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Data Collector for Water Levels
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik
The data collector DCX-22 AA measures and records ground water levels using KELLER's two sensor AA-technology (absolute-absolute). The submersible depth sensor measures the water level. Barometric pressure variations are measured and compensated with the built-in waterproof air pressure sensor which is mounted in the electronics housing at the top of the borehole.
New Resistivity Inversion Software
EarthImager 3D
AGI is proud to introduce the new EarthImager 3D resistivity and IP inversion software. This software inverts resistivity and IP data acquired with electrodes arranged in boreholes and/or on the surface and presents a 3D volume of inverted resistivity data with advanced volume rendering technique. The final resistivity or IP image-volume can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the volume of interest in detail. Colors representing areas of less interest can be made transparent so that the shape of a pollution plume, for example, can be visible. With EarthImager, 3D resistivity inversion can be as easy as two steps: Read Data and Start Inversion with only a few mouse clicks.
Very Broadband Seismometer
Geotech's Model KS-54000 is a borehole, Model KS-1 a vault, three-component seismometer, designed for ultra low-noise monitoring for frequencies from 0.003 to 5 Hz, being below the Low Noise Model for frequencies up to 5 Hz.
Steel Ruler Water Level Meter
Wuhan Sangao Electrical Test Installations Limit Co.
This Steel Ruler Water Level Meter is the high accuracy instrument to measure water level. It is common used to measure the water level in wells, boreholes and standpipes. The depth is to 900 meter.
1024-Channel Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Gamma Surveyor II
represents super compact 1024-channel geophysical spectrometer for all kinds of radiation measurements like field, borehole, carborne and submarine survey, laboratory assays and industrial monitoring. Due to long experience in gamma-ray analyzers and continuous scientific and technical development GF Instruments offers unique efficient technique of spectral evaluation with fast energy stabilization working sensitively and reliably in wide range of gamma dose rates.
Temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, PAR. Realtime variants are ideal for streaming high accuracy measurements into another system. Whether for borehole monitoring or ROV, stream gauging or harbour water levels - these instruments are trivial to install and operate. The units are completely sealed and are available in OSP or Titanium housings to accommodate shallow or deep deployment.
Resistivity and IP Imaging System
ARES represents a well equipped resistivity and IP imaging system. Groundwater explorations, geotechnical investigations, monitoring of dams and dikes, environmental studies, pollution plumes mapping, geological surveys, mineral prospecting, archaeology, detecting of cavities, underwater, marine, borehole and cross-hole measurements.
Very Broadband Borehole Systems
Borehole installations offer excellent performance for low-noise detection of weak seismic signals such as from local microseismic events or from regional/teleseismic earthquakes.
5TB -strong-motion
The 5TB houses an accelerometer that is designed for strong-motion borehole studies. in cased holes with diameters of 99 to 203 mm.
Radian Posthole and Borehole
High performance sub-surface broadband seismometer with maximum versatility and operational at any angle. The Güralp Radian is a triaxial, force-feedback, broadband, digital seismometer designed for posthole and borehole deployments.
Well Camera
Taking advantage of our vast experience in designing and manufacturing TV-inspection systems for boreholes and wells, we created the innovative WELL-CAMERA Series that follows all our Customer’ requests about an easy use, reliable, compact and lightweight instrument for field operations. The complete system consist of: reel and camera head, display unit with integrated LCD, USB2 grabber board and microphone, battery charger. Pictures, movies and comments can be saved to any external laptop.
DBSOND is a program for the archiving and graphic restitution of boreholes and geological profiles
Borehole Impulsive Source Of Choice
Over the years the Sercel G-SOURCE range of products has become the system of choice for advanced VSP surveys, in both offshore and onshore environments. The G-SOURCE and delta cluster combine the advantages of a powerful source and a clean acoustic performance to maximize borehole data quality.
Continuous Well Loggers
Integrated Geo Instruments & Services Private Limited
The DMPL-3 Continuous Well Logger is a highly portable, sturdy and easy to operate microprocessor-based Digital Multi Probe Borehole Logger. The equipment can be dismantled and carried to remote areas by head-load. The special design features incorporated make this DMPL-3, a highly versatile instrument suitable for high quality data acquisition, an essential pre-requisite to tackle wide variety of geological and geophysical exploration problems.
3TB weak-motion
The 3T Borehole (3TB) offers reliable, high quality performance in long period monitoring applications.
Borehole 3D Geophones
GFA 50/100
3D borehole geo-phone is realized with 3x high sensitive geophones (nat.freq.10 Hz- 1 vertical and 2 horizontal sensors) oriented according to a triad of orthogonal Cartesian axes XYZ. Delivered with a cleat assembly to sustain its weight at the requested depth (GFA cable is graduated in meters), this borehole geophone has a pneumatic-mechanical clamping system.