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Geiger Counter
ONYX features a modern, streamlined look and the use of advanced technologies, making it a one-of-a-kind Geiger Counter. It weighs only 7 oz. (200g.) and measures a mere 5.1 X 2.6 X 0.9 in. (72 X 37 X 13 mm.) making it easy to transport. Despite its compact size ONYX is capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation with the same sensitivity as the IMI Inspector Alert™, and like the IMI Inspector Alert™ V2, ONYX is optimized for surface contamination measurements through use of its 2 in. pancake Geiger Mueller tube.
General Purpose Geiger Counter
Radalert® 100X
The Radalert® 100X is a general purpose geiger counter that measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Features of the Radalert® 100X, include a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500. For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.
General Purpose Radiation Survey Meter/Geiger Counter
Rad 100™
The RAD 100™ is a general purpose radiation survey meter/geiger counter that detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. It is intended for personal safety and educational purposes. Like the popular Radalert® 100X, the RAD 100™ features a 3-second update on its digital liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD shows the current radiation level in your choice of microSieverts per hour (SI units) or mR/hr for gamma radiation measurements. For mixed sources (alpha, beta, gamma) the CPM mode is recommended. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (the chirp can be muted). This is a professional instrument that is also easy to learn to use and to operate, and carries the industry leading Medcom warranty (2 years overall limited to 1 year on the GM sensor). Many instruments designed by the Medcom team are still working perfectly after 30 years of use, so this instrument should provide a lifetime of useful information.
Surface Contamination Monitor
IMI Inspector Alert™ V2
The IMI Inspector Alert™ V2 measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation using a 2-inch “pancake” GM detector with high sensitivity to common beta and alpha sources. The easy-to-read digital display shows readings in your choice of µSv/hr, mR/hr, CPM, or CPS. The Total/Timer feature allows timed readings from one minute to 40 hours for precise measurement of low level contamination. An audible alert sounds when the radiation reaches a user-adjustable level.
spectrometer radiometer TRIO
Baltic Scientific Instruments, Ltd
Gamma-, beta- and alpha spectrometer TRIO is intended for measuring energy distribution of gamma- and beta - radiation, identify gamma-emitting radionuclides, and also for measuring the activity (specific and volumetric activity) natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 222Rn, and technogenic radionuclides (137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co, 99mTc, 90Sr and etc.) in the soil samples, rocks, vegetation, water, food, wood, building materials, chemical industry materials, alloys, scrap metal and other technological products. Also it is used for measuring gross specific activity of beta- and alpha- emitting radionuclides in water.
Radius Radiation Probe
Hawk Radius®
The Hawk® Radius is a ruggedized solution for monitoring both ambient and elevated levels of ionizing radiation. Like a Hawk with its remarkable vision, the Hawk Radius Probe “sees” things that other probes cannot. The high sensitivity weatherized pancake sensor can provide early warning of changing ambient radiation conditions, while the energy compensated detector can accurately report penetrating gamma radiation dose rate at elevated levels. Radius probes are typically deployed as part of an environmental radiation monitoring program, or for safety and security systems. In its standard configuration the probe detects beta, low energy gamma and x-radiation with one channel and energy compensated penetrating gamma radiation levels with a second channel. It can be configured to detect alpha radiation as well. The Hawk® Radius has been deployed worldwide in demanding conditions for protecting communities and collecting environmental radiation data. It can be deployed easily and requires minimum maintenance. The Radius is compatible with Medcomʻs GeigerLink adapter and the IMI Gateway App for use with personal computers. It can also be used with most data loggers including popular Campbell Scientific models.
Environmental (Radiation) Monitoring System
Hawk® EMS
The Hawk® EMS is a wall or tripod-mounted radiation monitoring and alarm system designed for use with the Hawk® Radius dual sensor radiation probe. Each EMS System comes with a Hawk Radius Probe. The system is extremely energy efficient and can run for weeks on an internal 9 volt back-up battery if power fails. It is well suited for operating on a small solar panel, which is an optional accessory. The Hawk® EMS features two displays that show the radiation levels measured by each of the probe’s two detectors: the weatherized “pancake-style” Geiger-Mueller tube — which measures alpha (if configured for it), beta, low energy gamma, and x-radiation — and the energy-compensated gamma tube which measures penetrating gamma dose rate. The probe can be mounted next to the EMS system or outdoors, or in adjacent rooms on cables up to 100 ft in length. Standard cable is 3 meters in length. Optional signal booster can support cable lengths longer than 100 feet. Optionally the system can also be configured to share data on ethernet or wireless networks.
