such as: Antenna design All kind of antennas including horn, reflector, wire and microstrip antennas as well as broadband antennas and antenna arrays. Antenna integration Radiation pattern of installed antennas on large platforms such as aircraft or ships. Coupling between installed antennas. Microwave design Typical applications includes design of filters, connectors and couplers. EMI/EMC interaction Analysis of a wide range of EMC/EMI problems including shielding and coupling. Scattering & radar cross-section RCS analysis of structures such as aircraft, ships, air-intakes, exhausts, and antennas.
Standard Gain Horns
Standard gain horns can be used to experimentally determine the gain of other antennas by using the substitution method. The standard gain horn and the antenna under test are alternately connected to a well matched detector system in order to compare their relative power levels. The power level difference is then added to the appropriate level of the calibration curve to determine the absolute gain of the antenna under test.View more Standard Gain Horn Antennas
Double Taper Horn Antenna
MDTH series
This product is the antenna that corresponds to the radar pulse immunity test for automotive equipments. Automotive manufacturers have required the electric field strength of 600 v/m. Amplifier system and cable will be cheaper, and will contribute to the ecology.
Waveguide Antennas
Waveguide horn antenna is also known as a WR-15 horn antenna. This WR-15 waveguide horn antenna has a dB nominal gain and a ug-385/u flange. Our dB WR-15 horn antenna has a minimum frequency of 50 GHz and a maximum frequency of 75 GHz.
Antenna, Dual Ridge Horn
EM-6963 | 18 GHz – 40 GHz
Model EM-6963 can be individually calibrated for use in EMI/EMC compliance measurements as well as for general purpose measurement antennas over its specified frequency range.
Antenna, Pyramidal Horn
EM-6119 | 1.7 GHz – 1.9 GHz
The EM-6119 Pyramidal Horn Antenna is specifically designed for operation in the PCS and DCS bands (1700 MHz to 1900 MHz). Over this frequency range this antenna exhibits a typical gain of 10 dBi, and provides an excellent match with typical VSWR of <1.2:1. This antenna is useful in transmitting as well as receiving signals in this band.
Flann offers a wide range of antenna designs including Standard Gain Horns, Sectoral Horns and Lens Horn Antennas. Additionally Flann has a comprehensive custom design capability for bespoke antennas
Antenna, Octave Band Horn
EM-7021 | 2 GHz – 5 GHz
Electro-Metrics offers three horn antennas, each covering an octave bandwidth from 1 to 10 GHz. The horns are individually calibrated and can be used for either receiving or transmitting applications. They are especially suited to radiated immunity testing and can be used to generate fields in excess of 200 Volts/meter. All three horns feature type “N” connectors and exhibit low VSWR to ensure compatibility with power amplifiers.
Antenna, Octave Band Horn
EM-7020 | 1 GHz – 2.5 GHz
Electro-Metrics offers three horn antennas, each covering an octave bandwidth from 1 to 10 GHz. The horns are individually calibrated and can be used for either receiving or transmitting applications. They are especially suited to radiated immunity testing and can be used to generate fields in excess of 200 Volts/meter. All three horns feature type “N” connectors and exhibit low VSWR to ensure compatibility with power amplifiers.
Antenna, Octave Band Horn
EM-7022 | 4 GHz – 10 GHz
Electro-Metrics offers three horn antennas, each covering an octave bandwidth from 1 to 10 GHz. The horns are individually calibrated and can be used for either receiving or transmitting applications. They are especially suited to radiated immunity testing and can be used to generate fields in excess of 200 Volts/meter. All three horns feature type “N” connectors and exhibit low VSWR to ensure compatibility with power amplifiers.
Wideband Antennas
A vast portfolio of wideband and directional antennas featuring TECOM technology, including log-periodic and horn antennas, ranging from 20 MHz to 40 GHz. For use as standalone antennas or reflector feeds in parabolic antenna systems, they are deployed in broadband surveillance, tracking, and jamming systems. Our vast array of omnidirectional antennas include: conical spirals for broadband surveillance; slant linear bicones for shipboard DF applications; UHF/ VHF stackables for air-to-ground communications; and airborne instrumentation antennas.
High Gain RF Horn Antennas for RF & EMC Testing
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation
Our RF horn antennas exhibit increasing gain, with frequency up to 18 dBi at 1000 MHz, helping to compensate for losses that occur elsewhere in an RF test system. Use these antennas in shielded rooms or free space.
