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Nanometer size probe which scans for surface deflections.
See Also: Atomic Force Microscopes, SPM
Flexible AFM
The SA-AFM is a flexible AFM for scanning all sizes and shapes of samples. A complete system for life sciences samples, large samples, routine scanning of technical samples, and nanotechnology research. The SA is easily integrated with inverted microscopes.
NanoLattice Pitch Standard for Mask Handling Tools (NLSM)
The NanoLattice™ (NLSM) 100 nm pitch standard utilizes gratings with near perfect periodicity to calibrate magnification and scan linearity of CD-SEM and Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM). Make the grade, with the only pitch standard of its kind available below the 130 nm node.
NanoLattice Pitch Standard (NLSM)
The NanoLattice™ (NLSM) 100 nm pitch standard utilizes gratings with near perfect periodicity to calibrate magnification and scan linearity of CD-SEM and Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM). Make the grade, with the only pitch standard of its kind available below the 130 nm node.
Near-Field Detection Module for Imaging
Reflective AFM-tip illuminationDetection optimized for high-performance near-field imagingEnables optical amplitude and phase resolved near field measurementsNear-field spectroscopy possible via sequential imaging (Requires tunable illumination unit)Patented background-free detection technologySuited for visible & infrared wavelength range (0.5 20 m)Version for infrared & THz wavelength range (5 300 m) availableSupported AFM scan-speed: up to 20 m/s @ highest spatial resolution
Near-Field Detection Module for Imaging
Detection optimized for high performance near-field imaging in transmission-modeEnables optical amplitude and phase resolved near field measurementsPatented background-free detection technologyEnables bottom-side (transmission-mode) sample illumination with broadband mirrorSuited for visible and infrared wavelength range 0.5 20 mRequires transparent sample substrateMotorized parabolic mirror for easy beam-alignment in transmission-modeStationary focal point with respect to AFM-tipVariable illumination spot size (ca. 2m 100m)Suitable for plane-wave illuminationSupported AFM scan-speed: up to 20 m/s @ highest spatial resolution
Raman Spectrometer
Spec 64
The fiber coupled high speed Raman spectrometer is optimized for maximum light throughput and high speed spectrum acquisition. Connected to an AFM or a scanning stage, high speed Raman imaging is possible due to an integration time down to 10 ms per spectrum. The spectrometer can be operated with a separate software as stand-alone device or synchronized via the Anfatec AFM software.
Surface Analysis
Dimension FastScan Bio
The Dimension FastScan Bio Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) breaks longstanding barriers to provide routine high-resolution research of biological dynamics, with temporal resolution up to 3 frames per second for live sample observations. Furthermore, it does this while making the AFM easier to use than ever before.
Surface Analysis
Dimension AFP
The Dimension AFP is the world's only fab-based metrology tool specifically designed for both CMP profiling and etch depth metrology for current and advanced technology nodes. The system combines the superb resolution of an AFM with the long-scan capability of an atomic force profiler tomonitor etch depth and dishing and erosion on submicron features with unsurpassed repeatability.
The Level AFM For Educational Purposes
„Eddy“ is an Atomic Force Microscopy system for student's education. It bases on the approved Level AFM setup and includes a full sample set and a large cantilever set.
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
The CombiScope Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is an advanced research instrument that provides the entry path for researchers in biology, spectroscopy and photonics. If you work with transparent samples either in air or in liquid towards nano-scale structures and (near-field) nano-optical properties investigation, the CombiScope is the right solution for you. It perfectly combines inverted optical and atomic force microscopies and unleash all the power of both techniques providing the instrument adjustment and measurement automation, high resolution and high speed. Plus it can be easily upgraded to our Raman spectrometers.
AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Optical Platform
The AFM platform allows fully-integrated use of confocal Raman microscopy and AFM for Tip-Enhanced Optical Spectroscopies (such as Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) and Tip-Enhanced PhotoLuminescence (TEPL)), but also for truly co-localized AFM-Raman measurements.The myriad of AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) techniques that allow study of topographical, electrical and mechanical properties can be performed with any laser source available in Raman spectrometer, or with other external illumination (e.g., solar simulator or other tunable or continuum source). TERS and TEPL can provide nanoscale chemical and structural information, making the AFM-Raman platform a two-way road; where complimentary techniques provide novel and unique imaging capabilities to each other.
