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Capacitance Bridges
A bridge that compares capacitance of a reference capacitor to DUT.
See Also: Capacitance
Standard Capacitors
1408 Series
Ultra-high stability. The continuously improvingaccuracy of capacitor calibrations by NISTbrings a better knowledge of capacitance tostandards laboratories - provided, of course,the laboratories have adequate referencestandards. The 1408 Reference Standard Capacitors,with their high stability, are suitablefor calibration in parts in 107. The 1616 PrecisionCapacitance Bridge is highly recommendedfor accurate calibration of a wide range ofworking standards from such a reference.
Automatic Capacitance Bridge Tester
HTDR-H / 395
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Measurement of high voltage shunt capacitor banks for reactive power compensation devices.
Automatic Capacitance Bridge Tester
HTDR-H / 395
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Measurement of high voltage shunt capacitor banks for reactive power compensation devices.
1 kHz Automatic Capacitance Bridge
AH 2500A
The AH 2550A offers unparalleled stability, resolution and accuracy in a capacitance/loss bridge (whether manual or automatic). Its numerous state of the art features make it an exceptionally user-friendly instrument, just as was its predecessor, the AH2500A. The precision and ease of use of the AH2550A are creating new applications in science, calibration, and production in a wide range of fields.
50 Hz-20 kHz Ultra-precision Capacitance Bridge
AH 2700A
The AH 2700A offers unparalleled stability, resolution, linearity and accuracy in a multi-frequency capacitance/loss1 bridge (whether manual or automatic). Its numerous state-of-the-art features make it an exceptionally user-friendly instrument. The precision of the AH 2700A is creating new applications in calibration, science, and production in a wide range of fields
Capacitance Bridge
The GenRad 1620-A Capacitance Measuring System is a self-contained assembly of the GR 1615-A Capacitance Bridge with appropriate oscillator and null detector for measurements at 11 frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. For applications requiring other or higher frequencies, to 100 kHz, the 1615-A bridge can be supplied separately and the oscillator and detector selected to meet your needs.
Capacitance Bridge
Model TCB-108 - Capacitance Bridge is a general purpose bridge for measurement of capacitors, capacitance of transformers and dielectric material. It comprises a transformer-type bridge operating from an internal 108 Hz generator(for accurate measurement at 60Hz) with digital readout of capactiance from 1 pF to 99.999 pF over four ranges and digital readout of D (dissipation factor) in percentage from 0-50%.
Automatic Capacitance and Tan Delta Bridge
*Automatic Microprocessor controlled Guarded Bridge Circuit.*Suitable for testing at voltages up to 500kV.*Can be used to measure both Grounded and Un-Grounded Specimens.*Automatic guard circuit for three-terminal measurement.*Interface measurement and automatic interference suppression circuitry.*Optional range Extension Transformer for large capacitance values.*Test data storage facility.*RS-232 computer interface and USB printer interface.*Window Interface Software for data transfer.
Capacitance Bridge
The GenRad1621 Capacitance Measurement system is a completely self-contained system capable of capacitance measurements in increments as small as 0.1 aF (10-4 pF) and conductance measurements in increments as small as 100 aU (10-7 U; equivalent to a shunt resistance of 1010 M). Measurements are three terminal, with 2- or 3-terminal connection, and provision is also made for the connection of an external standard for comparison measurements.
Connector Test
A connector test system which provides expansion of up to 160 Kelvin pair connections. The system incorporates high voltage AC and DC power supplies with a maximum output of +/- 2100 Volts peak for Hi Pot, Insulation resistance measurement. LCR bridge control is provided with 4 terminal multiplexing in order to add precision capacitance, inductance and resistance measurement capability. An integral H.V. capacitor bias option permits capacitance measurement to be made at up to 2.1kV.
SF6 Filled High Precision Standard Capacitors
YL Series
Shanghai Jiuzhi Electric Co., Ltd.
The SF6 insulated standard capacitor is used as Capacitance standard in measuring bridge Circuits to measure the dielectric dissipation Factor tanδ of all types including cables, capacitors, bushings, instrument transformers and power transformers. Further-more, It can be used as high-voltage capacitor for voltage divider circuits of high-voltage transformer test.
Tan Delta Test System
Precision measuring bridge is designed for determining the capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor of liquid and solid insulants, cables, capacitors, line transformers, generators, motors, bushings etc. Furthermore it can also be used for power loss measurement on shunt reactors or similar apparatus. This system is suitable for both low and high voltage measurement at line frequency. Measurement reports can be printed. This measuring equipment has been specially developed to maximise efficiency in production and quality control environments. Its outstanding accuracy also makes it suitable for laboratory and research applications.
Unitary Tests
High accuracy Schering bridge for the measurement of capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor (tan d) for the characterization of dielectric insulators, calibration of standards and manufacturing test of all industrial equipment.
Bench Meters
LCR Meters
The measuring objects of LCR Meters are the parameters of impedance components, including resistance R, inductance L, quality factor Q, capacitance C and loss factor D. The selection of digital bridge should consider the highest frequency, test accuracy, test speed and DCR test function of the tested device.