Environmental Radiation Monitor "Radi"
Every day, wherever we go, we are exposed to minute amounts of environmental radiation.* This environmental radiation is emitted continuously, day and night, from various objects and substances in the natural world and our living environment.Most environmental radiation consists of three types: alpha rays (α), beta rays (β) and gamma rays (γ). HORIBA's PA-1000 "Radi" environmental radiation monitor makes it easy for non-specialists to measure even minute levels of gamma rays.* Environmental radiation, also known as natural radiation, includes radiation emitted from space, soil, stones, the ground and the air, as well as from manmade objects such as concrete and buildings
*Search and detection of gamma radiation sources with automatic identification of the radionuclide composition;*Measurement of the dose rate of gamma radiation;*Detection of neutron radiation and measurement of the neutron count rate (AT6102);*Measurement of the dose rate of neutron radiation (external detection unit BDKN-03);*Measurement of the flux density of alpha and beta particles from contaminated surfaces (external detection units BDPA-01 / BDPB-01)
Geiger Counters
A geiger counter detects nuclear radiation by measuring the emission of ionizing radiation of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. Also referred to as a radiation detector, a geiger counter consists of two main elements: the processing electronics and the geiger tube. The geiger tube is filled with low-pressure inert gas like helium, argon or neon. If radioactive radiation occurs, the inert gas is ionized. An anode within the geiger tube registers the quantity of ionized particles numerically correlating with the strength of the radioactive radiation. The radioactivity measurement is then displayed on the LCD screen of the geiger counter or radiation detector.It is very important to measure radioactivity as well as to classify radioactivity values. For example, terrestrial gamma radiation is measured according to general values from 0.03 - 0.3 µSv/h (microsievert / hour). This "normal" oscillation range is conditioned by natural radioactive elements in the ground such as uranium and potassium. To calculate this factor, one must take into consideration cosmic radiation. For example, when considering cosmic radiation, the maximum radioactivity content at Schneefernerhaus, the highest-located German environmental research station, is approximately equal to 110 µSv/h.At PCE Instruments, you will find three types of geiger counter or raditation detection devices to help you measure radioactivity: 1) alpha radioactivity meters, 2) meters for detecting alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity and 3) radioactivity meters for human beings.
Radiation Detectors
A radiation detector is a device for measuring nuclear, electromagnetic or light radiation. A nuclear radiation detector identifies nuclear radiation by measuring the emission of ionizing radiation of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. Also referred to as a geiger counter, a nuclear radiation detector consists of two main elements: the processing electronics and the geiger tube. The geiger tube is filled with low-pressure inert gas like helium, argon or neon. If radioactive radiation occurs, the inert gas is ionized. An anode within the geiger tube registers the quantity of ionized particles numerically correlating with the strength of the radioactive radiation. The radioactivity measurement is then displayed on the LCD screen of the geiger counter or nuclear radiation detector.
Radiation Testers
The Ranger is a small, handheld, digital survey meter which offers excellent sensitivity to low levels of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. It has built in efficiencies for common isotopes to calculate activity in Bq and DPM. It has a backlit display and a count light and abeeper that sounds with each count detected. Other features include selectable alert levels, an adjustable timer, and an optional wipe test plate. Internal memory and the free Observer USB Software allow you to download your data, set computer alarms, and calibrate your instrument! The Bluetooth and Observer BLE enables saving, sharing,and automation of surveys and RadResponder compatibility
Digital Multi-Function Radiation Detector
Designed for quick detection, quickly found abnormalHigh sensitive sensor, USB ports, 8 seconds responseComputer data analysis softwareDetection of alpha, beta, gamma, Χ-rayLarge-screen high-definition LCD display
Radiation Survey Meter For First Responders
Radalert 200™
The Radalert 200 is a rugged solution for monitoring both ambient and elevated levels of ionizing radiation in challenging environments. Simplified user interface requires minimal training. Detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Data is displayed in your choice of counts per minute (CPM), μSv/hr or mR/hr, or in accumulated counts. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (can be muted). An audible alert sounds when the radiation reaches a user adjustable level.
Radioactivity Meters
At PCE Instruments you will find three types of radioactivity meters: Alpha radioactivity meter, meter for Alpha, Beta and Gamma radioactivity, radioactivity meter for human beings. It is very important to measure radioactivity as well as to classify radioactivity values. An example of Gamma radioactivity: Terrestrial gamma radiation is measured according to general values from 0,03 – 0,3 µSv / h (micro Sievert/ hour). This "normal“ oscillation range is conditioned by contents in the ground of natural radioactive elements such as uranium, potassium, etc.
Survey Meters
Measures alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. Its digital display shows readings in your choice of counts per minute (CPM), CPS, Sv/hr, or mR/hr, or in accumulated counts. Now with the USB and the Observer USB Software, you can download your accumulated data form the Digilert200's internal memory, set computer alarms, and calibrate your instrument.
Probes, Cables & Detectors
Probe has a mica window that has a thickness of 1.8 to 2.0 mg/cm2. This allows detection of alpha radiation as low as 3.0 MeV when in close proximity to the window. Beta radiation in excess of 35 keV and X-ray or gamma radiation greater than 6 keV can also be deteched. The detector is provided with a BNC connector. It can be used with most count rate and survey meters which accept Geiger Mueller (GM) detectors operating at 900V DC.