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rate of change in velocity.
Communication Data Logger
LE-270GR is a Communication Data Logger, which has acceleration sensor and a connector for GPS antenna. It has logger mode with which you can records CAN/LIN communication logs in the SD/SDHC card for long hours and remote mode with which you can monitor data or GPS data on the PC at real time by connecting the analyzer with PC. It also has simulation mode with which you can repeatedly transmit CAN/LIN data which is registered in advance and selected on PC. It has galvanic-isolated two CAN transceivers and two LIN transceivers. Thus you can measure 2 channels of CAN/LIN communication lines and can simultaneously register GPS positioning data, acceleration data, and voltage data of 4 external signals.
Data Logger MSR165 for Shock and Vibration
The robust MSR165 data logger is capable of making 1600 acceleration (shock, vibrations) measurements per second in all three axes. Shock monitoring is possible up to +/- 15g, 32 measurement values are recorded even before the event takes place.
Data Logger Software Module
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
*Data logger and monitor*Records binary or text files which can be processed by other software*Bar graph and numeric display*Level recording if signal exceeds threshold*Adjustable trip delay*Pre- and post-triggering*Recording of vibration acceleration*VM-REC+ also for velocity and displacement*RMS, positive, negative and unsigned peak values, instantaneous value*Up to four signals per window*One VM-REC license can be operated simultaneously up to four times with different settings *External Messengers*Offline measurement
Dual-Axis Accelerometer For HS3/4/4-DIFF Handyscopes, +/- 16G
The Accelerometer is a low cost, low power, complete dual-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The output signals are analog voltage proportional to acceleration. The Accelerometer is capable of measuring both positive and negative accelerations to at least +/- 16G.
Dual-Axis Accelerometer For HS3/4/4-DIFF Handyscopes, +/- 2G
The Accelerometer is a low cost, low power, complete dual-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The output signals are analog voltage proportional to acceleration. The Accelerometer is capable of measuring both positive and negative accelerations to at least +/- 2G.
Dual-Axis Accelerometer For HS3/4/4-DIFF Handyscopes, +/- 5G
The Accelerometer is a low cost, low power, complete dual-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The output signals are analog voltage proportional to acceleration. The Accelerometer is capable of measuring both positive and negative accelerations to at least �+/- 5G.
Dual-Axis Accelerometer For HS5 & 6 Handyscopes, +/- 2G
The Accelerometer is a low cost, low power, complete dual-axis accelerometer with signal conditioned voltage outputs. The output signals are analog voltage proportional to acceleration. The Accelerometer is capable of measuring both positive and negative accelerations to at least +/- 2G.
Dual-Port 100G PCIe Ethernet NIC
The P2100G 2x100G PCIe NIC builds upon the success of the widely deployed NetXtreme E-Series architecture by combining a high-bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly optimized hardware acceleration engines to enhance network performance and improve server efficiency.
Dual-Port 10GBASE-T pcie Ethernet NIC
The P210TP 2x10GBASE-T PCIe NIC builds upon the success of the widely-deployed NetXtreme E-Series architecture by combining a high-bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly-optimized hardware acceleration engines to enhance network performance and improve server efficiency.
Dynanometer Roller Set
FPS 2700 | VP 230048
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The FPS 2700 roller set is used in test centres and is suitable for vehicles with a single driven axle. It was designed for the exact measurement of the exhaust gas behaviour of vehicles during their transient emission test and permits a driving resistance simulation for the exhaust gas tests ASM-5015 and ASM-2525 (Acceleration Simulation Mode) in accordance with the specifications BAR '97. As a result of the increased tractive force of its eddy current brake, the FPS 2700 is additionally suitable for power measurements at constant speed and constant tractive force.