Vector 2D Electromagnetic Solver
QuickWave V2D is a unique on the market and ultra fast Vector 2D (QW-V2D) electromagnetic solver is applicable to the analysis of axisymmetrical devices (which are also called Bodies Of Revolution) as large as 2100 wavelengths, including antennas (horns, rods, biconical), circular waveguide discontinuities, and resonators. It is based on the Maxwell equations re-expressed in cylindrical coordinates. Definition of a 2D long-section of the structure allows for hundreds times faster simulation than brute force 3D analysis.
Direction Finding
ARA has RF receive solutions for mobile, man portable and fixed site applications for electronic warfare and ISR missions. Our systems include receive only omni RF systems, RF intercept solutions, broadband omni antennas, directional antennas for tactical deployments, and multioctave band horn antennas.
FLAT Antennas
CTG recently developed a new paradigm in linearly-polarized antennas called the Flat Lens Antenna Technology or ‘FLAT’. These antennas have directivities similar to conventional dual-ridge antennas, but in a much lighter and “flatter” package. They can be used as a direct replacement for conventional horns for a wide variety of applications. They are made using composites technology so are also rugged and are ideal for both indoor and out-door applications.
Standard Gain Horn Pyramidal Horn Antenna
Elva’s SGPH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. They can be issued with rectangular or circular waveguide. Lens technology significantly allows decreasing mechanical sizes of horns and correcting beam for the best performance. These horns are ideal solution for measurement gain of other antennas, short range radars and radiometers.
Standard Gain Horn Conical Lens antennas
Elva’s SLHA series of standard gain horn lens antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. They can be issued with rectangular or circular waveguide. Lens technology significantly allows decreasing mechanical sizes of horns and correcting beam for the best performance. These horns are ideal solution for measurement gain of other antennas, short range radars and radiometers.
Antennas for 60 GHz
Pasternack antennas for 60 GHz applications, also referred to as 60 GHz gain horn antennas or horn antennas, are broadband passive devices to direct a beam radio waves at a precise frequency. Antennas for 60 GHz from Pasternack use either a UG-385/U or a UG-387/U flange size.
Horn Antennas
Broadband antennas, compared to half wave dipoles, reduce test time because the technician did not have to stop the test to adjust the dipole antenna for each frequency. Most compliance standards now require the use of such antennas. The latest version of Mil-Std 461E states the used of broadband double ridge guide horn antenna as the antenna of choice for frequencies above 200 MHz.
Standard Gain Horn Antenna
This Standard Gain Horn Antenna will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. An ideal solution and a standard workhorse of any EMC test house for compliance testing. Features: 12.4 GHz to 18 GHz, Individually Calibrated, FCC, MIL-STD, VDE and TEMPEST Testing.
Horn Antennas
Horn antennas can be used for emissions and immunity testing. These antennas are constructed using light weight aluminum with a corrosion resistant conductive coating for indoor or outdoor use. Each antenna is individually calibrated. The calibration data and certificate will be shipped with each antenna.The high gain reduces input power requirements to generate high electromagnetic field levels for immunity testing. High gain also increases antenna sensitivity to low level signals.
Millimeter Wave Antennas
Ducommun millimeter wave products include ACH, ARH and ALC series circular, rectangular gain horn antennas and lens corrected horn antennas for system applications. Low side lobes, ridged configuration and low cost are the main features of these antennas. The standard gain value and half power beamwidth at mid-frequency point of each waveguide band are 23 dBi and 9 degrees, respectively. Other gain values are available as customer order. These antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz.
Dual Circular Polarization Conical Horn Antenna
Dual Circular Polarization Conical Horn Antenna, Frequency 22~33GHz, Gain 15dBi, 2.92mm Female Connector
Horn Antenna
Horn Antenna, Frequency 1~18GHz, Gain 9dBi, VSWR 2.0, Linear Polarization, N-Female
Horn Antenna
Dual Polarized Horn Antenna, Frequency 12~40GHz, Gain 12dBi,Iso 25dB Typ., 2.92mm Female connectors, Small Size 55*55*82mm, 5G Mesurement.
Broadband Horn Antennas
Offer a very low SWR in their nominal frequency range and a very broad bandwidth. The increasing gain with frequency helps to compensate cable losses. Is suitable for both, transmission and receiving applications. The max. allowed Input Power is only limited by the coaxial connector.