Atomic Force Microscope
The DriveAFM is Nanosurf’s novel flagship AFM platform: a tip-scanning atomic force microscope (AFM) that combines, for the first time, several capabilities in one instrument to enable novel measurements in materials and life sciences.
Atomic Force Microscope
The NaioAFM is the ideal atomic force microscope for nanoeducation and basic research on small samples. This all-in-one AFM system provides solid performance and easy handling, with a price tag and footprint that fit anyone and any place.
Atomic Force Microscope
Flex-Mount is a unique AFM that can be configured to acquire high-resolution information on large, non-planar and demanding samples. The Flex-Mount solution combines the superior resolution and performance of the Nanosurf FlexAFM scan head with the integrability of the Nanosurf NaniteAFM.
AFM for Heavy & Large Samples
Alphacen 300
Nanosurf is the market leader for custom developed systems for large and heavy samples. Over the past years our team has built a substantial knowledge base developing these custom stages for various customers.
Special Development AFM Tips ...
AFM Cantilevers and material variations. Ultra-Short AFM Cantilevers: 1) Ultra-Short Tipless AFM Cantilevers 11 (for High Speed Scanning). Diverse (AFM related)
Low-noise High-voltage Amplifier For Tube-scanners -
The HV200/5 is a high-precision HV-amplifier designed for the control of tube scanners. It takes three input voltages In X, In Y and In Z (-10 V to + 10 V), amplifies them separately (input gain switches: x1, x2, x5, x10, x20) and adds an offset voltage between -10 V and +10 V. In a 2nd stage, the signal is amplified by a factor of 20. This enables its use as HV amplifier in scanning image acquisition applications, such as STM or AFM, with the capability to shift the scan range in high resolution imaging.
CoreAFM - the best value research AFM
The fusion of a modern flexure-guided scanner, XYZ sample stage, camera, active vibration isolation table, and acoustic shielding in a single all-in-one unit results in a complete AFM system with an unparalleled compact footprint. The system comes with a fully digital 24-bit controller developed specifically for the CoreAFM scanhead. All the essential functions of modern AFM are integral components of the CoreAFM system; all you need to do to take the CoreAFM into operation is connect the controller, and plug in power and USB.State of the art electronics with 24-bit ADC and DAC ensure high-resolution XYZ driving of the 100×100×12 µm scanner and allow for low-noise force detection limited only by the cantilever. Thirty-two standard and optional modes with fully compatible add-ons make the CoreAFM the tool of choice for applications ranging from materials research to life science and electrochemistry. Starting from the basic CoreAFM system, its functionality can be seamlessly extended
AFM Atomic Force Microscope
FM-Nanoview 6800
Zhengzhou Nanbei Instrument Equipment Co. Ltd
All-in-one design, smart structure and shape.Scan head and sample stage are designed together, strong anti-vibration performance .Precision laser detection and probe alignment device make laser adjustment simple and easy.Adapt servomotor to drive the sample approaching tip manually or automatically, to realize precision scanning area positioning.
Atomic Force Microscope
AFM Heron
New, fully motorized AFM HERON (HERO of Nanotechnology) which allows to perfectly align a cantilever, laser and photodiode by just one click on a command button. The scanning settings and landing parameters are also automated that allows to avoid any time consuming adjustment operations, thus leaving more time to researcher for designing the experiment and performing more accurate measurements.
Atomic Force Microscopy
Bruker’s industry-leading AFM microscopes provide the highest levels of performance, flexibility and productivity, and incorporate the very latest advances in atomic force microscopy techniques. Applications range from materials science to biology, from semiconductors to data storage devices, from polymers to optics with measurement of nanoscale topography, nano-mechanical, nano-electrical and nanoscale chemical mapping.