Electronic Compass for Dynamic Conditions - Vibration, Acceleration, Uneven Terrain, or Rough Seas
Revolution GS
If your compass application involves vibration, acceleration, uneven terrain, or rough seas, you will find the True North Revolution GS electronic compass to be an uncompromising solution that will outperform rival units costing considerably more. The GS provides remarkably accurate heading, pitch, and roll in dynamic conditions. It all starts with a precision 3-axis solid-state magnetometer. Two angular rate gyros independently stabilize pitch and roll. They augment a dual-axis electrolytic tilt sensor that provides precise tilt measurements in static environments. Two sets of independent filters, one set for pitch and one for roll, combine gyro and electrolytic sensor measurements to provide the best available tilt measurements.
Free floating Buoy
The buoy has internal space to assemble equipment for all kind of applications. Operating on an integrated battery supply the buoy has been applied for the following projects:Wireless data-transfer from sensors on a submerged wreck to a control office on a nearby ship. Multiple incline and acceleration sensors were placed on the wreck and connected by wire to the bottom of the buoy, the data was gathered and wireless transferred over more than 100 meters.Wireless video transfer from a camera to follow the activities of a diver on a fixed object. Camera was connected by cable to the buoy and video was wireless transferred from the buoy to a video control room at a nearby ship.“Flessenpost” An IRIDIUM transmitter was placed inside a buoy and the buoy was dropped in the Nordsee, a geocaching look-a-like game was initiated to find the buoy.Survey of bottom with a camera on the diver and the buoy following the diver on the surface. Video was transferred to a control room on the quay.
Frequency Response Function
FFT Spectral Analysis. Frequency Response Function (FRF) is a commonly used measurement type of the Dynamic Signal Analyzer. FRF is defined as the ratio of response i.e. acceleration, velocity, or displacement with respect to the excitation force which is the reference.
Generates Test Cases on ICE
TrekSoC-Si automatically generates self-verifying C test cases to run on the embedded processors in SoCs in in-circuit emulation (ICE), FPGA prototyping, and production silicon. This verifies your chips more quickly and more thoroughly than hand-written diagnostics or running only production code on the processors. TrekSoC-Si's generated test cases target all aspects of full-SoC verification and work in a variety of different environments. TrekSoC-Si is a companion to TrekSoC, which generates test cases for simulation and acceleration. TrekSoC-Si extends the benefits of TrekSoC into hardware platforms.
Opto-Electronic Oscillators (OEOs) produce spectrally-pure microwave and mm-wave signals using an opto-electronic feedback loop. The versatile scheme allows utilization of optical components for low loss and small size. It is also inherently less sensitive to vibration and acceleration and provides the same low-spectral purity at all RF frequencies (microwave to mm).
Human Vibration Measurement
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
For hand-arm vibration measurement according to ISO5349 and ISO / TR 18570, whole-body vibration measurement according to ISO2631 and ship vibrations according to ISO 20283-5 Measurement ranges for acceleration, speed and distance for measuring machine vibrations
Inertial & Tilt Sensors
Jewell Instruments is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of high-precision accelerometer and inclinometer sensors for tilt and acceleration applications. We also provide custom-engineered sensors for specific application solutions.
Inertia Single Roller Dynanometer for Motorcycles, for Flush-Floor Installation
MSR 400 | VP 630012
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 400 single roller inertia dynamometer for motorcycles is used in workshops for designers, tuners as well as educational institutions. It is perfect for dynamic power measurement with controllable acceleration as well as static power measurement at constant speed. The MSR 400 ensures the greatest measurement accuracy and reproducibility due to its active measurement of the towing power (measurement of the parasitic losses of the dyno, the losses in the vehicle's drive train and the friction losses from the tyres to the roller).
Mechanical Shock
Trialon has Mechanical Shock systems that provide sudden acceleration and deceleration to your components and systems along with the supporting capabilities to measure and analyze the response.
Miniature Accelerometers
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
These piezoelectric accelerometers are particularly suited for small and light test objects. Of particular advantage may also be their high resonant frequencies. Due to the piezoelectric principle with its wide dynamic range both high acceleration and lowest vibration can be measured with the same sensor.
