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Compact Design Measurement System
Benchmark 450
The Benchmark's fixed bridge design separates the X and Y axis motions, allowing each to operate without any influence on the other. This arrangement provides the maximum mechanical integrity and accuracy in the stage motion. The bridge type design also makes loading and unloading of large parts more efficient, and helps to minimize the overall footprint of the system.
The cPCI [CompactPCI] compatible cPCI4IP design adds 4 Industrypack compatible slots to your cPCI host. The cPCI4IP acts as an adapter, converter, carrier, or bridge between the cPCI bus and your IndustryPack hardware. The cPCI4IP is a 6U 4HP cPCI design with 4 IP slots.
Compact PCI
The cPCI [Compact PCI] compatible cPCI2IP design adds 2 Industrypack compatible slots to your cPCI host. The cPCI2IP acts as an adapter, converter, carrier, or bridge between the cPCI bus and your IndustryPack hardware. The cPCI2IP is a 3U 4HP cPCI design with 2 IP slots.
CompactPCI Boards
*CompactPCI (cPCI) boards are 3U or 6U boards connected via a passive PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect). Up to 8 boards can be connected together in a segment. Segments can be connected through bridges. *They are grouped into four categories: CPU, Communication, Input/Output, PMC carrier.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Aberlink offers a wide range of bridge and hexapod CMMs to suit all applications and budgets, enabling the precise measurement of the smallest of components to parts of over 3 metres long and up to 6 tonnes in weight with a wide range of touch-trigger probes and non-contact measurement options. The comprehensive range of CMMs includes 32 standard sizes of both CNC and manual variants. All CMMs are supplied as a complete turnkey package including the Aberlink 3D measurement software, the easiest to use and most intuitive CMM software currently available.
Coordinate Measuring Machines
ScopeCheck® FB
High performance multisensor CMM for larger workpieces in the measurement lab or production environmentFixed bridge design allows for larger measurement rangesHeavy duty granite base guarantees low measurement uncertainty even with multiple sensorsLarger measuring ranges are availableContour image processing for fully automatic measurements of simple and complex geometrical elementsTemperature compensation included for accurate measurement on the shop floor
Coordinate Measuring Machines
CNC Bridge, Manual bridge, gantry, travelling bridge and horizontal CMM's to suit all applications.
cPCI and PMC Compatible Adapter Carrier
By customer request Dynamic Engineering has developed two extended temperature versions of the popular cPCIBPMC design. The design effort included switching to a new bridge to meet the temperature and timing requirements. The new bridge brings new features including the ability to operate the PMC side at a higher clock rate than the cPCI side. The new bridge also has built in features for local address spaces, using the PMC clock in monarch mode for the secondary side, and operating in transparent or non-transparent modes
(DCC) Resistance Bridges
Direct Current Comparator (DCC) Resistance Bridges. Unique innovations in 6622A design and modularity means users no longer have to decide what Bridge satisfies current requirements as well as future requirements. Optional modules allow for normal, high ohms, and low ohms measurements without having to purchase multiple bridges as per competitive products.
Dimensional Metrology System
The VIEW Summit systems are designed for components requiring a large work envelope and high accuracy. Based on the same core technologies of optics, high speed linear motors, and high resolution scales used in the VIEW Pinnacle, the Summit features a fixed bridge design. Separate X and Y axis motion systems ensure that neither influences the mechanical integrity of the other, while also enabling easy loading and unloading of large parts.
Door Contact Sensor
Monitors access with a magnetic bridge sensor, which responds to any magnetic material (no special inserts necessary). Can also be used for monitoring side wall and covers. Includes mounting hardware. For normally closed circuit connection. 2-wire interface. Screw terminal. Maximum cable length: 1,000 ft. Wide actuating gap, approximately 1". Dimensions WxDxH (in): 0.5x0.5x2 (Switch), 0.5x0.5x2 (Magnet). Operating temperature: 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C). Regulatory approvals: RoHS.
Dual-Site Single-Slot 6U Compact PCI (cPCI) PMC Adapter/Carrier
Our Dual-Site Single-Slot 6U Compact PCI (cPCI) PMC Adapter/Carrier 32-Bit/66 MHz (6332) adapts two single-wide PMCs to a cPCI slot. At the heart of the carrier is a 6150 PCI-to-PCI bridge that connects the carrier's internal PCI bus to the cPCI backplane.
Dynatrol® Level Switch for Light Bulk Solids
Dynatrol® CL-10GJ Level Detector operates with consistent results on problem applications that have a tendency to bridge or pack. It handles difficult products such as flour, cocoa, sugar, pharmaceutical powders, powdered lime and additional bulk solid materials for high-, intermediate- or low-point level detection. The CL-10GJ is typically used with bulk solids in the density range of 10-15 lbs/ft3.
ECAT MiniModules
Precise and synchronous acquisition of mechanical strain directly at the strain gauge points of application: This is what the EtherCAT®-based measurement module ECAT STGMM 6 with six time-synchronous strain gauge inputs for quarter-, half- and full bridges has been designed for
Ethernet to Wi-Fi Bridge
BR-500AC is the first commercially available 802.11ac wave2 2x2 MU-MIMO dual-band Ethernet to Wi-Fi bridge supporting WPA3-Enterprise Wi-Fi security. Leveraging advanced features of 802.11ac wave2 standard, BR-500AC securely, reliably, and efficiently connects any Ethernet device to your wireless network enabled by a recent Wi-Fi access point.