Real-time and Direct Correlative Nanoscopy
LabRAM Soleil Nano
Fully integrated system based on our OmegaScope scanning probe microscope and LabRAM Soleil Raman microscope. LabRAM Soleil Nano offers unprecedented capabilities for direct co-localized AFM-Raman and photoluminescence measurements. AFM imaging modes (topographic, electrical, mechanical, etc.) and Raman acquisition can be performed either sequentially or simultaneously at the same location of the sample surface. Optical nano-resolution is also achievable with Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence (TERS/ TEPL). LabRAM Soleil Nano is compatible with the environmental chamber for AFM and Raman measurements in controlled atmosphere and at low temperatures.
Advanced Stand-Alone AFM
The SmartSPM Scanning Probe Microscope is the first 100% automated system that offers its cutting-edge technology of ultra-fast, metrological and high-resolution measurements for the most advanced materials research at the nanoscale in all AFM and STM modes. With the SmartSPM zooming in from large up to 100 µm overview scans down to atomic resolution has become a reality. Its design has been specially developed to be capable of being seamlessly integrated with optical spectroscopies (SNOM, Raman, Photoluminescence and TERS/SERS techniques).
AFM Optical Platform
The OmegaScope is a state-of-the-art turn-key solution that combines Optics and ultra-resolution multi-range research AFM. The OmegaScope AFM is an advanced research instrument that provides path for researchers in spectroscopy and photonics. It is available in reflection configurations providing direct top and side optical access. The flexibility of the OmegaScope platform offer almost endless possibilities in correlation of high spatial resolution spectroscopies (Raman, Photoluminescence, Fluorescence) and AFM imaging modes.
Versatile AFM Optical Coupling
The TRIOS platform is an advanced research instrument that provides the entry path for researchers in materials science, biology, spectroscopy and photonics. TRIOS is the most versatile optical coupling platform providing three ports for optical spectroscopy measurements with top-down, side (oblique) and inverted accesses to the AFM tip and sample.If you work with opaque and/or transparent samples, either in air or in liquid looking at nanoscale structures and near-field optical properties investigation, the TRIOS platform is the right solution for you. It perfectly combines upright optical, inverted optical, and atomic force microscopies, and unleash all the power of both techniques providing instrument adjustment and measurement automation, high resolution and integration flexibility. Such performance is only available from HORIBA.
AFM for Large Samples
The unparalleled small footprint of the NaniteAFM scan head and its highprecision/quick lock mounting system make it the ideal atomic force microscopefor integration into automated industrial environments. With a resolution below one nanometer, the NaniteAFM is capable of detecting and visualizing even the smallest surface structures.
Advanced Raman, AFM & SNOM Imaging Systems
alpha300 Series
Alpha300 series consists of advanced Raman, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) imaging systems. Its sophisticated design ensures exceptionally high-throughput and sensitivity. A unique modularity allows for single-technique solutions as well as correlative imaging configurations.
AFM & SPM Probes
Nanonics offers a wide variety of custom-made probes for Nanonics MultiView systems to meet all your imaging, writing, manipulation, and characterization needs. See below for different categories of probes we offer.
Muliprobe systems
AFM-Raman & TERS
AFM-Raman is a synergistic tool combining a sample's topography and chemical signature. The Nanonics platform provides true upright or inverted integration without altering the Raman's path allowing for the ultimate in Raman and AFM imaging. This seamless integration provides many advanced features such as: All modes of TERS operation on both conducting and non-conducting surfaces.
Atomic Force Microscope for SEM/FIB
AFSEM is an atomic force microscope (AFM), designed for integration in a SEM or Dualbeam (SEM/FIB) microscope. Its open access design allows you to simultaneously operate SEM and AFM inside the SEM vacuum chamber. The correlated image data of AFM and SEM enable unique characterization of your sample, and the combination of complementary techniques is a key success factor for gaining new insights into the micro and nano worlds. AFSEM enables you to easily combine two of the most powerful analysis techniques to greatly extend your correlative microscopy and analysis possibilities.