Miniature Linear Motor Stage
M-661 · M-662
Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG
M-661 and M-662 PILine translation stages offer accelerations to 5 g with millisecond response and velocities to 500 mm/sec in an extremely compact package. Providing travel ranges to 20 mm, they are among the smallest motorized translation stages currently on the market. Both models are designed for open-loop operation (a similar closed-loop stage with linear encoder is available as model M-663. The M-662, with its square footprint, is also suitable for use in XY configurations. For applications where the smallest dimensions are essential, the P-652 micro stage is offered.
Miniature Pressure Sensor
Series 2 Mi
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik
Developed for measuring hydrodynamic and aerodynamic pressures. A silicone drum protects the measurement cell from the influence of vibrations and fast acceleration.
MINX Sensors
ExpressSense introduces the MINX sensor suite, a plug-and-play sensor solution, featuring five built in sensors, delivering automatically-generated process control charts as a web page, viewable from any network connected device. User configured triggers enable email or text alerts to inform user when specific conditions are detected, or MINX can automatically control another device or machine. MINX can be installed and setup in as little as 10 minutes. MINX includes all hardware and software, plus no subscriptions are needed and all the data is kept locally on the unit for maximum security and value!MINX Sensors: Ambient Temperature & Humidity; Optical distance or count optical events; Measure shock/vibration/acceleration amplitude or count events; Remote Temperature via thermocouple; Measure user supplied external analog sensor (0-5V or 0-20mA), either amplitude or record events .
Network Packet Brokers
A Network Packet Broker (NPB) is a device that optimizes the flow of traffic between TAP and SPAN connections and network monitoring, security and acceleration tools. By maintaining a many-to-many (M:M) port mapping of network ports to monitoring ports, they can direct network traffic efficiently, and filters can be applied to optimize bandwidth usage on the network. This also means that the performance of out-of-band tools increases as they receive only actionable data.
Opacimeter for the Measurement of Diesel Vehicles
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MAHA Opacimeter is used for the measurement of diesel vehicles. The smoke opacity is tested and diagnosed in a time-saving and trouble-free manner in a partial flow procedure during free acceleration or under load of the engine. Rapid readiness for measurement and precise measurement results are the distinguishing features of the MAHA Opacimeter. Type-tested according to PTB requirements 18.09.
Opacimeter on CONNECT Trolley for Measurement of Diesel Vehicles
MO CT | VP 135045
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MAHA Opacimeter on CONNECT trolley is used for the measurement of diesel vehicles. The smoke opacity is tested and diagnosed in a time-saving and trouble-free manner in a partial flow procedure during free acceleration or under load of the engine. Rapid readiness for measurement and precise measurement results are the distinguishing features of the MAHA Opacimeter. Type-tested according to PTB requirements 18.09.
Opacimeter on Trolley for the Measurement of Diesel Vehicles
MO T | VP 135044
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MAHA Opacimeter on trolley is used for the measurement of diesel vehicles. The smoke opacity is tested and diagnosed in a time-saving and trouble-free manner in a partial flow procedure during free acceleration or under load of the engine. Rapid readiness for measurement and precise measurement results are the distinguishing features of the MAHA Opacimeter. Type-tested according to PTB requirements 18.09.
PCIe 3.0 Ethernet Controller
The BCM57416 10GBASE-T PCIe 3.0 Ethernet controller builds upon the success of the widely-deployed NetXtreme E-Series architecture by combining a high-bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly-optimized hardware acceleration engines to enhance network performance and improve server efficiency.
PCIe 3.0 Ethernet Controller
The BCM57414 50G PCIe 3.0 Ethernet controller builds upon the success of the widely-deployed NetXtreme E-Series architecture by combining a high-bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly-optimized hardware acceleration engines to enhance network performance and improve server efficiency.
PCIe 4.0 Ethernet Controller
The BCM57508 200G PCIe 4.0 Ethernet Controller builds upon the success of the widely-deployed NetXtreme E-Series architecture by combining a high-bandwidth Ethernet controller with a unique set of highly-optimized hardware acceleration engines to enhance network performance and improve server efficiency.