Ethernet to Wireless Bridge
BR-100AH is the first commercially available bridge supporting IEEE’s 802.11ah wireless standard which is a long-range technology which enables any Ethernet device to become an 802.11ah wireless network device, giving the freedom to place it anywhere in your facility. BR-100AH is all that you need to incorporate your device into your 802.11ah (HaLow) network. A benefit of 802.11ah is extended range, making it useful for long distance and rural communications.
Fast USB Strain Module
The FSU-SSB is a fast, compact, high precision strain bridge input module delivering high resolution readings over USB and communicated directly to a PC. It is aimed at dynamic applications that require high speed measurement.It delivers high speed measurements of 4800 samples per second at 13 bits noise free resolutio
Fiber Optics Bridge Card
Guzik DP8000 Fiber Optics to PCIe® bridge / FPGA Accelerator Card, enables evolving markets such as High-speed Data-acquisition, High Performance Computing to take advantage of the latest Optics and DDR4 technology. The card provides up-to 24 bi-directional optical links with total user data bandwidth greater than 40 GB/s (320 Gbps) through the Samtec FireFly™ protocol-agnostic embedded optical engines.
Five-Site Dual-Slot 6U Compact PCI (cPCI) PMC Adapter/Carrier
Our Five-Site Dual-Slot 6U Compact PCI (cPCI) PMC Adapter/Carrier 32-Bit/66 MHz (6567) adapts five single-wide PMCs to a cPCI slot. At the heart of the carrier is a 6150 PCI-to-PCI bridge that connects the carrier's internal PCI bus to the cPCI backplane.
Force Sensor Elements
The STL Force Sensing Tension Links are a series of unique force sensors. The Tension Links utilize the internal strain gage process sucessfully and are used in bolts, load pins and flat load cells. The sensing element consists of a strain gage bridge circuit internally installed in a small hole along the longitudinal axis. This unique arrangement provides a most effective means for the protective sealing of the internal electronics while minimizing the adverse effects of extraneous torsion and bending loads.
Free Serial-TCP (More Than Just A Device Server)
In the past two decades, legacy serial communication protocols such as Modbus have merged rapidly with modern TCP/IP communication, yielding benefits including widely available infrastructures and greater distance, reliability, and speed. The Serial-TCP program (more than just a Device Server) bridges your existing Serial COM port and TCP/IP without the need for changing existing protocol. It works seamlessly and transparently, just like passive RS232 / RS485 / RS422 converters, repeaters, and hubs, while the difference is that one requires installation of cables and converters with limited distance; and the other simply makes use of the existing computers and networks with an unlimited transmission distance
Free Virtual Serial Ports
Connected to a named pipe. Connected to another virtual COM port, forming a virtual "bridge" and emulating virtual Null-modem cable. Connected to two files. When an application opens a virtual COM port and "reads" data from it, data is read from an input file, and when it "writes" data to a serial port, data is written to the output file.
Half, Full Bridge & Three Phase Drivers
Renesas' half-bridge (h-bridge), full-bridge and three-phase drivers handle voltages up to 100V, with industry-leading gate rise and fall times and exceptional input-to-output propagation delay performance.
Half, Full Bridge & Three-Phase Drivers For Automotive
Renesas' AEC-Q100 qualified 100V half-bridge drivers safely drive MOSFETs for bidirectional controllers in 12V to 48V automotive hybrid powertrains. The advanced ISL784x4 MOSFET driver family enables high current DC/DC conversion with adjustable dead time and maximum efficiency. The ISL784x4 drivers are also well suited for 12V to 24V bidirectional DC/DC converters, as well as other high current buck or boost applications.
High Sensitivity Accelerometers
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
The piezoelectric accelerometers on this page are intended for the measurement of lowest vibrations. Typical fields of application include the monitoring of buildings, dams, bridges, oil platforms and pipelines. These sensors are often called seismic accelerometers because they are used to monitor construction activity, volcanoes and earthquakes. Their high sensitivity is achieved -unlike other high sensitivity accelerometers- by the sensing element itself and not by internal amplification. From this results highest resolution and lowest noise.
Imaging Spectrocolorimeter
The X-Rite RM200QC Imaging Spectrocolorimeter bridges the gap between color appearance and material color from incoming material batches to outgoing product shipments in an elegant, portable unit that fits comfortably in your hand. The RM200QC is designed to provide stable color comparisons for materials and products wherever color control Is important. Here are just a few of the industries where RM200QC makes a difference:
Instrumentation Trainer
Strain Gauge Trainer provides study of Strain Gauge and their application for measurement of Strain. It helps to study bridge configuration of Strain Gauge and the signal conditioning circuits required to measure strain.
Instrument Transformer Comparator
Power Measurement Technologies Inc.
The PMT20010 Comparator is an automatically balancing bridge that measures the accuracy of instrumentation potential and current transformers.
Integrated Connection Technology
Compact design - Connection points for bridge combs - Solder-free circuit board contact - Plug -in connectors for interchangeable modules, such as small relays
Interface Adapter
Dimax U2C-12, all-in-one USB-I2C, USB-SPI and USB-GPIO Bridge device, converts PC USB transactions to the I2C Master, SPI Master transactions and GPIO functions. U2C-12 turns your PC running Windows, Linux or MacOS into comprehensive I2C/SPI Bus master.